Bali is currently still very dependent on tourism. The tourism industry has faced a lot during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is important for Bali to develop other economic sectors.
In the short term, what needs to be done is to control inflation. This means that the increase in the prices of goods, especially basic necessities, should not be allowed
burden the people. Real efforts that can be done, guarantee the availability of the number of goods on the market.
Another step is to maintain people's purchasing power, by accelerating strategic expenditures in provincial and city district budgets in Bali. Expenditure on projects and social assistance as well as grants will maintain the circulation of money in society.
Steps to maintain people's purchasing power have been initiated by the provincial government of Bali through the policy of accelerating the expenditure of the Bali provincial budget. The provincial government of Bali has also requested that regencies and cities take similar steps.
Bali saat ini masih sangat bergantung pada pariwisata. Banyak yang dihadapi industri pariwisata selama pandemi COVID-19. Penting bagi Bali untuk mengembangkan sektor ekonomi lainnya.
Dalam jangka pendek, yang perlu dilakukan adalah pengendalian inflasi. Ini berarti kenaikan harga-harga barang terutama kebutuhan pokok jangan sampai
membebani rakyat. Upaya nyata yang bisa dilakukan, menjamin ketersediaan jumlah barang di pasar.
Langkah lainnya adalah menjaga daya beli masyarakat, dengan mempercepat belanja- belanja strategis di APBD Provinsi maupun kabupaten kota di Bali. Belanja proyek dan bantuan sosial serta hibah akan membuat peredaran uang di masyarakat tetap terjaga.
Langkah menjaga daya beli masyarakat sudah diinisiasi oleh pemerintah provinsi bali melalui kebijakan percepatan belanja APBD provinsi Bali. Pemerintah provinsi Bali juga meminta agar kabupaten dan kota dapat melakukan langkah serupa.
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