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  • measure for selling lime (more or less round blob, such as those sold for use with buah and base in the market) Same word used for cylinder of palm sugar en
Translation in English
measure for selling lime (more or less round blob, such as those sold for use with buah and base in the market); cylinder of palm sugar
Translation in Indonesian
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Sentences Example
Putih-putihan pamore apepel aji keteng.
White lime costs only one keteng for each pepel. [proverb] Pepel is a measure for selling lime. It is one more or less round blob, such as those sold for use with buah and base in the market. Same word used for cylinder of palm sugar. A keteng is a coin of very small value. The idea is that, although lime is the desirable color, white, nevertheless, you can buy a lot of it for very little money. Thus something that is pretty on the outside may be of no value. Keteng is the same as kepeng.
[[Word example text en::White lime costs only one keteng for each pepel. [proverb] Pepel is a measure for selling lime. It is one more or less round blob, such as those sold for use with buah and base in the market. Same word used for cylinder of palm sugar. A keteng is a coin of very small value. The idea is that, although lime is the desirable color, white, nevertheless, you can buy a lot of it for very little money. Thus something that is pretty on the outside may be of no value. Keteng is the same as kepeng.| ]]
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