Property:English equivalent

From BASAbaliWiki

This is a property of type Text.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
hair  +
to hold  +
how to hold  +, handle  +, responsibility  +
fistful  +
people or intermediary companies that seek sales for other companies on behalf of entrepreneurs  +, representative  +
big  +, great  +
luck  +
many styles  +
fire  +
behavior  +
peak  +
finger  +, toes  +, fingers  +
slow  +, cow  +, plow  +,
length of one finger's top segment  +
exalted  +, noble  +, big  +
Ah +
unlucky  +
do not torture or kill  +
Ai +
sun  +
a comb of  +, a bunch of (about banana)  +
one bunch  +