Other forms of "Lecek"
- push; squeeze; click en
- menekan-nekan; memencet id
Translation in English
push; squeeze; click
Translation in Indonesian
menekan-nekan; memencet
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Word audio
Level of Speech Option
Alus sor
Alus madya
Alus mider
Alus singgih
Bali Dataran
Bali Aga
Sentences Example
Disubane mulih uli sekolah dinane ento, ia tumben langsung mabalih tv. Sujatine ia tusing biasa mabalih tv teka uli sekolah. Ri kala tipine idupanga, dapetanga siarane tusing melah. Ia lantas nyemak rimut lan ngalih-alihin acara tipi ane melah. Ping telu nglecekang rimut, saget ia nepukin ada iklan di silih tunggil stasiun tipi. Isin iklane ento tuah apang krama Baline nguangin nganggon tas plastik. Apabuin jani suba ada peraturan ane ngatur unduke ento. Suud iklane ento, tipine matianga lantas ia masalin tur madaar.
When she got home from school that day, she decided to watch TV even though it was not usual for her to watch TV after school. When she turned the TV on, the program was not very interesting so she picked up the remote control and searched for a good program. She changed the channel three times and then she saw an ad on the station she was watching. The aim of the ad was to encourage Balinese people to reduce the use of plastic bags … particularly now that there are regulations in place. She turned the TV off after watching the ad, changed her clothes and then had something to eat.
Sepulangnya dari sekolah hari itu, tumben ia langsung menonton televisi. Tidak biasanya ia menonton televisi selepas sekolah. Saat televisinya dihidupkan, ia mendapati siaran yang tidak bagus. Ia lalu mengambil remot dan mencari-cari acara yang bagus. Tiga kali menekan remot, tiba-tiba ia melihat iklan di salah satu stasiun televisi. Isi iklan tersebut adalah agar warga Bali mengurangi penggunaan tas plastik. Apalagi sekarang sudah ada peraturan yang mengatur hal tersebut. Ia mematikan televisi seusai iklan itu. Lalu ia berganti pakaian dan makan.
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