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Other forms of "Jodog"
  • sitting; hang out en
  • duduk-duduk; nongkrong; melakukan aktifitas sambil duduk id
Translation in English
sitting; hang out
Translation in Indonesian
duduk-duduk; nongkrong; melakukan aktifitas sambil duduk
Linked pages
Word audio
Level of Speech Option
Alus sor
Alus madya
Alus mider
Alus singgih
Bali Dataran
Bali Aga
Sentences Example
Dugase ento nuju rahina Saniscara, Luh Ayu Manik selidan mulih. Ibi puanne ia mulih sanja krana sekolah SMP-ne jani masih milu full day school. Jadag-jodog ia negak di bataran pos satpam sekolahe. Limanne tundak-tundik ngecek-ngecek HP duegne. Buin ia kedek, buin ia makenyem masem, buin ia majujuk, buin ia negak. Memenne ane madagang canang miwah banten ento tonden masih teka ngalih ia. Dikenkene ia makeneh padidi ngaba montor masuk, kewala sai tombahanga teken Memenne ane kaliwat sayang. Sujatine di tasne ane mawarna selem ento misi majalah remaja, misi masih buku-buku pameran lukisan ane tekaina dugas i puan ajak Memenne. Kewala ia lek ati nyemak bukune ento, adenan ngecel HP teken maca buku, keto idepne. Tuah masih liu ada ilmu lan buku online.
On Saturdays, Luh Ayu Manik was able to leave for home earlier than on other days. Normally, she left her middle school in the late afternoon since she had to attend school for the whole day. She sat on the floor of the school security post (Satpam) and fiddled around on her cell phone. Every now and then she would laugh and then look serious again.

Or jump up … and then sit down again. Her mother, who sold small temple offerings for a living, had still not come to pick her up. Luh Ayu Manik sometimes thought it would be a good idea to bring her motor cycle to school but her mother, who was very protective of her, did not agree. In her black bag, there was a teen magazine along with some books from an art exhibition that she had visited with her mother two days before. However, she was reluctant to take the books out of her bag.

It’s better to play with the phone than to read books, she thought. After all, there is a lot of knowledge and a lot of books online.
Kala itu hari Sabtu, Luh Ayu Manik pulang lebih awal. Pada hari-hari sebelumnya ia pulang sore karena sekolah SMP-nya saat ini juga mengikuti program full day school. Ia lalu duduk-duduk di lantai pos satpam sekolah. Tangannya terus mengutak-atik sembari memeriksa gawainya. Sesekali ia tertawa, kemudian cemberut lagi. Belum berselang lama ia berdiri lalu kembali duduk. Ibunya yang bermata pencaharian sebagai pedagang canang dan banten itu masih belum datang menjemputnya. Sesekali ia berpikir untuk membawa motor sendiri ke sekolah, tetapi sering tidak diizinkan ibunya yang terlalu sayang. Sesungguhnya di tasnya yang berwarna hitam itu berisi majalah remaja, ada pula buku-buku pameran lukisan yang dikunjunginya dua hari lalu bersama ibunya. Akan tetapi, ia malu mengambil buku itu. Lebih baik bermain gawai daripada membaca buku, seperti itu yang ada di benaknya. Toh juga masih banyak ilmu dan buku daring.
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