Taru Suren

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Revision as of 22:49, 3 November 2017 by Yogaanandana (talk | contribs)
  • Toona sureni or known as Suren is medium to large size of tree and belongs to mahogany family. The plant commonly found in cemeteries in Bali and Java. en
Translation in English
Suren Toona Tree
Translation in Indonesian
Pohon Suren
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Level of Speech Option
Taru Suren
Alus sor
Alus madya
Alus mider
Alus singgih
Bali Dataran
Bali Aga
Sentences Example
Taru Suren.jpg

I am the Suren Toona (Toona sureni). The content of the substances is medium, my roots are hot, and my leaves can be used as medicine for all types of swellings. Mix them with eleven slices of temutis (a rhizome of the Ginger family), grind the mixture until it is smooth and apply topically to the swollen areas.

Titiang Taru Suren, daging dumulada, akah panes, muncuk titiang dados anggen tamba saluwi ring beseh, ra temutis solas iyis,ulig dekdekan nuli urapin beseh nia.
I am the Suren Toona (Toona sureni). The content of the substances is medium, my roots are hot, and my leaves can be used as medicine for all types of swellings. Mix them with eleven slices of temutis (a rhizome of the Ginger family), grind the mixture until it is smooth and apply topically to the swollen areas.
Saya pohon Suren, kandungan zatnya sedang, akar panas, daun muda saya dapat digunakan untuk obat semua bengkak, dicampur temutis sebelas iris, digiling sampai halus, diurap pada bagian tubuh yang bengak.

The leaves of Suren tree used as traditional medicine for swelling by father.

Don taru suren anggone tamba beseh ajak i bapa.
The leaves of Suren tree used as traditional medicine for swelling by father.
Daun pohon Suren digunakan sebagai obat tradisional bengkak oleh ayah.
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