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A list of all pages that have property "Biography text" with value "The Covid-19 pandemic that has hit almost the entire world, including Ba". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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  • Ida Bagus Sindu Putra  + (Sindu Putra, whose full name is Ida Bagus Sindu Putra, whose full name is Ida Bagus Sindu Putra, was born in Sanur, Bali, July 31, 1968. Now he lives in Lombok, NTB. He wrote poetry as a teenager and has been active in the Coffee Drink Studio. His poems were published by the Bali Post, Kompas, Koran Tempo, Kalam, etc. He won the Kusala Sastra Khatulistiwa award for his poetry book Tales of the Fire Dog. Other poetry books that have been published are the Night of the Night Birds Camp (2000), The Weed House (with IAO Suwati Sideman, 2003), Segara Anak, Origami Birds, Tales of the Fire Dog, In Lombok I Get Poetry (2018).e Fire Dog, In Lombok I Get Poetry (2018).)
  • Soekarmen  + (Soekarmen was born in Blitar, East Java, 3Soekarmen was born in Blitar, East Java, 30 May 1925. He was the Governor of Bali who led Bali for two terms of office, namely between 1967–1971 and 1971–1978. He was elected governor on November 1, 1967, and ratified by Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia No.203/1967 to replace the previous official, namely I Gusti Putu Martha. Previously, he was Commander of Korem 163/Wirasatya in Denpasar with the final rank of Brigadier General TNI. Soekarmen is the only Governor of Bali who is non-Hindu and not of Balinese ethnicity. He died in Malang, East Java, 10 September 1988.d in Malang, East Java, 10 September 1988.)
  • Soemantri Widagdo  + (Soemantri has been an avid researcher in BSoemantri has been an avid researcher in Balinese visual art tradition since 1994. He gained his knowledge of the Balinese aesthetic through a six-year apprenticeship with the celebrated Balinese Master Ida Bagus Made (1915-1999). He is the co-author of several Balinese art books. He was the international liaison and chief foreign curator at the Museum Puri Lukisan, Ubud (1995-2015).</br></br>Soemantri is the founder of the TiTian Bali Foundation (2016); a non-profit organization whose mission is to discover, nurture and develop Balinese artists. Presently, Soemantri serves as the founding chairman on the advisory board of TiTian. chairman on the advisory board of TiTian.)
  • Sri Jayantini (I Gusti Agung Sri Rwa Jayantini)  + (Sri Jayantini, whose full name is I Gusti Sri Jayantini, whose full name is I Gusti Agung Sri Rwa Jayantini. Born in Denpasar, January 15, 1977. He graduated from English Literature, Faculty of Letters, Udayana University. Her poetic journey started from junior high school by participating in the Sanggar Cipta Budaya in 1989. At that time, Jayantini had already published her poetry in the Bali Post. Now she is a lecturer in the English Literature Study Program at the Faculty of Foreign Languages (FBA) Mahasaraswati University (Unmas) Denpasar. Creative since junior high school, Jayantini combines the potential of writing in a career as an educator. In the midst of teaching obligations and often being a part-time translator, she is still quite active in the field of literature. “Flower Travel” is one of her poetry and prose books published in 2015, in addition to participating in anthologies with other poets. A number of academic works in the field of translation have also been published, including “The Art of Translating” (2016), “Practice Makes Perfect” (2015), “Scientific Translation; Techniques and Phenomena” (2018). Jayantini still provides time to enjoy the sensation of poetry as a break from producing academic works. as a break from producing academic works.)
  • Stephanie Brookes  + (Stephanie Brookes is a Bali resident. She Stephanie Brookes is a Bali resident. She has lived in Indonesia since 2001. In 2014 Stephanie together with her husband, David Metcalf published a cultural travel book, "Indonesia's Hidden Heritage - Cultural Journey's of Discovery", which covers 12 stories, 12 islands and 12 different ethnic tribes. A specialist Bali based Indonesian travel writer for over ten years, Stephanie searches out some of the more remote destinations in Indonesia. Her work has been published in NowJakarta, Garuda Colours, KLM Holland Herald and Forbes Travel. Her latest project involves supporting a cultural connection community initiative in Ubud, Bali called Ubud Village Plate, where travellers join a Balinese host family for dinner, in a Balinese home and cook together with the family. A great supporter of education and literacy projects in Bali and Kalimantan. Please check out</br></br></br></br>
  • Memargi Sareng-sareng, Prajaya Gunungan Leluu Nuju Bali Resik Riwekas  + (Stepping Together, Conquering the MountainStepping Together, Conquering the Mountains of Waste towards a Sustainable Clean Bali</br></br>Om Swastyastu</br></br>Thank you for the opportunity that has been given to me so that I can contribute to voicing aspirations at the Wikithon Oration.</br>Dear the jury and the BASAbali Wiki team, as well as all the happy readers</br></br>As we know, soon we will be faced with the 2024 elections. Elections are an important moment in our democracy. This is not only about choosing leaders, but also us giving them the mandate to overcome various problems facing society. Answering the topic raised in this oration is "What is the most urgent problem to be addressed by Bali's prospective leaders?".</br></br>First of all, we cannot ignore environmental problems, especially since Bali is known as Paradise Island because of its natural beauty. There is one thing that in my opinion really needs serious attention from potential Balinese leaders, namely the waste problem which will soon be over. Bali faces big challenges in waste management because the system is inefficient so it is unable to handle large volumes of waste. This situation was further exacerbated by fires that occurred at the Sarbagita Suwung Regional Landfill in Denpasar City, the Mandung Landfill in Tabanan Regency, and the Temesi Landfill in Gianyar Regency during the dry season, causing environmental damage and negative impacts on daily air quality. This problem is not only a local issue, but also an urgent reminder for us to take action because it impacts many aspects of people's lives. Therefore, the government's presence plays an important role in handling this case.</br></br>I am sure that so far the government has always tried its best, but Bali's leaders must then improve and re-examine the preparation of a strategy for handling potential waste that can be investigated from the roots to the end. It is important to note that the success of a waste management program is very dependent on existing infrastructure and technology. If waste management plants, landfills, or recycling facilities are inadequate, then the program may not produce the expected results. The success of the waste management program is also closely related to the level of community participation. If there is not enough awareness or support from the public in waste scanning, recycling, or waste reduction, the program may experience difficulties. Apart from that, policies that are inappropriate or unable to overcome the waste problem can become an obstacle. Sometimes, unsupportive policies or weak implementation can hinder program effectiveness. </br></br>Prospective Balinese leaders must have a clear vision about how to protect and preserve Bali's environment for future generations. Prospective leaders, Bali must have a concrete action plan that involves economic, social and environmental aspects. A thorough evaluation of the waste management program needs to be carried out to identify core problems and adjust the strategies implemented. Close collaboration with various parties is the key to creating holistic solutions. Senuma's active involvement, parties, including the government, private sector and the community, will ensure environmental sustainability in Bali for future generations. No less important, awareness of the importance of recycling and reducing waste needs to be instilled more deeply,</br></br>Thank you to Mrs/Mr. Candidate Leader, Bali for your attention and cooperation to make Bali clean from mountains of rubbish. Let us all work together to be agents of change for a clean Bali.</br></br>Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti, Omclean Bali. Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti, Om)
  • Sthiraprana Duarsa  + (Sthiraprana Duarsa was born in Denpasar. HSthiraprana Duarsa was born in Denpasar. He is one of the founders of Sanggar Drinking Coffee, Bali. His solo poetry collections: Part of the World (1994), Homecoming Village (2007), and A collection of short stories Rumah Memories (2014). Apart from writing poetry, he is active in theater. Now he works as a doctor, and is busy preparing his new poetry book.and is busy preparing his new poetry book.)
  • I Wayan Sudarna Putra Nano  + (Sudarna Putra was born in Ubud, Bali on 15Sudarna Putra was born in Ubud, Bali on 15 April 1976. He studied art from 1994 – 2004 in ISI Yogyakarta and has lived there since until earthquake in Yogyakarta in May 2006 then he returned home to Ubud. Interpreting the paintings, sculptures and installations of Sudarna Putra is like being reminded of the richness of contemporary aesthetics that refues a single code in the framework of opening opportunities for combining various systems into an eclectic code.</br></br>He has been doing many solo and group exhibition since 2005, and some of is notable achievements are: 10 Winners of Philip Morris Indonesia Art Award VI (1999) and Best Artwork of Lustrum IV ISI Yogyakarta (2004). His duo exhibition with I Made Arya Palguna “NOSTALGIA” was held at Komaneka Fine Art Gallery in 2007.held at Komaneka Fine Art Gallery in 2007.)
  • Sugi Lanus  + (Sugi Lanus was born in Singaraja, Bali. HeSugi Lanus was born in Singaraja, Bali. He is the curator of the Lontar Museum, Karangasem, Bali. Since studying at the Department of Balinese Literature, Udayana University has been actively working part-time as a research assistant from Princeton University, UCLA, Murdoch University, Leiden University, Osaka University, etc. He has participated in dozens of international workshops and trainings, and attended post-graduate education in several disciplines: Cultural Studies, Tourism Studies, and Theology. He was selected as a participant in the ASEAN-Japan youth exchange (1997) through sponsorship from the Prime Minister of Japan.</br></br>He has experience as a consultant for various international institutions, such as: GTZ, AusAID, UNICEF, WHO, British Council. In the field of journalism, he worked as a correspondent for Tempo Magazine (1998-2000), fixer for ABC TV, BBC, Arte TV, National Geographic, Smithsonian Magazine. He is also active as a consultant and provides workshops for DPRD and local governments throughout Indonesia (2005-2012) and an independent political consultant for several national politicians (2012 - present).</br></br>In 2006 he founded the Hanacaraka Society to research Balinese and Lombok lontar. 'Puja Tri Sandhyā: Indian Mantras Recomposed and Standardized in Bali', is one of the results of his research on various lontar mantras published in the Journal of Hindu Studies, 2014, Vol. 7(2), Oxford Center for Hindu Studies, Oxford University Press. Actively invited to speak in various cultural meetings, including: Cultural Congress V (2003), Ubud Writers and Readers Festival (2004-2017), International Conference on Tagore, Hanoi, Vietnam (2011), Frankfurt Book Fair (2015), etc., and various Hindu clerical discussions. Previously served as Commissioner of a national company (2004-2006), and Corporate Relations Executive of an international company based in London (2014-2016).</br></br>He has written hundreds of articles in various online and print media, such as, Bali Post, etc. Currently conducting research on reliefs related to lontar manuscripts at Borobudur, and the Herbalian Project, a project for mapping herbs in Balinese and Old Javanese lontar.herbs in Balinese and Old Javanese lontar.)
  • Wayan Sujana Suklu  + (Sujana Suklu is known as a progressive thiSujana Suklu is known as a progressive thinker of contemporary art in Bali. With a pioneering vision that reflects a universal philosophy. Sujana Suklus’ contributions are vast in scope, encompassing multi-disciplinary fields within fine arts, academic and community platforms. Suklus’ academic research explores ways to bring art methodologies into communities cultivating and preserving local wisdom whilst expanding existing skill sets. The beauty of this research is that it has been applied and is actively growing in communities today.</br></br>He was born in Lepang, Klungkung, Bali, February 6, 1967. His works have been shown in a number of joint exhibitions at home and abroad, including: Beijing International Art Biennale. Bangladesh XI Biennale. His solo exhibitions include: "Panji, Between Body and Shadow" at the IMF International Art Event, Nusa Dua Bali (2018), "Intermingle Art Project, Light Pattern at Bentara Budaya Bali (2017), "Wings and Time" at Komaneka Fine Art Gallery (2016). The awards he has won are "The Winner of the Indofood Art Awards Competition on Abstract Category" (2003), "The Best 10 Indonesia Competition of the Philip Morris Art Awards (2003). Suklu has also been one of the curators of the exhibition “Bali Megarupa” (2019). of the exhibition “Bali Megarupa” (2019).)
  • I Wayan Sukra  + (Sukra had originally composed the music [fSukra had originally composed the music [for Tumulilingan Mengisap Sari, The Bumblebee Sips Honey, a danced by famed kebyar choreographer I Mario) for a gamelan in Marga, Tabanan, but as it had not been performed, he taught it to the Peliatan group for three weeks. After Sukra returned home, the Peliatan group “polished and rearranged” the music more to their taste, also renaming it. In many ways this was the showpiece of the tour, featured in John Coast’s book, Dancing Out of Bali, and an audio visual recording survives on a kinescope. </br></br>Sukra is also credited with composing the music for Igel Trompong and Igel Jongkok (later called Kebyar Duduk) in 1915.
  • Luh Ketut Suryani  + (Suryani was born in Singaraja, Bali in 194Suryani was born in Singaraja, Bali in 1944 and raised in modest surroundings with six children. Her father was a nurse and an integral part of Indonesia’s struggle against the Dutch. Suryani’s mother was a successful business woman who supported the family’s finances.</br></br>Motivated by a strong will to treat her young sick mother, Suryani learned meditation when she was only 14. While many of her family members initially doubted her abilities, they were surprisingly convinced to see her mother cured. Suryani then began treating sick people in her community through meditation.</br></br>After graduating from high school, Suryani studied medicine at Udayana University in Bali, where she specialized in psychiatry. In 1982, she received her degree as a psychiatrist—a profession she chose out of an innate curiosity to understand her upbringing and its effects on her current personality. In 1988 Suryani attained her Ph.D. from Airlangga University, Surabaya.</br></br>While working as the head psychiatrist at Udayana University in Bali, Suryani introduced a more efficient standard operational procedure to manage mentally ill patients. The procedure decreased the treatment from one month to six days in the residency hospital. While the procedure was initially accepted and did result in numerous adjustments, the hospital chief of staff eventually rejected it and discontinued its use.</br></br>Through her academic and clinical practices, Suryani has been resilient in her attempts to bridge indigenous spirituality with Western psychiatry and psychology. While many have criticized her findings, Suryani’s approach is widely considered a breakthrough in the field of psychiatry. To further develop the field, Suryani retired from her position as the Head Psychiatrist at Udayana University and is now dedicating all her time to leading the Suryani Institute of Mental Health and the Committee Against Sexual and the Committee Against Sexual Abuse.)
  • Suzy Hutomo  + (Suzy Hutomo co-founded The Body Shop IndonSuzy Hutomo co-founded The Body Shop Indonesia with her husband in 1992, where she is now Chairwoman.</br></br>Parallel to her successful career in business, she is a committed environmental activist. Suzy is a presenter in Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project, and serves as a member on various boards of reputable NGOs such as Greenpeace South East Asia (2008-), Yayasan KEHATI (2012-present), Yayasan Lensa Masyarat Nusantara (LMN) (2014-), and Yayasan Kopernik (2016-).</br></br>For Suzy, the well-being of the environment, threatened by climate change, lies at the interface of her identities as a businesswoman and activist.</br></br>Suzy’s goal is to help and inspire others to develop a green and sustainable lifestyle whilst also proving that being mindful of the environment can be easy, fun and effortless.vironment can be easy, fun and effortless.)
  • Sylvine Pickel-Chevalier  + (Sylvine Pickel-Chevalier is a lecturer andSylvine Pickel-Chevalier is a lecturer and research director in geography (HDR) at the UFR ESTHUA Tourism and Culture at the University of Angers, ESO CNRS 6590 lab. She is specialized in socio-economic, cultural and environmental aspects of tourism, questioning the notion of sustainable development, in France and Indonesia. Also specializing in sports tourism and more particularly the equine sector. President of the scientific committee of the French Equestrian Culture Mission. About forty international publications.n. About forty international publications.)
  • CHEF DAIJIRO HORIKOSHI  + (TAKUMI’S CHEF Daijiro Horikoshi is a masteTAKUMI’S CHEF Daijiro Horikoshi is a master artisan who has devoted his life to perfecting Kaiseki cuisine.</br></br>Chef Daijiro San … with respect you don’t sound like any ‘normal’ kind of Chef to us … what’s your story and how did you end up in Bali? Did you train in a Japanese kitchen, and did it involve years of internship under a Master?</br></br>I am the son of the third generation of a tempura restaurant located in Osaka. The restaurant had a 62-year history before it closed. My grandmother started the restaurant, and my mom took over before I eventually took over from her. I ran the restaurant for over 16 years, and in 2012, I moved to Bali. When I was 13 years old, I had the opportunity to travel with my stepfather, who was a Native American leader from the United States named Dennis Banks. We travelled to 23 countries around the world, and this experience exposed me to different cultures, religions, and people. When I decided to move to Bali, it was because my wife had a dream of living on a tropical island. We wanted our children to have a global experience and learn English, so we chose Bali as it offered a mix of different cultures. It was the perfect balance for us, and we couldn’t find it anywhere else in the world.</br></br>Tell us first about KOHAKU, and your journey to making edible crystals…</br></br>Although I don’t have a pastry background, I grew up in a traditional Japanese environment due to my grandmother’s influence. She was a geisha and introduced me to various aspects of Japanese art, tradition, and confections. When I moved to Bali, I missed Japanese sweets, as they were not readily available, so I started making Japanese confections on my own. I never thought about turning it into a business until a friend suggested it. Together with another friend, we started the business, and my wife encouraged me to pursue it further. That’s how our Japanese confection brand, KOHAKU, came to be.</br></br>How does this relate to cuisine in Japan?</br></br>Kohakuto, which means ‘amber sugar’ in Japanese, has a connection to Japanese tea ceremonies. Japanese confectionery has always been closely associated with tea and tea ceremonies. The tea ceremony involves not only tea but also meals, and it holds a deep relationship with Japanese cuisine.</br></br>There are two types of kaiseki, one for parties and the other for tea ceremonies. Both have a connection with tea and confections. So, the idea of creating edible crystals relates to the long-standing tradition of Japanese traditions.</br></br>Why does Japanese cuisine appear so different and innovative to Westerners, compared to more traditional styles, like say classic French, or Italian? Should the Old School be more innovative?</br></br>I don’t see a big difference between Japanese cuisine and other traditional styles like French or Italian. Each cuisine reflects its own history, culture, and region. I don’t think one is more innovative than the other. It’s difficult to answer whether the old school should be more innovative because innovation is subjective. What may seem innovative today might become traditional in the future. As chefs, we are always learning and trying to create dishes that make people happy. We focus on making something good rather than just being innovative. Our job is an ongoing journey of learning and creating.</br></br>Where does innovation go too far, and when should we recognize and respect classic cooking practices?</br></br>From my perspective, innovation goes too far when it becomes disconnected from our everyday lives and focuses solely on being different for the sake of standing out. Some chefs get caught up in trying to show how they are different from others, losing sight of the true essence of cooking. It’s like we lose our direction and wander aimlessly. Whether it’s in cooking or any aspect of life, we need to take a moment to pause, reflect on where we stand, and look back at our past and the processes that brought us here. It’s essential to respect the ingredients we use and show appreciation to everyone involved, not just for the sake of being different.</br></br>Tell us about Takumi, your restaurant, and the inspiration behind it.</br></br>Takumi is a restaurant where we currently serve Kaiseki-style Japanese cuisine. We offer a choice of nine-course or six-course degustation menus, and we will soon be launching vegan courses as well. Our focus is on traditional and authentic Japanese cuisine. The inspiration behind Takumi is unique. We are not simply importing Japan to Bali; instead, we are creating Japan here. We utilize the amazing local ingredients available in Bali and Indonesia, embracing the wealth of flavours they offer. As a Japanese chef, I incorporate Japanese culinary techniques and strive to express the true essence of Japanese cuisine. Additionally, I am passionate about training young chefs in Bali, sharing my knowledge, skills, and the history and philosophy of Japanese cuisine, in order to elevate the level of Japanese culinary expertise in the region.</br></br>Why is great service such an important part of the culinary experience?</br></br>Great service is crucial because it enhances the overall dining experience. When customers pay a significant amount for their meals, they should be able to enjoy them fully. It’s important to create an atmosphere where people can feel happy and comfortable. The emotions and atmosphere in a restaurant can significantly impact the perception of the food. Service acts as an additional spice that complements the dishes coming out of the kitchen. It’s not just about the food; it’s about the complete experience – from the moment guests enter the restaurant until they leave. We aim to leave a lasting memory and ensure that our guests have a truly enjoyable time at our restaurant.</br></br>Who are your heroes in the world of cooking?</br></br>Although it may sound cliché, my heroes in the world of cooking are my grandmother and my mother. However, my true heroes are the young chefs working in the Takumi kitchen. Each of them brings their unique experiences, which I have never had. Their willingness to learn and their different perspectives make them admirable and worthy of respect. These young chefs are my heroes because they challenge themselves and strive to become respected in the culinary industry.</br></br>What knives do you use?</br></br>I primarily use a small petty knife. I don’t have a specific brand preference. I own several Japanese knives, but my favourite is the small petty knife, which I use for personal use at home. I don’t typically use large knives in my cooking.</br></br>What’s the most exciting new ingredient you are incorporating into your food?</br></br>Well, every week brings new and exciting ingredients to our kitchen, even if they are the same vegetables we’ve used before. Each batch has its own unique qualities, and that’s what makes it thrilling. We have conversations with the ingredients, exploring their potential and listening to what they have to say. When they arrive in the kitchen, we greet them and get to know them. ‘Hello, my name is blah blah blah, who are you?’ We might say to a red radish. It’s a delightful way to engage with the ingredients and understand their desires. Do they want to be a sauce, a garnish, or simply shine on their own? We listen to their aspirations and help them become what they want to be. It’s the chef’s job, and it’s the most enjoyable and exciting aspect of our work.</br></br>What motto inspires your life as a chef?</br></br>Well, I’ve touched on this in previous answers, but it’s a question worth pondering. As a chef, I find immense joy and satisfaction in working with ingredients and creating dishes. It’s the happiness and fun that come from this process. There are many people involved in the culinary world, from suppliers to farmers, fisherman, and even drivers. My motto is simple: I want to make people happy. I strive to bring joy to others through my creations and my work. It’s not just about the guests; it’s about everyone who is connected to food and to me. I want to contribute to a collective happiness and create a positive impact within this circle. As a chef, I am just one part of a larger ecosystem, and my goal is to make everyone in this circle happy.</br></br>IG & FB: @kohakubali</br></br></br></br>IG: @takumibali</br></br>FB: @Takumi Bali</br></br>www.takumibali.comkumibali FB: @Takumi Bali
  • Tan Lioe Ie  + (Tan Lioe Ie was born in Denpasar, Bali, JuTan Lioe Ie was born in Denpasar, Bali, June 1, 1958. He kept the Chinese name even though during the New Order era there was some pressure to replace the ethnic Chinese name with an indigenous name. He is familiarly called Yoki.</br></br>Yoki is one of the Indonesian poets who explores Chinese rituals and mythology in Indonesian poetry. Despite the strong ethnic nuances, his poems still have an allure for the wider community. His works have been published in various mass media such as; Bali Post, Horizon, Buana News, Kompas, Media Indonesia.</br></br>Yoki graduated from the Faculty of Economics, Udayana University. His introduction to poetry began when he was involved in the Denpasar Coffee Drink Center (SMK). He is also known as a pioneer of poetry musicalization activities in Bali. One of his poetry musical albums is entitled “Kuda Putih” which contains many Umbu Landu Paranggi poems that he sings.</br></br>His published anthology of poetry, “Kita Bersaudara” (1991), has been translated into English as “We Are All One” (1996) by Dr. Thomas Hunter Jr. In addition, the book of poetry “Night Cahaya Lampion” (2005) has also been translated into Dutch entitled “Nach Van De Lampionen” by Linde Voute. His latest poetry book is entitled “Ciam Si” (2015). Yoki is often invited to national and international literary activities.nal and international literary activities.)
  • Jane Belo Tannenbaum  + (Tannenbaum, Jane Belo (1904–1968) American anthropological photographer. Name variations: Jane Belo. Born Jane Belo, Nov 3, 1904, in TX; died 1968. Traveler, artist, photographer and fieldworker, was noted as pioneer in anthropological photography.)
  • Nepasin Narkoba di Buléléng  + (Taruna Goak is the name for Buleleng YouthTaruna Goak is the name for Buleleng Youth/War Troops under the leadership of Raja Ki Barak Panji Sakti. Goak cadets were known to be very strong, never give up, had superior character and were specially formed so they were able to attack and defeat Blambangan (East Java) at that time. The toughness of the Goak Cadets is still known today, as a symbol of the greatness of the Buleleng Youth.</br>However, what is the current situation of Buleleng Youth? Are still as tough as Taruna Goak?</br>The character of Buleleng Youth today is inversely proportional to the Character of Buleleng Youth in the past. Currently, quite a few Buleleng youth are caught in promiscuity and cases of drug abuse and illegal drugs.</br>At the end of December 2023, BNN stated that Buleleng Regency was included in the Red Zone for drug abuse cases and the most widespread was crystal methamphetamine. The Head of the Buleleng BNNK also stated that over the last 5 years as many as 397 people have been rehabilitated, who of course also come from various groups such as students, university students and others. Of course, this is a serious problem and must be resolved and handled together.</br>Several things that influence drug abuse include; firstly, the growth of curiosity and a sense of wanting to try, secondly, the influence and association of the surrounding environment which is not good, thirdly it is caused by depression or excessive stress, as well as many other reasons.</br>Regarding this problem, of course there are several solutions that can be offered apart from the government's efforts in making related regulations, namely; First, young people must get rid of their desire to try and try to think about the negative impacts of drug use. Second, try to find positive activities to avoid promiscuity and drug abuse. Third, support from family and those closest to you will also be very influential. And the important thing for young people to pay attention to is maintaining mental health to avoid depression or severe stress which can trigger drug and illegal drug abuse.</br></br>If this effort is carried out, young people will definitely be able to avoid drug abuse and grow into active, productive and superior young people, just like Taruna Goak in the past.people, just like Taruna Goak in the past.)
  • Tombak Perjuangan Rakyat Indonesia  + (Teenagers are the Nations only hope for development)
  • Ni luh Komang wahyuni  + (Teks orasi)
  • test bio mar 7  + (test bio mar 7)
  • test GA  + (test EN)
  • Utsaha Ngrajegang Basa bali Malarapan PERGUB No.80 tahun 2018  + (thank you)
  • Dadalan Sejarah Wangunan Monumen Perjuangan Rakyat Bali  + (THE BACKGROUND OF THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THETHE BACKGROUND OF THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE MONUMENT OF BALINESE STRUGGLE</br>Sporadic struggles for independence against the Dutch Colonial Government emerged in most parts of Indonesia. The violent oppressions by the Dutch resulted many rebellions in various dominions of kingdoms and sultanates under the Dutch colonialism. But unfortunately, the Dutch could easily suppress them by applying their divide et impera (divide and rule) tactic to break the strength of those kingdoms and sultanates by playing off against each other, between a king and the other, between the royal family and the king, the king and his people, and between people as well.</br>The long war experiences and also the more and more Indonesian youth got academic education had aroused the spirit of unity among various social strata and ethnic groups and the awareness to defend their country and to drive away the colonizers. It was initiated by a number of intellectual youths from various regions that on October 28th, 1928, for the firsttime, the Indonesian youth held a conference in which they declared the so called the Sumpah Pemuda or the Youth Pledge. They swore that they were of one mother country: Indonesia, one nationality: Indonesian, and of one language: Bahasa Indonesia or the Indonesian language. This declaration was simultaneously participated by many youth organizations from various islands and ethnics in Indonesia such as, Jong Java of Central and East Java, Jong Pasundan of West Java, Jong Minahasa of North Sulawesi, Jong Ambon of Maluku, Jong Celebes of Sulawesi, Jong Madura, Jong Sumatranen, Jong Batak of Batak ethnic group, etc which later on resulted an idea to form the Jong Indonesia to accomodate all ethnics in Indonesia.</br>This spirit of Sumpah Pemuda has also awakened various youth organizations in Indonesia.One well-known organization, among others, is Sarekat Islam, which was originally as a mere religious movement, then developed into the first popular movement in Indonesia, then the Indische Partij party which also moved in politics. At that time on the island of Java nationalist figures emerged such as dr. Soetomo, HOS. Cokroaminoto, Suwardi Suryaningrat (Ki Hadjar Dewantoro), Douwes Dekker, Tjipto Mangunkusumo, Agus Salim, Soekarno, Muhammad Hatta, and so on. Their pioneering work eventually also inspired other regions to do the same, namely to unite the regions in expelling the Dutch occupation, one of which was a struggle carried out by the Balinese people.</br>Bali Island is one of the bases of the struggle against the Dutch, among which the famous is the Jagaraga War of 1848-1849 in Buleleng, the Kusamba War of 1849, the Banjar People’s Resstance in 1868, the Puputan Badung War of 1906 launched by the King of Badung, Puputan Klungkung in 1908 and also the Puputan Margarana War in the Marga Village of Tabanan conducted by Liutenant Colonel I Gusti Ngurah Rai along with Laskar Ciung Wanara who had waged in all-out war (Puputan) against the Dutch in 1946.</br>The struggle performed by I Gusti Ngurah Rai has left deep memories for the people of Bali, so as to commemorate his services, a monument, street name, airport name, and so on were erected. The awarding of his services is solely because he has set an example to the younger generation in the struggle for independence which is done unconditionally. The government’s attention to the services of the fighters in Bali was realized by the construction of a grand monument located in the Niti Mandala area, Denpasar known as the the Monument of Balinese Struggle.</br>What is presented in this monument is to recall all the struggles of the Balinese heroes before and after independence. It is also hoped that this monument will also has some benefit in an effort to increase the appreciation of the younger generation in living up to the patriotic values demonstrated by the heroes who sacrifice all his body and soul in defending the dignity of his people without ever expecting retribution.</br>The monument was designed by Mr. Ida Bagus Gede Yadnya, a young man who was at that time was a student in the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, Denpasar. He succeeded in winning and becoming a champion in the design competition of the the Monument of Balinese Struggle which was carried out in 1981 by setting aside his senior architects in Bali.</br>After the design and drawing improvements were made, in August 1988 through the budget of the Provincial Government of Bali a groundbreaking was carried out, as a sign of the start of the construction of the monument. After going through various obstacles and trials due to the depreciation of the Rupiah in 1997, finally this monument could be completed also in 2001. After that, the development was continued with the making of dioramas that depicted the life history of the Balinese from time to time. In addition to the dioramas, a park was also built to add the beauty and comfort of this monument, which as a whole could be completed in 2003. On June 14, 2003, in conjunction with the Opening of the 25th Bali Arts Festival in 2003, Indonesian President Megawati Soekarnoputri had the pleasure of inaugurating the Monument of Balinese Struggle. Since then the monument has been officially opened for public.</br>PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES</br>The purpose of making dioramas that tells a story of the struggle of the Balinese people is to reconstruct important historical events that have occured in Bali, so that what is implied in them will be more easily appreciated by younger generation.</br>The aim is to perpetuate the spirit of the struggle of the Balinese people from time to time and pass down the spirit of patriotism in the form of self-sacrifice, love of the motherland, love of unity and love of peace, togetherness to the next generation of the nation, and the main thing is to maintain the integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia (Homeland).</br>THE PHILOSOPHICAL BASIC OF THE MONUMENT OF BALINESE STRUGGLE</br>This monument is an embodiment of lingga and yoni. Lingga is male symbol (purusa), while yoni is female symbol (pradana). The meeting between the two elements is a symbol of fertility and well-being. In addition to the Lingga-Yoni philosophy, this monument is also based on the philosophy of the Mandara mountain screening (Mandara Giri) in ocean of milk (Ksirarnawa). This story comes from the Adi Parwa book, the first chapter (parwa) of the Mahabarata epic. It is said that the gods and giants (daitya) sought the water of eternal life (tirtha amertha) by turning around Mandara mountain in the ocean of milk. The implementation of the screening of mount Mandara is regulated as follows:</br>1. Turtles (akupa) as the base of mount Mandara</br>2. Besuki Dragon (Naga Besuki) as a strap and turning mount.</br>3. The gods hold the dragon’s tail and the daitya hold the head, while at the top of the mountain sits God Shiva.</br>After working with great difficulty turning the Mandara mountain then successively came out: crescent (Ardha Chandra), Goddess Sri and Laksmi, flying horse (kuda Ucaisrawah), tree of happiness (Kastuba Mani), and the last came out Goddess Dhanwantari who brought Tirta Amertha. The story of searching for Amertha water is then reflected in the shape of this monument, with the following explanation:</br>1. The earthen pitcher containing tirta amertha was symbolized by a kind of pot (swamba), which is located on the top of the monument.</br>2. Naga Besuki’s tail is realized near the pot.</br>3. The head of the dragon is manifested in the entrance gate (Kori Agung).</br>4. Turtle (Bedawang Nala/ akupa) as the foundation of the monument is located on the edge of the lake and its head on Kori Agung.</br>5. The pond that surrounds the monument as the symbol of Ocean of milk (Ksirarnawa).</br>6. Mandara mountain (Mandara Giri) as the overall shape of the monument building.</br>Philosophically, the initiators of this monument wish to give a message to the younger generation that the struggle to achieve success can only be done with hard work, perseverance, and mutual cooperation as told when the Gods and Daitya together seek eternal life.</br>Another symbol depicting the power of God Almighty (Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa) contained in this building is a building plan in the shape of an octagon and an eight-leaf lotus. The eight-leaf lotus is called Asta Dala as a symbol of the omnipotence of God Almighty called Asta Aiswarya, namely:</br>1. Anima : the mildness nature like atom.</br>2. Lagima : the lightness nature like ether.</br>3. Mahima : the great nature that fills all places.</br>4. Prapti : the nature of reaching all desired places.</br>5. Prakamya : all wills are achieved by Him.</br>6. Isitawa : the nature of dominating everything and the most important One.</br>7. Wasitwa : the most powerful character.</br>8. Yatrakama Wasayitwa : His nature and His will cannot be challenged.</br>The symbol of patriotism and nationalism can be found in the 17 number of foot steps towards the main entrance, 8 main pillars of the building and the height of the monument is 45 meters. If these figures are strung together, the numbers 17, 8, and 45 are arranged which show the date, month, and year of the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence, August 17, 1945. Indonesian Independence, August 17, 1945.)
  • Bali Matangi anggen Pariwisata Digital Berbasis NFT  + (The Covid-19 pandemic that has hit almost The Covid-19 pandemic that has hit almost the entire world, including Bali, has had a significant impact, especially on the tourism sector, which is the mainline in the Balinese economy. This is supported by a decrease in the number of tourists to Bali in 2020 by 82.96%, which causes the tourism industry managers to be unable to develop the tourism business line that is being built.</br>However, this should not dampen the enthusiasm of various components of Balinese society in generating Bali tourism. One alternative that can be done is the adaptation of the tourism industry to the technology that is currently being discussed, the Non-Fungible Token (NFT). NFT exists as a representation of individual or group assets or ownership that has unique, non-exchangeable, and valuable properties. This technology adaptation is expected to be an answer to tourist concerns, security and convenience.</br>The workings of the tourism business model with the NFT platform are almost similar to the voucher system in the tourism industry. However, to ensure the security and convenience of users, this platform will be supported by blockchain technology. Blockchain is expected to be able to provide a sense of security thanks to the concept of decentralization which requires validation from various parties who become the blockchain server itself.</br>The government especially Bali Government Tourism Office can act as a validator for tourism industry managers (lodging, accommodation, culinary, etc.) who are committed to building a digital-based Bali tourism ecosystem. For tourists, this NFT can be purchased as a coupon that can be purchased and exchanged at a time frame determined by the tourism industry manager.</br>It is time we move together to restore the glory of Bali tourism by familiarizing ourselves with technology. Of course, it's not just about government policy, but me, you and all of us!ernment policy, but me, you and all of us!)
 (The Covid-19 pandemic that has hit almost the entire world, including Ba)
  • Polusi Plastik Dan Pemanasan Global  + (The environmental problems we face today iThe environmental problems we face today include everything from deforestation to plastic pollution and global warming. Solutions to overcome this problem require comprehensive joint action. It is important to reduce carbon emissions by switching to renewable energy sources, promoting recycling and the use of environmentally friendly products, and protecting natural habitats through conservation and reforestation efforts. Additionally, broader education about environmental protection and policies that support environmentally friendly practices are also needed. Through collaboration between governments, companies and individuals, we can create the positive changes needed to maintain environmental sustainability for future generations.tal sustainability for future generations.)
  • Bali Akan Bangkit Lagi  + (The government of the island of Bali, whicThe government of the island of Bali, which is the Deputy Governor of Bali Prof. Dr. Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardhana Sukawati once said that indeed Bali agrees if the tourism sector is experiencing a decrease in the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. But we as a people on this island can't say anything more. For the public should follow the directions of the government, such as vaccinating, using masks every day when meeting with others, paying attention and implementing a healthy lifestyle and other things. Actually from my personal side does not want to be so opinion more but we ourselves who should be aware of what is being faced at this time. The first thing is certainly from yourself who must carry out, secondly there is a family that is closest to ourselves and then start doing this healthy lifestyle to the surrounding community. If all parties have done so, believe me all will be healthy and free from this plague. But this pandemic teaches us to be more grateful to be aware of the circumstances that occur and what will happen. Let us together take care of ourselves first to be healthy, if we have done so believe me all will definitely come back over time.e all will definitely come back over time.)
  • Lingkungan dan ekonomi bali  + (The most pressing issues in Bali currentlyThe most pressing issues in Bali currently include environmental management, sustainable tourism, and economic inequality. Prospective leaders need to focus on solutions that promote balanced and sustainable development while enhancing the overall well-being of the community.g the overall well-being of the community.)
  • SAYAN AKIDIK LAHAN CARIK RING BALI, SANE NGAWINANG SISTEM SUBAK RERED, PARIWISATA MAJU  + (THE NARROWING AREAS OF RICE LAND IN BALI CTHE NARROWING AREAS OF RICE LAND IN BALI CAUSE THE SUBAK SYSTEM TO BE THREATENED, TOURISM IS ADVANCED.</br>Om Swastyastu</br>I respect the jury. And also, the audience I am proud of.</br>I express my gratitude to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa, because with His blessing and grace, we can gather in the same place on this good day. Ladies and gentlemen who have gathered here at the Bali Public Participation Speech Wikithon event. Today, let me present an oration entitled "The Narrowing of Rice Field Areas in Bali, Causing the Subak System to Be Threatened, Tourism to Advance"</br>OK, ladies and gentlemen.</br>Subak is a Balinese irrigation system which functions to regulate the distribution of irrigation flows that irrigate each plot of rice field area according to the customs of Balinese society. The Subak system has been recognized by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage. This is what causes Bali to become fertile because of the subak system, which means that the rice fields in Bali do not lack water. Making rice fields in Bali into natural tourist attractions that are in great demand in Bali, for example in Jatiluwih, Tegalalang Rice Terrace.</br>Currently, Bali is famous for its very beautiful tourist attractions, because of this, Bali is nicknamed "Paradise Island". However, the impact of tourism in Bali which is increasingly developing has caused many rice fields to be converted into Bali tourism infrastructure and converted into housing complexes, especially now that Bali is being hit by a long drought which is causing farmers to fail to harvest, such as in Penebel, Tabanan, Farmers failed to harvest up to 107 hectares. And the status of Subak land changed to empty land. Then this land can be used as tourism infrastructure and a housing complex in Bali. Of course, this must be taken into account, because now people are becoming less aware of Balinese traditions, customs and culture due to the great influence of today's increasingly advanced technology.</br>I have said a lot, and I have made many mistakes. Hopefully the tradition of the subak system in Bali will remain sustainable and the Balinese people will still remember this ancestral heritage. I hereby apologize profusely, if any of my words do not match what the audience thinks. I close with Parama Santhi.</br>Om Santhi Santhi Santhi Om.Parama Santhi. Om Santhi Santhi Santhi Om.)
  • Peralihan Potensi Lapangan Pariwisata untuk Mengembangkan UMKM  + (The Potential Transition of Tourism ResourThe Potential Transition of Tourism Resources to Develop UMKM</br></br>Greetings, Om Swastyastu, Assalamualaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarokatuh, Shalom, Namoh Buddhaya. Goodwill and peace to all. We express our gratitude and thanks to the One Almighty God for allowing us to participate in the "Provincial Bali Oratory Competition" with the theme "Bali Orates" and the topic "2024 Election: What is the most pressing issue to be addressed by Bali's future leaders?". In this regard, we present arguments focusing on "how the management of tourism, by harnessing the potential shift of employment towards UMKM, can coexist with the progress of tourism for Bali's future leaders."</br></br>Post-Covid-19, Bali is assessed as unable to rely solely on the tourism sector as the sole backbone of the regional economy. Serious resource exploration is needed so that Bali has a number of alternative sources of economic income. This consideration is essential for Bali to withstand crises and global challenges. It is an opportunity to organize and pay attention to the development of UMKM in Bali, potentially redirecting the economic base from the tourism sector.</br></br>The negative impact of the current tourism sector chaos in Bali stems from arbitrary behavior by tourists towards the Balinese people. Bali's residents are disturbed by reprehensible actions by tourists, whether permanent residents or just visitors. Examples include religious desecration, inappropriate behavior in sacred areas, disturbances in public areas, land grabbing from Balinese residents, and various other disturbances, all of which have a detrimental impact on the lives of the Balinese people.</br></br>The government of the Bali Regional People's Representative Council (DPRI), a politician from the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-Perjuangan) faction, outlines several potential economic resources that can be seriously explored in Bali, including agriculture, marine, and creative economy sectors. Strengthening each sector, he notes, will contribute to economic equality in the Island of the Gods.</br></br>Recognizing that UMKM are a sector capable of sustaining Bali in times of crisis, support for regulations and education for the empowerment and protection of UMKM is crucial. It is emphasized that diversifying beyond the tourism sector is essential. Chairman of the Bali Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI), Tjok. Oka Sukawati, sees this as a significant moment for Bali's UMKM to learn from other UMKM, especially those outside Bali, fostering innovation and product quality development.</br></br>In response to Prof. Ramantha's statements, Ny Putri Koster, as the Head of the Regional Craft Council (Dekranasda), considers her actions as part of her responsibility to bridge UMKM with consumers. She builds synergy with relevant government agencies, such as the Bali Provincial Trade and Industry Office.</br></br>In conclusion, we hope that future government candidates prioritize programs in the UMKM sector over tourism, yet maintaining attention to Bali's tourism. This oration serves as a reference for future programs. In closing, we express our gratitude. Om Santih, Santih, Santih Om, Wassalamualaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarokatuh, Shalom, Namoh Buddhaya. Goodwill and peace to all.Namoh Buddhaya. Goodwill and peace to all.)
  • Anak Agung Gede Sobrat  + (The principal artist of the Ubud school, cThe principal artist of the Ubud school, continued working after World War II. Works in all major collections, including the Sana-Budaya Musuem, Jogjakarta.</br>Worked closely with Bonnet and Spies. Described by Bateson and Mead as having a lively and intelligent mind he is versatile and a distinguished colourist. (PM 72). Puri Lukisan has alternative birth date of 1917Lukisan has alternative birth date of 1917)
  • Macet dijalan sempit  + (The problem is that on narrow roads, many The problem is that on narrow roads, many large cars such as gas station cars - Trucks - Boso pass through narrow roads, until the road is damaged. My suggestion is that large cars or gas station cars - Trucks - Boso pass along the road used by large cars, it can be called the main road.arge cars, it can be called the main road.)
  • Tepasin luu plastik ring bali  + (The problem that must be resolved by the fThe problem that must be resolved by the future leader of Bali is the rubbish in Bali. As we can see in the surrounding environment, there is still a lot of rubbish scattered on the roads, in rivers and also in ditches. If the rubbish in the gutter is not cleaned it will make the gutter full of rubbish and during the rainy season it will cause flooding because there is no waterway.</br></br>Prospective Balinese leaders must be firm with people who throw rubbish carelessly. The most important waste that must be resolved is plastic waste. Plastic waste in landfills has overflowed. If this plastic waste is embedded in the ground, it will prevent plants from getting good water. Moreover, if the plastic is burned it will cause pollution. Bali's prospective leaders must solve this waste problem. Maybe elected leaders can create an association or training to recycle plastic waste. What started as plastic waste became crafts such as flowers from used plastic, pencil cases, flower pots, and others. These crafts can be sold and people who don't have jobs can make money.</br></br>This solution might help reduce waste in Bali, and at the same time help the government with the waste problem. Prospective Balinese leaders must pay attention to the surrounding environment so that it remains clean and beautiful.nt so that it remains clean and beautiful.)
  • Cara mengurangi jumlah sampah sisa sarana persembahyangan dalam aktivitas keagamaan Hindu khususnya pura Batur dan Besakih  + (The public needs to be educated about the The public needs to be educated about the impact of prayer waste on the environment. With the aim of making people aware of the importance of maintaining the sanctity of holy places. As well as urging the public to reduce the use of single-use plastic bags by bringing containers from home. At prayer locations, there needs to be separate bins for organic and non-organic waste. After the ceremony is finished, the waste can be sorted and recycled, especially organic matter which can be used as compost. Can also carry out scheduled cleaning programs that involve devotees and volunteers in scheduled cleaning activities in the temple area to manage existing waste and maintain the cleanliness of the sacred environment.the cleanliness of the sacred environment.)
  • Macet Ring Canggu  + (The road is not only traversed by tourism, but by commuters. This means residents who work in the Tabanan area, Nusa Dua, Tanah Lot, or Denpasar or vice versa)
  • I Ketut Rida  + (The senior poet I Ketut Rida was born in BThe senior poet I Ketut Rida was born in Banjar Kanginan, Sulang Village, Dawan District, Klungkung, September 11, 1939. He finished school at SGA Stella Duce/ Kanisius Yogyakarta in 1958, then continued his B1 Indonesian Language at Dénpasar, but did not finish.</br></br>From 1960 to 1987 he was appointed a teacher at an elementary school. For about 20 years, I Ketut Rida has served as the Principal of an Elementary School. In addition, he was appointed as a supervisor for kindergarten, elementary and SDLB. In the village, it was also believed to be the traditional bendésa of Sulang Village</br></br>Ketut Rida said that he has been pursuing writing or composing since he was a child. Every day Ketut Rida gets stories from his grandmother. That's why Ketut Rida is feeling happy. After completing his B1 Language Department, his attention to writing activities grew, focusing on studying the Kawi language, especially in Adiparwa.</br></br>He has produced several new literary works of Balinese and Indonesian literature and has received several award certificates, such as:</br></br>In 1977–1978, Ketut Rida became the second winner of the Indonesian Language Writing Competition for Elementary School Teachers at the Bali Province. In 1979, he became the first winner of a prose writing competition at the Bali Arts Festival (PKB). In 1980, he won first place in the Balinese Novel Writing Competition in the framework of Language Month. In 1982, he became the second winner of Composing Geguritan at PKB. In 1991, he won first place in the Balinese Short Story Competition in the Bali Post daily. In 1995, he won the first prize in the Balinese Short Story Competition at PKB.</br></br>From 1970 to 1980, many of Ketut Rida's essays were published in the Bali Post. His collection of poems entitled “Nyiksik Bulu” was published by the Dénpasar Language Center in 2004. His Balinese novel entitled “Sunari” was published by the Obor Foundation, Jakarta in 1999. This novel “Sunari” earned I Ketut Rida the Rancagé Literature Prize from the Rancagé Cultural Foundation in Bandung in 2000. In 2014 Ketut Rida received Widya Pataka from the Governor of Bali with his book entitled “Lawar Goak”. Bali with his book entitled “Lawar Goak”.)
  • Program KIP ring Kabupaten Bangli kari Salah Sasaran.  + (The Smart Indonesia Card (KIP) is also calThe Smart Indonesia Card (KIP) is also called the Smart Indonesia Program (PIP). This is the Jokowi government's first program which is part of the Healthy Indonesia Card (KIS) and the Prosperous Family Card (KKS). The Smart Indonesia program aims to increase access for school-age children from poor families to school. KIP is a card intended for poor and vulnerable families who want to send their children (aged 7-18 years) to school for free. KIP recipients are given regular cash funds from the government which are stored in the KIP card function to attend school for free, both those who have registered and those who have not yet registered in schools or madrasas so that the dropout rate can drop drastically.</br></br>So, the target of KIP is for students who excel and are less fortunate. But in fact its implementation is not in line with expectations, many cases occur regarding KIP being mistargeted. One of them occurred in Bangli Regency. A real example is in my own village, namely Banua Village. Those who are entitled to get KIP (Smart Indonesia Card) are children or students whose families are on the line or in the Poor Family Card (KK) group so that at first glance the KIP program is right on target, but if you look more deeply In fact, the KIP or PIP program still finds errors in its implementation. There are many students in my village whose families are not in the poor family, but in fact these students are underprivileged students. And because of the implementation of the poor KK, students who are not included in the poor KK, who are in fact less well off, cannot make KIP. Even though these students are students who excel and really need the KIP. An example of a student who experiences KIP inaccuracies is myself. I'm not in the poor KK line so I can't get the KIP, even though in fact I really need the card myself. Not to mention that the KIP cannot be made because I am not a poor family member, but in reality my family and I are not someone who can afford it. So, that was the inaccuracy of KIP in Bangli Regency, so what about the wrong target? I have also experienced this wrong KIP target. At that time, I was in junior high school, one of my friends from Trunyan Village had a KIP and received a scholarship even though he himself was someone who was capable and quite rich, had a nice house and had no economic difficulties. This is what makes me feel that KIP in Bangli is still not on target and its implementation tends to be inappropriate and even unfair. Then what solution should the government take? In my opinion, what the government must do to overcome the problem of inaccuracy and wrong targeting of the KIP is, first to do research on the students who receive the KIP, whether they are really underprivileged students? We can see this from the condition of their homes, their parents' jobs, their parents' income every month and so on, well if someone fulfills the things that make them get KIP as I explained above and they are a smart and outstanding student then in my opinion they are worthy of getting KIP. In short, the Bangli Regency Government must be more careful in recruiting students who are worthy of receiving the KIP.dents who are worthy of receiving the KIP.)
  • Partisipasi Untuk Meningkatkan Pariwisata Bali.  + (the steps that must be taken now and in ththe steps that must be taken now and in the future regarding what needs to be done to revive tourism in Bali during the pandemic. That is the mandatory vaccination, which is one of the efforts to support the recovery of tourism in Bali, build spirit and commitment with all Bali tourism stakeholders in reviving the tourism sector during the COVID-19 pandemic by seriously implementing disciplined health protocols to restore world trust. not only that, it is hoped that for the government to restore tourism in Bali, it will take several stages, as I know and I have read first by increasing the domestic market. The second is opening the essential business travel, in order to open international flights because it is felt that Bali is ready to accept international ready to accept international arrivals.)
  • Satya Cipta  + (The struggles of Balinese women take on a The struggles of Balinese women take on a new life in the art work of Lombok-born Balinese artist, Satya Cipta.</br></br>“My approach to every artwork revolves around a question to myself and mostly other women,” she said. “What is a woman in Bali? Are we ‘complementary’ beings? Are we social creatures made to accompany men live their lives?”</br></br>Her work draws on social reality with a strong substance of feminism. She does this whilst preserving artistic teachings from Balinese traditional techniques, which she believes should be a national asset, in hopes to imbue an authentic Balinese spirit in full, sans western influence.</br></br>Read more about Satya's work and women of Bali here:
  • I Wayan Westa  + (The writer and humanist who won the 2014 RThe writer and humanist who won the 2014 Rancage Literature Prize with a collection of essays entitled "Tutur Bali" (2013) named I Wayan Westa. A graduate of FKIP, Dwijendra University Denpasar, Department of Balinese Language and Literature Education, he was born in Klungkung, January 27, 1965. From 1889-1993 he became a teacher at SLUA Saraswati Klungkung and a lecturer at various private universities.</br></br>In 1999 he worked at the Ford Foundation, he was also the editor of Gumi Bali SARAD Magazine in 2000-2009, and in 2010-2012 he was the Chief Editor of SABDA Magazine. His essays were published in various mass media, such as: Karya Bakti Weekly, Nusa Daily, Bali Post, Kompas, Pos Bali and Radar Bali. As editor of various articles published by the Indonesian Obor Foundation, Wulan Sedhuwuring Geni (Anthology of Short Stories and Regional Poetry), A Thousand Fireflies in Manhatan (translations into 13 Regional Languages), and Sunari (Balinese Novels by Ketut Rida), and Rabindranath Tagore , Poetry Throughout the Ages, Publisher of the Darma Sastra Foundation, 2002. He was also a speaker at Sadyakala Sastra #39 Wayan Westa: Nationalism and Glorification of Regional Languages on March 14, 2014 and Sandyakala Sastra #43 Obituary I Wayan Sadha on March 12, 2015 at Bentara Budaya Bali. on March 12, 2015 at Bentara Budaya Bali.)
  • ULUWATU LACE  + (The Yak spoke with Ajit Khatai, ceo of UluThe Yak spoke with Ajit Khatai, ceo of Uluwatu handmade Balinese lace – the 50-year-old true Bali legacy fashion brand – about life in Bali, the journey so far and the future for the brand.</br></br>How has Bali been for you?</br></br>Been here since the beginning of the 2020 pandemic. I think one word for life here would be: healing.</br></br>What does Uluwatu Handmade Balinese Lace mean to you?</br></br>Magical and challenging on so many levels. A fashion business in Bali. A brand that’s core skill-set is lace. Only two colours (white and black) to the range planning. Tourists as primary customer. Language barrier. An immensely talented pool, which is aging.</br></br>How is it that sophistication and simplicity exists seamlessly in Uluwatu Lace? We know it’s not easy. How do you manage to achieve it?</br></br>It looks easy, because ours is a story of Bali. We carry the soul of everything that’s beautiful here. By layering simplicity over and over, we are able to create sophistication. Our pursuit is perfection. Our founder Ni Made Jati focussed on love for creating great designs. She was inspired by modern women who are independent and rebellious. Over the years, we have redefined this modern woman. I think these three elements, Bali, Simplicity and Perfection are our secrets.</br></br>How did the brand start…</br></br>In the 1970s it seemed a good business proposition. Bali had an abundance of lace skills. An influx of foreigners was allowing exploration of new silhouettes (before lace was predominately used on Kebayas). Our founder saw the possibilities. Those were times when Bali was getting started on its lasting reputation of being heaven; of secret idyllic beaches where seekers and hippies found the surf, sand and beads, and loads of sunshine to tan their skin. She adapted the lace to the new world, from airy over layers to breezy gowns for the evening fire. The Bohemian spirit has been alive ever since.</br></br>Uniquely, the Uluwatu Lace brand is cemented deeply in Bali’s history and colonial past. Can you briefly tell us more…</br></br>No-one starts out to make history. Our journey gave us two rights: time and place. Bali’s lace tradition of krawang or Lobang is a rich living craft. Earliest evidence showing its use is in the 10CE, during the end of the Majapahit reign. Almost 1,000 odd years of existence. There is an unsubstantiated belief that Kerawang is the classic crochet lace of Northern Europe. Said to be carried by missionaries who travelled with the Dutch East India Company (VOC). The timeline could be anywhere around 1600CE. But the real impact can be attributed to after 1796, when the VOC was abolished and the Dutch government gained control over Indonesia, which continued until 1941.</br></br>And then there was the modern journey…</br></br>Yes. Somewhere around mid ’70s, Kebaya was getting its space as a classic apparel which was introduced as modesty. Lace got incorporated into the Kebaya. We have been trying to perfect the art form ever since then. This evolved into the temple culture, to exactly the same clothing culture we witness in Bali today. We have managed to transform it into something desirable globally. Breaking the limitations of design was the tipping point. With just two colors, white and black, it was a sure recipe for disaster. The fact that we are still here is something bigger than a miracle. But here we are…</br></br>Why white and black?</br></br>Our journey was for excellence. I suppose we reached this point naturally. It is difficult to reason why in a 50-year journey. An intelligent guess is, white was preferred due to the tropical climate and black was easy to handle. In the early years, consistent yarns in colors was not an easy proposition. Whatever the reason, we are memorable because of the two colours.</br></br>How many people are involved in making your designs?</br></br>Our family is around 500 individuals. More than three quarters of this number are involved in the design creation and the rest are in support operations. Each person in our ecosystem is a lifelong partner to creation of these exclusive designs.</br></br>What makes this brand click?</br></br>Love and Bali. You immerse in this paradise. In return the paradise diktats that you respond with honesty. That’s what we give. We do not dilute our principles to suit business obligations. Our products are made in the old fashioned way. We have steered clear of shortcuts. Each and every piece is made in the same traditional method of bamboo hoops and slow needle whirring to make the lace. Love has its own karmic journey. Maybe it’s the love that’s responding back.</br></br>What are the attitudes in fashion changing over the decades? Where is fashion’s future for designs with your niche?</br></br>Look at the fashion around the world. Lace and crochet are consistent. Lace is here to stay. That speaks loads on the future of lace in fashion. It’s a classic embellishment in fashion. Women love it. It’s not going away anytime soon. We are a lace brand. We need one purchase to happen in a thousand in our market to stay in business. That’s a simple logic for excellence. We have to keep creating the most simple, sophisticated designs with the same passion. Great designs don’t need volume. We are content right now.</br></br>What does high thread count mean to you and why is it important to your company?</br></br>Yarn is the key. Our yarn goes through immense stress, which makes it absolutely essential to have a unique tensile strength, which is stable in the lace making process, avoiding brittleness. We have conjured up a specific blend of rayon yarns to achieve this over the years. It stays unbroken for the longest stretch of action. That brings the unique sheen to our lace.</br></br>How has the Covid Pandemic affected your brand?</br></br>It’s been a kind of blessing in disguise. We found time for course correction. Our focus diverted from sales to being janitors (cleaning up the brand). We found scope to refine our skills. Created a data-bank of designs. Refined the skills that had been acquired over 50 years. We updated software and improved processes. Basically we did a lot of clean-up. We had to ensure our designs remain heirloom pieces. Creating possibilities of engagement to lace designs. We conceptualized a Balinese Lace Museum and initiated the process of getting nominated as a heritage craft. It was a long list.</br></br>Which design will be your all-time superstar creation? Is there a story in its creation?</br></br>We love almost all our ’70s designs. The decade when chic, colour and pool parties were the epitome. The age of revolution … styles that clicked. Then we were busy making something revolutionary to be loved. We got our foothold in fashion in the ’70s.</br></br>How are you involved in the creative community in Bali?</br></br>As the flag bearer of Balinese Lace Fashion, we are the finest on the block. Both the founder and myself are pretty much very private people. Our direct visible engagement remains slower than we would like. However, we engage with artists, graphic artists, photographers, musicians and actors. We love to be the support to young creative talents.</br></br>What are the current design projects at Uluwatu Lace?</br></br>This year we are engaging in a lot of very interesting projects … I like to call in non-invasive cross-innovation, where we identify non-parallel creative techniques to come together in an organic symbiotic visual extravagance. Our designers are busy rejecting designs to arrive at acceptable designs. For example, imagine trying to combine lighter Endek fabric with Balinese lace. Both techniques cannot overpower each other. The balance of weight, colour and flow is an absolutely challenging experience.</br></br>Which particular Indonesian / international celebrities could wear your designs and embody what they mean?</br></br>For us, Happy Salma is the epitome of what Uluwatu Lace is supposed to mean. She is the purity of how our design should be expressed. In the case of Hollywood, I would love our designs on Alicia Vikander. Her athletic features and Grecian expression are timeless. And of course, Priyanka Jonas Chopra’s dusky exoticism. If they are reading this … we love you!</br></br>What’s next for Uluwatu Lace?</br></br>Short-Term: make our mark on the Paris, New York, London and Tokyo fashion scenes. Medium Term: Get listed in UNESCO heritage craft category. Long Term: hopefully keep creating inspiring designs. We have a goal to make the brand 100% sustainable with minimum carbon footprint. Engage with blockchain technology to track the impact of our brand. We also hope to have a community fingerprint, where we go beyond our business obligations and leave lasting imprints within the community that defines us.</br></br>IG: @uluwatu_handmade_balinese_lace</br></br>FB: @uluwatulacebali</br></br> FB: @uluwatulacebali
  • Theo Meier  + (Theo Meier was born in 1908 in Basle, SwitTheo Meier was born in 1908 in Basle, Switzerland. He was educated in the arts at the Basle School of the Arts. He had worked as a portrait painter for the University of Basle. He made his first trip to Berlin, where he met Liebermann and Hofer at the Berlin Academy, as well as Emil Nolde, one of the contemporary painters he admired most. He studied with Otto Dix who influenced him greatly.</br></br>Meier left Europe for the South Pacific at the age of 24. To finance his travels, he founded a club, where each member promised a monthly fee in exchange for which they could choose one of Meier's paintings upon his return. He sailed to Papeete via Guadeloupe, Martinique, and the Panama Canal, inspired by the beauty he encountered, but also disillusioned by the presence of Western influence.</br></br>After returning briefly to Basel, he went to Bali where his life was changed forever. In Bali, he found an innocence that he did not find in Tahiti. He befriended the German painter Walter Spies, and later moved into the German artist's bamboo house. He married his first Balinese wife in 1936. When the Japanese arrived in Bali in 1941, Meier was granted permission to stay in Bali, unlike his friend Walter Spies who met his death aboard a prisoner of war ship crossing the Indian Ocean. Unfortunately, many of his paintings were lost, some of which were given to Japanese sailors. After the war, Meier remarried, fathering a daughter.</br></br>After 15 years in Southeast Asia, Meier briefly returned to Switzerland, but then returned to Bali, followed by Thailand. In 1957, he married Laiad, his third wife. In 1961, Meier moved to Chiang Mai, Northern Thailand, where he lived with Laiad in a beautiful teak house on the banks of the Ping River. He was a prolific artist and continued to paint until his death in Thailand in 1982.paint until his death in Thailand in 1982.)
  • Pengelolaan sampah  + (There is a lot of waste that is difficult There is a lot of waste that is difficult to manage or recycle in Bali</br>As a result, many TPAs and TPSs are full/overloaded</br>Therefore, there is a need for a solution that can handle the waste problem in Bali. I hope that the prospective leaders of Bali can handle this case well so that there is comfort and peace in social life and I also hope that Bali can be free from waste cases that are difficult to manage.</br>Thank you, I apologize if there are any bad word.ou, I apologize if there are any bad word.)
  • Anak Agung Gede Oka  + (There seem to be a number of A.A. Okas, and there may be confusion between the 1930s Batuan artist (one work int he Bateson-Mead collection), an artist from Mas, and the Batuan artist born in 1955.)
  • Harga sembako naik, tidak ada tanda-tanda akan turun lagi!  + (This year, the prices of basic necessitiesThis year, the prices of basic necessities are rising, and there are no signs of them returning to normal or decreasing from their usual prices. Is it due to many crop failures in the current season causing the prices to skyrocket? Or is it because fertilizer prices are rising?</br></br>If indeed there are crop failures and rising fertilizer prices, I would like the local government to take immediate action to address the increasing prices of basic necessities. This could include subsidizing fertilizers and encouraging farmers and the community to utilize small plots for farming using hydroponic methods.</br></br>The implementation of a hydroponic farming program by the local government would assist the entire community in Karangasem and beyond, possibly throughout Indonesia, in addressing the ongoing rise in basic necessities prices.</br></br>Hydroponic farming does not require significant costs or extensive land; it only requires consistency in creating the necessary tools. The tools needed don't have to be new; recycled items like unused but still functional pipes and buckets or old paint cans can be utilized.</br></br>Therefore, I hope the implementation of a program like this can address the rising prices of basic necessities. This program could also contribute to reducing poverty rates in Karangasem and its surrounding areas.s in Karangasem and its surrounding areas.)
  • Tjokorda Rai Sudharta  + (Tjokorda Rai Sudharta was born in Ubud, GiTjokorda Rai Sudharta was born in Ubud, Gianyar, Bali. He earned a Bachelor of Arts at Banaras Hindu University (1957) and a Master of Arts at Panjab University (1961). He earned a doctorate in literature at the University of Indonesia. He wrote many books about the advancement of Hinduism and Balinese culture. These books include Upadesa (1967), Sarasamuscaya (1976), Slokantara (1982), Asta Brata in Development (1998), Sri Rama's Advice to the Present (1990), Hindu Man (1993), Meeting God Within (1993), 2005), Bhagawadgita in Bhishma Parwa (2010), Between Plato's Greek Philosophy and Upanisad Indian Philosophy Bhagawadgita (2010).sad Indian Philosophy Bhagawadgita (2010).)
  • Tjokorda Raka Sukawati  + (Tjokorda Raka Sukawati (3 May 1931 – 11 NoTjokorda Raka Sukawati (3 May 1931 – 11 November 2014) was an engineer from Ubud, Bali who discovered Sosrobahu construction technology. This construction makes it easier to build flyovers without disrupting traffic flow during construction.</br></br>He earned an engineering degree in Civil Engineering at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in 1962. He co-founded the Faculty of Engineering at Udayana University, Bali. He obtained his doctorate in Civil Engineering from the Faculty of Engineering, Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta, 1996.</br></br>He pursued a career at PT Hutama Karya which operates in the construction and infrastructure services sector, which is a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) under the Department of Public Works. Sosrobahu's technology was discovered when he was working on the flyover project between Cawang and Tanjung Priok, Jakarta, in 1988. The technology he invented is used in many countries.</br></br>In 2021, his biography written by Nyoman Wijaya entitled "Stepping Without Tires" was published by Pustaka Larasan.t Tires" was published by Pustaka Larasan.)
  • Putu Krisna Pratama  + (Together against pollution, create good roads in the environment so they can be used until later)
  • Menerapkan Konsep Pariwisata Berbasis Masyarakat  + (Tourism has a significant impact in terms Tourism has a significant impact in terms of employment and local income. However, dependence and wrong management can make tourism one of the causes of over-exploitation of nature and make Bali's condition even worse during the COVID-19 emergency. People are increasingly choosing to work in the hospitality sector rather than the domestic sector, namely agriculture and plantations, so that during a pandemic the agricultural sector also becomes difficult due to the lack of land, good systems and human resources. Though this sector can be a solution to improve the economy of Bali.</br>One solution that can be done without choosing one of these two sectors is to apply the concept of community-based tourism or CBT. This concept can be developed by forming a tourist village so that it can become a forum or economic stimulus for rural communities. The concept of a tourist village that is widely developed in the Java area itself focuses on rural life and natural conditions that are a tourist attraction. Community activities in farming and farming can be an alternative attraction for tourists from outside the region, especially because Bali itself has a unique agricultural system. By implementing this system, the level of sustainability or sustainability of tourism and nature will be better. Of course, when there are disasters or natural phenomena that affect mass tourism like what Bali currently has, the concept of tourism planning is a good solution. If tourist visits decline, there is still a reliable agricultural sector. In addition, this concept can then become the new face of tourism in Bali with the growing trend of the hospitality business, beach panorama and hedonistic, while cultural attractions are starting to be abandoned. This CBT concept requires a good master plan so that its development is right on target. In addition, this concept can also be a solution to achieve the SDGs or Sustainable Development Goals and avoid excessive exploitation, especially to nature.essive exploitation, especially to nature.)
  • CWAN  + (Tourism is one of the important factors inTourism is one of the important factors in the nation's economy, especially for the Balinese people. The occurrence of the Covid-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on the community, especially in the tourism sector in Bali. The emergence of Covid 19 resulted in a drastic drop in tourism income in Bali, starting from small traders, large businesses such as hotels, resorts, villas, drivers, luxury restaurants.</br>In an effort to revive Bali's tourism at this time after being affected by Covid 19, there are several ways that need to be input between implementing CWAN (Cheap, Work Together, Available, Negotiation).</br>Cheap in the sense of lowering or lowering the price of the main conditions for traveling in Bali such as swab tests or PCR, and quarantine will be very influential for the interest of visitors to visit Bali because they do not spend more money than they should and do not reduce the money prepared for the holiday.</br>Work Together requires relations between one country and another, regional relations with other regions as well as groups and individuals need to work together, commitment and the right policies. Cooperating with the foreign minister, the tourism minister, and the health minister to vaccinate their citizens before giving travel permits so that those who visit and those who visit are safe from the COVID-19 virus.</br>Available can be interpreted as providing facilities such as referrals regarding COVID-19 that is happening in Bali so that tourists know the latest Covid-19 situation in Bali. Able to provide information, health care and appropriate follow-up so as to provide a sense of security and comfort.</br>Negotiation, giving tourists additional services at prices that have been negotiated, for example, there are tourists who hold birthdays, weddings, etc. in Bali, so the place, decoration, consumption, can negotiate the price that will be given to the customer. tourists with complete health protocols at affordable prices and always improving the quality of service balanced with national and international events.</br>With the above stages, we hope to be able to make changes to make Bali tourism worldwide again, improve the economy so that it contributes greatly to the country's foreign exchange income. to the country's foreign exchange income.)