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Sugi Lanus  +
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Sugi Lanus was born in Singaraja, Bali. HeSugi Lanus was born in Singaraja, Bali. He is the curator of the Lontar Museum, Karangasem, Bali. Since studying at the Department of Balinese Literature, Udayana University has been actively working part-time as a research assistant from Princeton University, UCLA, Murdoch University, Leiden University, Osaka University, etc. He has participated in dozens of international workshops and trainings, and attended post-graduate education in several disciplines: Cultural Studies, Tourism Studies, and Theology. He was selected as a participant in the ASEAN-Japan youth exchange (1997) through sponsorship from the Prime Minister of Japan.</br></br>He has experience as a consultant for various international institutions, such as: GTZ, AusAID, UNICEF, WHO, British Council. In the field of journalism, he worked as a correspondent for Tempo Magazine (1998-2000), fixer for ABC TV, BBC, Arte TV, National Geographic, Smithsonian Magazine. He is also active as a consultant and provides workshops for DPRD and local governments throughout Indonesia (2005-2012) and an independent political consultant for several national politicians (2012 - present).</br></br>In 2006 he founded the Hanacaraka Society to research Balinese and Lombok lontar. 'Puja Tri Sandhyā: Indian Mantras Recomposed and Standardized in Bali', is one of the results of his research on various lontar mantras published in the Journal of Hindu Studies, 2014, Vol. 7(2), Oxford Center for Hindu Studies, Oxford University Press. Actively invited to speak in various cultural meetings, including: Cultural Congress V (2003), Ubud Writers and Readers Festival (2004-2017), International Conference on Tagore, Hanoi, Vietnam (2011), Frankfurt Book Fair (2015), etc., and various Hindu clerical discussions. Previously served as Commissioner of a national company (2004-2006), and Corporate Relations Executive of an international company based in London (2014-2016).</br></br>He has written hundreds of articles in various online and print media, such as, Bali Post, etc. Currently conducting research on reliefs related to lontar manuscripts at Borobudur, and the Herbalian Project, a project for mapping herbs in Balinese and Old Javanese lontar.herbs in Balinese and Old Javanese lontar.  
Sugi Lanus lahir di Singaraja, Bali. Dia aSugi Lanus lahir di Singaraja, Bali. Dia adalah kurator Museum Lontar, Karangasem, Bali. Semenjak kuliah di Jurusan Sastra Bali Universitas Udayana aktif bekerja paruh waktu sebagai asisten peneliti dari Princeton University, UCLA, Murdoch University, Leiden University, Osaka University, dll. Mengikuti puluhan workshop dan training internasional, serta mengikuti pendidikan pasca-sarjana dalam beberapa disiplin: Cultural Studies, Tourism Studies, dan Teologi. Dia terpilih sebagai peserta pertukaran pemuda ASEAN-Jepang (1997) melalui sponsorship dari Perdana Menteri Jepang. </br></br>Dia berpengalaman sebagai konsultan untuk berbagai lembaga internasional, seperti: GTZ, AusAID, UNICEF, WHO, British Council. Dalam bidang jurnalistik bekerja sebagai koresponden Majalah Tempo (1998-2000), fixer ABC TV, BBC, Arte TV, National Geographic, Smithsonian Magazine. Dia juga aktif sebagai konsultan dan memberikan workshop untuk DPRD dan pemerintahan daerah di seluruh Indonesia (2005-2012) dan konsultan politik independen untuk beberapa politisi nasional (2012 - sekarang). </br></br>Tahun 2006 dia mendirikan Hanacaraka Society untuk meneliti lontar Bali dan Lombok. 'Puja Tri Sandhyā: Indian Mantras Recomposed and Standardised in Bali', adalah salah satu hasil risetnya terhadap berbagai lontar mantra yang telah diterbitkan dalam Journal of Hindu Studies, 2014, Vol. 7(2), Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies, Oxford University Press. Aktif diundang berbicara dalam berbagai pertemuan budaya, diantaranya: Kongres Kebudayaan V (2003), Ubud Writers and Readers Festival (2004-2017), International Conference on Tagore, Hanoi, Vietnam (2011), Frankfurt Book Fair (2015), dll, dan berbagai diskusi kependetaan Hindu. Pernah menjabat sebagai Komisaris perusahan nasional (2004-2006), dan Corporate Relation Executive sebuah perusahan internasional berpusat di London (2014-2016).</br></br>Ratusan artikel yang ditulisnya telah dipublikasi dalam berbagai media online dan cetak, seperti, Bali Post, dll. Sekarang sedang menjalankan riset terhadap relief-relief terkait manuskrip lontar di Borobudur, dan Herbalian Project, sebuah proyek pemetaan herbal dalam lontar Bali dan Jawa herbal dalam lontar Bali dan Jawa Kuno.  
Sugi Lanus was born in Singaraja, Bali. HeSugi Lanus was born in Singaraja, Bali. He is the curator of the Lontar Museum, Karangasem, Bali. Since studying at the Department of Balinese Literature, Udayana University has been actively working part-time as a research assistant from Princeton University, UCLA, Murdoch University, Leiden University, Osaka University, etc. He has participated in dozens of international workshops and trainings, and attended post-graduate education in several disciplines: Cultural Studies, Tourism Studies, and Theology. He was selected as a participant in the ASEAN-Japan youth exchange (1997) through sponsorship from the Prime Minister of Japan.</br></br>He has experience as a consultant for various international institutions, such as: GTZ, AusAID, UNICEF, WHO, British Council. In the field of journalism, he worked as a correspondent for Tempo Magazine (1998-2000), fixer for ABC TV, BBC, Arte TV, National Geographic, Smithsonian Magazine. He is also active as a consultant and provides workshops for DPRD and local governments throughout Indonesia (2005-2012) and an independent political consultant for several national politicians (2012 - present).</br></br>In 2006 he founded the Hanacaraka Society to research Balinese and Lombok lontar. 'Puja Tri Sandhyā: Indian Mantras Recomposed and Standardized in Bali', is one of the results of his research on various lontar mantras published in the Journal of Hindu Studies, 2014, Vol. 7(2), Oxford Center for Hindu Studies, Oxford University Press. Actively invited to speak in various cultural meetings, including: Cultural Congress V (2003), Ubud Writers and Readers Festival (2004-2017), International Conference on Tagore, Hanoi, Vietnam (2011), Frankfurt Book Fair (2015), etc., and various Hindu clerical discussions. Previously served as Commissioner of a national company (2004-2006), and Corporate Relations Executive of an international company based in London (2014-2016).</br></br>He has written hundreds of articles in various online and print media, such as, Bali Post, etc. Currently conducting research on reliefs related to lontar manuscripts at Borobudur, and the Herbalian Project, a project for mapping herbs in Balinese and Old Javanese lontar.herbs in Balinese and Old Javanese lontar.  
Sugi Lanus lahir di Singaraja, Bali. Dia aSugi Lanus lahir di Singaraja, Bali. Dia adalah kurator Museum Lontar, Karangasem, Bali. Semenjak kuliah di Jurusan Sastra Bali Universitas Udayana aktif bekerja paruh waktu sebagai asisten peneliti dari Princeton University, UCLA, Murdoch University, Leiden University, Osaka University, dll. Mengikuti puluhan workshop dan training internasional, serta mengikuti pendidikan pasca-sarjana dalam beberapa disiplin: Cultural Studies, Tourism Studies, dan Teologi. Dia terpilih sebagai peserta pertukaran pemuda ASEAN-Jepang (1997) melalui sponsorship dari Perdana Menteri Jepang. </br></br>Dia berpengalaman sebagai konsultan untuk berbagai lembaga internasional, seperti: GTZ, AusAID, UNICEF, WHO, British Council. Dalam bidang jurnalistik bekerja sebagai koresponden Majalah Tempo (1998-2000), fixer ABC TV, BBC, Arte TV, National Geographic, Smithsonian Magazine. Dia juga aktif sebagai konsultan dan memberikan workshop untuk DPRD dan pemerintahan daerah di seluruh Indonesia (2005-2012) dan konsultan politik independen untuk beberapa politisi nasional (2012 - sekarang). </br></br>Tahun 2006 dia mendirikan Hanacaraka Society untuk meneliti lontar Bali dan Lombok. 'Puja Tri Sandhyā: Indian Mantras Recomposed and Standardised in Bali', adalah salah satu hasil risetnya terhadap berbagai lontar mantra yang telah diterbitkan dalam Journal of Hindu Studies, 2014, Vol. 7(2), Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies, Oxford University Press. Aktif diundang berbicara dalam berbagai pertemuan budaya, diantaranya: Kongres Kebudayaan V (2003), Ubud Writers and Readers Festival (2004-2017), International Conference on Tagore, Hanoi, Vietnam (2011), Frankfurt Book Fair (2015), dll, dan berbagai diskusi kependetaan Hindu. Pernah menjabat sebagai Komisaris perusahan nasional (2004-2006), dan Corporate Relation Executive sebuah perusahan internasional berpusat di London (2014-2016).</br></br>Ratusan artikel yang ditulisnya telah dipublikasi dalam berbagai media online dan cetak, seperti, Bali Post, dll. Sekarang sedang menjalankan riset terhadap relief-relief terkait manuskrip lontar di Borobudur, dan Herbalian Project, sebuah proyek pemetaan herbal dalam lontar Bali dan Jawa herbal dalam lontar Bali dan Jawa Kuno.  
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