
From BASAbaliWiki
  • castorbean plant (Jatropha Curcas), physic nut en
Translation in English
castorbean plant (Jatropha Curcas)
Translation in Indonesian
pohon jarak pagehan ((Jatropha Curcas)
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Sentences Example
Titiang Taru Keliki, Jarak Pagehan, daging panes, don tis, babakan dumulada, akah tis.Titiang dados anggen tamba anyang-anyangan. Rereh akah titiange anggen loloh, ra lunak tanek, temutis, muwah don titiang makanti bawang ring adas.
I am the Jarak Pagehan tree (Jatropha). The content of the substances is hot, the leaves are cool, the bark of my stem is medium, and the roots are cool. I can be used as medicine for dysuria. Take my root as herbal medicine. Mix with strong acid and ‘temutis’ (a rhizome of the ginger family). My leaves are mixed with onion and fennel.
Saya pohon Jarak Pagehan, kandungan zatnya panas, daun dingin, kulit batang sedang, akar dingin. Saya dapat digunakan untuk obat anyang-anyangan. Ambil akar saya untuk jamu, dicampur asem pekat dan temutis, daun saya dicampur dengan bawang dan adas.
FOR BABY WITH FEVER: Using Loloh (traditional medicine that is taken internally), grind the leaves with Balinese onion that has been baked slightly, plus salt.

FOR GAS PAINS: Using Uap (traditional medicine that is used externally), make a poultice made by grinding the leaves of castorbean plant with rice that has been soaked in water, onion, and fennel. This is put on the stomach. DIFFICULTY URINATING: A leaf is removed from the castorbean plant and a bit of the latex that is exuded is put on the navel. If the problem persists, a Loloh is made by squeezing the leaves with baked onion and salt. Hot water is added, the material strained, and administered as a drink when cool.

INSTANT BANDAGE: The latex from castorbean plant is well known as a kind of instant bandage for a cut. Just pull off a leaf and let the latex drip on the wound. In a short time it will form an air tight film over the wound and protect it.
An internal medicine, loloh made from physic nut is used for a baby that has a fever and is prepared by grinding the leaves with Balinese onion that has been baked slightly, plus salt. If a person has gas pains he may be treated with a poultice, uwap, made by grinding the leaves of keliki with rice that has been soaked in water, onion, and fennel. This is put on the stomach. If a person has difficulty urinating, a leaf is removed from the plant and a bit of the latex that is exuded is put on his navel. If the problem persists, a loloh is made by squeezing the leaves with baked onion and salt. Hot water is added, the material strained, and administered as a drink when cool. The latex from keliki is well known as a kind of instant bandage for a cut. Just pull off a leaf and let the latex drip on the wound. In a short time it will form an air tight film over the wound and protect it.
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