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A: Dad, there are a lot of wild animals out there. B: That's because their habitat has been destroyed by mandkind. Cutting trees indiscrimately. Throwing litters carelessly. A: Those, Dad...  +
Just last year the G20 Summit was held in Bali. My hope is that with the G20 Summit, the economic system, especially in Bali, will improve in the future. After previously Bali experienced a crisis in the form of the Covid-19 Virus. Hopefully in the future tourism and the economy in Bali will continue to develop. And it is my hope that the Delegation from outside the unique culture in Bali will be inspired by seeing it.  +
Om Swastyastu, Namo Budaya, Om Awighnam Astu Namo Sidham. Bali Island is an island that already has many natural resources. These natural resources attract tourists to come to Bali. The island of Bali is well known abroad. The island of Bali which is growing in tourism is what causes many investors to build buildings in Bali. Different from before, the island of Bali has many rice fields and plants, as well as clear water that makes the mind drift away. In the past, Balinese people easily got agricultural products such as chilies, vegetables and others. After the rice fields in Bali were converted into buildings, little land was used as a place to grow these plants. This is because the prices of our basic necessities in Bali are increasing. If we remember, we should be in Bali who bring in a lot of guests, making Bali Island an island that has high regional income. However, we have all felt that now the prices of basic necessities in Bali are increasing. Natural resources in Bali are increasingly scarce, rice fields in Bali are increasingly depleted. Who can be blamed if it's like this? Not just natural resources, but technological developments that increasingly want to make us spoiled or dependent on technology. Different from before, Balinese people at home each have rice fields that can be used to grow plants that are useful for the Balinese people, such as chili plants, banana trees, tomato plants, vegetables and others. Now, are there any of you who plant these plants? Does anyone still have rice fields? Now in Bali, many people have houses that have been influenced by foreign culture. This is because few have rice fields or plants that can be used for basic needs or coral reefs. If it is related to the increase in prices of basic commodities in Bali, it is appropriate that the Kitri coral can restore the fulfillment of our basic needs in our respective homes. If every yard or yard in Bali had coral reefs, basic prices on the market would definitely not increase because there would be no shortage of basic necessities. This Kitri coral can be included in traditional village regulations so that the community can all develop Kitri coral in their own homes and in traditional villages make sekeha which are taken by each family head in each coral to get information about the Kitri coral and Kitri coral in their respective homes. Each can be sold at the Pekraman village level. Immediately, it became a Ratribraskita movement which means Digital Based Kitri Coral, which has the aim of preserving Kitri Coral even when they become extinct and bringing greenery to the household. Hopefully this RATRIBRASKITA program can provide good benefits. I apologize if there are any shortcomings, I will close with Parama Santih. Om Santih, Santih, Santih Om  
Indonesia has a large population of diverse religions, namely Islam, Hinduism, Protestant Christianity, Catholicism, Buddhism and Confucianism. Everyone, especially in Bali, has a religion that is adhered to according to their respective beliefs. Even the right to freedom of religion is also guaranteed in Article 29 paragraph two of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, which states "The state guarantees the freedom of each resident to embrace their own religion and to worship according to their religion and beliefs." From the diversity of religions, of course, everyone must have awareness within themselves in order to maintain inter-religious harmony. Maintaining inter-religious harmony must of course be based on our country's motto, namely "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" (Unity in Diversity). This motto means that even though we are different, we are still one. From the meaning of the motto, as religious people who adhere to different religions, they must be able to maintain religious harmony with each other. Maintaining religious harmony can be done by helping each other regardless of everyone's religious background, respecting each other among fellow religions who are carrying out religious ceremonies, and giving each other to complement each other regardless of differences in religion. In Bali, the implementation of maintaining inter-religious harmony is carried out through the teachings of "Asah, Asih, Asuh". This teaching guides each individual to be compassionate, compassionate, and caring towards others, even though they have different religions. Asah means equal. Because they are equal, in fact, one religion and another is the same in God's eyes, the only difference being the name and the way of worship. Asih means to love and care. Maintaining religious harmony can be done by mutual love, tolerance, and increasing social awareness towards others, as well as helping one another. Asuh means fostering or nurturing each other. Every religious person can be an example that can be emulated by anyone, regardless of their religion, because the true values of virtue in every religion are universal. If Asah, Asih, Asuh is built in every religious soul, religious harmony will undoubtedly be built with a solid foundation and not easily shaken by anything.  
Missiles and shelling continued to rain down on Ukrainian cities after Russia launched a ground invasion and full-scale air strikes, forcing civilians to take shelter in the metro system, with 100,000 people fleeing. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said across Ukraine, at least 137 "heroes" died and 316 people were injured after the first day of fighting. He called for conscripts and reservists across the country to fight in general mobilization. In addition, after several weeks of attacks, the United Nations (UN) Human Rights office has reported that more than 900 Ukrainians have died since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. More than 1,450 people were injured. To quote France24. Lacking information from the worst affected cities, including Mariupol, the actual toll is estimated to be much higher. With these constant attacks causing the number of victims to continue to grow, it is very sad to reveal how the country that is loved by its citizens has become a place where attacks are being carried out every day. How can Ukrainians sleep peacefully, work and resume their normal activities if attacks such as bombs, explosions and heavy security continue to lurk on the sides of Ukrainian cities. These things have caused not a few of Ukrainian citizens to flee to cities and even other countries to seek security, of course it is our duty to maintain humanity. So what are the things we need to do? Following in the footsteps of European countries in terms of providing assistance, such as: Poland who helped the refugees, since the refugees arrived, the Polish government established reception posts and provided basic needs and even many people there were involved in solidarity actions and became volunteers. In addition, the British government will also provide 350 pounds or Rp. 6.53 million per month for residents hosting Ukrainian refugees. The aid is for residents who provide room or property for Ukrainian refugees for six months. Not only assistance in the form of food and property, other countries have also launched the Eurostar rail transport service offering free travel for Ukrainian citizens entering the UK from Paris, Brussels and Amsterdam. Rail companies in Poland, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Denmark and France have also launched similar schemes for those displaced. This proves that other countries want to channel aid to Ukraine. Even if it's not aid on a very large scale, we can still use the area we live in to emulate what these countries have done in keeping Ukrainians hopeful that they can live a more peaceful life without the threat of invasion. Together we help each other by accepting refugees to take up residence in our area Bali, the area we live in today is already fairly rich with the area and accommodation needs that are currently available. We must treat the refugees as family by providing them with whatever facilities we can. In addition, there is a need for employment opportunities to help the displaced residents improve their current financial situation, which is currently unstable due to the invasion. For example, in the Gianyar Klungkung area, where they are currently used to learn important things in crafts and use them as a livelihood. Then, in the Tabanan area to help refugees in terms of food such as rice. Wherever the refugees find their place, they can also use areas other than these areas to help ease the financial and mental burden of the attacks that took place in Ukraine. Bali also has other areas that are specifically as popular tourist attractions in foreign countries. Apart from the implied facts, it can be said that it is not only countries in Europe that are distributing aid, Indonesia also needs to reach out to citizens from several aspects. The things that we can see are how the condition of Indonesian citizens who were at that time slumped and did not know the certainty of their mental safety, but we must be grateful because they were able to return safely to the arms of their beloved family. We also need to extend this assistance to foreigners who became refugees due to the invasion that occurred. We must share help and love in a neutral manner regardless of where the people in need come from.  
This baligraphy reads the 78th Indonesian Independence Day. This baligraphy is the result of a baligraphy competition in the framework of celebrating the anniversary of SMK Negeri 5 Denpasar as well as celebrating the 78th anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia.  +
Om Swastyastu, My deepest respect to all the judges. My respects to the BASAbali Wiki team My respects to all participants of the Public Participation Wikithon, Allow me to speak a little on the issue of indigenous peoples’ rights. My name is I Komang Sapa. I am from the lava world of Karangasem, I live on the slopes of Bali’s most majestic Mount Agung, in Jungutan Village. As Indonesian citizens, indigenous peoples should have equal rights in terms of land ownership, economic activities, as well as social rights. However, the Job Creation Law (Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja), especially the article on investment ownership as a step to opening new jobs, could backfire on the rights of indigenous peoples or people living in villages. The Indigenous Peoples Alliance of the Archipelago (AMAN) believes that the Job Creation Law (Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja) can pave the way for investors who will run their businesses and process natural resources. However, it will be a problem that can make the people in the village lose. Because people in indigenous villages still make a living through customary land, forests, rice fields and others. Not only is it used as a place to make a living, there are also those who live, make pindik (a local dish), or use the land as a place to build a house. What’s more, since the process of creating the Job Creation Bill started, indigenous peoples have not been included in discussions, even though the people in the village are the most affected. Well, people, because there are different interests here, between indigenous peoples and investors, the government faces a dilemma, when passing this Indigenous Peoples Bill. For example, in the case of the Natural Tourism Park (TWA) in Batur, Kintamani, Bangli, there are still parties from the indigenous community or in the village who feel disadvantaged by the arrival of investors. Ladies and gentlemen, why do we have to speak out about this situation? It is because, as the next generation of the nation, we must participate in preserving the culture, cultural values that have long been the identity of the nation. Especially in the current times, it is very important that we participate and agree in preserving traditional values. This is not just about preserving our traditional heritage, but also about educating our character and morals as human beings who are easily exposed to foreign influences. Also, we must strengthen adat (indigenous laws), recognize the rights of these indigenous peoples, protect, respect and fulfill their human rights. My hope is for prospective leaders to solve this problem quickly through policies that really make the Indigenous Village sustainable even though there are investors who come in to participate in developing the area so that it becomes stronger. Likewise, the government must come to the Indigenous Village, discuss with the community there before issuing permits, let alone policies. Okay, that’s all I can say to all of you. If there are any mistakes in my speech, please forgive me. In closing, I end with parama santhi. Om Santih, Santih, Santih, Om.  
The Shepherd asked for I Bulan's help because he was chased by Hala Na Godang whose eggs were eaten.  +
Formerly in the story of the hero, now famous as the son of Ida Bhatata Bayu and Anjani named Hanuman, he has supernatural powers unbeatable by weapons and can decide his life according to what he thinks. Despite having such supernatural powers, Hanuman always behaved well and carried out his duties. This needs to be used as self-sufficiency by the government, so that after getting a position and having the obligation to speak and behave according to the truth, not only selfish. The people respect Hanoman because he always does good. But the government will be famous if it does not abuse its power.  +
Dang Hyang Nirartha wrote many kakawin poems in Kawi language. He came to Bali in 1489 and became purohita (king's spiritual advisor) in Gelgel during King Waturenggong’s reign. During his time as a royal priest, he made several holy trips around the islands of Bali, Lombok and Sumbawa to protect the existence of Hinduism. Dang Hyang Nirartha is known not only for his philosophical skills, but also because he is a qualified poet. One of the kakawin poems he wrote was Hanyang Nirartha, which he wrote on palm leaves. The Kakawin is said to have been written along the coast of southern Bali, when he saw the scenery of the beach and pudak trees (pandanus) that smelled so fragrant. This Kakawin has been translated into Indonesian by Ida Bagus Agastia, and collected in a book titled "At the Foot of the Island of Bali". The book tells how Dang Hyang Nirartha wrote his kakawin along the coast of southern Bali to Uluwatu. Hanyang Nirartha is a “pujasastra”. A “pujasastra” means a work of literature that aims to praise someone or something. In this kakawin, Dang Hyang Nirartha praised the omnipotence of God which is manifested in various natural beauty such as beaches, coral rocks, flowers and breezes. He attributed that beauty to the beauty of a woman. According to Hanyang Nirartha, the beauty of nature also exists in the human body, so that between humans and nature cannot be separated. What is in nature, also exists in the human body. If nature is destroyed, then the human body and mind are also damaged. According to Hanyang Nirartha, the balance of nature will affect the balance of humans. If human’s life is in riots, there is certainly something wrong with nature. If there are many disasters in nature, we can be sure that humans have deviated from the path of truth.  +
Hope bali can implement planting cables. In Bali there are always dangling cables. The cables destroy the atmosphere of the sky which is blocked by the cables. Sometimes these dangling cables that are loose also endanger motorists passing by. So it is hoped that the Bali government can implement a planting cable  +
This year, the prices of basic necessities are rising, and there are no signs of them returning to normal or decreasing from their usual prices. Is it due to many crop failures in the current season causing the prices to skyrocket? Or is it because fertilizer prices are rising? If indeed there are crop failures and rising fertilizer prices, I would like the local government to take immediate action to address the increasing prices of basic necessities. This could include subsidizing fertilizers and encouraging farmers and the community to utilize small plots for farming using hydroponic methods. The implementation of a hydroponic farming program by the local government would assist the entire community in Karangasem and beyond, possibly throughout Indonesia, in addressing the ongoing rise in basic necessities prices. Hydroponic farming does not require significant costs or extensive land; it only requires consistency in creating the necessary tools. The tools needed don't have to be new; recycled items like unused but still functional pipes and buckets or old paint cans can be utilized. Therefore, I hope the implementation of a program like this can address the rising prices of basic necessities. This program could also contribute to reducing poverty rates in Karangasem and its surrounding areas.  +
Mpu Panuluh wrote Kakawin Hariwangsa by adapting from its Sanskrit version. This Kakawin was written during the reign of King Jayabhaya from Kediri. Usually, almost all kakawin writing projects are sponsored by the king. Therefore, a mpu or rakawi (author of kakawin) usually gets royalties from the king in the form of land, gold or life insurance. Rakawis or poets usually do not use real names. Therefore, the name of Mpu Panuluh was not a real name. The word 'mpu' itself means 'respectable one' and is not only used to greet priests or rakawis. Hariwangsa tells about various events regarding the history of Sri Krishna and the Yadu people and their relationship with the Pandavas in the Mahabharata. The point of this story is Sri Krishna's marriage to Rukmini. In each kakawin script, the writer kakawin (rakawi) usually includes the name of the king who sponsored it. In Kakawin Hariwangsa, Mpu Panuluh said that he composed the kakawin upon Raja Jayabhaya's blessing. The existence of sponsorship of poets and writers proves that the kings of ancient Java had great attention to literacy.  +
Environmental education through the implementation of educational programs on waste sorting and the establishment of a Waste Bank.  +
Peaceful or "Harmonisai" when socializing should be held tightly in order to find safety. On the street of Amlapura City there is the Garuda Pancasila Monument which is our basis or guideline as Indonesian citizens. The existence of this monument aims to remind all residents to implement the values of Panca Sila in their lives.  +
According to KBBI (the official Indonesian Language Dictionary), harmony means not fighting, being united in heart, agreeing, in a good and peaceful manner. We must understand these five things and have them within each of us. According to Setara Institute researchers, one of the trends throughout 2022 is the continued increase in cases of disturbances to places of worship. Then, there are other trends such as violations of freedom of religion and belief. Of the 333 acts of violation of freedom of religion and belief, 94 were mostly committed by residents (quoted from the @voaindonesia upload). With the cases that occurred, the meaning of harmony faded. It is only spoken in the mouth but cannot be felt in reality. The motto ‘harmony is cool’ is, in my opinion, not quite right, because Basuki Tjahaya Purnama once said “If an official is not corrupt, they do not need to be respected because that is indeed their oath of office.” It’s the same with harmony. We must understand, own and do it to our fellow human beings. From the smallest scale, namely in the family, we must provide education about harmony, as well as at school. This is the most basic foundation in character building. In society, we must also have the courage to be agents of change, setting an example that whatever religion we adhere to (which has been recognized by the Indonesian government) is good. We should not gossip, for example when we are working late at the office to replace a colleague who is having a holiday service. Unity can be shown by no discrimination among friends and being willing to get along with any friends at school and agreeing to help for the religious holidays. Also, we can start simple benevolence by saying ‘sorry’, ‘thank you’ and ‘please’ to anyone. These things are just small things that we can definitely do. The advantages if we are religiously in harmony are discounts and holidays that can be enjoyed by anyone. So, what extraordinary thing will you do today to keep harmony?  
The various religions that we follow, the various beliefs that we hold and the various types of tribes that adorn each region are forms of the diversity of the Indonesian people. The thousands of types of people we meet every day certainly have various characteristics and characteristics, many of them have teachings that they adhere to and not a few also teach about goodness and harmony. One of the teachings of Hinduism that is still relevant to today's developments is Tat Twam Asi. This teaching is considered to be able to provide a harmonious atmosphere and inter-religious harmony. Tat Twam Asi which literally comes from Sanskrit which means I or you are the same. Tat twam asi is an idea which means that I am you and you are me, in this case the teachings of tat twam asi focus on the idea of purpose and role as living beings who are truly born from God, which have both similarities and differences that we must appreciate and be grateful as His gift. Appreciate in maintaining peace among humans, as well as teach us to live in harmony and love one another. Tat twam asi is an effective basis for providing positive space for movement in the life of different religions. This teaching is actually a good basis for building harmony in life. The words "I am you" and "You are me" show that we are not different, but one. Tat twam asi which is a form of teaching to create true human beings who are born, live and die always depend on others. So diversity is a sure thing in life. But having each other, respecting and loving each other will unite us, shape personality and harmony in all lines of life, which will ultimately be able to create a strong nation based on the precepts of Belief in One Almighty God.  +
Chapter 10: Strategies and Solutions for the Future Bali Looking ahead, Bali faces significant challenges in maintaining its cultural uniqueness and physical environment while improving the livability and quality of life for its residents. As an author, I will attempt to provide some solutions and strategies that the government and community in Bali could potentially adopt. Firstly, the key to Bali's future lies in striking a balance between preservation and modernization. Tourism is the main source of income for many Balinese people, but the growth of this industry must be carefully monitored to minimize its negative impact on the environment and local culture. Sustainable tourism, which promotes environmental preservation and respects local traditions and customs, should be a primary focus. For example, implementing visitor limits at historical and sacred sites can help maintain the integrity of these locations. Secondly, improving access to education and healthcare is crucial for enhancing the quality of life. By enhancing the quality and accessibility of education, the younger generation in Bali can be prepared to compete in the global economy without abandoning their cultural heritage. Similarly, access to affordable and high-quality healthcare services is essential for livability and quality of life. Thirdly, empowering the local economy and diversifying the economic sector is also important. Establishing cooperatives and providing training and support for small and medium-sized enterprises can help the Balinese community harness the potential of the local economy and reduce dependence on the tourism sector. Lastly, community involvement in decision-making and planning is key to the success of these strategies. The Balinese community should feel that they have a voice and control over the future of their island. This can be achieved through increased community participation in the planning and policymaking processes. In conclusion, the challenges faced by Bali require a holistic and inclusive approach that considers all aspects of life on the island. By focusing on environmental preservation, education and healthcare, and the empowerment of the local economy, we can help create a bright and sustainable future for Bali and its residents.  
I think yes, if you have money, you have power. But for me not. Anyway, if you want to be a leader, be a qualified leader, a true leader who has a clear vision and mission, is creative, innovative, inspiring, run a democratic government, and is not authoritarian, let alone corrupt. Promises were made during the campaign period; after taking office, they immediately forgot their promises.  +