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A list of all pages that have property "Biography text" with value "I Made Lasmawan was born in the village of Bangah, Baturiti region, Tab". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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  • I Gusti Ngurah Made Agung  + (I Gusti Ngurah Made Agung (5 April 1876 – I Gusti Ngurah Made Agung (5 April 1876 – 22 September 1906) was the King of Badung VII and a fighter who helped the Dutch East Indies government who was appointed a National Hero of Indonesia by President Joko Widodo on November 5, 2015. His literature, such as Geguritan Dharma Sasana, Geguritan Niti Raja Sasana, Geguritan Nengah Jimbaran, Kidung Loda, Kakawin Atlas, and Geguritan Hredaya Sastraakawin Atlas, and Geguritan Hredaya Sastra)
  • I Gusti Ngurah Parsua  + (I Gusti Ngurah Parsua, born in Bondalem, BI Gusti Ngurah Parsua, born in Bondalem, Buleleng, Singaraja, December 22, 1946. He writes poetry, short stories, novels, essays, etc. His works have been published in the Bali Post, Karya Bakthi, Nusa Tenggara, Bali Cuier, Merdeka, Berita Buana, Beritha Yudha, Suara Karya, Sinar Harapan, Simponi, Swadesi, Experiments, Heroine, Suara Pembangunan, Mutu, Arena, Bukit Barisan Minggu Morning, Priority, Voice of Renewal, El Horas. General and Cultural Magazine: Expression, Basis, Horizon, Topic, Tifa Sastra, Cultural Council and Literary Council, Malaysia. A collection of his poems: “Matahari” (1970), “After the Wind Blows” (1973), “Poems of Dukana” (1982), “Ten Poets Indonesia Malaysia” (1983), Duka Air Mata Bangsa” (1998), “Bahana In Margarana”, (2005), etc. In the field of prose, among others: "The Nature of Man and Life" (Esai Arts and Culture, 1999), "As Hard as Steel" (Collection of short stories, 1984), "Sembilu in the Park" (Novel, 1986), "Rumah Penghabisan" (collection of short stories, 1995), “Women in the Silent Harbor” (Collection of short stories 2001), “Senja Di Taman Kota” (Collection of short stories, 2004), etc. </br></br>His poem entitled “Khabar” was translated by Kemala (a Malaysian poet and literature researcher) and then published in Asia Week magazine (1983). His poem entitled “To Bali” was translated into English by Vern Cork and published with other Balinese poets under the title “The Morning After” (2000).nder the title “The Morning After” (2000).)
  • I Gusti Ngurah Putu Buda  + (I Gusti Ngurah Putu Buda is an artist bornI Gusti Ngurah Putu Buda is an artist born in Sangeh, Badung, Bali. He completed his art education at ISI Denpasar. Since 2002 he has been active in many joint exhibitions, at home and abroad, including TANDA HATI at Tony Raka Gallery Mas Ubud (2012), Ten Years After at Sinsin Fine Art Anex Villa Hongkong (2013), Ulu Teben art Bentara Budaya Bali ( 2015). His solo exhibitions include Time is like to Bomb at kiridesa the Gallery Singapore (2006), Black and White world Copsa Gallery London (2006), Mystical Spirit II at Kiridesa The Gallery & Oorja zone, Dubai (2007), Seizing A Space at 6 Point Cafe-Shop-Office, Sanur Bali (2013). In 2004, he Reached Top Finalist in 2004 Sovereign Annual Contemporary Asian Art Prize Hongkong. Currently, he is active in the Militans Arts Community., he is active in the Militans Arts Community.)
  • I Gusti Ngurah Putu Wijaya  + (I Gusti Ngurah Putu Wijaya or better knownI Gusti Ngurah Putu Wijaya or better known as Putu Wijaya, is an Indonesian literary icon from Bali, who has produced approximately 30 novels, 40 drama scripts, about a thousand poems, hundreds of essays, freelance articles, and drama criticism. Putu Wijaya also writes screenplays for films and soap operas.</br></br>Putu himself is actually the youngest of five siblings. He lives in a large housing complex, which houses about 200 people, whose family members are all near and far, and have a habit of reading. The humanist with his white pet hat was expected to become a doctor by his father, I Gusti Ngurah Raka, a retired courtier who was strict in educating children. However, Putu is more familiar with the world of literature, language, and earth science. Putu's first short story entitled "Etsa" was published in the Indonesian daily Suluh, Bali.</br></br>The first drama Putu played was when he was in high school. Putu directed and played the drama himself with the group he founded in Yogyakarta. After 7 years in Yogyakarta, he then moved to Jakarta and joined Teater Kecil. Next with the Mandiri Theater which was founded in 1971, with the concept of "Starting from What's Existing".</br></br>Putu's style of writing novels is not much different from his style of writing drama. As in his drama works, in his novels he tends to use an objective style in the center of the story and a style that is full of fragments of events that are dense, intense in choice, and expressive language. Putu is more concerned with reflection than history.</br></br>A fan of dangdut, rock, classical music by Bach or Vivaldi, and jazz, he writes and directs films, soap operas, and theatre. Putu has performed dozens of plays at home and abroad and has won dozens of awards for his literary works.n dozens of awards for his literary works.)
  • I Gusti Putu Bawa Samar Gantang  + (I Gusti Putu Bawa Samar Gantang was born iI Gusti Putu Bawa Samar Gantang was born in Tabanan, Tegal Belodan on September 27th, 1949. His father was named I Gusti Gedé Pegug and his mother Gusti Ayu Nyoman Rerep. His father was a dancer and in the Dutch colonial era he became a soldier in the Gajah Merah (Red Elephant) division of the Netherlands Indies Civil Administration (NICA). Samar Gantang attended elementary school (Sekolah Rakyat) in 1955 in Pengabetan, Dauh Pala, Tabanan, and graduated in 1963. He continued on to Tabanan Junior High School 1, and beginning at that time he delighted in reading literary books. He began to write modern Balinese and Indonesian literature in 1968 while still in Tabanan High School (now Tabanan State High School 1). In 1973 he became an honorary teacher at Harapan Junior High School, and he also became a teacher at Junior High School TP 45 (no longer in existence), State Junior High School 3, Pemuda Junior High School, Dharma Bhakti Junior High School, Tabanan State Junior High School 2. In 1974, he became a permanent teacher at Tabanan State Junior High School 2 and taught painting.</br></br>His works are published in the newspapers Bali Post, Nusa Tenggara, DenPost, Warta Minggu, Santan Simponi, Swadesi, Suara Karya, Sinar Harapan, Media Indonesia, Karya Bhakti, Suara Nusa, Fajar, Zaman, Top, Aktuil, Sarwa Bharata Eka, Varianada, Canangsari, Buratwangi, Merdeka Minggu, Baliaga, Taksu, and Majalah Éksprési.</br></br>For 10 years he has contributed to broadcasts reading poetry on RRI Studio Denpasar, Menara Studio Broadcasting, Cassanova, and Kini Jani Tabanan. He always travels from Tabanan to Denpasar by riding a roadster bicycle. Furthermore, he has also received invitations from LIA Surabaya or PPIA, Bali Museum, IKIP Saraswati, Balai Budaya Denpasar, STSI Surakarta, STSI Denpasar, ISI Yogyakarta, Taman Izmail Marzuki, the Jakarta National Gallery, and Yayasan Hari Puisi. He was invited to read his poetry in Malaysia and Singapore in 1986. In Tabanan he founded Sanggar Pelangi (Rainbow Studio) in 1976 and now has changed the name to Sanggar Sastra Remaja Indonesia (SSRI, Indonesian Teenage Literature Studio) of Bali, which disseminates modern Balinese and Indonesian literature to students at elementary, junior high, and vocational/high schools and young adolescents who enjoy literature.</br></br>He received first place in Bali-wide poetry writing in 1979, the national championship of poetry writing in Yogyakarta in 1982, top eight in literary performance at Taman Ismail Marzuki in 1989, and first place in tourism poetry writing which was held by Yayasan Komindo Jakarta in 1991. In the field of Balinese literature he received the Satya Lencana Karya Satya award, first place in Bali-wide poetry writing, essays, and poetry recitation in 2000 and 2001. He earned the "CAKEPAN" award in 2001 from Majalah Sarad and released a book of collected poems entitled "Aab Jagat". He was also honored with the 2003 Rancage Literary Award.</br></br>Books which have been released containing his work include Hujan Tengah Malam (1974), Kisah Sebuah Kota Pelangi (1976), Kabut Abadi (1979) bersama Diah Hadaning, Antologi Puisi Pendapa Taman Siswa Sebuah Episode (1982), Antologi Puisi Asean (1983), Antologi Puisi LIA (1979), Kalender Puisi (1981), Antologi Festival Puisi XI PPIA (1990), Spektrum (1988), Taksu (1991), Antologi Potret Pariwisata dalam Puisi (1991), Antologi Puisi Kebangkitan Nusantara I (1994), Antologi Puisi Kebangkitan Nusantara II (1995), Antologi Puisi Kidung Kawijayan (1995), Antologi Puisi Kebangkitan Nusantara III (1996), Antologi Puisi Pos Nusantara Lokantara (1999), Aab Jagat (2001), Perani Kanti (2002), Onyah (2002), Somya (2002), Sagung Wah (2002), Macan Radén (2002), Berkah Gusti (2002), Sang Bayu Telah Mengiringi Kepergiannya (2002), Puisi Modré Samar Gantang (2002), Antologi Puisi HP3N Nuansa Tatwarna Batin (2002), Bali Sané Bali (Pupulan Durmanggala, 2004), Awengi ring Hotél Séntral (2004), Pakrabatan Puisi Tegal DIHA Tebawutu (2004), Kesaksian Tiga Kutub (puisi lan cerpén, 2004), Léak Raré (2004), Léak di Bukit Pecatu (2005), Léak Satak Dukuh (2006), Ketika Tuhan Menyapaku (2006), Dipuncakmu Aku Bertemu (2008), and Jangkrik Maénci (2009).</br></br>He is famous for modern poetry and keeping audiences on the edge of their seats. His work mostly uses mystical themes like "léak" (a person/spirit who practices black magic), and this can be seen in his Balinese-language books such as in the book Léak Kota Pala, Puisi Modré Samar Gantang, Léak Bukit Pecatu, Jangkrik Maénci, and others.Bukit Pecatu, Jangkrik Maénci, and others.)
  • I Gusti Putu Gede Wedhasmara  + (I Gusti Putu Gede Wedhasmara was born in DI Gusti Putu Gede Wedhasmara was born in Denpasar, September 10, 1932. He is a songwriter from Bali. His songs were popular in the 1960s and 1970s and are still widely enjoyed by his fans. The magazine "Rolling Stone Indonesia" in its February 2014 issue included Wedhasmara in the "100 Best Indonesian Songwriters".</br></br>Wedhasmara since childhood loved the world of singing. After completing his junior high school education in Denpasar Bali, Wedhasmara continued his education at Santo Thomas High School in Yogyakarta City. In 1956-1963, Wedhasmara worked at the Jakarta Agriculture Bureau.</br></br>Wedhaswara was recorded to have joined various musical groups such as the Denpasar Joint Orchestra, Denpasar Keroncong Orchestra, the Mulyana Sutedja Quartet Yogyakarta, the Keroncong Orchestra led by Sukmini Yogyakarta, the Malay Orchestra Ria Bluntas, Zaenal Combo, and Empat Nada.</br></br>Wedhasmara's well-known songs “Senja di Batas Kota” and “You are always in my heart” were popularized by singer Ernie Djohan. "Carolus” was popularized by singer Lilis Surjani. These songs are timeless songs that will always be remembered, and to this day they are still often played on the radio in their original versions.</br></br>In 2011, Wedhasamara received an Art Award from the Minister of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia. Previously, Wedhasamara also received awards from the Mayor of Denpasar (2003), Governor of Bali (2003). and the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (1982). Wedhasmara died in Denpasar on April 17, 2017.asmara died in Denpasar on April 17, 2017.)
  • I Kadek Surya Kencana  + (I Kadek Surya Kencana was born in Dalung, I Kadek Surya Kencana was born in Dalung, Bali, January 24, 1986. He graduated from Ganesha University of Education, Bali. Won 2nd place in the National Student Poetry Writing Contest (Ministry of National Education, 2005) and 1st Place in Bali Poetry Writing Contest (2007). His poems have been published in the Bali Post and various other media, and are summarized in the book Herbarium (2007), The Buleleng Dancers (2008), Chewing Furious (2017). Now he works as a journalist in Denpasar. Now he works as a journalist in Denpasar.)
  • I Ketut Alon  + (I Ketut Alon (1932 – 1993) was a sculptor I Ketut Alon (1932 – 1993) was a sculptor born in Banjar Tarukan, Mas Village, Ubud, Bali. He studied carving from the sculptor Ida Bagus Nyana. He makes many wooden statues with puppet themes (Mahabarata and Ramayana) and also humanist themes of daily life. Many of his works are collected by foreign tourists. He was invited to exhibit in Japan in 1981, 1982 and 1985.</br></br>In 1968, he founded "I Ketut Alon Balinese Art Shop & Wood Carver" which later changed to "Alon Gallery" in 1991. The gallery is located on Jalan Raya Mas, Ubud and is managed by one of his sons, I Kadek Ariasa. In the gallery there is also the Githa Ariswara Studio which was founded in 2000 and operates in the field of dance and percussion under the I Ketut Alon Foundation. The foundation also established the Sarin Rare Education Park, which is heavily involved in art education for children.eavily involved in art education for children.)
  • I Ketut Aryawan Kenceng  + (I Ketut Aryawan Kenceng was born in BanjarI Ketut Aryawan Kenceng was born in Banjar Bendul, Klungkung, December 22, 1959. He completed elementary to high school in Klungkung and studied at the English Faculty of Udayana University for five semesters. He then worked in the tourism sector in Denpasar and wrote literature in Balinese and Indonesian. His Indonesian poems were published in the Bali Post, Simfoni, Swadesi. His Balinese poetry was published in Bali Orti Bali Post and Pos Bali. His collection of Balinese poetry has been published under the titles Beruk (2014), Bikul (2014), Bubu (2015), Rwa Bhineda (2015).l (2014), Bubu (2015), Rwa Bhineda (2015).)
  • I Ketut Suasana  + (I Ketut Atmosphere alias Kabul, was born iI Ketut Atmosphere alias Kabul, was born in Apuan, Tabanan, December 30, 1978. He completed his art education at ISI Denpasar. Kabul's works have a lot to say about the life of bees/wasps. For Kabul, the bee is a metaphor to describe human life. Since 2003, Kabul has been diligently involved in many joint exhibitions, both at home and abroad. His solo exhibitions include "Bee Atmosphere" at Sudana Gallery, Ubud, Bali (2009) and "Suhu Bee" at Maha Art Gallery, Renon, Bali (2010). Apart from painting, Kabul is also diligent in holding performance art and murals.ent in holding performance art and murals.)
  • I Ketut Eriadi Ariana  + (I Ketut Eriadi Ariana was born in Bangli, I Ketut Eriadi Ariana was born in Bangli, 1994. Currently completing postgraduate studies at the Linguistics Masters Study Program, Literary Discourse Concentration, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Udayana University. His daily life is as a journalist and singer at Ulun Danu Batur Temple, Batur Traditional Village, Bangli (since January 8 2020). A number of his Balinese language poems and essays were published in mass media such as, Media Bali, Pos Bali, Suara Saking Bali, and Nuansa Bali Magazine. Balinese poetry was published in the single anthology Ulun Danu (2019). His writings have also been published in books such as Prabhajnyana: Mosaic of Lontar Library Studies, Udayana University (2020), Gocara Literary Journal, Ancient Javanese Literature Study Program, Udayana University, and Sarasastra: Balinese Cultural Thought Center (2020). Meanwhile, his first book of single essays is entitled Ecologisme Batur (2020). He once served as Secretary of the DPK Peradah Indonesia Badung (2016-2017), before being entrusted with the duties as Chair of the DPK Peradah Indonesia Bangli (2018-2021). DPK Peradah Indonesia Bangli (2018-2021).)
  • I KETUT MARIO  + (I Ketut Mario is thought to have been bornI Ketut Mario is thought to have been born in Belaluan village, Denpasar, and later grew up in Banjar Lebah, Tabanan. An aristocrat named Anak Agung Ngurah Made Kaleran, who loved the arts and gave much support to artists in his region, has been identified as his adopted father.</br></br>Mario first became a dancer for the Pangkung Gong club in Tabanan. In 1958 he went with the group to Paris, Holland, England, America and Canada, and in 1962 they toured America.</br></br>Mario was not only a dancer, he was a choreographer as well. His monumental creation Kebyar Duduk, or if danced with trompong, Kebyar Trompong, stirred a revolution in Balinese dance. These creations contrasted greatly with other dancers of the time, being performed for the most part in a stooped sitting position. The birth of Kebyar Duduk in 1925 drew an enourmous influence from gamelan gong kebyar when Mario became accidentally entranced by the music he heard played by the musicians of Bantiran village. Another Mario's choreography is Oleg Tamulilingan, which he did in 1952. It also gave a contribution for the development of the Balinese dance.for the development of the Balinese dance.)
  • I Ketut Sadia  + (I Ketut Sadia is from Batuan, Sukawati, GiI Ketut Sadia is from Batuan, Sukawati, Gianyar, Bali. He studied painting with I Wayan Taweng (father) and I Wayan Bendi (brother). He actively exhibits at home and abroad, including at the Arma Museum, Puri Painting Museum, Neka Museum, Jakarta National Museum, Singapore Art Museum, Tempera Art Museum, Finland, Fukuoka Art Museum, and the Indonesian Embassy in Washington DC. Has won the 2008 Jakarta Art Award, Jakarta Art Award Finalist (2010, 2012), UOB Painting Of The Year Finalist (2012, 2013, 2014).g Of The Year Finalist (2012, 2013, 2014).)
  • I Ketut Sandika  + (I Ketut Sandika was born in Nyalian VillagI Ketut Sandika was born in Nyalian Village, Klungkung, Bali, February 11 1988. He studied at IHDN Denpasar. He wrote books about local wisdom and culture of the archipelago, especially Bali. He likes studying Balinese mysticism through studies of ancient texts, especially Old Javanese texts. The results of his studies were outlined in several books, including "Tantra, Ancient Science of the Archipelago", "Siwa Tattwa, Spiritual Teachings of the Ancestors of the Archipelago", "Sedulur Papat, Kalima Pancer, The Secret Science of Birth and Death", "Education According to the Vedas".eath", "Education According to the Vedas".)
  • I Ketut Soki  + (I Ketut Soki (1946-2022) was a successful I Ketut Soki (1946-2022) was a successful artist from Bali. As a boy, he was one of the first two children to receive art lessons from the famous artist Arie Smit, and so one of the founders of the "Young Artists" movement.</br></br>In 1960, Arie Smit went for a walk through the rice fields in Penestanan, Bali, and found a young boy drawing pictures in the sand. Smit invited the boy to his studio and gave him crayons and paper. The name of the young boy was I Nyoman Cakra. As a true Balinese, Nyoman didn't want to be alone, so he asked, "Can my nephew come too?" His nephew was I Ketut Soki and these two youths became Smit's first pupils.ese two youths became Smit's first pupils.)
  • I Ketut Sudarsana  + (I Ketut Sudarsana was born in Ulakan VillaI Ketut Sudarsana was born in Ulakan Village, Manggis, Karangasem, Bali on September 4, 1982. He is the youngest of three children born to I Ketut Derani (late) and Ni Ketut Merta. Married to Adi Purnama Sari and has four children; Saraswati Cetta Sudarsana, Kamaya Narendra Sudarsana, Ganaya Rajendra Sudarsana and Gayatri Metta Sudarsana. </br></br>He obtained a Bachelor (S1) Education in Hindu Religion at STAHN Denpasar (2004), and Masters (S2) in Hindu Religious Education at IHDN Denpasar (2009). In 2014 he completed his Doctoral (S3) education in Extension Education at the Graduate School of the Indonesian University of Education in Bandung. </br></br>On January 1, 2005 he became a permanent lecturer at the Hindu State University I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa Denpasar.University I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa Denpasar.)
  • I Ketut Sumarta  + (I Ketut Sumarta wrote poetry as a teenagerI Ketut Sumarta wrote poetry as a teenager under the pen name Dommy Lavawan and was widely published in the Bali Post. He then diligently performed theater and wrote essays in the mass media, to pursue the world of journalism. He joined the EDITOR Weekly News Magazine in Jakarta—which was finally banned by the New Order regime in 1994. After returning to Bali in 1995, he was asked to serve as the Managing Editor of the daily NUSA until he was entrusted as Director. Since early 2000, together with his friends in Bali, he has published as well as leading the monthly Balinese culture magazine, SARAD. His writings on Balinese culture, among others, have been published in Kompas, Gatra Magazine, BASIS Culture Magazine. His published books include: The Figure of the Artist and the Denpasar Arts Association (1999), Batur: The Heart of Bali's Water Civilization (2015), etc. of Bali's Water Civilization (2015), etc.)
  • I Ketut Suwidiarta  + (I Ketut Suwidiarta was born in Bongkasa, BI Ketut Suwidiarta was born in Bongkasa, Badung, Bali on 24 November 1976 and had just finished his study on Fine Arts Faculty of Indonesian Art Institute in Jogja. After finishing High School in Denpasar, Suwidiarta studied Japanese for a year. In 1998, he moved to Jogjakarta and there his artistic exploration begun. He was living in Gunarsa’s house in Jogjakarta while sketching and drawing Simbok Nah, the servant at the house. That’s when he was painted the bloated and dwarfed bodies.</br></br>In the recent years, Suwidiarta’s works are far more contemplative and universal in concept as he started the series in which Buddha’s figure appeared. His works are full with mockery and irony on people’s life, with a shifting to spiritual issues. I Ketut Suwidiarta currently lives and works in Jogjakarta.a currently lives and works in Jogjakarta.)
  • I Ketut Suwidja  + (I Ketut Suwidja was born in Singaraja, NovI Ketut Suwidja was born in Singaraja, November 20, 1939. He is a writer from Bali who writes in Balinese and Indonesian. He also wrote on palm leaves. Many of his poems have been published in the Bali Post, Karya Bakti, Nusa, etc. Also collected in a number of joint anthologies, such as “Hram” (1988). His solo poetry anthology in Balinese is “Panah Surya” (2000) published by Sanggar Buratwangi and Balai Bahasa Bali. He has won various awards, including the Listibiya Award (1982), the Bali Provincial Government Award (1998), the Bali Literature Award from the Rancage Foundation (2001). He worked at the Gedong Kertya lontar museum in Singaraja and died in 2009.ntar museum in Singaraja and died in 2009.)
  • I Ketut Tjekeg  + (I Ketut Tjekeg, born in Banjar Tarukan, MaI Ketut Tjekeg, born in Banjar Tarukan, Mas Village, Ubud, January 25 1942. He was an important figure in Mas Village, Ubud, who contributed a lot to the progress of the village. Since childhood, he has been active in the arts, including performing in dramas, making statues and carvings, and being active in various organizations. He graduated from the Dwijendra Hindu PGAA school in 1962. He was an honorary Hindu religion teacher at Gianyar State Middle School. Then he became a journalist at the newspaper "Suara Indonesia" which is now the "Bali Post". He also worked at the Bali Beach Hotel, Sanur. In the 1960s he was active as an administrator for the PNI/Front Marhaenis Ranting Mas. He was involved in the birth of many organizations in Mas Village, including the Mas Student Association (P.P.M.), Sekaa Teruna/Karang Taruna, Janger arts organization, and so on. He published the book Autobiography and Physical & Mental Spiritual Development (2022) which contains many stories of his life and the history of the development and development of Mas Village, Ubud.elopment and development of Mas Village, Ubud.)
  • I Ketut Wiana  + (I Ketut Wiana, born in Denpasar, 14 SeptemI Ketut Wiana, born in Denpasar, 14 September 1945. He was once a lecturer at the Denpasar State Hindu Dharma Institute (IHDN). He is also active in the Hindu PHDI institution and is often invited to give dharma discourses to Hindus in various corners of Indonesia. Apart from diligently filling in the Hindu Religion Pulpit column at the Bali Post, he has published many books related to Hinduism, including "Suksmaning Banten", "Maintaining the Vedic Tradition", "Religion in the Kali Era", "Tri Hita Karana According to Hindu Concepts", " Caste in Hinduism”. He died in Denpasar on April 19”. He died in Denpasar on April 19 2023.)
  • I Made "Romi" Sukadana  + (I Made "Romi" Sukadana was born in DenpasaI Made "Romi" Sukadana was born in Denpasar on January 22, 1973. He graduated in Fine Arts from ISI Denpasar. Since 1993, he has been active in many joint exhibitions, such as "Horizon" at the Maya Gallery, Sanur (2019), "On Fire" at Kaktus Art Space, Sanur (2018), "Magic of Bali" at Ira Kitzki Art Gallery, Frankfurt Germany ( 2014), and "Hidden Code" at Mayya Gallery, Frankfurt, Germany (2013). His single exhibitions include "Sides of Woman" at Paros Gallery, Sukawati, Bali (2001), "Dialogue with the Reality" in the Kamandalu Resort, Ubud (2007), "A Name" at Ten Fine Art, Sanur (2009), "Hidden Connection" at Ayucious Socialite House, Denpasar (2012), and "Hidden Connection III" at Tryst's Resto Kemang, Jakarta (2013). Romi's works demonstrate a variety of theme and styles but always contain their own distinct flavor. He is very capable of painting realism but can also paint impressive abstracts.m but can also paint impressive abstracts.)
  • I Made Arik Wira Putra  + (I Made Arik Wira Putra, born on April 23 1I Made Arik Wira Putra, born on April 23 1991, he is the son of Ni Nyoman Wangi</br> and I Nyoman Sulara. After studying for a bachelor's degree at Udayana University and a master's degree at the Hindu University of Indonesia, he has had many achievements since childhood, one of which was "the 1st National Champion of Palawakya in 2011". He is an author and he wants himself to be called a "Literature Enthusiast" not as a writer. He already has several works of Purwa Bali Literature, one of which is Kakawin Usadhi, one of which is Kakawin Usadhi Negari.)
  • Made Sarjana  + (I Made Bachelor was born in Denpasar, NoveI Made Bachelor was born in Denpasar, November 23, 1963. He graduated from Indonesian Literature, Faculty of Letters, Udayana University. He started writing poetry as a teenager and was widely published in the Bali Post on the motivation of Ida Bagus Dharma Palguna. His poetry has also been published in Horison Magazine, Kompas, as well as in the book Journey of the Night, Hijau Kelon, Sang Guru. He joined Sanggar Putih and was a journalist for Magazine Sarad (2000 – 2002). He has also won first place in the Poetry Writing Competition for Unud Academic Magazine (1985), first winner in the Bali Poetry Reading Contest (Faksas Unud), and 1st place in the Bali Teacher Poetry Reading Contest. Now he devotes himself as an elementary school teacher.s himself as an elementary school teacher.)
  • I Made Lasmawan  + (I Made Lasmawan was born in the village ofI Made Lasmawan was born in the village of Bangah, Baturiti region, Tabanan, island of Bali, Indonesia. in 1958. He has strong talent in the arts since childhood , and pursued his education at KOKAR (Conservatory for Traditional Performing Arts) in Denpasar, Bali, and graduated in 1977. He continued his studies in 1978 at STSI (Indonesian College of the Arts), in Surakarta (Solo), Central Java. There, he studied traditional Javanese music, receiving his Traditional Indonesian Music degree in 1983.</br></br>Lasmawan is the MASTER of all, National and International. Lasmawan has traveled throughout the world, including Belgium, France, England, Singapore, Japan and Mexico to perform with different cultural groups. He is a prolific composer who taught Balinese music at STSI from 1983 until 1990. Then, he was offered to San Diego State University to teach Javanese and Balinese music and culture. He moved and has been living in Colorado since 1993 as Artist-in-Residence with Gamelan Tunas Mekar, Pak Lasmawan also teaches Balinese gamelan at Colorado College, in Colorado Springs, UCCS in Colorado Springs, Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado, the University of Wyoming, in Laramie and the University of Colorado, in Boulder. He is one of the founder of Kyai BROJO MARTO Javanese Gamelan orchestra and teaches Javanese gamelan. It is very rare that a person can be the expert of both Javanese and Balinese gamelan. He is learning Thailand traditional music as well. Visiting Bali every year during Summer School break, Lasmawan developes a summer booth camp at his home village to run program for gamelan, dance and arts workshops.ram for gamelan, dance and arts workshops.)
 (I Made Lasmawan was born in the village of Bangah, Baturiti region, Tab)
  • I Made Mangku Pastika  + (I Made Mangku Pastika was born in Seririt,I Made Mangku Pastika was born in Seririt, Buleleng, 22 June 1951. He is an Indonesian politician and retired police officer. He has served as a member of the Regional Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia (DPD RI) representing Bali Province since 2019. Previously, he served as Governor of Bali for two terms from 2008 to 2018. He graduated from the Police Academy in 1974. His last rank in the police was Commissioner General of Police. He also served as Bali Police Chief (2003 – 2005).served as Bali Police Chief (2003 – 2005).)
  • I Made Suantha  + (I Made Suantha was born in Sanur, June 24,I Made Suantha was born in Sanur, June 24, 1967. He has been writing poetry since I was a teenager in the 1980s. His poetry was published in Bali Post, Mutiara, Pelita, Buana News, etc. His poetry books include Wind Blower (1989), Togog Yeh, Pastoral Butterfly (2008). He received the Widya Pataka award from the Governor of Bali (2008).ka award from the Governor of Bali (2008).)
  • I Made Suarsa  + (I Made Suarsa is a Balinese writer who comI Made Suarsa is a Balinese writer who comes from the arts world, namely Banjar Gelulung, Sukawati Village and District, Gianyar Regency. He was born on Saturday Wage Dukut, May 15, 1954. He is the second child of the late Balinese literary writer, the late. I Made Sanggra.</br> Mr. I Made Suarsa in the creative process of creating literary works has given birth to many Balinese Anyar literary works, as well as Balinese Purwa literary works such as Geguritan Tarunantaka, Geguritan Udayanotama Tattwa, Geguritan Kanakaning Kanaka, and Geguritan Korona Karana lan Kirana, a poem entitled "Ngiring Sayang" Manyangin”, a modern Balinese unit with the title “Buy, Tiang Ten Ngalih Fiance, Ten Ngalih Kurenan” and many of his extraordinary works.</br> Here I will discuss about one of his Geguritans, namely Geguritan Korona Karana and Kirana, which in simple terms contains about the emergence of the covid-19 virus to how we live side by side with this virus. When viewed from the equivalent of the words Geguritan Korona Karana and Kirana, it has the meaning of Corona which means covid-19, Karana which means that causes or causes, Kirana which means sunlight. So it can be concluded that Corona Karana and Kirana have the meaning of causing disease (grubug), one of which can cure is by (Kirana) sunlight.of which can cure is by (Kirana) sunlight.)
  • I Made Suartana  + (I Made Suartana, commonly known as Made SuI Made Suartana, commonly known as Made Suar-Timuhun in his works, was born in Banjar Tengah, Timuhun, Klungkung, June 17, 1987. He started writing modern Balinese literature while still in college and actively started writing in 2013. His poetry began to be published in Bali Orti (Bali Post) in April 2013 and in 2014 his poems were published in Mediaswari (Pos Bali). He was a speaker at the Ubud Writers and Readers Festival 2016. His collection of Balinese poetry entitled “Mlajah” was published by Pustaka Expression in 2014. In 2015 his collection of short stories was published by the same publisher. It is entitled “Book Jaen Living in Bali” and contains eighteen (18) short stories. and contains eighteen (18) short stories.)
  • I Made Sujaya  + (I Made Sujaya is a permanent lecturer at tI Made Sujaya is a permanent lecturer at the Indonesian and Regional Language Education Study Program (PBID), Faculty of Language and Arts Education (FPBS), IKIP PGRI Bali. Since August 2016 he has been working toward his Doctoral Degree in Linguistics, Concentration on Literary Discourse, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Unud.</br></br>Two of his books have been published, namely A Piece of Conscience Kuta: Notes on the Attitudes of Kuta Residents in the Tragedy of 12 October 2002 (2004) and Forbidden Marriages: Abstinence of Polygamy in Ancient Balinese Villages (2007). The second book led him to receive the "Widya Pataka" award from the Governor of Bali. In 2013, together with a number of Unud lecturers, they published a book on the Language Dynamics of Television, Internet, and Newspaper Media.</br></br>Apart from teaching, Sujaya is also a journalist and freelance editor at the daily DenPost which has been published in Denpasar since 1999. He is trusted to take care of literary and cultural pages. He was a correspondent for the student tabloid Wiyata Mandala (1996-1999). He has also been a contributor to The Jakarta Post and helped maintain the Balinese language page, “Bali Orti” on the Bali Post Sunday. Now he also maintains a special blog about Bali, a special blog about Bali,
  • I Made Sumadiyasa  + (I Made Sumadiyasa who goes by the name MadI Made Sumadiyasa who goes by the name Made was born in Bali 8 February 1971, in Langlanglinggah, Tabanan. Made is a dynamic Balinese artist whose expressive paintings encompass a universal spirit. His visual language goes beyond form and illusion, creating intense levels of emotion. He focuses on movement and color to bring out the spiritual essence of his subject. From the greatness of the natural world to the influence of culture and technology on the environment and humanity, Made continues to discover unlimited sources of inspiration for his artistry.</br></br>A graduate of the Indonesia Institute of Art (ISI Yogyakarta, Indonesia) in 1997, Made was the first Indonesian artist invited to participate in the prestigious ART ASIA International Fine Arts Exhibition held in the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong, 1995. In 1996, Made was the first Indonesian artist to have his painting (The Way to Eternity) featured on the full-cover of the prestigious Asian Art News magazine (Mar-Apr 1996).us Asian Art News magazine (Mar-Apr 1996).)
  • I Made Suparsana, S.Kom  + (I Made Suparsana, S.Kom, a man who graduatI Made Suparsana, S.Kom, a man who graduated from the STIKOM Bali Institute of Technology & Business. Graduated in 2021 and started developing a digital company called PT Foxbyte Global Inovasi located in Denpasar, Bali. Its business focuses on providing software solutions for the banking, retail, transportation, and startup industries. I Made Suparsana, S.Kom serves as a Project Manager in his company.</br>This company was born when the pandemic hit Indonesia. Many businesses are starting to go out of business and turn to digital services. From this momentum, Made Suparsana and his team saw that a change in trend was taking place where users had started to switch to digital services. The company has a vision of "To Be a Global Digital Solution Provider in the 4.0 Revolution Era". Solution Provider in the 4.0 Revolution Era".)
  • I Made Supena  + (I Made Supena was born in Singapadu, GianyI Made Supena was born in Singapadu, Gianyar, January 12, 1970. He studied fine arts at the Art and Design Program (PSRD) of Udayana University (1991-1997). He is the son of the legendary sculptor I Ketut Mudja. Supena's works are abstract by taking inspiration from nature. In addition to painting, he also makes sculpture, installation art, and works on performance art. Supena is also active in the visual arts groups “Galang Kangin” and “MilitanArts”.</br></br></br>Since 1991 Supena has been diligently involved in joint art exhibitions, both at home and abroad. While his solo exhibition was in 1998 at The Chedi Payangan Gallery, Bali. Then the exhibition Reality of Abstract Painting (Art Center Bali, 1999), Landscape und Abstraction (with Susena, Frankfrut, Germany, 2000), New painting (Suli Art Gallery, Denpasar, 2002), About Hature (Gallery Mon Décor, Jakarta, 2002 ), The Likeness of Nature (Ganesha Gallery, Bali, 2004), Studi Alam Supena (Danes Art Veranda Denpasar, 2005), Made Supena Landscape (Gracia Gallery, Surabaya, 2007), Emotion (Santrian Gallery Sanur, 2008), Genealogy (Jogja Gallery , Yogyakarta, 2010), Solitude of Child (Kubu Kopi Denpasar, 2015), Ritus Mountain (Maya Gallery, Sanur, 2017), Interpreting Feelings (Griya Santrian, Sanur, 2018).</br></br></br>Supena has won a number of awards including the Award for Sculpture Museum Bali, Denpasar (1991), Award of the Governor of Bali (1994), Award of the Embassy of Peru in Jakarta (1995), Award of Phillip Morris Arts Foundation (1997), Finalist of the Winsor-Newton Competition, Jakarta (2000), Certificate of Ownership, Wellculturen Frankfurt Museum, Germany (2010), Certificate Art Work Golden Land, BIAB Bejing, China (2015), Top 9 Titian Art Foundation ( 2017).</br></br> </br>On April 16, 2019 Supena died at Sanglah Hospital. He had severe bleeding in the brain due to an attack of hypertension. Bali lost one of its best artists.ension. Bali lost one of its best artists.)
  • I Nengah Jati  + (I Nengah Jati was born in Banjar Sama Undisan, Jehem Village, Bali, October 5, 1990. His poetry book is titled “Silunglung” (Expression Library, 2018). His works are also published in Suara Saking Bali.)
  • I Nengah Sujena  + (I Nengah Sujena was born in Bangli, Bali, I Nengah Sujena was born in Bangli, Bali, in 1976. He graduated from the Indonesian Institute of the Arts (ISI) Yogyakarta in 2005. Sujena has had solo exhibitions and participated in group exhibitions in Bali, Yogyakarta, Jakarta, Singapore, Tokyo etc. In 2007 he had a solo show entitled Songs of Solitude at the Komaneka Gallery.</br></br>Nature is the main source of creative inspiration for Sujena. His paintings articulate the revelation of nature. They reflect an ecological awareness that recognizes the fundamental relation between nature and the human. His works subtly criticize the anthropocentric view that considers the human as the center of truth with all the privileges to exploit nature. Sujena conveys a critical, yet poetic, message that living in harmony with nature is a soothing, peaceful life. with nature is a soothing, peaceful life.)
  • I Ngurah Suryawan  + (I Ngurah Suryawan, born in Denpasar Bali oI Ngurah Suryawan, born in Denpasar Bali on February 25, 1979. He obtained his formal education at the Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Letters, Udayana University, Bali (2006) with the title "Speaking Behind Silence: Anthropological Studies of the Violence of the 1965-1966 Mass Massacres in Jembrana Regency, Bali." </br></br>He completed his Masters in the Masters Program in Cultural Studies at the Postgraduate Program at Udayana University (2009) with a thesis entitled "Bara on the Edge of Power: Genealogy of Subaltern Violence and Upheaval in Buleleng Regency, Bali". Doctoral education was completed at the Humanities (Anthropology) Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta (2015) and wrote a dissertation entitled "Elite's Strategy to Steal State Power in West Papua". The postdoctoral research program started from 2016-2017 on the cultural ecology of the Marori and Kanum people in Merauke, Papua under the ELDP (Endangered Languages Documentation Program) and Australian National University (ANU) scheme. He was a visiting researcher at KITLV (Koninklijk Instituut voor taal-, Land-en Volkenkunde), Universiteit Leiden 2017 – 2018 to write his research on the formation of the middle class elite in the interior of Papua. His books on Papua include: A Broken Soul (2014), Looking for the Morning: Ethnographic Fragments (2015), Papua Versus Papua: Disunity and Cultural Change (2017), Dismissed Voices: Against Silent Culture ( 2017), Dim Living Space: The Ecological Concussion of the Marori and Kanum People in Merauke, Papua (2018), Kitong Pu Dreams: Anthropology and Transformation of the Papuan People (2018), Searching for a Changing Bali (2018).18), Searching for a Changing Bali (2018).)
  • I Nyoman Darma Putra  + (I Nyoman Darma Putra is a professor in IndI Nyoman Darma Putra is a professor in Indonesian literature at the Faculty of Arts, Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia. He obtained his Ph.D. from the School of Languages and Comparative Cultural Studies, University of Queensland, in 2003, where he took a postdoctoral program from 2007-2009.</br></br>Apart from teaching literature and culture at Faculty of Arts, Darma Putra also teaches tourism subjects at Masters Program of Tourism and Doctoral Program of Tourism Udayana University. Darma had been the head of Masters Program of Tourism for four years, 2014- January 2018. His research interest includes Indonesian literature, Balinese literature, Balinese culture, tourism.</br></br>With Michael Hitchcock, he published Tourism, Development and Terrorism in Bali (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007), while his sole authored book is A literary Mirror; Balinese Reflections on Modernity and Identity in the Twentieth Century (Leiden: KITLV Press, 2011).</br></br>He publishes a number of article in international peer review journals including Asian Ethnicity, Indonesia and the Malay World, Current Issues in Tourism, The Journal of Hindu Studies, and Tourism Geographies.</br></br>Since 2011, he has been the editor in chief of Jurnal Kajian Bali (Ranked 2, on Indonesian accredited journal Sinta)., on Indonesian accredited journal Sinta).)
  • I Nyoman Darma Putra  + (I Nyoman Darma Putra teaches Indonesian liI Nyoman Darma Putra teaches Indonesian literature in the Faculty of Letters and Culture, Udayana University (Bali) and is an adjunct professor in the School of Language and Cultures, the University of Queensland. He is the author of A literary mirror: Balinese reflections on modernity and identity in the twentieth century (KITLV/Brill, 2011).the twentieth century (KITLV/Brill, 2011).)
  • I Nyoman Ekaputra, S.Sos M.AP  + (I Nyoman Ekaputra S.Sos M.AP was born on JI Nyoman Ekaputra S.Sos M.AP was born on June 1, 1965 in Denpasar. Residing in Br. Pengukuh, Peguyangan Kangin, North Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. He works as a civil servant as well as a holder at a temple in Peguyangan and helps if anyone needs help with writing Balinese script and fostering children in the village pasraman. His last education was at Ngurah Rai University, Bali, majoring in Master of Public Administration.joring in Master of Public Administration.)
  • I Nyoman Kaler  + (I Nyoman Kaler was born in 1892 in PamoganI Nyoman Kaler was born in 1892 in Pamogan Village, South Denpasar District. His father, I Gde Bakta, was a versatile artist in his day. His mother, Ni Ketut Taro, owns the art of his grandfather, I Gde Salin. Kaler himself studied with his grandfather and father, who later passed on to him the nandhir dance, butterfly row, Sisia Calonarang, wayang wong, and parwa. </br></br>Kaler never received formal education, because as he recalled, until 1900 in Denpasar there were no schools opened. However, his ability to both read and write Balinese script and Latin script cannot be doubted. This skill is obtained from non-formal education on the sidelines of his busy life deepening the arts of dance and percussion. In mastering pagambuhan dance and percussion, he was educated by I Gusti Gede Opium, I Made Sariada, and I Made Nyankan (all from Denpasar) and I Made Sudana from Tegal Taniu. </br></br>In 1918, at the age of 26, I Nyoman Kaler deepened the Legong Kraton dance with his teacher, Ida Bagus Boda from Kaliungu Klod, Denpasar. In 1924, he studied dance and percussion with Anak Agung Rai Pahang from Sukawati, Gianyar. Kaler was very impressed with this one teacher. His teacher's extraordinary way of teaching allowed Nyoman Kaler to understand the intricacies and movements of dance in depth. Kaler also became a favorite student because of his amazing talent. </br></br>Kaler can play almost all Balinese gamelan instruments and understands very well all pegongan music, gender, angklung, semar pagulingan, and so on. Nyoman Kaler started teaching in1918. on. Nyoman Kaler started teaching in1918.)
  • I Nyoman Loka Suara  + (I Nyoman Loka Suara is a painter born in BI Nyoman Loka Suara is a painter born in Bali, February 13, 1970. He studied fine arts at ISI Denpasar. Since 1993, he has been active in various joint exhibitions, including the Palette group exhibition at Come Out festival Australia (1998), Beijing International Art Biennale, China (2015), Asian Art Biennale II, Hong Kong (2017). He is also a member of the Militant Arts Community of Fine Arts. Loka's works often feature gloomy-looking figures with distorted techniques. The neck of the figure is made long like a giraffe so that it gives a unique impression on the a unique impression on the painting.)
  • Nyoman Ngendon  + (I Nyoman Ngendon (1920-1947) was a painterI Nyoman Ngendon (1920-1947) was a painter from Banjar Dentiyis, Batuan, Sukawati, Gianyar. He first learned to paint the Kamasan wayang style from Dewa Nyoman Mura in the early 1930s. He was an influential figure in Rock painting and had many students. He is fluent in Malay, Dutch and English. During the Japanese occupation, he went to Yogyakarya, and met with Soekarno, Affandi, Soedjojono, and joined Persagi. Besides being known as a painter, he was a guerrilla figure under the leadership of I Gusti Ngurah Rai to help defend the independence of the Republic of Indonesia. He was captured by Nica's soldiers in Ketewel, tortured and executed.</br></br>Ngendon is indeed an intelligent Batuan painter who is very anxious to develop himself in painting. In addition to painting in the Batuan style, Ngendon does many portraits using modern techniques. Ngendon is also a painting teacher who is very idealistic and visionary. For Ngendon, each student must be able to draw different shapes, not just copying things that already exist. Ngendon gave birth to a generation of Batuan painters who are able to explore and develop strong thematics.</br></br></br>"One of the first from Batuan to start painting about 1933 or 1934, along with Togo Djatasoera, and Tjeta. Ngendon learned his skills</br>from his cousin, Patera, who was the first to contact the Westerners Spies and Bonnet. In addition to painting and woodcarving, Patera organized dance troupes and orchestras for tourist performances, and after he died in 1935, Ngendon, took over that role. By the time Mead and Bateson began collecting, Ngendon was not making many pictures. He taught a large number of the Batuan people. Nine pictures by him are in the collection. </br>According to Kaler, Ngendon had been to school for five years, could read, write, and speak Malay and some Dutch and English. He frequented the homes of Westerners and was a member of Pita Maha, the artists' cooperative set up by Spies and Bonnet. At one point he was Spies' favorite Batuan painter. His father was a moderately well-off farmer, and his mother an active merchant. During the Japanese occupation he went to Java to study painting and learned naturalist ideas, which he brought back to Bali. After the Japanese surrendered, Ngendon became a local leader in the nationalist struggle against the returned Dutch colonial presence but was captured and executed in 1948."ce but was captured and executed in 1948.")
  • I Nyoman Suprapta  + (I Nyoman suprapta was born on November 11,I Nyoman suprapta was born on November 11, 1962. He has made geguritab from 2000 to now, has published 219 titles of geguritan, because he gave his life for Balinese literature. He received the Rancage Literature Award in 2013 from the Rancage Cultural Foundation, Bandung from the service sector. Tuesday, April 9, 2019, which was already past.ay, April 9, 2019, which was already past.)
  • I Nyoman Wahyu Angga B. Santosa  + (I Nyoman Wahyu Angga B. Santosa or better I Nyoman Wahyu Angga B. Santosa or better known as Wahyu Angga was born on May 21, 1997 in Denpasar. He is one of the alumni of the 2015 Bali Literature study program, he is also the author of the parwa literary work, kakawin Prapanca Suddhani. Currently, he is continuing his master's education at the Postgraduate program at Udayana University, Faculty of Cultural Sciences. University, Faculty of Cultural Sciences.)
  • I Nyoman Wardi  + (I Nyoman Wardi is a faculty member in the Department of Cultural Studies, Udayana University, Bali - Indonesia. He is also a researcher with issues relating to the environment and cultural in the Center of Environmental Studies at Udayana University.)
  • I Nyoman Windha  + (I Nyoman Windha is one of the leading musiI Nyoman Windha is one of the leading musicians and contemporary composers of Balinese gamelan music. He was born at Banjar Kutri, Singapadu, Gianyar, Bali. A graduate of the National Institute of Arts (ISI) in Denpasar, Bali, Windha has been a member of the faculty since 1985. He has composed dozens of compositions for Balinese gamelan in many genres but primarily in kebyar style. His compositions, such as Puspanjali (1989), have been incorporated into the standard repertoire of Balinese performing groups and many have won awards at Bali's annual gamelan competition.</br></br>Windha's music is known for his beautiful melodies, incorporation of forms and styles from Javanese gamelan, and other innovations such as use of 3/4 time. He has traveled and taught extensively around the world.d and taught extensively around the world.)
  • I Putu Eka Prayoga,S.Pd.H.,M.Pd  + (I Putu Eka Prayoga, S.Pd.H., M.Pd is a teaI Putu Eka Prayoga, S.Pd.H., M.Pd is a teacher at SD Negeri 26 Pemecutan who has been teaching since 2018 until now. He comes from Pakraman Ubung Village, Denpasar City and he was born on March 23, 1994. He studied and completed S1 Pendidikan Agama Hindu at IHDN Denpasar then he completed his S2 Masters in Pendidikan Agama Hindu at IHDN Denpasar Postgraduate Agama Hindu at IHDN Denpasar Postgraduate)
  • I Putu Gedé Raka Prama Putra  + (I Putu Gedé Raka Prama Putra or commonly kI Putu Gedé Raka Prama Putra or commonly known as Tudékamatra from his works was born in Gianyar, on Tuesday, 18 December 1990. Although still young, he is one of the authors who maintains modern Balinese literature. The author, who graduated from the Faculty of Economics, Mahéndradatta University, has studied writing since he was still in school at SMAN 1 Blahbatuh. His articles have been published in ksprési Magazine, Satua Magazine, Bali Orti (Bali Post), Bali Post, Pos Bali, Médiaswari (Pos Bali), and Dénpost. </br></br>His published books are:</br>Padang Tuh (Poetry, 2013),</br>Belog (Collection of Short Stories, 2014),</br>Raré Bali waves (Poetry, 2015).</br></br>Now he works as a journalist at Pos Bali and is the editor of the Gema Siswa at Pos Bali. the editor of the Gema Siswa at Pos Bali.)
  • I Putu Karang Adi Saputra  + (I Putu Karang Adi Saputra was born in AbiaI Putu Karang Adi Saputra was born in Abiansemal, June 9, 1985. Since 2003 he has been active in a number of joint exhibitions, including the joint exhibition “Bali Painting Maestro” at the Bali Post, Denpasar (2007); “Group of 72” at Paros Gallery, Sukawati (2007), exhibition “With Lecturers of ISI Denpasar” at Neka Art Museum Ubud (2008), exhibition at LV 8 Hotel with Sanggar Mangu Rupa Badung (2018), “Freedom in Expression” in Taman Balinese Culture (2019).ression” in Taman Balinese Culture (2019).)
  • I Putu Sudiana Bonuz  + (I Putu Sudiana alias Bonuz is an artist boI Putu Sudiana alias Bonuz is an artist born in Nusa Penida, Klungkung, Bali, December 30, 1972. Since childhood he has been interested in painting. While in his village, he was often asked to paint the walls of the fishing boats (jukung). After completing junior high school in his hometown, he continued his education at the Fine Arts Middle School (SMSR) in Batubulan, Bali. In 1995, he continued his art education at ISI Denpasar, until he graduated. Apart from painting, he also makes installation art, plays music, and writes poetry. Bonuz has exhibited many of his abstract-style paintings, including:</br></br>Solo exhibitions</br>2018 A Land to Remember. Santrian Gallery, Sanur Bali</br>2017 Tetabuhan-tatabumi, Bidadari Art Space. Mas, Ubud-Bali</br>1015 Because Life is Delicious at Kubu Art Space. Ubud.</br>2014 Magic Sound at Maya Gallery. Singapore.</br>2013 Be Happy, water color paintings at Sand Fine Art Gallery. Sanur-Bali.</br>2012 Harmony, at Rumah Seni Maestro Art Space. Sanur-Bali</br>2011 Inside of Bonuz at Tony Raka Gallery. Mas, Ubud-Bali</br>2011 Breath Reflection, at Hitam-White art Space. Sangeh-Bali.</br>2008 Pleading Life's Tenacity at Kemang Village. Jakarta.</br>2006 Journey of the Soul at Relish Café and Pool. Jakarta.</br>2003 Abstract Essence at Art Center Denpasar. Bali.</br>2003 Universal Spirit at Jenggala Ceramic Jimbaran. Bali.</br>2000 Crossing Borders at Red-White Forum. Denpasar Bali.Borders at Red-White Forum. Denpasar Bali.)