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The various religions that we follow, the various beliefs that we hold and the various types of tribes that adorn each region are forms of the diversity of the Indonesian people. The thousands of types of people we meet every day certainly have various characteristics and characteristics, many of them have teachings that they adhere to and not a few also teach about goodness and harmony. One of the teachings of Hinduism that is still relevant to today's developments is Tat Twam Asi. This teaching is considered to be able to provide a harmonious atmosphere and inter-religious harmony. Tat Twam Asi which literally comes from Sanskrit which means I or you are the same. Tat twam asi is an idea which means that I am you and you are me, in this case the teachings of tat twam asi focus on the idea of purpose and role as living beings who are truly born from God, which have both similarities and differences that we must appreciate and be grateful as His gift. Appreciate in maintaining peace among humans, as well as teach us to live in harmony and love one another. Tat twam asi is an effective basis for providing positive space for movement in the life of different religions. This teaching is actually a good basis for building harmony in life. The words "I am you" and "You are me" show that we are not different, but one. Tat twam asi which is a form of teaching to create true human beings who are born, live and die always depend on others. So diversity is a sure thing in life. But having each other, respecting and loving each other will unite us, shape personality and harmony in all lines of life, which will ultimately be able to create a strong nation based on the precepts of Belief in One Almighty God.  +
Chapter 10: Strategies and Solutions for the Future Bali Looking ahead, Bali faces significant challenges in maintaining its cultural uniqueness and physical environment while improving the livability and quality of life for its residents. As an author, I will attempt to provide some solutions and strategies that the government and community in Bali could potentially adopt. Firstly, the key to Bali's future lies in striking a balance between preservation and modernization. Tourism is the main source of income for many Balinese people, but the growth of this industry must be carefully monitored to minimize its negative impact on the environment and local culture. Sustainable tourism, which promotes environmental preservation and respects local traditions and customs, should be a primary focus. For example, implementing visitor limits at historical and sacred sites can help maintain the integrity of these locations. Secondly, improving access to education and healthcare is crucial for enhancing the quality of life. By enhancing the quality and accessibility of education, the younger generation in Bali can be prepared to compete in the global economy without abandoning their cultural heritage. Similarly, access to affordable and high-quality healthcare services is essential for livability and quality of life. Thirdly, empowering the local economy and diversifying the economic sector is also important. Establishing cooperatives and providing training and support for small and medium-sized enterprises can help the Balinese community harness the potential of the local economy and reduce dependence on the tourism sector. Lastly, community involvement in decision-making and planning is key to the success of these strategies. The Balinese community should feel that they have a voice and control over the future of their island. This can be achieved through increased community participation in the planning and policymaking processes. In conclusion, the challenges faced by Bali require a holistic and inclusive approach that considers all aspects of life on the island. By focusing on environmental preservation, education and healthcare, and the empowerment of the local economy, we can help create a bright and sustainable future for Bali and its residents.  
I think yes, if you have money, you have power. But for me not. Anyway, if you want to be a leader, be a qualified leader, a true leader who has a clear vision and mission, is creative, innovative, inspiring, run a democratic government, and is not authoritarian, let alone corrupt. Promises were made during the campaign period; after taking office, they immediately forgot their promises.  +
There are many reasons why tourists travel or visit certain places, and chief among them is to seek happiness. For example, they feel happy when they get the hedonic experience. Unfortunately, the effect of hedonic values and tourism experiences on tourists' happiness has thus far remained unclear. This study was aimed to analyze the effect of hedonic value on the tourist experience, prove the effect of hedonic value on tourists' hedonic happiness, and examine the effect of tourist experience on tourists' hedonic happiness. This research took place in Bali, and the research subjects were foreign tourists who visited Bali. The total number of respondents was 171. All structured interviews and questionnaires were performed and distributed online. Data analysis was conducted using SEM (Structural Equation Model). The research findings show the positive and significant effect of hedonic values on tourist experience. There is a positive and significant effect of tourist experience on tourist hedonic happiness. It was found that there was no direct effect of hedonic value on tourist hedonic happiness. Out of the demonstrated intervariable correlations, we managed to create the Model of Hedonic Tourist Happiness (MHTH). This study concludes that the MHTH consists of hedonic value, tourist experiences, and tourist hedonic happiness variables. This MHTH can be applied to improve tourism services in Bali, and particularly to boost the tourist experience and tourist happiness.  +
Helping others is a human duty in the world. Thats way, the "PANTAS": (Punia Disabilitas) program is the most suitable program designed by the government to assist the disabled community. In this program, the government provides assistance in the form of money, wheelchairs, and food to social care homes with funds from the national budget and funds collected through donations. Those who want to donate can transfer their donations through a bank account established by the government in the "PANTAS" program. The "PANTAS" program is an expression of the government's concern for the disabled community, and it builds trust among the people regarding future leaders in the elections. Through the "PANTAS" program, the government can realize a dignified life for the disabled community.  +
This baligraphy reads "Hendra" which comes from the personal name "Agus Hendra Kusuma".  +
I use the style of a grandmother who is still agile in her old age to make a contemporary portrait photo of her  +
Women are great figures whose struggles are extraordinary and difficult. The woman in this photo gives a message to the younger generation to knock on the door of their heart to preserve traditions and culture which are the responsibility of the next generation. It is depicted with the figure of an old woman cutting wood to be used as a material for coloring Geingsing cloth in Tenganan Village, Karangasem, Bali.  +
The decorations that our group made from used plastic bottle covers and have many benefits, such as being able to decorate walls and decorate walls and can be used as selling points by buying and selling these decorations so that they can make money.  +
The role of women in politics is getting more attention, with attention Therefore, women now have an equal position with men. History of participation women's politics in Indonesia is actually a unique reality. Long before his presence Three signs of masculinity are present in Indonesia, namely patriarchy, theology, and hegemony in the 15th century, women's political participation actually colored many important narratives political leadership in Indonesia. Call it, Queen Shima, Tribhuana Tungga Dewi, and Suhita in Hindu-Buddhist times. Queen Kalinyamat in the Islamic era, Cut Nya Dien, Christana Martha Tiahahu, and Nyi Ageng Serang during the turmoil of colonialism. Dewi Sartika and Kartini at the end of colonialism, until Megawati Soekarno Putri in her independence era. Series the length of women's political leadership in both the formal and informal realms This indicates that Indonesian women basically have awareness and participation high politics in fighting for the aspirations of its people.  +
Puputan Badung Square was taken to commemorate the patriotism services of I Gusti Ngurah Made Agung, he was in driving out the Dutch colonialists. The incident occurred on September 20, 1906, so to commemorate the Puputan Badung war, the VII King of Badung at that time, a Tugu monument was built on the north side of the Puputan Badung field. In addition to recreation, we can also learn about the history of war in Bali.  +
A young woman named Audrey admitted that she was beaten up by 12 students. The beatings were carried out in two places. There are two motives for this student to persecute him. First, the heart hurts, because the victim often brings up the problem of accounts receivable that had been committed by the late mother of the suspect. Second, because of male problems. During the persecution, Audrey admitted that she was dropped onto the asphalt and kicked repeatedly by her friend and experienced bleeding from the nose and wounds on the face. Then Audrey also stated that one of the perpetrators abused her vital organs, namely by striking her female organs with her fingers, and because this made the victim no longer a virgin and also experienced swelling in her vital area. This incident went viral on social media so quickly that it shocked people throughout Indonesia. However, after checking in the field of health, Audrey divisum and the post-mortem rejected the statement made by Audrey, the post-mortem said that there were no marks and hymen, Audrey did not experience a tear and Audrey did not experience physical trauma in the area. This case is very unfortunate, and not as viral on social media. Hopefully hoaxes like this will not happen again  +
During my school holidays I went to the Tirta Ujung baths with my friends. Tirta Ujung is located in Seraya Village, Karangasem Regency, Bali. I am very happy because the place is very beautiful and natural and the water is also clear and the end of the tirta pool has a natural rock bottom and there are several fish swimming I hope in the future that Bali can be more advanced in the field of tourism and can recover as usual and also hopefully the lighting on every road in Bali will pay more attention to driving safety  +
Bali is one of the islands in Indonesia which has a lot of natural beauty. The natural beauty in Bali such as the beauty of the beach, underwater, mountains etc. Most Balinese people rely heavily on tourism to meet their needs. Balinese people usually work as guides, waiters, etc. With the dependence of the Balinese on tourism, I hope the government can provide developments in Bali so that tourists don't get bored with just those things. Something that can be developed is like improving infrastructure that leads to a tourist destination and providing a solution for congestion that occurs. And Bali's economy is becoming more developed and its natural beauty remains beautiful.  +
RESPONSIBLE LEADERS. Leaders must be held accountable. They must have responsibility towards the community, nation and the state. If they are responsible leaders, they will have a right attitude towards the society and will also have a sense of care for the society. The programs will not benefit themselves, but they are also pro-society and use CANTIK tips (Cerdas (Smart), Antusias (Enthusiastic), Inovatif (Innovative), and Kreatif (Creative).  +
My hope for the leader in the future.  +
Talking about an election, the ideal opinion is all of the members of the country can elect and to be elected as the government must making sure it would be applied. But nowadays, there are so many people that having disability cant use their right because of some specific problem, mostly about an appropriate place and equipment to support them which is unsuitable for the disability. As the basic formal regulation mentioned in Konstitusi UUD 1995 and also UU number 8 2016 about disability people that must be purposed to those program. The government must having the data of disability people and give them information about the election. And for the last, the guidance need tobe concern for making sure the conscience of the elector.  +
Elections held in Bali can produce leaders who are friendly to people with disabilities. Voters with disabilities also have the right to participate and experience elections without barriers. A strong inclusion program will ensure disability accessibility in the election process, reflecting the spirit of Bali. Committed candidates will lead well, and the community will support them. Bali, with its rich cultural diversity, will create leaders who care, and programs that support well-being.  +
This video explains about my hopes for future leaders  +
Bali is a world tourist destination with many places and tourist destinations in Bali such as Tanah Lot, Besakih Temple, Kintamani, Kuta, Nusa Dua, Nusa Penida and many others. Bali is also known as the Island of the Gods because of the many temples in Bali. In addition to its nature, culture, including the people who are known to be friendly, also make Bali the first choice for tourists for a vacation, for that, let us protect it together, preserving nature, culture, customs and the hospitality of the Balinese people. In addition, it is hoped that in the future the government will periodically improve infrastructure What is in Bali to support Bali tourism, what we all know is that tourism is one of the main sources of life and income for the local government in Bali, and don't forget that environmental cleanliness is our common concern, we will instill in our children and grandchildren the importance of this so that Bali will always be bali until whenever, people who uphold tolerance, customs, culture and hospitality, for that let's protect this Bali together.  +