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Find out how a flying elephant changes the life of a poor farmer.  +
Gajah Mina is a very important symbol of the power of Dewa Baruna. This Gajah Mina has an elephant head and a fish tail. This baligraphy reads "Sagara kasengguh suci, toya sagara punika angkihan kauripan". This baligraphy is a participant in a baligraphy competition held in the context of the Bulan Bahasa Bali V in 2023. This baligraphy belongs to the Dinas Kebudayaan Provinsi Bali.  +
Gajah Mina is a very important symbol of the power of Dewa Baruna. This Gajah Mina has an elephant head and a fish tail. This baligraphy reads "Sagara kasengguh suci, toya sagara punika angkihan kauripan". This Baligrafi won 3rd place in the Baligraphic Competition in the framework of the Bulan Bahasa Bali V in 2023 which was held at the Taman Budaya Provinsi Bali. This baligraphy is the property of the Dinas Kebudayaan Provinsi Bali.  +
Galungan is celebrated by Balinese Hindus once every 210 days, using the Balinese calendar, namely on Buddhist day Kliwon Dungulan (Wednesday Kliwon wuku Dungulan) as the day of the victory of Dharma (truth) against Adharma (evil).  +
There are several communities in the highlands of Bali in Indonesia that still maintain large antique orchestras of bronze gongs and metallophones called gamelan gong gede. These gamelan have been preserved as essential implements of local ritual-music associations that have protected them from change for generations. In contrast, much of the rest of the island abandoned gong gede in the early twentieth century in favor of modern gamelan. Inseparable from its highland ritual context, gong gede endure in Bali’s remote highlands because they are inseparable from ritual context, which has resulted in musical diversity within the broader ecosystem of Balinese music. This diversity simultaneously marginalizes communities to some degree from mainstream musical innovation. However, it also empowers local ritual music associations within sophisticated social networks that play a major role in protecting and preserving these ancient antique orchestras. Using a ‘pluralism of musical structures’ as an analytical framework for discussing musical diversity, this article looks at how highland communities protect and maintain gong gede as ‘living traditions’ by examining their history, social context and musical style to see what keeps local traditions from succumbing to mainstream musical trends.  +
Ganapati Tattwa is a lontar manuscript containing dialogs between Lord Iswara (Shiva) and his son, Ganapati (Ganesha). The contents of the dialog include, among other things, the stages in practicing sad-angga yoga and the nature of matter, spirit and God. It is stated that what is in the universe is also in the human body, so the human body has the most complete features. That is why being born into a human is very important because only humans can do various types of yoga to achieve liberation. Another section in this Ganapati Tattwa contains about the origin of the omkara sacred syllable and other sacred syllable such as the dasa aksara and the tri-aksara. This kind of knowledge is used in yoga and tantra practice. There is also an explanation of the gross and subtle elements that make up the universe. At the end, this lontar contains the Ganapati purification ceremony and mantras for Ganapati and Saraswati.  +
If I were the government in this area, I would be more concerned about keeping this environment clean. provide the right solution or solution to the problem at hand. The garbage here makes me think, why don't we provide enough trash cans in places where local people dump garbage. By providing trash bins in these places, it is very possible for people to have a healthy and clean environment. As a government too, we must provide counseling and warnings to local communities so that they have higher awareness than before. Hopefully with this solution, we as the government and they as the community will feel more comfortable, calm and safe around this area.  +
Tittle: Garuda Suwarnakarya Maintaining the Golden Age A Trip to Banjar Tainsiat Seeing Ogoh-Ogoh Garuda Suwarnakarya Let's join the government to fight Against the chaotic times The world of Bali now has more and more diverse cultural arts. We cannot avoid it, we live in the era of globalization. Globalization has good and bad effects. Garuda Suwarnakarya, so the title of the fenomenal ogoh-ogoh from ST. Yowana Saka Bhuwana Br. Tainsiat. If traced Garuda Suwarnakarya tells about the golden age of 1945 Indonesian independence, which is the same as Caka 1945 of the current year. Preserving the golden age, that's how the government should act. So that what is bad due to globalization is filtered out and the good is preserved. Let's Be Wise in Globalization!  +
On above elite, on below difficult. Those are the appropriate sentences to describe the current state of the world. More and more government officials flaunt their wealth in front of their people. What should have obeyed the state symbol, now turned upside down, like to deviate. This should serve as a guide as a leader, like the ogoh-ogoh Garuda Suwarnakaya, whose body is plated with gold, who is dashing, who has the goal of turning his surroundings into a strong, dashing, and always victorious country. If you can make Garuda's leadership your own guide, the world will be safe and sound. Even though Garuda is a symbol, as a leader who is in the government of the country, he is required to obey the foundation of his country which is called "Pancasila". Now, let us fulfill our good duty together.  +
Caka 1945, celebrated by seka taruna-taruni (STT) through various forms of art and creative work. As well as STT Yowana Saka Bhuwana (STTYSB) Br. Tainsiat. They named the ogoh-ogoh Garuda Suwarnakaya, which means "the Golden Body", symbol of strength, splendor, and success. Through their work, STTYSB wants to represent Garuda as a symbol of the struggle as well as the guardian of the state ideology. STTYSB has proven that dedication, patience, and persistence can produce masterpieces that have taksu and deep philosophical values. All processes that have been passed by STTYSB can be used as material for reflection by the government on how government should be managed. Ensuring a solid "foundation", creating a strong "framework," and "beautifying" the state structure.  +
This baligraphy contains the name of the maker, namely Ni Putu Gayatri.  +
Kali Bhaya's commotion is a description of the current atmosphere which is rooted in or originates from the phenomenon of the Kaliyuga period. Geger which means vibration of excitement, Kali which means destruction and darkness, while Bhaya means danger and fear. Geger Kali Bhaya reminds us of situations that are not okay. This figure that was born from a tense and frightening atmosphere is visualized in the ogoh-ogoh transformation medium with great hope to see that from its large and frightening form, we become aware of our existence living on earth to complete our tasks with full sense of kindness and wisdom so as to avoid mala, bhaya, and catastrophe. Hoping that the Government in Bali at this time can do something wise for the welfare of its people.  +
Research on Geguritan Cokli uses a sociological analysis. The approach used is a calibative approach. Data collection uses the method of reading, translating and listening to Cokli’s Geguritan Text. The method of analysis, carried out in a descriptive-qualitative way by using the working stages of the theory of sociology of literature and combined with the theory of structure. The results of the analysis are presented in a systematic and structured manner. The results of this study provide an answer that the existence of a literary work can be a reflection of the state of society at that time, although there are some things that are sometimes no longer relevant to use.  +
Geguritan Krama Selam is an anonymous geguritan text that seems to have been written around the eighteenth or nineteenth century. One version of this geguritan chant belongs to Gedong Kirtya Singaraja, registration number 6345 IIIb. The text of this version is a copy of the lontar belonging to I Made Wirya, from Panji Village, Sukasada, Buleleng, and typed on 12 June 1983 by I Wayan Suryana. There is also another version of Geguritan Krama Selam owned by the Cultural Office of Bali Province with serial number 6345 IIIb. This version of the text is also a copy of I Made Wirya's, from Panji Village, Sukasada, Buleleng, and typed on June 12, 1983 by I Wayan Suryana. So, the copy is exactly the same as the Gedong Kirtya collection. Geguritan Krama Selam contains syncretism of Hindu and Islamic teachings. The background feature of this geguritan is Hinduism, but its content is basic Islamic teachings such as the five daily prayers, ablutions, prophets, and divine philosophy.  +
Geguritan Sebun Bangkung was written by Dang Hyang Nirartha in Gading Wani Village (now Lalanglinggah Village in the Selemadeg area, Tabanan). Then he passed on to the village head of Gading Wani, who he accepted as a student. According to Suardika (2010), Geguritan Sebun Bangkung is an example of the syncretism of Hindu and Islamic teachings in the Middle Ages, because some chapters of geguritan contain Islamic teachings. This indicates that Islam had developed quite rapidly in the fifteenth century in Majapahit, so that there was synchronization with Hinduism at that time. This geguritan consists of 463 stanzas and is divided into 16 types of stanzas and 9 chapters. The first chapter discusses the birth of the types of wreastra, swalalita and modre letters, and how these types of letters can be used to generate power in humans. Chapter II discusses the Tri Purusa, or three forms of Lord Shiva, which became the basis for the theological concept of Dang Hyang Nirartha in medieval times. Chapter III, called Kembanging Langit, discusses Islamic teachings and their similarities to Hinduism. Chapter IV contains teachings to protect oneself. Chapter V contains teachings about Sang Hyang Aji Saraswati. Chapter VI contains the teachings of ethics. Chapter VII contains the story of the birth of Amad-Muhammad in the ancient Javanese version. Chapter VIII contains Islamic teachings for santri, and chapter IX contains criticisms conveyed about the lives of priests. The combination of Hindu and Islamic teachings in Geguritan Sebun Bangkung makes this literary work unique. From this work it can be concluded that Dang Hyang Nirartha did not only teach Hindu teachings, but also mastered Islamic teachings at least. Judging from its shape, Geguritan Sebun Bangkung is a medieval literary work in the form of pupuh. The language used is a mixture of ancient Javanese and Balinese. This geguritan is closely related to the Bubuksah Gagakaking manuscript, which according to Budi Utama (2016) is a form of critical literary work of the conflict of beliefs that has occurred in Bali since the conquest by Majapahit in the fourteenth century. At that time, according to him, there was a difference in belief between the Balinese Aga people who followed the traditions of their ancestors since the time of Markandeya, Saptarsi and Mpu Kuturan and the new belief system introduced by Majapahit. Due to this difference, the term Sebun Bangkung emerged which referred to the new "religion" brought by Majapahit, and Sebun Gagak, which was the original "religion" of the Balinese Aga people. People then made anecdotes and allegories about which one is higher between a bangkung (pig's nest) and a crow's (crow's nest) nest.  
Happy 77th Republic of Indonesia! All levels of society echo the passion of independence by harmonizing differences, developing innovation, preserving culture, restoring tourism, and strengthening characters based on the nation's moral values. Through infrastructure development such as the construction of the Jagat Kerthi Toll Road, the Sports Center, the Bali Cultural Center area and the construction of the Golden Triangle Port, the provincial government of Bali is also trying to unite synergies to create a future for Indonesia and Balinese manners that are prosperous and happy on a scale, within the framework of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. which is based on Pancasila towards the New Era of Bali.  +
BIG THINGS COME FROM LITTLE THINGS Indonesia is a very diverse country in terms of ethnicity, in terms of religion, in terms of race and in terms of inter-group diversity, which makes Indonesia a very rich country in terms of natural resources. There is a lot of variety, which is a good thing, but the problems are also a lot of people who lack early education, nowadays there are a lot of parents who don't go to school up to high school and some don't even go to school, so a lot of parents can't bring up their children properly, so parents bring up their children in their own way, for example they shout at the children and even hit them, a lot of students copy and follow the behaviour of their parents and do the same in school, which causes the education in Indonesia to go down. This is why education is important for everyone in Indonesia, almost every student relationship throughout Indonesia both between students and teachers or teachers can also be between friends, this student relationship is going to shape the identity of the student both in shaping the student customs but not every student follow the rules well, it might be that the student identity is harmed because of the atmosphere or society at school that is not well many students throughout Indonesia, according to data published by WorldTop20. Org published the ranking of education in Indonesia is very alarming Indonesia is ranked 67th out of 209 countries around the world, with many problems encountered, we need to explore why students become less intelligent and many fight teachers and why the government should pay attention to this. With the many problems in Indonesia, we as students of the school are aware that if we are left like this, then we as the younger generation need to implement the national programme, namely Golden Indonesia 2045, it doesn't have to be with big things, we just need to start with small things. A lot of programmes can be implemented starting from very small things that are common in homes, schools and communities, which is rubbish, rubbish is a waste or an item that has no functional value anymore, or you can say unusable items, a lot of students who have no brains choose to throw rubbish, starting from under the desk, The number of students who do this makes our environment unhealthy, dirty, especially with the large number of students in the school environment making the garbage swell at the same time, even though they have been warned not to litter. In the face of so many issues, we as citizens of SMA Negeri 3 Kuta Selatan have taken action to create a waste free team by sorting waste by category, hoping to make all students aware to dispose waste in the right place and according to the respective category, but due to the lack of good education and the mindset of the students when they were brought up in the family, this project is not going well, many students simply throw waste and don't sort it properly, such as putting organic waste in non-organic waste, With this, we as a team appealed and acted directly in waste processing, with the behaviour we did, we succeeded in empathizing students to separate waste according to its category in order to create cleanliness in the environment around us, residents of SMA Negeri 3 Kuta Selatan in cooperation with Plastic Exchange Kuta Selatan to help us in waste processing properly, we as school residents were not able to process waste, especially organic waste into compost. With the many problems that exist in Indonesia, we have been able to solve the problem of garbage, although it is not perfect, there is still a lot of garbage scattered around, but we are with the awareness to dispose of garbage by first sorting it before it reaches the landfill and processed properly, we also want to create a disciplined school both in terms of education and ethics, especially in the disposal of garbage, with this behaviour we want to realise the Golden Indonesia 2045, because if you don't start with small things then big things can't happen.  
This paper aims to describe political discourse that has a link with gender on outdoor media campaigns. The media of outdoor campaigns is the most effective public space to be able to convey various matters relating to a candidate for both a leader and a member of parliament especially if it is associated with gender which is still a major problem in Indonesia. Gender in Indonesian politics is still unbalanced considering not yet optimal and balance the contribution between men and women in politics world. It was a major concern on outdoor media campaign of a number of female candidates in the 2014 legislative election. Sources of data from this paper are taken from areas - Badung, Jembrana, Klungkung, and Denpasar. Method of data collection was done by way of recording by photographing media outdoor campaign containing information related to gender. Furthermore, qualitative descriptive method became an option to describe the data - research data related to discourse theory and gender theory in the use of language. Result of the analysis showed that gender is one of the election discourses of the candidates of the people's representatives, especially the women to get the vote and sympathy. For that reason, the projection of the use of gender terms, equality of rights, and struggle with men is the primary choice to demonstrate the struggle for gender equality. Variations of use are also seen but by maintaining the gender side of women as parties who are fighting for their rights.  +
Om Swastyastu It doesn't feel like it's been 77 years since Indonesia's independence. As millennials, we are obliged to fill this independence by developing development. Not only physical development, character and attitude must also be built. Developing achievements, respecting each other, using digital media for good purposes. The main thing is to preserve Balinese culture. Do not behave in a bad manner such as drinking alcohol, gambling, spreading hoax, and other bad behavior. Independent! Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti, Om  +
Republic of Indonesia was born on August 17, 1945, the time when our republic has started to stand magnificently! As millenial generation, we can contibute to Indonesia through simple actions such as tolerance, loving local genius, studying, and following many positive activities. "Building the nation which is known by the world, let us preserve our nation by devoted action", that is what we have to do if we want to build our nation into a well-developed one based on Pancasila. Let us fill in the independence with out thoughts, words and actions. Stay glorious and rise up, our Indonesia!  +