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A list of all pages that have property "Page text" with value "Find out how a flying elephant changes the life of a poor farmer.". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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  • A simple way to preserve culture  + (egun to be replaced with western culture. egun to be replaced with western culture. Because we have to keep trying to preserve culture by introducing the younger generation that we have an extraordinary culture. The simple thing in preserving culture is to become a part of cultural activists. With this simple thing, it is hoped that the existing local culture will become more widely known and become the main attraction for local and foreign communities.raction for local and foreign communities.)
  • Episode 02 - Eka Dasa Rudra  + (Eka Dasa Rudra is a ceremony held at Pura Agung Besakih temple. It's repeated every 100 years.)
  • Literature Pentingnya Inklusi Penyandang Disabilitas dalam Pemilu: Menciptakan Masyarakat yang Adil dan Setara  + (Elections are a democratic way to elect leElections are a democratic way to elect leaders and determine the direction of state policy. Aspiring leaders need to pay attention to the needs of people with disabilities, ensuring their rights are recognized. The program design for potential leaders must include inclusive policies, such as providing decent work for people with disabilities who can afford it, and cash social assistance for people with disabilities who cannot afford it, such as the elderly or people with mental disorders. Equality of facilities and employment opportunities must also be prioritized. With these needs in mind, elections are not just about electing leaders, but also creating an inclusive, just and equal society, building the foundation for sustainable development and supporting the human rights of all citizens.pporting the human rights of all citizens.)
  • Disability is not a barrier to voicing an opinion  + (Elections are activities where the public Elections are activities where the public chooses a candidate to serve in government. In this activity, many people participated, one of which was people with disabilities. However, many people have a different perspective, considering that people with disabilities are unable to provide opinions in the election process. Even though people with disabilities have the right to voice their opinions, as stated in Law number 8 of 2016, people with disabilities also have political rights. The government must provide different ballot papers to make it easier for people with disabilities to vote. The government must also provide more information about the correct place and method for voting so that it is considered legal.for voting so that it is considered legal.)
  • Hope for Inclusion: Disability Friendly Leaders in Bali Elections  + (Elections held in Bali can produce leadersElections held in Bali can produce leaders who are friendly to people with disabilities. Voters with disabilities also have the right to participate and experience elections without barriers. A strong inclusion program will ensure disability accessibility in the election process, reflecting the spirit of Bali. Committed candidates will lead well, and the community will support them. Bali, with its rich cultural diversity, will create leaders who care, and programs that support well-being.are, and programs that support well-being.)
  • Salunglung Sabayantaka has a religion on the Island of the Gods  + (Embracing each other is the foundation of brotherhood. Religious differences are not something that keeps us apart. Mutual respect is the main thing even though we are of different religions.)
  • Pulau Plastik  + (Emphasis on behavioral change)
  • Festival  + (Enjoy all of the sights, sounds, smells and feelings of the Festival of the Vest.)
  • pelestarian lingkungan oleh smp cipta dharma  + (Environmental conservation is an activity Environmental conservation is an activity where we must prevent things that are not beneficial to the surrounding environment. Currently many places have been polluted by human hands, with so many animals in the environment having to suffer from these wastes.</br>Therefore we must keep the environment clean and maintain the environmental ecosystem, we can start by throwing garbage in its place, not cutting down trees carelessly. Don't let the fish in the sea eat plastic waste because it can harm us. Use the waste to be a work that we can be proud of. Don't throw garbage carelessly so that nature loves us more, the environment is clean and the ecosystem is maintained. is clean and the ecosystem is maintained.)
  • pelestarian lingkungan  + (Environmental conservation is an activity Environmental conservation is an activity where we must prevent things that are not beneficial to the surrounding environment. Currently many places have been polluted by human hands, with so many animals in the environment having to suffer from these wastes.</br>Therefore we must keep the environment clean and maintain the environmental ecosystem, we can start by throwing garbage in its place, not cutting down trees carelessly. Don't let the fish in the sea eat plastic waste because it can harm us. Use the waste to be a work that we can be proud of. Don't throw garbage carelessly so that nature loves us more, the environment is clean and the ecosystem is maintained. is clean and the ecosystem is maintained.)
  • Harmoni Parahyangan  + (Environmental education through the implementation of educational programs on waste sorting and the establishment of a Waste Bank.)
  • Salam Klasik (Kedas Lebih Asik)  + (Environmentally concerned community in Banjar Pujung Kaja, Sebatu Village, Tegalalang, Gianyar)
  • Rikanjekan 17 Agustus  + (Every August 17, we always commemorate theEvery August 17, we always commemorate the independence day of the Indonesian nation. It has been 77 years since Indonesia's independence, Indonesia has 6 religions that respect each other. Indonesia also has a province that is the largest foreign exchange earner, namely the province of Bali. Bali is very famous for its tourist destinations, such as Nusa Penida, Sanur, Nusa Ceningan, and the Mengwi Gilimanuk Toll Road. One of the famous Balinese creativity is the kite which is very large with various kinds.te which is very large with various kinds.)
  • Don't Get Lost With Foreign Languages  + (Every day, everyone must use their own lanEvery day, everyone must use their own language, especially the Balinese who use Balinese. But in the current era, Balinese people prefer to use foreign languages compared to Balinese. Just look at the circumstances around us, the booming trend of entertainment such as Korean dramas, anime, and so on causes the Balinese to use these foreign languages more often. So that the Balinese language, which is the mother tongue, is left behind in its application. Many Balinese people, especially the younger generation, are starting to abandon the use of Balinese and switch to using foreign languages, this event is of course very worrying. We as Balinese people should be able to maintain and preserve the Balinese language so that it will continue to be passed on to our children and grandchildren so we don't lose to the existence of foreign languages around us. Do you want our Balinese language to be lost to time? Therefore, let us preserve the Balinese language together by using Balinese in our daily activities, especially traditional activities such as gathering with Banjar youths, and so on. Because from simple things it will be very meaningful if we all start from ourselves so that Balinese does not lose competitiveness with foreign competitiveness with foreign languages.)
  • KPU and Persons with Disabilities  + (Every general election certainly attracts Every general election certainly attracts people's aspirations to exercise their right to vote. Likewise with people with disabilities. The government should specialize and prioritize people with disabilities in general elections in accordance with the applicable law. My solution is to create media that makes it easier for people with disabilities to exercise their right to vote, such as creating special polling stations for people with disabilities, and creating special technology that can be used by people with disabilities. Because in this era of globalization we can take advantage of the situation to create sophisticated technological media to fulfill the rights of our disabled brothers and sisters out there whose rights are immediately threatened with not being fulfilled. Let's care and take real action for our brothers.are and take real action for our brothers.)
  • Building Strong Tolerance Makes Religion Great  + (Every region of the country has its own chEvery region of the country has its own characteristics and uniqueness, just like RELIGION.Religion is a system that regulates belief and worship of God as well as rules related to culture and world views that connect humans with the order of life. As we already know, every country has its own different religions, as in Indonesia, there are 6 recognized religions including Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, Catholicism, Buddhism and Confucianism. also the spells and prayers and the mention of the name of God in each of these religions. Differences in views within one religion can lead to conflicts within the body of a religion itself. The difference in views is one of the differences that seem real. Then there were also differences in religious organizations. Various policies were carried out by the government so that people of other religions would not interfere with each other. As much as possible avoid the tendency of conflict due to religious differences. All layers of society together create an atmosphere of harmony, peace, tranquility and harmony in the life of society, nation and state within the framework of the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia which is based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. religious harmony by building strong tolerance, tolerance is a human behavior or attitude that does not deviate from applicable law where a person respects or appreciates every action taken by another person, while religious tolerance is respecting opinions, respecting the adherents of each religion . The ways to build tolerance are by:</br> 1. Not forcing others to follow our religion or beliefs. Freeing other people to choose their own religion according to the 1st precepts of Belief in the One and Only God</br> 2. Not insulting, vilifying and not criticizing other people's religions</br> 3. Do not disturb and do not prohibit other religions from carrying out their worship at the time of worship.</br> The ways that can be done can help us to maintain religious harmony that exists in Indonesia because it is not only maintaining religious harmony, but with this strong tolerance we can strengthen a sense of brotherhood with differences such as race, culture, economy. , Social that exists in human life. United above Bhineka Tunggal Ika, united in religious diversity, united in religious tolerance. diversity, united in religious tolerance.)
  • MEBAT. You can buy, but can is a must..... So a little is okay  + (Every six months we Balinese usually hold Every six months we Balinese usually hold a big cooking party (mebat) and make lawar (a traditional Balinese coconut dish). Also, during big temple festivals and other ceremonies, we young Balinese are very eager to do it every day. However, today we can buy any kind of lawar. There are a lot of lawar sellers. Those who are experts in cooking lawar will be in demand. But are we just going to buy lawar without being able to make it? We have been going to school for 12 years and there is not even a single lawar cooking class except those who study in tourism schools. In fact, cooking parties (mebat) have a lot of benefits, far more than a part of ceremonies or just a relief to the urge of the belly. For instance, we can gather and learn to work together, to make friends, and to share laughters and jokes. I hope this mebat culture can enter the schools for its preservation. It’s useful for the youth to prepare them to get involved in society. If a married Balinese person can’t even peel a coconut, it will be very embarrassing!l a coconut, it will be very embarrassing!)
  • Mbok tiange bisa ningalin naga  + (Everybody has an older sister or brother who can do things they can't. But one girl has an older sister with a very special ability indeed!)
  • Everyday in a pandemic  + (Everyday in a pandemic)
  • Unduké Ané Palajahin Tiang uli Bali  + (Everyone wants to come to Bali. I’ve alwayEveryone wants to come to Bali. I’ve always wondered why. Why do they want to come here? People may see Bali as a holiday paradise. But, I see Bali as my home, where I’ve experienced and learned so much.</br></br>Bali has taught me about the importance of gratitude. While living here, I’ve learned to become more grateful for everything I have. I’m grateful for the fact that I am able to call a place like Bali, home. Living in Bali has provided me with the opportunity to become more open-minded by living in a place rich in culture and unique traditions, ceremonies, and art.</br>From holidays such as Nyepi where the Balinese people create enormous ogoh-ogohs that are extremely intricate and detailed to other ceremonies such as Galungan when the streets are lined with penjors and processions of Balinese in traditional attire.</br></br>I also always experience the kind, hospitable, and welcoming community provided by the people of Bali. They always greet me with a bright smile as I walk past, which always encourages me to try my best to become kinder towards others. One of my most meaningful experiences here includes my relationship with our pembantu and her family. Ibu Ketut has been working for my family for about 14 years now. Over time, I have come to see her as a cherished family member who has helped raise me since the day I was born. She treats me as if I were her own child, and has become my Balinese mother. From watching me take my first steps to teaching me Balinese, I’m grateful to have someone like her in my life.</br></br>I’m also always grateful for the natural environment of Bali. Every time I visit my home country, South Korea during school holidays, I see modern, urban cities that are constantly busy and bustling. When I’m there, I miss Bali. I miss the calm, spiritual atmosphere of Bali, from its breathtaking waterfalls, beaches, jungles, and rice fields to its welcoming, friendly community. From looking up to the sky in the afternoon and seeing all the young children flying their kites high in the sky.</br></br>Despite having lived in Bali my whole life, the beauty of Bali never seems to wear off or lose its novelty. Every morning I’m reminded of its magic - looking out the window and watching the sunrise, listening to the melodic sounds of birds chirping, and the resonating crow of roosters, Bali’s natural alarm clock. Every day ends with a sky full of amazing, mesmerizing colors, displaying a changing palette of colors, always different from the day before.</br></br>The place I call home. Where I was raised, where I go to school, and where I still am now. I'm grateful for Bali being the place I call home.</br></br>Thank you, terima kasih, matur suksma.e. Thank you, terima kasih, matur suksma.)
  • Benyah Latig  + (Everything is turning upside down in a little boy’s house. What could be the reason for this?)
  • The Subteties ofTopeng Keras  + (Explores what lies within the character ofExplores what lies within the character of ‘Topeng Keras’. One of the sacred Masks that appear in Topeng Babad. One of Bali’s oldest and most sacred Dance Mask Rituals. A series of portraits exploring the character that resonates within the Mask 'Topeng Keras', the dance and the dancer. And the realtionship between the three.r. And the realtionship between the three.)
  • The Subtleties of Topeng Keras  + (Explores what lies within the character ofExplores what lies within the character of ‘Topeng Keras’. One of the sacred Masks that appear in Topeng Babad. One of Bali’s oldest and most sacred Dance Mask Rituals. A chapter in our series The Living Masks of Bali.</br></br>Topeng Keras is one of 5 characters that appear in the Topeng Babad Ceremonial Dance (refer to ‘Topeng Babad Today‘). Amongst these are Topeng Ratu (the Kings’ Mask) Topeng Tua (Old Mask) Topeng Sidakarya (Sidakarya Mask) Topeng Bondres (Common Peoples’ Mask). Kadek explains that according to the rules of mask making in Bali, the first mask is Topeng Keras. Topeng Keras is a ‘Patih’ (Minister of the King) The word Patih or Pepatih is a regent title that was traditionally used among Austronesian polities of insular Southeast Asia. In the first place, it denoted the chief minister of a kingdom or a traditional regency. The word originates from the Sanskrit word Patih meaning maintainer, master or guide.Patih meaning maintainer, master or guide.)
  • Bunga apa ane paling melah?  + (Father comes home with a story for Nam. Father said, he found the most beautiful flower in the world. What is the most beautiful flower? Let's help Nam find him!)
  • Literature PEMBUATAN GARAM TRADISIONAL SEMAKIN TIDAK DIPERHATIKAN OLEH PEMUDA BALI  + (Fewer people are working in traditional saFewer people are working in traditional salt production in Bali. How about the young generation? They may not even care about it. This fact is published in Orti Semarapura, on, on 25 July 2017 entitled “Endangered, salt farmers without regeneration". The article discusses the fact that the traditional salt-making process in the coastal villages is subsiding. Salt farmers are diminishing in quantity because almost no one wants to continue the job. It creates major problems in Bali’s local salt production. One of the major factors of why young generations are reluctant to be salt farmers is the profit. Years ago, there were about 50 salt farmer families. As years went by, many of them changed their job for a better income to support the family. Now there are only 17 families of salt farmers, and most of them are aged and unable to seek for other jobs. The young generation think that salt farming is outdated and unprofitable. Technological advancement has not reached this sector. The farmers still rely on traditional methods which are contradictory to what the young people are up to today.</br> </br>The above data has proven that almost nobody cares about Balinese traditional salt-making process. The main problem is how young generation think about: it simply can’t give them a happy and prosperous life. If this problem persists, the Balinese traditional salt farmers will be no more.</br> </br>Furthermore, according to Central Bureau of Statistics’ data, there is a significant decrease of local salt production from 2011 to 2016. In 2011, Bali produced 3,339 tons of local salt, while in 2015, it increased significantly to 10,548 tons. Gradually until 2016, it decreased rapidly to only 500 tons. The bureau also discovered that there has been an apparent narrowing of salt farmers’ production land from 2014 (174 hectars) to only 23 hectars in just 2 years (2016). This is a result of the lack of young generation’s interest in the salt farming industry. Also, an article from Scientific News Magazine, August 2017 edition, mentions that there is an uncertain amount of local salt production because it still relies on a traditional method. Therefore, it fully depends on the sun, temperature, air, and production area that keeps narrowing.</br> </br>Based on this fact, it is the government’s duty to focus more on the salt farmers’ welfare to stimulate the number of salt farmers in Bali. One of the efforts that needs to be urgently carried out by the government is to issue a legal policy regarding selling regulation and protection for micro salt farmers. If the government doesn’t pay attention to the local salt farmers, the production will cease. The government should also give capital aids, empowerment aids such as production techniques and facilities so that Balinese salt quality is no less competitive than imported salt. If the government has properly socialized and regulated the local salt production and given an appropriate capital injection, Bali’s salt production will re-flourish and the farmers will be more prosperous.h and the farmers will be more prosperous.)
  • Gajah Makeber  + (Find out how a flying elephant changes the life of a poor farmer.)
  • Manus, a Conscious Journey  + (Five artists from various fields of art acFive artists from various fields of art active in the Sawidji Artist Collective explore the question ‘what makes us human?’ This is a collaboration titled “Manus, a Conscious Journey” which opened on December 15, 2023, and will be open to the public until February 3, 2024. The exhibition is a Sawidji Collaboration working in partnership with Sudakara Art Space, Sanur, Bali, Indonesia.</br></br>The artists involved in the Manus collaboration are Dibal Ranuh, Made Kaek, Nyoman Butur Suantara, Tjandra Hutama, and Dian Dewi. The five artists who have strong, militant and proven “colours” in their respective fields unite and dissolve in “Manus”.</br></br>Multi-disciplinary art collaboration including painting, sculpture, photography, digital media and film installation art., digital media and film installation art.)
  • 5 Way  + (Five young men with different backgrounds sat down with one meal together.)
  • Bali With all the weather  + (Flood When I walk to grandma's house. While on the road I was stopped by a man'. I asked why I was stopped, the father said he was in the middle of a flood because the ditch was blocked)
  • Bali With all the weather  + (Flood When I walk to grandma's house. While on the road I was stopped by a man'. I asked why I was stopped, the father said he was in the middle of a flood because the ditch was blocked)
  • dirty ditch  + (floods because there are lots of piles of garbage in the ditches. My hope in the future is that people in Bali will no longer throw garbage anywhere or in the gutters. As a result of the actions of irresponsible persons, Bali became flooded.)
  • terjadi banjir  + (Floods often occur when it rains, the gutters are often clogged with plastic waste or leaves and there is no response from local residents to clean them up)
  • Pesona Budaya Bali  + (For a long time, the island, which has beeFor a long time, the island, which has been nicknamed the Island of the Gods, has been known for its cultural diversity. Yes, Bali is an island that has a unique culture. There is so much unique culture that can be studied and studied here from its traditional and religious rituals, its unique cuisine, as well as its performing arts and crafts. All incredibly charming.</br></br>So far, most domestic tourists and some foreign tourists may only know Bali as an island with beautiful panoramas. In fact, from a cultural point of view, Bali is charming.</br></br>Therefore, I propose that Bali in this pandemic can create an attractive cultural package, it can be in the form of a hybrid that is in accordance with the current pandemic conditions. What is on offer? For example, a package of picking local plants and Balinese-style cooking, for example Betutu Chicken and various Lawars. Also can for example learn the basics of Balinese dance in three hours. Others are a week of watching Balinese wayang, Balinese gamelan orchestra performances, a week of Balinese fairy tales, seeing a village making Balinese handicrafts, and inviting tourists to take part in preparations for big ceremonies in Bali (for example how children learn to dance, mothers prepare food). ceremonies and so on). Or there can also be stories and tours about getting to know the Balinese kingdom and knowing what white leak and black leak are, and about learning Balinese script.</br></br>Yes, there are many interesting things about culture in Bali. This is one way to attract tourists, culturalists, and also those who are interested in culture from anywhere to get to know more about Bali.m anywhere to get to know more about Bali.)
  • Literature Saran Darurat Rakyat tentang Penanganan Covid-19 untuk Pemerintah  + (For more than a year, Indonesia has faced For more than a year, Indonesia has faced the Covid-19 pandemic, since March 2, 2020. However, Covid-19 has not yet been controlled. In fact, the trend of Covid-19 cases and deaths continues to increase. As a result, many hospitals are full. Covid-19 patients are asked to self-isolate at home. The number of deaths increased sharply. Oxygen cylinders in hospitals are running low. Actually, there is another way to firmly break this chain of transmission by holding a total restriction or lock down. However, the government prefers the option of implementing Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) to reduce the rate of transmission of Covid-19 on the islands of Java and Bali. It is true that we have to be extra prepared for the lock down option. Likewise the state, which has an obligation to meet the basic needs of its people. As stated in the Law. However, in the policy for the Implementation of Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM), it should have been prepared before the implementation was carried out. This is what makes people who until now still violate it. The low level of public compliance with this implementation is due to government errors in policy making and inconsistencies. In addition, there is a corruption case of the Covid-19 social assistance which has seriously injured the people so that the level of trust is decreasing. It takes collaboration between the government and the community and efforts to improve the quality of public compliance with policies that can end the Covid-19 pandemic. The government must also cooperate with several religious leaders, influencers, and artists to jointly socialize about the importance of strictly implementing health protocols. Because this Emergency PPKM is a form of affirmation of the importance of health protocols to people who have been ignoring them. Disregarding the protocol is not only a danger to yourself but the environment around you.o yourself but the environment around you.)
  • SALULUNG SABAYANTAKA  + (For the struggle of the Heroes so far, We For the struggle of the Heroes so far, We can celebrate the 77th Indonesian Independence Day. We as Indonesian citizens are very proud of the actions by the heroes. We must continue their struggle by doing the attitude of Nationalism, Patriotism, Tolerance and Team Work. At this time we have seen the team work attitude somewhat fading, therefore we as millennials have to regenerate the attitude of Team Work, so that the Community can live within the Solidarity. Community can live within the Solidarity.)
  • Hanoman Pinaka Suluh Kahuripan  + (Formerly in the story of the hero, now famFormerly in the story of the hero, now famous as the son of Ida Bhatata Bayu and Anjani named Hanuman, he has supernatural powers unbeatable by weapons and can decide his life according to what he thinks. Despite having such supernatural powers, Hanuman always behaved well and carried out his duties. This needs to be used as self-sufficiency by the government, so that after getting a position and having the obligation to speak and behave according to the truth, not only selfish. The people respect Hanoman because he always does good. But the government will be famous if it does not abuse its power. be famous if it does not abuse its power.)
  • Paplajahan sané Kajahin antuk Bali ring Déwék Tiang olih Thomas Ward  + (Four years ago, in 2019, I stepped foot inFour years ago, in 2019, I stepped foot into a house of which I would be living in after my family's transition from Singapore to Bali, Indonesia, the Island of Gods. After countless trips to and from Bali, my parents found it quite a formidable place to live in. This was because unlike most countries, including Singapore, Bali consists of a variety of fascinating species of animals and a wide range of vegetation spread amongst its land. If you were presented with such an opportunity to live in a fantasy such as the one Bali is, wouldn't you transfer yourself to witness and experience it. Well for my parents, that was definite.</br>Without further ado, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Thomas Ward and I am currently in grade six attending Bali Island School. As mentioned before, I originally lived in Singapore as that is where I was born. My Mother was born in the Netherlands and my Father was born in the U.K. And two years after my birth I met with my ever so loving sister, Ella. As well as me she was also born in Singapore and was only five years old when we moved.</br>Throughout my four years living here and countless week vacations prior to moving, I have had many experiences of which I have had the ability to learn from. Now, I would like to cover two of the most valuable lessons I have been taught as an immigrant in Bali.</br>1.Cultures and religions outside my own.</br>As a whole, Indonesia is one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world. But Bali alone is prominently run by Balinease customs and traditions with Western culture being widely accepted but less dominant than the Balinese. This has given me the opportunity to witness culture outside Singapore's Eurasian and East Asian values and celebrations.</br>During my first year in Bali I noticed a big difference between holidays compared to Singapore. Let's take Christmas as an example. In Singapore between October and November is when Christmas decorations start to appear around every community. But in Bali, the streets are not covered in red and green but instead are just the same as any other day. After being exposed to a much different culture than what I grew up in, I was able to develop my cultural awareness.</br>2.The differences between the rich and poor.</br>Indonesia is a developing country and this is quite apparent in most parts of Bali. Singapore is a first world country and you will rarely find rundown or abandoned buildings. However, when I visited Buleleng, in the north of Bali, last summer, I noticed a major difference in wealth. To see such a massive level of inequality you don’t even have to travel outside of Bali. Seminyak is Bali’s richest area, and from luxury shops to fine dining, it definitely shows. But Buleleng suffers from far more deprivation. Through witnessing such gaps in economic strength, I am weary to stay mindful and grateful of what I have that others might not, even if they are necessities such as shelter or sufficient food.sities such as shelter or sufficient food.)
  • Raket Maiket Kemerdekaan  + (Freedom!! everyone know about it. who don'Freedom!! everyone know about it. who don't know about it ?</br></br>Everyone wait for it and celebrate that day by many event. Some people do contest, some people do touring, and some people do flag ceremony. But many young boys and girl do something different, like drunk, gambling, and etc. It was the kind of the earth was old.</br></br>Let's everyone everlasting good habits when celebrate freedom daying good habits when celebrate freedom day)
  • Literature Smart grid development to prevent further blackouts in Indonesia's capital city, Jakarta  + (Frequent blackouts in Jakarta have a multiFrequent blackouts in Jakarta have a multiplier effect on the country’s national and economic security, as well as Jakarta’s development toward becoming a smart city. Two policy options for the government explained in this article would be to reform PLN management and introduce smart grid technology.ement and introduce smart grid technology.)
  • "Ajian Ki Cambra Berag"  + (Friends if you see a skinny dog feeling diFriends if you see a skinny dog feeling disgusted? in Bali it is said that there is ajian cambra berag, it is a tall ajian pangelakan, can turn himself into a thin dog his body is all rotten wounds on his neck. </br>These ogoh-ogoh remind us not to take care of other people's lives, torturing animals, especially Balinese dogs. </br>The government should care about guarding and being strict about people who kill, poison dogs, have hungry stomachs, get sick, and torture. In the midst of a lack of understanding, and laws regarding improper behavior towards animals. So that the dog does not become extinct and awakens the harmonious relationship of humans with nature, such as the concept of Tri Hita Karana.e, such as the concept of Tri Hita Karana.)
  • Wong Samar (Intan Partami)  + (Friends, this ogoh-ogoh named Giant Wong SFriends, this ogoh-ogoh named Giant Wong Samar was created by Sekaa Truna Dharma Kencana, Penusuan Banjar, Tegallalang Village, Gianyar.</br></br>Wong Samar is a type of Bhuta Kala that cannot be seen by humans. However, his voice and behavior could be felt. Wong Samar's activities are harassing humans. That is what makes Hindus paraded the ogoh-ogoh on Pengrupukan day, signifying the blind defeat of Kala on earth. So friends, from these ogoh-ogoh the government should work in a transparent manner, not covertly like strangers let alone using state treasury money. If you dare to do such evil things, society will burn you. Worth it guys?ngs, society will burn you. Worth it guys?)
  • Friendship in Religious Differences  + (Friendship love will not be damaged by difFriendship love will not be damaged by differences. Different religions will not be able to damage our closeness to friends. In everyday life, just as the sky supports the earth (land), so does the earth (land) that sincerely supports the sky. Mutual tolerance. Friends who are fasting, so we must endure the feeling, when it is time to break, that's where we can pray and enjoy food together.where we can pray and enjoy food together.)
  • Earlier  + (From an early age, it should be taught on how to respect religious differences and that it can be useful until adulthood)
  • Literature pura ulun subak bukit  + (From their respective homes, there is the Sri Batari Pelinggih (picking), above which it is also adjacent to the Dugul Temple subak nyungsung.)
  • Preserving Balinese Culture in the Balinese Way  + (From this title, it is the current BalinesFrom this title, it is the current Balinese language that is set in the 21st century which is being discussed in the global era, about Bali which has many problems and needs proper solutions. Bali is an island that is well known to other countries which are already well known for their customs and culture. This Balinese custom and culture has been preserved based on the Hindu religion which is tied to Balinese language, script, and literature, also in traditional villages. Thus now, with the existence of the Balinese language, namely the mother tongue, it has been decreasing.</br>Let's protect our culture by preserving the Balinese languageulture by preserving the Balinese language)
  • Preserving Balinese Culture in the Balinese Way  + (From this title, it is the current BalinesFrom this title, it is the current Balinese language that is set in the 21st century which is being discussed in the global era, about Bali which has many problems and needs proper solutions. Bali is an island that is well known to other countries which are already well known for their customs and culture. This Balinese custom and culture has been preserved based on the Hindu religion which is tied to Balinese language, script, and literature, also in traditional villages. Thus now, with the existence of the Balinese language, namely the mother tongue, it has been decreasing.</br>Let's protect our culture by preserving the Balinese languageulture by preserving the Balinese language)
  • "Harmoni Bali: Menuju Pemimpin Visioner dalam Mewujudkan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan, Kesejahteraan, dan Pelestarian Budaya"  + (Future leaders in Bali must immediately adFuture leaders in Bali must immediately address environmental and tourism issues as top priorities. These islands experience negative impacts from uncontrolled tourism growth, such as environmental damage, overcrowding, and economic imbalance. The increase in plastic waste and damage to coral reefs is a serious threat to environmental sustainability.</br></br>Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has devastated the tourism industry, which is the backbone of Bali's economy. Aspiring leaders must plan policies that will restore the economy, diversify revenue sources, and strengthen health infrastructure. Addressing employment and education issues is also important to strengthen local community involvement.</br></br>In facing these challenges, leaders must involve all parties, including local communities, businesses and central government. A long-term vision that focuses on sustainable development and preservation of Balinese culture is needed to create a glorious future for all parties.</br></br>Next, issues of labor conditions and income distribution must be taken into account. Leaders must devise strategies to improve the skills of their local workers, provide jobs, and ensure economic distribution of income.</br></br>To face these challenges, ambitious and dedicated leadership is needed. Future Indonesian leaders must have a strong commitment to sustainable development, social justice and cultural preservation. Only with a holistic and collaborative approach can Bali develop sustainably while maintaining the uniqueness and beauty of its nature and culture.ness and beauty of its nature and culture.)
  • Program of Inclusion and Support for Disabilities: Challenges for Future Leaders  + (Future leaders need to design inclusive prFuture leaders need to design inclusive programs for various types of disabilities, focusing on education, training, physical accessibility, technology, social and emotional support, transportation, and freedom of worship, such as at Besakih temple where many still struggle to access due to stairs. This program should also consider legal and financial aspects while supporting disability rights advocacy. My experience in sign language training with Dnetwork and PUSBISINDO made me feel inclusive and better understand them firsthand. Creating an inclusive, supportive, and respectful environment for individuals with disabilities is crucial. Leaders must adhere to existing disability rights guidelines to protect their rights and involve them in all disability support programs.e them in all disability support programs.)
  • Umah Kemplong-Kemplongan  + (Gables the dollhouse doesn't know what it looks like. Millie the ruler and Nubs the pencil want to help their friend. But how can they show Gables what it looks like? Find out in this fun adventure.)
  • Purwa Sanghara  + (Gaguritan Purwa Sanghara is one of the litGaguritan Purwa Sanghara is one of the literary works written by I Gusti Ngurah Made Agung (1876-1906), the seventh king of the Kingdom of Badung who died during the Puputan Badung incident on September 20, 1906. Not only as a knight, he was also a writer. His song, "Ratu Anom", is popular until now and is ingrained in Balinese life.</br></br>Geguritan Purwa Sanghara tells about the advice of the struggle against the Dutch. This geguritan uses the example of the event of the destruction of the Yadu dynasty and the death of the cruel king Kangsa. Here, I Gusti Ngurah Made Agung uses an alliterative figure to represent the Dutch as a giant who wants to attack dharma during the Kaliyuga era.</br></br>This Geguritan was his last work before he died on September 20, 1906 in front of Puri Denpasar. He persistently fought until the end against the Dutch troops who wanted to take over Denpasar (Badung region at that time).ver Denpasar (Badung region at that time).)
  • Gajah Mina (Juara 3 Wimbakara Baligrafi Bulan Bahasa Bali Tahun 2023)  + (Gajah Mina is a very important symbol of tGajah Mina is a very important symbol of the power of Dewa Baruna. This Gajah Mina has an elephant head and a fish tail. This baligraphy reads "Sagara kasengguh suci, toya sagara punika angkihan kauripan". This Baligrafi won 3rd place in the Baligraphic Competition in the framework of the Bulan Bahasa Bali V in 2023 which was held at the Taman Budaya Provinsi Bali. This baligraphy is the property of the Dinas Kebudayaan Provinsi Bali.rty of the Dinas Kebudayaan Provinsi Bali.)