pelestarian lingkungan oleh smp cipta dharma

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pelestarian lingkungan oleh smp cipta dharma
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daneswara_gd , gus_pramana_27 , iwayanrestu._ agus382008 ,,
Ngolah Luu

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Aktingnya bisa lebih natural dan membuang sampah sembarangnya bisa lebih masuk akal lagi. Tampilkan video/foto berupa aksi, tidak hanya melalui dialog saja karena kekuatan video ada di visual. Dwi Jayanthi - PlastikDetox.

Gede aditya daneswara

39 months ago
Votes 2++


39 months ago
Votes 2++
Vidio ini mengajarkan bahwa jika kita ingin membuang sampah Maka buanglah sampah pada tempat nya, agar lingkungan bersih dan enak di lihat

Agung Nismara08

39 months ago
Votes 1++




39 months ago
Votes 2++

Nyoman Sulasa

39 months ago
Votes 1++
Vidio ini memang bagus,tapi tolong di tingkatkan perannya agar lebih baik saja

Gede aditya daneswara

39 months ago
Votes 0++

Gede aditya daneswara

39 months ago
Votes 0++
ayo dilike dan komen

Saya alien

39 months ago
Votes 1++
Keren teruskan
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Environmental conservation is an activity where we must prevent things that are not beneficial to the surrounding environment. Currently many places have been polluted by human hands, with so many animals in the environment having to suffer from these wastes. Therefore we must keep the environment clean and maintain the environmental ecosystem, we can start by throwing garbage in its place, not cutting down trees carelessly. Don't let the fish in the sea eat plastic waste because it can harm us. Use the waste to be a work that we can be proud of. Don't throw garbage carelessly so that nature loves us more, the environment is clean and the ecosystem is maintained.


Environmental conservation is an activity where we must prevent things that are not beneficial to the surrounding environment. Currently many places have been polluted by human hands, with so many animals in the environment having to suffer from these wastes. Therefore we must keep the environment clean and maintain the environmental ecosystem, we can start by throwing garbage in its place, not cutting down trees carelessly. Don't let the fish in the sea eat plastic waste because it can harm us. Use the waste to be a work that we can be proud of. Don't throw garbage carelessly so that nature loves us more, the environment is clean and the ecosystem is maintained.

Why does the innovation or project matter?

to keep Bali from trash

How do you or your team know that the innovation or project is working (or making a positive contribution)?

What has contributed to the innovation or project working?

by inviting the whole community to protect Bali from garbage

What else would help the innovation or project be more successful?

Is the innovation or project self-sustaining? If not, what needs to be done for that to happen?

What Balinese value does this initiative invoke?

People/groups to contact

nama tim : tim macan nama anggota tim : danes , restu , arya , agus , tugus