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Om Swastiastu Praise and gratitude to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa who has bestowed the blessing of health to all of us. Today, with great pride, I would like to discuss a phenomenon that is increasingly prevalent in Indonesia, namely the use of electric vehicles. This phenomenon is not just a change in trend, but also reflects our concern for the environment, especially in addressing the problem of air pollution. As the country with the worst air quality in Southeast Asia, the decision to use electric vehicles is a wise step to reduce emissions, carbon footprint, and face the challenges of climate change. However, while we support this positive initiative, we need to face the reality that its implementation is not yet optimal. Given that Indonesia still relies on coal and natural gas for power generation, and the mining of raw materials such as lithium, nickel, and cobalt also has environmental consequences if not properly regulated. In addition, the limited lifetime of batteries, around 10-20 years, poses a potential risk of battery waste accumulation in the absence of adequate waste management facilities. Therefore, I encourage the government to improve electric vehicle charging infrastructure, address the potential risk of battery waste accumulation, and find alternative solutions to environmentally friendly batteries. We recognize that the development of this technology needs greater support to become an effective solution in reducing air pollution in Indonesia. Therefore, let us together encourage the government to accelerate the development of charging infrastructure, provide solutions and proper handling for the worst risks of using electric motors, and offer further support for the adoption of electric vehicles. Thus, we can move towards a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable Indonesia. Thank you. Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om  +
Enjoy all of the sights, sounds, smells and feelings of the Festival of the Vest.  +
An Anthology World Without Sound, was responded by several artists & writers who share the same vision to awaken our sensitivity in understanding, exploring, and making sense of the reality of world without sound, and distribute the message to the public from different perspectives. Behind The Artwork : Butterflies need natural resources, such as plants and flowers, for food and places to lay their eggs. Butterflies do not like urban noise, such as vehicles, construction and other human activities can annoy butterflies and affect their behavior. Butterflies rely heavily on their visual perception and olfactory abilities, which are important in finding food and mates. Noise can interfere with the ability of butterflies to communicate and pay attention to their surroundings. In addition, constant noise can cause stress and anxiety in butterflies. Therefore, butterflies prefer a calm, peaceful environment and clean air. Reflection : "The instinct to seek peace and happiness is the reference for every human being's life. The butterfly philosophy teaches humans to be more flexible, open, courageous, patient, and respect differences. This is a useful lesson for human life in various aspects of life."  +
There has been a flood in Pemecutan Klod Village on October 8 2022 since 02.00 WITA. Floods are caused by high rainfall in Denpasar City. In the initial data obtained from the local health office in coordination with several related agencies, the number of victims that could be informed was 0 people, consisting of 0 people died, 0 people were missing, 0 were seriously injured/hospitalized, 0 were lightly injured/outpatient and 0 Refugees.  +
This morning I went to the temple to pray because there was a religious celebration. This is a traditional ceremony for Hindus in Bali which happened in sanggah/merajan/temple. The people who came looked beautiful and handsome. However, when they arrived at the holy place, everyone used their cellphones and took selfies at Baduraksa. When the ceremony begins, there are still people looking back asking for flowers. What do you think and remember when you go to a holy place? Only cellphones you remember to bring? Aren't you ashamed? Remembering to bring a cellphone but forgetting to bring an offering. We should be grateful because we have been given salvation by God Almighty, it is our duty. They don't even want to bring offerings, or even pray properly, but using the cell phone seems to have no limits. Can we pray with only pictures of flowers on Google? Don't be like that. Let's preserve our culture, don't forget your obligations, put down your cellphone first, focus on giving thanks and asking for forgiveness. If possible, the priests make the rules. If there are already rules, implement them as we will arrange devotions, whatever is brought, so the sense of belonging will grow, which is related to culture, customs and regulations.  +
If I become a leader in my area or city, I will improve access to infrastructure because infrastructure can be said to be the main pillar of achieving tourism goals, without adequate infrastructure tourists are reluctant to travel and I will increase advertising and promote digitally and organize festivals to various countries. local cultural artists and I will improve access to tourist attractions so that they can be easily reached by tourists.  +
Playing football is an exciting thing for many people, it makes the heart cheerful and happy, especially when it is playing against opponents and scoring goals. Playing football is also good for heart health. In playing football, many people learn togetherness and discipline. Every day is certain and everyone usually has a schedule to practice with his friends. On the sidelines of playing football, sometimes there are funny things at the same time all the players laugh and laugh, for example there is a player whose shoes are released because of the enthusiasm to kick the ball, even though "the ball doesn't kick but his shoes fly" the shoes must be loose or too big. Not to mention if there is a goalkeeper who is too forward, not the ball that is driven, even the opponent's foot is caught. At school, people usually have a Futsal team and have even won 1st place.  +
Please travel to enjoy the unique nature and culture of Bali. But it must not damage and affect the cultural customs, traditions and nature of Bali. Balinese customary and traditional culture has been harmoniously maintained since ancient times from our ancestors to the present. Balinese people should not doubt our culture, instead we must be more confident and firm in passing it on to our children and grandchildren in the future by preserving and protecting it from outside cultural influences. The younger generation must maintain the noble culture of our traditional traditions, hand in hand to maintain unity and the spirit of mutual cooperation so that it becomes a well-known Balinese cultural heritage throughout the world. It is the duty of all of us Balinese, the community and the government to take care of it, preserve it, don't be influenced by foreign cultures which are increasingly free, so that it remains an attraction for anyone who comes to Bali.  +
Please travel to enjoy the unique nature and culture of Bali. But it must not damage and affect the cultural customs, traditions and nature of Bali. Balinese customary and traditional culture has been harmoniously maintained since ancient times from our ancestors to the present. Balinese people should not doubt our culture, instead we must be more confident and firm in passing it on to our children and grandchildren in the future by preserving and protecting it from outside cultural influences. The younger generation must maintain the noble culture of our traditional traditions, hand in hand to maintain unity and the spirit of mutual cooperation so that it becomes a well-known Balinese cultural heritage throughout the world. It is the duty of all of us Balinese, the community and the government to take care of it, preserve it, don't be influenced by foreign cultures which are increasingly free, so that it remains an attraction for anyone who comes to Bali.  +
Road access for people with disabilities should be provided. There are several other programs that should be implemented for them as well: 1) Free college programs for friends with disabilities. The government should help friends with disabilities who have a great desire to study, especially those who have foreign language skills. The government should facilitate them to study even abroad. 2) Disability-friendly libraries. The government should pay attention to access and create a special corner for disabled friends. 3) Regular skills training programs for disabled friends and product/service distribution, also inviting influencers to help promote. 4) Periodic support programs for disabled friends who are unable to move, and updating the data regularly.  +
Friendship love will not be damaged by differences. Different religions will not be able to damage our closeness to friends. In everyday life, just as the sky supports the earth (land), so does the earth (land) that sincerely supports the sky. Mutual tolerance. Friends who are fasting, so we must endure the feeling, when it is time to break, that's where we can pray and enjoy food together.  +
A Little About Art and a lot about Life. Putu Bonuz Sudiana. "When a person is good at reading characters, it is perhaps the same as reading art. Perhaps understanding people is like understanding the journey for abstraction." Exploring the different facests of an artists' philosophies and how it is embodies in their art.  +
Corpus has significantly contributed to dictionary-making. However, despite this high potential, scholars need to pay more attention to the benefits of corpus to junior dictionary development of Indonesia’s local language, i.e., the Balinese language. To fill this gap, the researcher built a 56590 word-sized corpus from the data obtained from published Balinese short stories and children’s songs. AntCont version 4.1.1 software was employed to retrieve words and collocations, focusing on selecting nouns for the junior dictionary entries. The study was the first of its kind to utilise corpus to design a junior dictionary for the Balinese language. Theoretically, this study significantly improved the design of a new corpus-based dictionary for junior users that entails unique and culturally bound words in Balinese. Practically, this study expands the number of dictionaries provided as a source for learning Balinese, primarily for junior users.  +
The war in Ukraine has triggered one of the fastest-growing displacement and humanitarian crises. According to the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), as many as five million Ukrainians have fled their country in less than two months since Russian troops started the war in the country. That's a really big number, isn't it? This means that Ukrainians are now the second largest refugee group in the world. It is undeniable that Ukrainians who are confused about finding a suitable place to live may come and flee to Bali. As students as well as Balinese people, we will have a big responsibility towards these refugees. The refugees could come to Bali perhaps because they believe that the place they are going is the right place for them. So, it is a must for us as Balinese people to prove that this is indeed true. Maybe Ukrainians are people who want a safer place than Ukraine, where there is no war between countries. The Russia-Ukrainian war had a huge impact on their people. About seven million people were forced to lose their homes within the country. If you imagine, it is possible that some refugees from Ukraine are introverts who find it difficult to trust new people. Therefore, we as Balinese people need to make an approach to them. In my opinion, the approach can be started in simple ways, for example by getting to know refugees, and getting used to saying the three magic words, namely “please”, “sorry”, and “thank you”. It may increase their trust or at least they may realize that we are people who can be trusted and want to help them sincerely. But basically, the approach alone is not enough. As students, we can also help the refugees as much as we can. With good intentions, surely it will be well received too. We can help refugees by fundraising. This fundraising can be done by residents around the refugee camps or by residents who come from faraway places. There are now many websites and online donation applications that are safe and reliable such as, Aksi Cepat Tanggap, Indorelawan,, and so on. Well, we can use them as accessible fundraising tools for Ukrainian refugees. The funds can be later used for various things, such as buying foodstuffs. Food is, of course, the main need for Ukrainian citizens in refugee camps. In addition, we can donate clothes that are still fit for use to them. Because—who knows—they flee in a hurry and forget to bring sufficient clothes to wear at the shelter. We can also imitate the good attitude of others. One of them is the attitude of Desislava Tosheva from Sofia, Bulgaria. She felt sorry for the fate of the Ukrainian people. This prompted her to help provide accommodation in various countries for refugees. She then created a Facebook group under the name 'Accommodation, Aid and Shelter for Ukraine'. Unexpectedly, the group managed to attract the attention of 80 thousand members. Imagine if it could be done in Bali. It is certain that the refugees will get a safe and comfortable place to stay. Apart from adults, there are also Ukrainian citizens who are children and teenagers. As students, we can give or share our knowledge with them. Due to the political crisis, children and young people cannot get an education safely and comfortably. Therefore, with their coming to the refugee camps, at least they can get an education more comfortably and safely. However, it is certain that we have difficulties in language. So, we need help from linguists to support the activities to be carried out. The political crisis in Ukraine can also disrupt the mental and physical health of its people. We as students can also participate in health screening activities for refugees. Of course, we also need to work with an expert medical team. Apart from medical check-ups, we can also provide entertainment to them to relieve the pressure they experience because of the Russia-Ukrainian war. The conclusion is that our good attitude is really needed by the refugees. No matter how small the actions we take, they will surely be accepted if we sincerely do them without any coercion. Even though we are still students, we can still help refugees even with simple things. Refugees may not need luxurious goods or facilities, but they need the kindness of the community to help them.  
Om Swastiastu Bale banjar is a medium that is used as a place to unite various levels of society. Bale banjar itself can be used by the community to hold certain activities and ceremonies. Usually the bale banjar is used to carry out mandatory activities such as elections (general elections), posyandu and so on. In addition, usually bale banjar is also more often used by village men / youth for activities such as making ogoh-ogoh, sports, magambel and many others. Seeing these conditions, it certainly will not rule out the possibility for village women/girls to take advantage of the bale banjar as a space for their creativity. It turns out that many women's activities have been carried out, for example PKK women from Banjar Titih Tengah Doing majejaitan training, cooking training, gymnastics and so on. In the current era of globalization, there is no limit for men and women to use Banjar bales, banjar bales can be used by all people in Banjar, from Banjar bales it will grow new talents that can be developed there, for example in Banjar Titih there is training to make banten, in Bali this facility is needed by many Hindus and it is difficult to make, with this training besides the women being able to socialize they will get new jobs, the influence of the Banjar bale is so great for the whole community, let's from now on take advantage of the Banjar bale with useful activities. Om shanti, shanti, shanti Om  +
The Garuda bird has a golden body, has large and magnificent wings and looks brave. It was named Ogoh-ogoh Garuda Suwarnakaya. The meaning of ogoh-ogoh is very deep. The Garuda bird symbolizes strength, while the gold color represents grandeur and glory. Therefore, the government should imitate the meaning of Ogoh-ogoh Suwarnakaya to continue to have strength in giving enthusiasm to all people to always fight to defend our nation and country, Indonesia will become a magnificent and glorious nation, so that it is the same as the meaning of Ogoh-ogoh Suwarnakaya.  +
Gender inequity and inequality in the community would restrict development process. Therefore, struggle toward gender equity and equality is become interesting global issue for the world and also Indonesia and Bali.The aims of this study is 1) to analyze knowledge, perception, and attitude of Balinese community toward gender concept and gender equity and equality, and 2) to know implementation of gender role in the family and community. This study is carried out in the three regencies/city in Bali, i.e. Buleleng, Tabanan and Denpasar. In each regency/city, two types of village is determined that are urban and rural. Data are collected by implementing structured interview based on questionnaire which is asked to 120 respondents and completed with in-depth interview based on interview guidance to some key respondents.The finding shows that most of respondent (68.30 %) have not known gender concept, means that only 21.70 percent stated that they already known it, and they have different understanding both about gender term and gender equity and equality. With regard to gender equity and equality, only 24.20 percent of respondent report that they have read and heard about this term. However, when it is related to gender equity and equality program, most of them (91.60 %) of respondent stated that they agree with such a program. In addition, it is also found that in the reality, almost all respondent actually have implemented job sharing between man and women flexibly, means that they swap the role of each other depend on situation and condition. This reality reflects that there is a shifting of thinking pattern of the community from rigid toward flexible division of job.Based on the findings, it can be concluded that although only small number of community member have known and understand gender concept and gender equity and equality, actually they have implemented it in their daily life. In general, community member also agree for changing their attitude toward gender role, so the condition of gender equity and equality can be achieved.  
The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) is a country that has a lot of diversity, as well as the diversity of religions believed by Indonesian people, which are not all the same. Therefore freedom of religion is regulated in Article 29(2) of the 1945 Constitution which states that "The state guarantees the freedom of each citizen to embrace their own religion and to worship according to their religion and belief". Therefore harmony between religious communities who have different beliefs is very important to maintain for the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). As we know in Indonesia there are 6 (six) religions namely; Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Confucianism. Due to religious differences among people in Indonesia, it is very important to maintain inter-religious harmony. One way that can be done to maintain inter-religious harmony is by helping each other or mutual cooperation. Gotong royong is an activity that is carried out together to facilitate an activity in order to achieve the desired result, where the mutual cooperation system is also a form of practicing the 3rd precept of Pancasila, namely Indonesian Unity. Awareness of this mutual cooperation system is very important to implement in order to create harmony between religious communities. Because the existence of awareness for mutual cooperation can improve reciprocal relations between religious communities, so that harmony can be created between religious communities. An example of implementing this mutual cooperation system is by helping each other or mutual cooperation in every religious ceremony that takes place, helping each other in making or repairing places of worship, and working together in preserving the environment in the community. From the brief description that I have described above, I can conclude that awareness of the system of mutual assistance or gotong royong is very important to implement in order to create harmony and harmony between religious communities.  
Calabingkah beten biu, Belah-belahan pane, Belah-belahan paso, Gumi linggah, ajak liu, Ada kene, ada keto. That's what the Balinese pantun says. Because many people live on earth, there is also a lot of garbage. Because there is a lot of garbage, there are also many problems such as floods and dengue fever. Well friends, we are just passengers on this earth. Do not carelessly throw away garbage that causes the earth to get sick and reduce the use of single-use plastic. We should follow the example of ST. Dhananjaya who processes waste into good ogoh-ogoh with the name I Garuda Mas. Let's be wise in using, disposing and processing plastic waste!!!  +
Many people are seen wearing green jackets on the street. They are online motorcycle riders offering taxi service. The passenger rides on the back. For some this is a full-time job, for others some a part-time job. In the current difficult times, the job of becoming an online motorcycle taxi is the prima donna's choice. However, there are unresolved problems with these online drivers. What are those? Fighting for passengers between online motorcycle taxis and conventional motorcycle taxis. This phenomenon has existed for a long time, but until now there has been no solution. Oh my gosh, fellow brothers fighting over the rupiah. Ladies and Gentlemen in the government, help the people. Make regulations that can accommodate the interests of both parties. Please, pretty please, sir, madam, please!  +