- type of pond dwelling bird en
- Sejenis burung hidupnya di sawah-sawah bulunya berwarna putih, kaki dan lehernya panjang id
- a heron id
- bangau id

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There is a Balinese story entitled The Cangak
A Cangak is a kind of bird like a Heron or Egret about the size of a chicken. A Cangak really loves to eat fish from ponds, rice fields and other places. One day the Cangak saw a pond whose water was clear and where there were lotus growing and many fish. And the Cangak really wanted to eat the fish that were in the pond. So the Cangak thought about the various ways to get the fish.
After coming up with a plan, the Cangak stood at the edge of the pond. It was wearing all white and wore the crown of a priest so that it looked like a real priest. He quietly and calmly watched the fish in the pond swimming back and forth in front of him but not even one did he grab. And because of that, even more fish came closer to where he was standing but still the Cangak did not grab any of the fish. Then the Cangak said …..I Cangak punika wantah beburon kedis sane magengnyane sawatara amun siape. I Cangat wantah demen ipun neda ulam sane wenten ring telaga, ring sawah mihah sane tiyosan. Risedek dina anu ipun I Cangak nyingak wenten telaga sane yeh ne hening, medaging tunjung tur akeh wentem ulamnyane. Ditu laut I Cangak kedaut keneh ipun mangda praside neda ulame sane ring telaga punika. Raris ipun I Cangak ngrikikan winaya mangda ulame punika kapolihan.
Risampune ipun I Cangak polih wnaya ditu lanta ipun I Cangak mejujuk disisin telagane. Mebusana sarwa putih, taler meketu tan bina sekadi Sang Pandita. Enteg sebeng ipune I Cangak nulih sekancan ulame sane wenten ring telagane. Pesliwer ulame di arep ipune I Cangak ten wenten kecotot teken ipun I Cangak. Drika ulame sayan ngliyunan nampekin ipun I Cangak, sayan nampek ring genah ipun I Cangak, taler ten wenten kecotot teken ipun I Cangak. Raris Ipun I Cangak Mesaur.......A Cangak is a kind of bird like a Heron or Egret about the size of a chicken. A Cangak really loves to eat fish from ponds, rice fields and other places. One day the Cangak saw a pond whose water was clear and where there were lotus growing and many fish. And the Cangak really wanted to eat the fish that were in the pond. So the Cangak thought about the various ways to get the fish.
After coming up with a plan, the Cangak stood at the edge of the pond. It was wearing all white and wore the crown of a priest so that it looked like a real priest. He quietly and calmly watched the fish in the pond swimming back and forth in front of him but not even one did he grab. And because of that, even more fish came closer to where he was standing but still the Cangak did not grab any of the fish. Then the Cangak said …..Cangak itu adalah sejenis burung. sejenis Kuntul yg besarnya kira sebesar ayam. Cangak itu suka banget makan ikan yg ada di kolam, sawah atau ditempat lainnya. Pada suatu hari I Cangak melihat ada kolam yg airnya jernih ditumbuhi bunga tunjung dan banyak ada ikannya. Di saat itu I Cangak pingin banget supaya dapat makan ikan tersebut yg ada di kolam itu. Kemudian I Cangak memikirkan daya upaya bagaimana caranya supaya ikan tersebut bisa didapat.
Setelah I Cangak mendapatkan akal tipu musliat, selanjutnya I Canfak berdiri di tepi kolam. Berpakaian serba putih dan bermahkita pendeta, tak ubahnya seperti pendeta sungguhan. Tenang dan kalem penampilannya melihat ikan ikan di kolam yang lalu lalang di depan nya I Cangak tetapi satupun tidak ada dipatuk oleh I Cangak. Itu pula yg nenyebabkan makin banyak ikan yg makin mendekat ketempatnya I Cangak berdiri, tetap juga I Cangak tidak ada mematuk ikanbikan tersebut. Terus I Cangak berkata.....“Dija tongosne ento, diolas tujuhin ja icang,” saut I Cicing Alas mapangapti.
“Kema cai ngidih tulung tekening I Kedis Cangak!