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Nasi goreng

nasi goreng

  • rice dishes that are fried and stirred in cooking oil, margarine, or butter; usually added sweet soy sauce, shallot, garlic, tamarind, pepper and other spices; such as eggs, chicken, crackers and a wide variety of ingredients (Mider) (Noun) en
  • hidangan nasi yang digoreng dan diaduk dalam minyak goreng, margarin, atau mentega; biasanya ditambah kecap manis, bawang merah, bawang putih, asam jawa, lada dan bumbu-bumbu lainnya; seperti telur, ayam, kerupuk dan berbagai variasi bahan (Mider) (Noun) id
Alus sor
Alus mider
Alus madya
Alus singgih
Bali dataran dialect
Bali aga dialect

Usage Examples

Tiang demen ngajeng nasi goreng
I like eating fried rice

Nasi goreng.jpg
Nasi Goreng.

Ajengan niki pinih lumbrah ring Indonesia utawi Ubud. Nasi goreng dados katumbas ring warung-warung ring wewidangan Desa Ubud rasannyane lian-lian, tergantung sire sane ngadonang. Nasi goreng bahan-bahannyane inggih punika: nasi putih kacampur antuk basa-basa (tabia, bawang, kesuna, mica) tur kagoreng ring lengis nyuh kadagingin be siap/celeng, uyah, taluh, jukut. Yening kayun, dados masih katambahin saos apang warnanyane barak.

Yening ida dane malancaran ring Ubud, sampunang lali ngajeng nasi goreng. Tur hotel-hotel prasida nyediang nasi goreng anggen breakfast tamunyane (takenin manten hotel ring tongos ida dane nginep)
[example 1]
Nasi Goreng (Fried Rice). This dish is very well known in Indonesia and in Ubud. It can be bought at roadside food stalls in Ubud and the taste varies depending on who cooked it. The ingredients for Nasi Goreng are: (cooked) white rice and spices (chilli, shallots garlic, pepper) fried using coconut oil with meat (pork / chicken), salt, egg, vegetables added. If you like, you can also add sauce to give to give it a red colour. If you go to Ubud, don’t forget to try Nasi Goreng. Hotels also usually serve Nasi Goreng for breakfast (just ask for it at the hotel where you are staying).

⚙ Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces

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  1. Teks dan foto oleh: Gede Julius,