Property:Biography text

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Nyoman Tingkat is a writer and high school teacher. He diligently writes book reviews, essays, and articles. His writings are widely published in local mass media, such as the Bali Post. He has also won awards as an outstanding teacher and various writing competitions. His published books are: Studying in the Footprint of Literature (Arti Foundation, 2007), Depending on the Teacher (Arti Foundation, 2009), etc.  +
Nyoman Tjokot is a sculptor who was born in Banjar Jati, Sebatu, Tegalalang, Gianyar, Bali, in 1886. He is an intelligent self-taught sculptor. In his work he uses a lot of unused logs or tree roots that drift in the river. He carves the found woods to his heart's content, following the grooves of the wood and his intuition. The result is sculptures/sculptures that were considered unusual in their time, eccentric, archaic, absurd. His sculptures tend to be rough but contain the honesty of his artistic soul. His unique style of sculpture/sculpture is often referred to as the "Tjototisme" school which is now being passed on by his descendants. In his day, Tjokot's works were not highly appreciated in Bali. However, his works have been widely appreciated abroad. In the 1960s, Tjokot's works were well known in the United States and he was already called a maestro in the field of sculpture. In 1969 the Indonesian government awarded Tjokot in the form of the Wijaya Kusuma Art Award. Tjokot died in October 1971.  +
Nyoman Wijaya is a painter born in Tabanan, Bali, November 1971. He studied painting at the Sanggar Senin Kemis Studio in Sanur, Bali, from 1998 to 2003. In 2018 he won the Nomination of Akili Museum of Art Award (AMAA). His first solo exhibition was held in 2009 entitled "AS. SENT" at Kendra Gallery, Seminyak, Bali. Since 1998, he has also been frequently involved in joint exhibitions, including BEAUTY MYTH at Green Art Space (Jakarta, 2010), MOTION & REFLECTION at the National Gallery (Jakarta, 2010), FASCINATION at Andi's Gallery (Jakarta, 2009), etc. He focuses on Balinese cows and women. For him, cows are sacred animals that are full of tenderness and become friends of farmers.  +
Nyoman Wirata was born in Denpasar, 1953. He studied at the Indonesian Fine Arts School (SSRI) Denpasar until he graduated in 1972. He started writing poetry in 1975 and worked as an arts teacher since 1980, retired in 2013 and continues his artistic activities. In 2011 he won an Award from the Principal of SMPN 5 Denpasar as a Literature and as the School Magazine Supervisor for 14 years. In the field of literature, he won 1st Place in Poetry Writing in Bali held by the Bali Provincial Government (1977), 10 Best Poetry in Bali held by the Bali Post (1978), 3rd Place in the National Level Reading Book Writing Competition among Teachers which organized by the Ministry of Education and Culture (1993), 2nd place in a novel writing competition held by the Bali Post (2003). His poems have been published in various mass media, such as Bali Post, Kalam, etc. Also included in the books Tutur Batur (2019), Chewing Furious (2018), Marriage Poetry (2017), Klungkung Tanah Tua Tanah Cinta (2016), Dendang Denpasar Nyiur Sanur (2012), Hram (1988). His only poetry book is Celebrating Trees in the Poetry Garden (2007). He received the Widya Pataka Award (2007) and Bali Jani Nugraha (2020) from the Bali Provincial Government. Apart from studying literature, he is also active in painting.  +
P.L. Dronkers, born 19 August 1917, completed his education in Leiden in September 1941 and became Dutch colonial government administrator (Indisch bestuursambtenaar) and in July 1945 he was one of the first members of the contingent of Dutch colonial administrators to be sent out from The Netherlands to the Netherlands-Indies, at that time still occupied [by the Japanese]. Via Australia and a temporary assignment in Batavia with the Netherlands Government Information Service (Regerings Voorlichtingsdienst, RVD), in the first months of 1946, he was granted a post with the landing forces, which were to bring Bali back under regular [Dutch colonial] administration. Initially, Internal Affairs Administration was militarised with the name Allied Military Administration, Civil Affairs Branch (AMACAB), something which was undone in the course of 1946. In 1947, civil administrators were added to the local self-government as civil advisors (bestuursadviseurs). Mid 1948, these administration advisors were put together at the office of the Balinese 'Rajadom Council' (vorstenraad) Dewan Radja-Radja in Den Pasar. The reason for this was, also at local level, to melt into changed political relations within the Negara Indonesia Timur, to which daerah Bali belonged. The transfer of sovereignty in December 1949 formally ended the interference of Dutch [colonial] Civil Administration with local administration. Dronkers held the following positions in Bali: 
junior controller (aspirant-controleur) in Boeleleng and Djembrana, March-May 1946; junior-controller in Djembrana, May-December 1946; controller/administration advisor in Tabanan, January 1947 - June 1948; head of the Political Affairs Department with the Dewan Radja-Radja in Den Pasar, June 1948 - March 1949; head of the Economic Affairs Department with the Dewan Radja-Radja in Den Pasar, June 1949 - April 1950. April 1950, Dronkers together with his family repatriated to the Netherlands. In the course of his administrative duties he made some 7,000 photographs of Balinese cultural life.  
Om Swastyastu, Best wishes for continued success, Respected judges. Dear participants, And beloved attendees. Before I offer my greetings, let’s express our gratitude to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa, for His grace which allows us to gather at this great event, “Wikithon Public Participation Bali speaks”. Ladies and gentlemen, you probably know that Bali is called Indonesia’s world-famous tourist destination. Bali has established Cultural Tourism as the most important attraction for tourists, which is why many foreign tourists and local tourists travel to Bali. However, we should remember, the land of Bali is a sacred land. There are rules, principles, and regulations in each region that should be implemented, maintained, and preserved so that the island of Bali can remain strong, sturdy, and sustainable. The rules are not only implemented by the Balinese people but all parties in the tourism sector and also the people who live in Bali as well as domestic and foreign tourists. Tourists should also abide by the rules. They should not violate them, let alone behave violently or arbitrarily. If there are tourists like this, it will definitely make things bad for the life of this Balinese earth. In the current state of Bali’s tourism sector, which has just risen from the impact of Covid-19, there are many behaviors of tourists from abroad that are not in accordance with the rules in Bali. For example, the case of tourists who damaged the Goa Raja Temple, Besakih. Tourists from South Korea damaged facilities in the temple area, such as tedung (umbrella), sangku (holy water container), jug, donation box, and cloth mounted on the monument. This made the temple area polluted. Then the Goa Raja Temple management carried out a simple prayascita (cleaning) ceremony so that the temple area could return to purity. The behavior of tourists causes a big loss for the surrounding community and indigenous people. It has definitely polluted the Balinese customs and traditions. There are many other examples, such as tourists who do not wear appropriate clothes during Pendet Dance performances at Saraswati Temple and Gunung Batur Temple, tourists who take pictures naked at Taru Kayu Putih Suci in Tabanan Regency, tourists who sit on the Teratai Bang Temple monument, tourists who meditate naked in Denpasar. Apart from not wearing clothes at temples, there are also tourists displaying the same behavior in public places, for example in South Kuta. Based on the above-mentioned problems, the Balinese government has actually made a circular letter of the Governor of Bali Number 04 of 2023 concerning the new order for foreign tourists who visit Bali. The stipulation of regulations on tourist behavior is in accordance with Balinese cultural norms but the implementation has not been maximized. There are still many tourists who behave not according to Balinese customs, destroying the principles that have been inherited on this Balinese earth. This makes me hope that the leaders who will be elected in 2024 will be firm with the rules that have been issued, truly loyal to protecting Bali from the bad influence of globalization and all people, especially protecting Balinese youth, so that they are not exposed to bad influences. In addition, Bali leaders should require tourists to be accompanied by a guide. The goal is that there is no more wrong and deviant tourist behavior. Tourists do bad behavior because no one is watching. In order to be implemented, the 2024 leader can provide guide services under the auspices of the government that can be used by tourists. Come on, brothers and sisters, take care of this Balinese earth, take care of the tourists who come to Bali, so that Balinese customs and culture as an ancestral heritage are not polluted and abused. Well, that’s all I can say. If there are any mistakes in my speech, I ask for forgiveness. I close with paramasanthi. Om Santih, Santih, Santih, Om.  
HARASSMENT OF BALI CULTURAL TRADITIONS BY PEOPLE OUTSIDE THE ISLAND Viral videos of Balinese traditions on social media that are performed on the island Java, without proper standards, has raised the ire of Balinese netizens. Balinese traditions such as the Cendrawasih Dance, even sacred ones such as the Sidakarya Mask as an accompaniment to the work, seem to lose their Taksu when they are performed by irresponsible individuals. Why does this happen? What should the provincial government & Balinese people do to overcome this? The fame of the customs, traditions and culture of the Balinese Hindu community is well known abroad. The authenticity of Balinese culture has encouraged people from outside Bali to come and learn Balinese culture directly. It's not surprising that now there are more and more art studios outside Bali that teach dance and gamelan arts typical of the Island of the Gods. The existence of social media such as Instagram, YouTube and TikTok also introduces the treasures of Balinese traditions They seem to want to preserve Balinese traditions out of admiration, but this ends up being an insult to Balinese traditions themselves. The lack of knowledge between sacred and non-sacred dances has resulted in many dances that accompany ceremonies being danced haphazardly as an austere spectacle. The Balinese Hindu community and the Balinese Traditional Village Council must work together to take strict action against these things so that they do not happen again. The Bali Provincial Government and the Bali Provincial Culture Service must immediately form an inter-regional cultural communication forum to provide education for artists outside Bali who want to present Balinese cultural arts, so that non-conformity in standards which leads to harassment can be avoided.  +
Global warming is currently increasing because the rain does not fall and as a result it has an impact on the sustainability of society, for example people are vulnerable to falling ill because the heat is always increasing every day. This can be followed up by the government so that it can issue solutions or opinions regarding this matter so that it does not cause problems. something new that you don't want. What the government can possibly do so that this problem can be resolved is that the government can help by creating green open spaces, namely planting a thousand trees so that they can absorb more carbon dioxide and convert it into oxygen so that people can at least breathe fresh air and also reduce the impact of global warming by Thus, the problem of global warming can reduce the effects or impacts of global warming. If this problem of global warming can be resolved with assistance from the government in the form of trees to be planted around people's residential areas and it can help people not be affected by the problem of global warming, the government will be able to convince people not to be too worried or panic about this global warming problem.  +
PEMILU 2024 "ANTI GOLONGAN PUTIH" Dear my fellow countrymen The general election to be held in 2024, Indonesia will be faced with many Political changes which will come in early 2024 with many general elections covering legislative elections that will proceed with new presidential elections that have many major changes to Indonesian people, especially in the 2024 election will be marked by millennials and the generation Z that will contribute most to the general election which will be held in 2024. As a generation of millennials and generations of gen Z who will also color the general elections carried out in 2024, be voters who have a sense of responsibility for our choices and do not choose a candidate as long as well as memiliih without any forcedness or sogo from the candidates for election 2024. But in the present, many millennials and generations of GEN Z don't understand things about politics and laws that make many millennials a neutral or commonly called GOGPUT (White Class) because the many issues of prospective elections that have miscompatible with the course, make many youth of the millennial generation or gen Z doubt with the mission conveyed by the millennial generation, many white generation in the future. With the doubts and neutral groups, this makes many Indonesian youth that will participate in coloring the general election which will be carried out in 2024 make the many choices carelessly without the basis of choice according to their hearts or according to the criteria needed by the Indonesian nation in the next 5 years. This will be a lot of bribery or sogon-sogons from candidates to citizens, especially millennials and generations of GEN Z who do not understand anything about politics, this will make many negative influences the course of the 2024 election. Thus, with the 2024 election, which will be colored by millennials and the generation of Z will also color the general election in the year with their choice. Because every choice of your voice to advance the Indonesian nation which is better in the future. By choosing without being a white group, because the White Group is not cool. Thank you, hopefully with the oration I said. Hopefully, with this generation of millennials or generation GEN Z can choose a candidate with a vision and mission in accordance with the required State of Indonesia. So that no more will become a white or neutral group in the 2024 election later.  
Om Swastiastu Om Awignamastu Namo Sidham Rahayu, Rahayu, Rahayu For the honorable adjudicators, the principals and teachers of senior high schools and vocational high schools in Bali and all the audiences and senior high schools and vocational high schools’ students in Bali, good morning. Let’s thank to the almighty God because of his grace we can gather here this morning. In this occasion, I am Wira as an orator will deliver an oration entitled "Election in 2024, Must Choose the Right Leader for Bali”. Ladies and gentlemen... Elections or General Elections can be referred to as voting or elections, where we have determined our right to vote by choosing the right leaders. From this election, we know that whether Bali has evolved or not! Therefore, I will discuss some urgent issues that must be addressed for Bali's future leaders. Ladies and gentlemen... Time by time... The months have passed...Year by year... Have you ever been to an urban area like Denpasar? If you have ever gone and seen a child begging for a bite of rice, do you feel their pain? Ladies and gentlemen, I want to invite you to choose leaders who are more precise, wise, and certainly honest! Then another problem is the environment. Yes... Environment... Bali is known as the "Heaven of the World" which itself has a variety of beautiful natural attractions! If we can't take care of the environment, Bali will undoubtedly experience an economic downturn. Before I end my talk today, I would like to ask all of you to clap your hands and raise them above your heads! Are you going to throw Bali to the wrong leader? Therefore, let’s choose leaders who are responsible, competent, honest, and of course fair. Najwa Shihab once said, "leaders are not born by diplomas, but by hard work and care that continues to be honed." That's all I can say, hopefully of course Bali will be led by the right leader. Sincerely to the island of Bali, I end with parama santhi. Om Santi, Santi, Santi Om Rahayu, Rahayu, Rahayu  
Ladies and gentlemen, jury and coaches who I respect, as well as the participants of the BASAbali Wiki Oration competition that I love. Om Sywastyastu. Through a pure and sinless heart, I never cease to express my gratitude to God Almighty, because with His blessings, I can meet with this audience today. In which I participate in the oration competition in today’s Public Participation Wikithon. Hopefully, events like this will continue to grow in the future, making Bali strong. Ladies and gentlemen, the subject of my oration is titled “Good Education as a Tool to Improve the Quality of Bali’s Human Resources”. Ladies and gentlemen, what made me take that title? Because from a lot of what I see I conclude the youth in Bali do not get a good education. This makes it difficult for Balinese human resources to get a job that can develop the economy of the province of Bali. According to data from the Central Bureau of Statistics in 2021, the percentage of Balinese who did not go to school was 1.03 thousand people or 24.04%; then those who did not graduate from elementary school were 377.18 thousand people or 8.83%. Based on these data from the Central Bureau of Statistics, the government and Balinese people, especially students, should try to implement programs that can help Balinese people who have not received proper education. Then, what programs can be implemented? Let’s think together. As a Balinese youth, I will provide solutions or suggestions to the ladies and gentlemen of the DPD Bali as well as the government who is the mouthpiece of the community, to always help provide good knowledge to all Balinese. The first suggestion: pay attention to the quality and quantity of the teachers. Teachers or educators are like the main key that will teach or provide knowledge to students. If teachers’ wages, facilities and accommodation are not good or adequate, it will affect the teaching process. Secondly, school and classroom support facilities should be prioritized. When the learning process takes place, but the facilities used are not complete, of course the teacher and students will have diffulties and the learning process in the classroom will be disrupted. The third suggestion is to provide the youth with positive out-of-school activities or out-of-school learning programs. Good examples are carrying out and participating in competitions, participating in community service programs as well as other useful work. With these activities students do not only to learn at school. Ladies and gentlemen, based on the many things I have talked about, I would like to conclude as follows. The Balinese government and people should not underestimate education. Because through education, we can get a good job to improve the quality of Bali’s underdeveloped human resources. Also the Balinese are expected not to be swayed by the wealth that exists in today’s world, called “Industrial Revolution 4.0”. Let us together help Balinese who have not received a good education through positive and useful programs or activities. Lastly, we should introspect ourselves so as not to forget ourselves and together carry out our religious obligations by strengthening Bali. Well, ladies and gentlemen whom I respect very much, that’s all I can say on this good day. Thank you to those who have witnessed my speech. Hopefully what I have said will be useful. For any shortcomings, let me apologize. In closing, I say paramasanthi. Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti, Om.  
Om Swastiastu Peace be upon us all, allow me, Kadek Wisnu Artana, a student from SMA Negeri 1 Penebel to deliver an oration on the influence of oligarchy on future leaders in this country. The DPD must listen, pay attention and follow up on the aspirations I expressed today Brothers and sisters, it has been 115 years since Indonesia has risen from adversity, precisely when Budi Utomo was founded, 78 years since Indonesia has been independent and the Red and White Sangsaka has flown freely on Indonesia's motherland, reform has been underway, but what is going on with educational resources for the nation's generation, what is it? This generation is simply silenced as if it were dumb and deaf and does not flinch from voicing various aspirations. Here I invite everyone to voice their aspirations regarding government in this nation which is still shackled by the shadow of the Oligarchy, and today the Oligarchy has become very free to wreak havoc on power both in the upper elite and in the lower elite, the Oligarchy has a big influence on the nation's future leaders. , oligarchy has a very bad impact on leaders. The problem caused by the existence of Oligarchy in our government system is that power is centralized, Oligarchy only controls leaders who have sovereignty in their own hands. Second, there is widespread corruption in this nation by unscrupulous officials as evidenced by the many reports on social media and various other press media. Oligarchs really need tactical funds to fulfill their own interests. The third is injustice by the government or authorities in the interests of the Oligarchy and society which are not fulfilled according to the Values of Truth that have been determined by law. The fourth is political instability where the government is controlled by oligarchs, social inequality in power is only controlled by oligarchs and worsens social and economic inequality within the scope of society. The six unrepresentative leaders controlled by Oligarchs tend not to represent the interests of all the people, but only a handful of groups called Oligarchs. The seven things that are most rooted in all of these problems are that the gap for legislative candidates who are not touched by the Oligarchs, is very narrow and there is minimal space and budget to channel their vision and mission to the general public in all regions of this country. All the problems that occur as a result of leaders being controlled by oligarchic interests are rooted in two problems that boil down to very serious legislation, Firstly, there is no regulation on budget provisions, space, opportunities and forums for all legislative candidates at the regional level. This causes the public to only take the perspective of leaders who are seeking votes under the pretext of donations which, without them even knowing, are funds given by oligarchs to candidates. We need to understand that this is the forerunner to the birth of Oligarchy at the regional government level, this is because when regional legislative candidates enter the community they need very large "tactical funds" to seek votes in their respective electoral districts. What must also be understood is that This Tactical Fund is what causes the leader's debt of gratitude to the Oligarchs. So that they can be controlled even as if they were Puppets of the Oligarchs, and the shadow of the Oligarchy will continue to exist for the next generation. If we as the current generation are still deaf and mute about what is happening, it's time for us to change the regulatory system so that budget provisions, opportunities, facilities and forums for all legislative candidates are fair and closely monitored by the government, so that these Oligarchs will not have a gap to enter the ideology of the leaders in this country. Secondly, at the central level there is still a Presidential Threshold which is the place for the Oligarchs in this nation to breed. Come, my fellow countrymen and brothers, let's abolish the laws and regulations that cause the Oligarchy in this nation to become increasingly uncontrollable. If the Oligarchy does not have rules that improve their welfare or support their interests, and suppresses the leaders of this nation, then the Oligarchy does not have the opportunity to make the leaders of this nation into their puppets. This is what we must fix together in order to make this nation more advanced. It's time for us to urge the elite of this country so that the legislation that causes the oligarchy in Indonesia can no longer develop or even perish, and if this aspiration is not heard by the elite and is only silenced, it's time for us to take to the streets to voice our aspirations to the government elite and the parliamentary elite. so that this legislation can stop and be replaced with regulations that are more prosperous for the people and not just for the welfare of the Oligarchs in this nation. "In our belief everywhere is Tyranny must fall!" said WIDJI TUKUL. So let's fight together to prevent the detrimental influence of the Oligarchy in the process of selecting leadership candidates and ensure that the elected leadership candidates truly represent the interests of the people and have high integrity. I, we, all of you have the same role in ensuring that the elected leaders are leaders who truly serve the people and not only prioritize the interests of the Oligarchs. Bung Karno once said, "My struggle is easier because it expelled the invaders, but your struggle will be more difficult because it is against your own people." Therefore, let us as future generations be sensitive to the social environment, so that this nation can progress in the international arena by changing the rules that mislead Indonesian politics so that this nation advances, come on...!!! Let's make Bung Karno's words come true, participate in voicing the aspirations of the young generation in this country so that we are sensitive to social problems in our environment, especially regarding the election of leaders. Good leaders produce a good environment and human resources whose quality is guaranteed and equitable and prosperous for all the nation's children. Greetings 0% (Threshold).  
EARLY MARRIAGE THREATENS BALI Ladies and gentlemen, brothers and my friends, if I saw all of your faces It seems like we're still the same age, maybe around a dozen years old and still smell like kencur. Same with me, too still 20 years old Seeing our peers who got married at that age who were pregnant out of wedlock, is it appropriate for us? Friends, we actually have a future. That future is actually in our hands. Through our step by step now this is the future can reach us. And the future is ours. We have a future that must be planned, though God has a plan. Every human being must try and pray. So, effort, behavior and what What we do now will affect our future. Including if we marry early. Of course there are positive and negative sides if we do this. The negative side comes from violations the laws we follow. Meanwhile, the positive thing is that we can justify our partner and be far from him threat of sin. But have you ever thought about economic problems, health stunting, children dropping out? schools are increasing day by day. Various problems arise as a result of not doing so ability to support the family. Once on this island of the gods, there is a saying "sing beling sing naganten" this refers to a society that prioritizes pregnancies outside of marriage which we often encounter in young children. Bali, which has a diverse culture that has a variety of arts, is worth wearing clothes openly, I know that in this free era, many young people are having relationships sexual relations outside of marriage, many people dress openly and are only concerned with lust. Is it in accordance with the teachings of Hinduism, think about it! Where will the future of Bali go where art will go Even Balinese taksu will fade in the future just because we are only concerned with lust and choose quickly quickly to get married, think about it!  +
IMPACTS CAUSED BY LAND USE CHANGE ON THE SUSTAINABILITY OF BALINESE COMMUNITIES Om Swastyastu Honorable judging team, as well as beloved friends, let us first offer our prayers and gratitude to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa for His blessings, allowing us to gather here for the Wikhiton Public Participation event, Bali Orates. On this auspicious occasion, allow me to deliver a speech titled “Issues Arising from Land Use Change in the Life of the Balinese Community.” Ladies and gentlemen, land use change refers to a shift in the function of land from its previous purpose. Land use change in the Bali region has become increasingly prevalent lately, marked by phenomena such as the reduction of productive agricultural land. Indonesia is an agrarian country, and a significant portion of its population works as farmers. What will happen if agricultural land, the source of basic necessities for the Balinese people, continues to be converted into residential areas, coupled with an influx of newcomers requiring them to build dwellings? Another observable phenomenon is the decrease in water catchment areas. Soil is a powerful rainwater absorber. If land with soil is converted into housing, buildings using concrete and paving will indirectly reduce water catchment areas. This becomes hazardous when the rainy season arrives, and the increased use of concrete and paving reduces water catchment areas, leading to higher water volumes and flooding in certain areas. In the last rainy season in Bali, there were numerous flood disasters that resulted in residents losing their homes. Such events will undoubtedly have a negative impact on sustainability, as if left unchecked, the relatively small island of Bali, combined with the increasing trend of land use change, can cause discomfort in the surrounding environment, a decline in food productivity, global warming, and many other terrifying consequences of land use change. Based on these issues, I hope that the future leaders in 2024 can provide solutions to address the escalating land use change. Bali’s leaders are expected to be faithful custodians, safeguarding the land of Bali and enacting regulations that prioritize and champion the land, customs, and culture of Bali. To all my friends, let us protect the land of Bali from the dangers of land use change so that Bali’s land remains sustainable. That is all I can convey; I apologize for any shortcomings. I conclude with Parama Santhi, Om Santhi, Santhi Om.  
Bali is an island that is famous for its beautiful natural charm, customs, culture and traditions. Thus, Bali has become one of the islands that has become a tourist destination because it is rich in tourism areas, both religious tourism and recreational tourism. It is not surprising that many visitors come to enjoy the beautiful charm of the island of Bali. Being a tourism destination island, of course it is a challenge for Bali to maintain environmental sustainability so that the level of tourism in Bali is maintained. As we know, Bali's biggest income comes from the tourism sector. However, in carrying out something there are certainly problems that can hinder the development process of the tourism area. The waste problem is a serious problem, because it can reduce the image of Bali tourism, both for domestic and foreign visitors. The presence of waste in the tourism environment can be very worrying if it is not immediately addressed and managed well. In the concept of conscious tourism, which we know as Sapta Pesona, it requires the role of the community as host of the destination in an effort to create a conducive environment and atmosphere. One of the important parts of Sapta Pesona is clean. When we can maintain the cleanliness of tourist destinations, the other six aspects can be achieved. Cleanliness will create safety, comfort and bring happy memories to visitors. For this reason, the waste problem must be handled immediately by leaders in 2024. Bali 2024 leaders must have effective strategies to overcome the waste problem in Bali which is increasingly disturbing the community. Bali 2024 leaders are obliged to make breakthroughs in turning waste into blessings. Because it is impossible to avoid the existence of waste from people's lives, what Bali 2024 leaders need to do is a strategy or way to turn waste into blessings.  +
Bali is an island that is famous for its beautiful natural charm, customs, culture and traditions. Thus, Bali has become one of the islands that has become a tourist destination because it is rich in tourism areas, both religious tourism and recreational tourism. It is not surprising that many visitors come to enjoy the beautiful charm of the island of Bali. Being a tourism destination island, of course it is a challenge for Bali to maintain environmental sustainability so that the level of tourism in Bali is maintained. As we know, Bali's biggest income comes from the tourism sector. However, in carrying out something there are certainly problems that can hinder the development process of the tourism area. The waste problem is a serious problem, because it can reduce the image of Bali tourism, both for domestic and foreign visitors. The presence of waste in the tourism environment can be very worrying if it is not immediately addressed and managed well. In the concept of conscious tourism, which we know as Sapta Pesona, it requires the role of the community as host of the destination in an effort to create a conducive environment and atmosphere. One of the important parts of Sapta Pesona is clean. When we can maintain the cleanliness of tourist destinations, the other six aspects can be achieved. Cleanliness will create safety, comfort and bring happy memories to visitors. For this reason, the waste problem must be handled immediately by leaders in 2024. Bali 2024 leaders must have effective strategies to overcome the waste problem in Bali which is increasingly disturbing the community. Bali 2024 leaders are obliged to make breakthroughs in turning waste into blessings. Because it is impossible to avoid the existence of waste from people's lives, what Bali 2024 leaders need to do is a strategy or way to turn waste into blessings.  +
Pande Alit Wijaya Suta, born in Denpasar, August 29, 1984. He completed his art education at ISI Yogyakarta. Since 2008 he has been active in many joint exhibitions, including “Merdeka in Expression” at the Bali Cultural Park (2019), “Nitibumi” at Bentara Budaya Bali (2016), Beijing International Art Biennale, China (2015), “Colek Pamor” at the Museum Arma, Ubud (2014). He is a member of the Militant Arts Community. His works tend to explore the decorative arts of tribalism into a unique visual treat. Every detail of his work is built from archaic symbols arranged in such a way as to become a unified whole.  +