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Nyoman Tingkat

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Nyoman Tingkat
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In English

Nyoman Tingkat is a writer and high school teacher. He diligently writes book reviews, essays, and articles. His writings are widely published in local mass media, such as the Bali Post. He has also won awards as an outstanding teacher and various writing competitions. His published books are: Studying in the Footprint of Literature (Arti Foundation, 2007), Depending on the Teacher (Arti Foundation, 2009), etc.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Nyoman Tingkat adalah penulis dan guru SMA. Dia rajin menulis resensi buku, esai, dan artikel. Tulisan-tulisannya banyak dimuat di media masaa lokal, seperti Bali Post. Dia juga pernah meraih penghargaan sebagai guru berprestasi serta menjuarai beragam perlombaan menulis. Buku-bukunya yang telah terbit adalah: Berguru dalam Jejak Sastra (Arti Foundation, 2007), Tergantung Guru (Arti Foundation, 2009), dll.

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Berguru dalam Jejak Sastra
Tergantung Guru