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From BASAbaliWiki
Guna: Isn't it wood, madam?
Nyoman: Eh...even though I'm tired I go slowly so that I have money to spend...tomorrow. +
Cakra walk slowly since the road is broken.
Komang Gede works slowly to make it smooth.
Dadong Rerod walk slowly since she is already old. +
I Made Merta is the brother of Ni Wayan Sukerti
I Made Merta is younger than Ni Wayan SUkerti +, Like a puppet fight, although often quarreling with one’s younger brother, still maintaining a relationship (note: there is always a big fight scene in a wayang performance, but, afterwards, the puppets are put back in their box together; said about people who have had a fight, but who are now friendly again). +
The story of Adi Parwa, the longest story compared to the other stories in the eighteen part Mahabarata myth. +
The story of Adi Parwa, the longest story compared to the other stories in the eighteen part Mahabarata myth. +
I Made Merta is the brother of Ni Wayan Sukerti
I Made Merta is younger than Ni Wayan SUkerti +
Like a puppet fight, although often quarreling with one’s younger brother, still maintaining a relationship (note: there is always a big fight scene in a wayang performance, but, afterwards, the puppets are put back in their box together; said about people who have had a fight, but who are now friendly again). +
The division of tasks in (that) work is fair. Each member of the association gets a share of one basek pork (a container made from woven bamboo). +
The division of tasks in (that) work is fair. Each member of the association gets a share of one basek pork (a container made from woven bamboo). +
I Made Suja is the younger brother of Ni Wayan Metri
I Made Suja is younger than Ni Wayan Metri +
I Made Suja is the younger brother of Ni Wayan Metri
I Made Suja is younger than Ni Wayan Metri +