Property:English equivalent

From BASAbaliWiki

This is a property of type Text.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
in front  +, to eat  +
food  +
eaten (by someone)  +
food  +
one span hand  +
friendly  +
scared  +
price  +, father (alus singgih: high level of balinese language)  +
how much?  +
bad  +
know  +
ignore  +, appreciate  +
garfish  +
submit  +
filed  +, proposed  +, proposed by him/her  +,
conceited  +, over proud  +, arrogant  +,
go overboard in doing something  +, exceeding ability with the intention of wanting to be praised  +
praised (by someone)  +
offerings of food dishes  +
spinach  +