2 - Luh Ayu Manik Mas, Ngae Perpustakaan Keliling

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In English

Without warning, a fierce wind sprang up in Room 21. The book that Luh Ayu Manik and her friends were reading shook and then flew about the room. And from the pages of the dirty, torn and tattered book, horrid demons appeared. Luh and her friends wanted to run away but they couldn't move ... they were like statues. I Wayan and I Made wanted to scream ... but their lips were sealed shut and they couldn't speak.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Tiba-tiba angin berhembus kencang di kamar 21. Buku yang sedang dibaca Luh Ayu Manik dengan teman-temannya tiba-tiba bergetar dan terbang. Dari buku yang kotor, rusak, dan robek itu keluar raksasa-raksasa yang wajahnya seram. Semua hendak lari, tetapi hanya bisa diam tanpa bisa bergerak seperti patung. I Wayan dan I Made ingin berteriak keluar. Namun, bibir mereka terkatup tidak mampu bicara.


(change interface language in upper right corner to see reviews in other languages)

  • Review by: Marisnawati, Suparna, Trissyana, & Meirita
One Saturday, Luh Ayu Manik came early from school but her mother was late picking her up. Luh Ayu was busy playing with her mobile phone. She, then decided to go home using online transportation. Suddenly, the bike stopped in front of Peken Anyar. A burglar had taken out a tourist's bag. Luh Ayu turned into Luh Ayu Manik Mas and chased the burglar. She got the bag back. The tourist thanked her and gave her a book to show his gratitude to Luh Ayu Manik. The burglar was turned into the policeman. Luh Ayu Manik went home and put the book into Kamar 21, her special room to keep various book and also her computer. After having lunch, she read the book given by the tourist in Kamar 21. It was an encyclopedia about the countries in the world. Luh Ayu fell asleep. Her friends then came to her house and woke her up. They joined her reading in Kamar 21. There was an old book in the highest cupboard. They opened the book to read it. Suddenly there was a strong wind gushing into the room. A scary demon appeared from the book. They were really scared. All books are flying out of the cupboards, destroyed by the ugly demon. Luh Ayu got really mad. She turned into Luh Ayu Manik Mas and fight the demon. It turned out that the demons were angry because Luh Ayu did not take care of her book well. She rarely read them. Luh Ayu regretted her mistake. But she would not let the demons destroyed her books. She finally defeated the demons. Luh Ayu proceeded to her plan in making the mobile library. She took the books to Peken Anyar. That way, she let other children read and take care of the books. I really love the series because the idea of having a heroine as the main character of this book, despite the male dominance in Balinese culture. This second book successfully delivers a message that a book is worthy only when it is being read, not kept so neatly in a bookshelf. However, I don't think that the title really represents the content of the book, which tells mostly about the demons inside unread books, instead of how Luh Manik creates a mobile library.


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