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Mulat Sarira Ring COVID 19

WhatsApp Image 2020-06-06 at 14.51.25.jpeg
Mulat Sarira Ring COVID 19
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      In English

      In a world like this, the so-called covid virus 19. Don't be a little offended, because you don't get rice donations. Come on now move, it's best now to raise cows. So you can buy rice.

      In Balinese

      Dimasan gumine care jani, ane madan brebeh covid 19. Eda nyan bedik-bedik emosi, ulian tusing sumbangina nasi. Jalan mriki kritipang limane jani, paling melah jani ngubuh sampi. Apang payu meli nasi.

      In Indonesian

      Di masa dunia seperti ini, yang disebut virus covid 19. Janganlah sedikit-sedikt tersinggung, karena tidak mendapat sumbangan nasi. Ayo sekarang bergerak, paling bagus sekarang memelihara sapi. Supaya bisa membeli nasi.