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"Rising from the Ballad of Silence" Currently, we are not just gathered as individuals but as part of a generation, a generation that plays a significant role in shaping our future, Generation Z. Rise, oh Generation Z, from the ballad of silence that often silences our voices. In the dynamics of social and political complexity, we are called not to be passive spectators but active participants. This is a call to assert our identity, express opinions, and advocate for social justice values. For too long, we have been trapped in silence, feeling restrained by norms that may not always align with our aspirations. It's time to understand that our right to speak and express opinions is unquestionable. Rise above the fear, fear of conflict, or rejection. Now is the time to transform silence into constructive rebellion. Let's stop the apathetic attitude and allow social and political issues to grow without genuine responses. Remember, the policies and decisions made by the generations before us will shape the world we inherit. Don't let those above us determine our path without scrutiny from below. I invite us all to embrace differences, to listen without prejudice, and to speak with integrity. We are voices capable of shaking the foundations of inequality and injustice. In openness and courage, let's together create the change we envision. Be pioneers of change, Generation Z. Rise from the ballad of silence, speak up, and show the world that we are change agents capable of bringing social and political justice. Thank you.  +
The Covid-19 pandemic has caused Bali to become completely paralyzed because all activities are carried out from home. Bali's economic growth was minus four quarters because it is very dependent on the tourism sector. Various efforts have been made by the government, but have not been able to make Bali's condition as it was before. Currently, the government is running a program to strengthen the recovery of Bali's condition, especially its economic condition. In line with the program, the condition of Bali slowly began to move. However, this has not been able to answer the concerns of the public and potential tourists who want to visit Bali, namely about the high cost of genose tests and rapid tests, as well as being interested in people who are positive for the corona virus. This is where government assistance is needed in the form of procuring free genose tests and rapid tests that are available in all tourist attractions and vital objects, such as terminals, ports and airports. If necessary, supplemented with free vitamins that are useful for strengthening the immune system. The mechanism of action is when someone who wants to go to a tourist place or go outside Bali will carry out a genose or rapid test that has been provided at the door of a place or other vital object. Furthermore, if the person is negative for COVID-19, they will be given vitamins and also allowed to travel or travel outside the area. However, if the person is confirmed positive, it will be immediately known and handled by health workers. Thus, the movement of people will automatically be recorded and easily tracked if these people are confirmed positive for Covid-19. In addition, the free genose and rapid tests will make it easier for people to travel so that the buying and selling process and other economic activities will return to normal. So that the economy and the tourism sector in Bali get back up and improve. Let's work together so that the economy rises, Bali recovers, Bali returns.  
Giving awareness to the public through a simple technology "plastic to fuel" which processes plastic into fuel. It is hoped that in the future, the reduction of piles of plastic waste will be accompanied by community actions to sort and make it valuable.  +
Get to know Hindu culture and cultural traditions in the era of globalization The unique culture of the Archipelago makes the Indonesian people known to countries that are rich in culture and traditions in showing culture in Indonesia, for example, culture itself can be performed by art performances and exhibitions so that Indonesian culture can be seen in the world community. Globalization is not an excuse the destruction of the noble values of the Indonesian nation's culture contained within Pancasila. On the contrary, if in the era of globalization our nation is capable constantly harmonize cultural influences that come from outside based on the noble values of Pancasila, then it will be able strengthening the identity of the Indonesian nation.  +
The existence of a Balinese language dictionary as one of the ways to learn Balinese is very important to be developed. The development of the Balinese language is also expected to maintain the Balinese language in everyday use. The existence of this Balinese language dictionary makes the people, especially the Balinese people, able to learn the good and wider Balinese language. This was the first time I saw this Balinese dictionary. This dictionary is very good and useful for Balinese people and others who want to learn Balinese. If we see, we can learn Balinese with this dictionary properly and correctly. Because the Balinese today rarely use the Balinese language. So that today's young generation can learn to speak Balinese well and politely. The lack of this dictionary is the lack of a translator.  +
On May 5, 2023 I visited Kuta beach to refresh. The scenery on the beach is very beautiful, the sunset there is really beautiful and of course with fresh air in the sky  +
To Indonesia Jepang Indonesia Indonesia ke Inggris Shopping Jawa Indonesia Korea Indonesia Arab To English Sunda Jawa ke Indonesia Berita Tetun Gambar Buku Video Maps Penerbangan Keuangan Semua filter Indonesia Inggris Saat ini saya melihat pemandangan yang tidak biasa dibali.jalan raya sepi karena covid 19.tapi sekarang saya melihat banyak orang yang melanjutkan hidup di pinggir jalan ee..kita manusia,kita tidak menyerah dari nasib, masyarakat adalah Bali,saya adalah Bali,kami tinggal dibali,bernafas dibali,dan menatap masa depan dibali.saya Ingin bali itu tetap tangguh, walaupun beberapa kali tertimpa musibah,dan selalu bangkit,Bali selalu bangkit Karena tidak lupa dengan jati diri dan nilai nilai yang diwariskan secara turun temurun Right now I see an unusual sight in Bali. The highways are deserted because of Covid 19. But now I see many people who continue to live on the side of the road... we are humans, we don't give up on fate, people are Bali, I am Bali, we are live in Bali, breathe in Bali, and look at the future in Bali. I want Bali to remain strong, even though it has suffered several calamities, and always gets up, Bali always rises because it does not forget its identity and values that have been passed down from generation to generation  +
on thursday the 4th of may, my boyfriend and i went to kuta beach. we arrived there at 5.30 pm and the atmosphere there was very good. the sun that was covered by a little cloud became The scenery is beautiful, the wind blows gently as if to make us more comfortable to linger there. After taking pictures, we immediately returned to the house. What a wonderful experience one time We will do it again  +
Goma and her puppy took a trip to the zoo, but now they can't find each other! Can you help the puppy find her best friend Goma?  +
Religion, everyone has a religion that is adhered to according to their respective beliefs. Not only one or two religions, but very diverse. Of the many religious communities, religious harmony must be implemented so that there are no divisions in each religious community, How do you grow religious harmony itself? In every neighborhood where you live, of course there are people of other religions, that's where we should respect each other, let's be good friends, don't humiliate each other by way of culture, where when there is an event at one of the religious communities In addition, people of other religions are ordered or invited to perform culture or traditions at the event venue. Not only that, but they are also served meals or megibung and others that are able to strengthen religious harmony.  +
"hallo my friends" "Do U know, next year its pemilu, on 2024" Haah, Pemilu? U don't know pemilu? Ewwwh right now I will tell u about pemilu 2024 Pemilu is blalalalala Ohhh I see When are pemilu held? I told you next year, it's close  +
The role of the community as government policy espionage is very important, because without the community in controlling policy, the authorities can act arbitrarily. But because of the lability of power in deciding a policy, it is very confusing for the community. It's sad and sad if you think about it. It took a long time to think about the policies that came out of the words of the ruler which would be revoked the next day. A good nation is a nation that is open to criticism and suggestions from its people. But a good government is a government that provides policy certainty to its people. Of course, the hope to be achieved together is the formation of a good social order and good government policies. And these problems can be overcome with definite decisions, not only sincere but uncertain.  +
I Gede Nala Antara pinaka Development Team Governor of Bali pinaka Keynotespeech maosang indik Bali madué the potential of sané ageng civilization. Silih sinunggil, based on sané ngawinang, Balinese madué, based on panglimbak kawagedan, manusané, sané, strong santukan, Balinese madué, soang-soang script. So akéh local language sané wénten ring Indonesia, Balinese language wantah silih tunggil base sané madué script. "Wantah script silih single means of communication, mawinan digital application innovation ngengén Balinese script prasida kalimbakang ring sajeroning Balinese script education  +
Our opinion regarding elections for people with disabilities is that people with disabilities have the right to express their voices in determining leaders or government. The government can create programs for disabilities so that someone with a disability can be more confident in expressing their voice. And efforts that the government can make to deal with the problems of people with disabilities are social rehabilitation, empowerment, social security and social protection  +
Green Lizard by ManButur Suantara, explores macro photography using only natural light in natural surrounds. The wonderful, beautiful sometimes fearsome world of Nature under the Macro lens is one that is astounding in its own right. To look so closely upon Natures private little gardens that we did not have the privilege to see so closely until recently in history. Visit the macro gallery at  +
Griya Luhu is a start-up in the field of eco-preneurs that aims to change people's behavior and awareness of sustainable waste management using digital technology. We encourage the integration of digital technology and community empowerment to improve waste segregation at the source (home). We no longer see society as an object, but as a driving subject for a better waste management system. Our service comes in the form of a mobile application with simple, user-friendly and straightforward features.  +
Grow by Wayan Suastama by Wayan Suastama. Original artwork acrylic on canvas, 2022. Grow is part of the ‘Farmer Series‘ by Wayan Suastama which expresses a sentimental nostalgia for childhood memories. “As a son of a farmer, I miss the simplicity of that environment. These memories play a large part in who we become. Everyday things and routines are typical in the life of a farmer like helping our parents in the fields after we finish school. These memories are the theme of these works. It comes from missing my childhood. Coming from Tabanan,. an area that is known for ‘lumbung bears rice agriculture.” ‘Grow’ is a painting by Wayan Suastama painted in 2022 as part of the ‘Farmer Series’. Since 1995, he has exhibited his works in joint and solo exhibitions at home and abroad. Suastamas’ works often feature female figures, a wide range of colours and textures, as a symbol of the regenerative and creative force. His new series which includes ‘Whispers to the Clouds,’ ( Bisikan Pada Awan) explores in detail the philosophical theme of ‘upstream and downstream’ (Hulu Teben)in our relationship to the balance in Nature and is exhibited in World Without Sound 2023 Sawidji Gallery.  +
Dynastic politics is political power exercised by a group of people who are related by family ties (MK 10 July 2015). This is also a threat for us as a democratic nation to maintain the ideals of reform in 1998, with the issue of dynastic politics carried out by the 7th president of the Republic of Indonesia, namely Mr. Ir. Joko Widodo, who made his son a candidate for vice president and also chairman of a political party in Indonesia, is the basis for the issue that emerged in the form of the political dynasty he built. not to mention the marriage between Jokowi's younger brother and the MK's curtness that has created public perception regarding Jokowi's dynastic politics. The policy made by the Constitutional Court regarding the age limit for presidential and vice presidential candidates has become an issue that strengthens the issue of dynastic politics. Jokowi's appointment of Prabowo as defense minister was also beneficial for him (trempo magazine). This issue continues to be a hot topic during this political year. Defending the constitution to overcome the threat of dynastic politics is very important, especially under the supervision of the KPU, so for the sustainability of democracy it is very important that we implement democracy with true democracy.  +