Property:Biography text

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Pande was born into an artistic, religious family. A gifted artist since childhood, he studied painting at the Indonesia Institute of the Arts (Institut Seni Indonesia) in Yogyakarta. He later moved with his wife and family to the small town of Muntilan in Central Java, where he lives and works within sight of both the ancient Buddhist temple of Borododur and of Mount Merapi, an active volcano. Both of these majestic and powerful sites—one man-made and celebrating the spirit, the other natural and conveying the beauty and awesome power of Nature—have strongly influenced Pande’s art. A deeply spiritual connection to the earth is a tangible element of Pande’s sculptures and paintings, and the naturalism of his style reflects his interest in the forms and materials of nature in their most fundamental state. His carved wood sculptures, many of them monumental in size, are often fashioned from the trunks or roots of trees, and depict innumerable, expressively carved human figures that seem to be emerging from the tree itself, like figures in some ancient mythological tale. For Pande, art is a daily-life practice, like taichi or meditation, that allows him to both be nourished by and to celebrate the earth and the spirit, moving from the center outwards just like a mandala–from the microcosm of the body, to his family, his town, the forests and mountains that surround him, the society to which he belongs, and the cosmos which encompasses all of us.  +
Pande Paramartha, born in Karangasem, November 23, 1975. He studied fine arts at ISI Denpasar. Since 1994, he has diligently included his books in various joint exhibitions. Among them are the exhibition "Evolution" at Bharata Gallery Ubud (2003), "Hitman" at Danes Art Veranda, Denpasar (2011), "Bali Art Fair" at Tonyraka Gallery (2013). His solo exhibition was “The Creature in Action” at TEN Fine Art, Sanur Bali (2010). In 2000 he won the "Best Oil Painting" award from ISI Denpasar. In his work he often finds inspiration from childhood memories, a world full of play and imagination.  +
His name is Pande Putu Abdi Jaya Prawira, born in Denpasar, January 20, 1998. He is the eldest son of the couple Ketut Suparjaya and Ni Wayan Sukarni, currently he lives in the Pande Permai penitentiary housing block D 20, Tulikup Kelod, Gianyar. At a glance his educational history is that he has received Kindergarten education at the Grand Bali Beach Sanur Kindergarten Around 2003-2004, then continued to the Elementary School level, namely SD Negeri 2 Sanur in 2004-2010, then at the Junior High School level. he was educated at the Bangli 3 Junior High School in 2010-2013, continued at the Senior High School level, namely at the Bangli 1 State High School in 2013-2016, and finally his education was at the lecture level he chose the Old Javanese study program , Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University, which later graduated in 2016-2020. His current job is to be a journalist in the Balinese media. Of course he has a myriad of achievements including: 2nd Winner of National Scientific Articles at IPDB Bogor in 2019 1st Winner of the Hindu Religion Quiz Competition at ITB Bandung in 2019 The Best Kidung Works in Saraswati Sewana's Literature in 2021 Some of his works include: The works that have been published in the Saraswati Sewana Literature are: Kidung Panglarad Lara Kakawin Pranawisa Somya Geguritan Pramudita Kaya Caru Unpublished there are a few geguritan: Geguritan Kandara Bang Geguritan Satriya Tiga. His first career as a Young Pengawi started from the Saraswati Sewana Literature competition. After the event ended with enthusiastic support from those closest to him, and positive input from the judges at that time, including one of his own lecturers, namely Mr. Putu Eka Guna Yasa, S.S., M.Hum, who encouraged him to create other literary works. excited. Until finally one of his valuable literary works was born, because it was the first time he created a literary work with 234 stanzas in it and this work could be completed within 5 days.  
His full name is Pande Putu Widya Okta Pratama, S.Kom. This young Balinese from Dadap Putih Village, Busungbiu District, Buleleng Regency is usually known as Pande. He is an alumnus of ITB STIKOM Bali batch 2015. Currently, Pande is active as a co-founder and CTO (Chief Technology Officer) at BTW Edutech, a digital education company that has a big mission to help students pass the selection to enter official colleges, universities state, CPNS and TNI or POLRI. The digital startup which was founded in 2018 in Denpasar has the Smart BTW application which has been accessed by 180,000 users in Indonesia. In addition, this startup already has 15 branch offices in 12 major cities throughout Indonesia in just 2 years. While in college, this former student with the best thesis degree started his career in digital entrepreneurship. Pande gained a lot of valuable experience when he was active in student organizations and took several side jobs as a web developer. After graduating, Pande started his career in IT as a back-end programmer and team of IT experts in the construction of the LAPERON system (online licensing service) in Badung Regency. Then, Pande focused on development and operations as a DevOps engineer and took on enterprise systems development projects in several government agencies. Finally, Pande and his friends managed to build a startup BTW Edutech which continues to grow until now. Pande also informed the achievements of BTW Edutech to the BASAbali Wiki team. "Namely, the Top 10 HATCH programs for the 1000 Digital Startup Movement. We also provide 402 scholarships for 3T and non-3T regional PTK registrants as well as 1500 scholarships for CPNS 2021 registrants," he explained. In addition, his proud startup has held various training and learning assistance through the platform. "We have thousands of alumni in PTN, PTK, CPNS, TNI, and POLRI throughout Indonesia," he concluded. As a digital entrepreneur who has many achievements, Pande was invited to be a guest speaker on the “NGOPI” talk show on Kompas TV. He is currently developing a pilot Edition XI: “STARTUP PROFILE” for his company.  
Rapid technological developments have brought many advances in various areas of life, including the world of work. In the current era, we cannot be separated from the influence of technology in the world of work. The government can play an important role in overcoming this problem and creating policies that can control technological developments so that they do not replace and threaten people's jobs. The most important problem currently is technological progress which poses a major threat to employment opportunities, especially in Bali. If not controlled, many jobs will be replaced by technology. Of course, this can threaten the lives of the Balinese people. Advances in AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology are one of the biggest challenges for future leaders of Bali Province. Although the presence of AI provides benefits, especially in providing efficiency in the world of tourism in Bali, this technology can also have negative impacts if not used wisely. To overcome challenges in the tourism sector, the government must increase investment in skills training and technology education. This will help prepare the workforce to face technological developments with greater effectiveness. One of the solutions and strategies that I propose is to strengthen the government's role and responsibility in regulating and supervising the use and impact of AI technology in Bali. The government can provide assistance and facilities, such as capital assistance, subsidies, incentives, training, certification, and others, which can help the community to improve their quality and performance in the tourism sector. The government can also evaluate policies that support the transition of workers from traditional to modern sectors through skills conversion programs and financial support. Therefore, this effort can help optimize the use of technology while reducing losses for the Bali tourism sector in terms of the availability of skilled and quality human resources so that they can continue to compete along with technological developments.  
Halo warga Bali! Apa kabar? Bagaikan air yang mengalir, tidak terasa waktu berjalan dengan cepat, tahun baru 2022 sudah dimulai. Semoga anda senantiasa dianugrahi keselamatan di mana pun berada. Kira-kira sudah dua tahun pandemi Covid-19 melanda dunia. Ada banyak sekali permasalahan dan dinamika kehidupan yang kita hadapi belakangan ini. Tidak hentinya juga beragam usaha yang dilakukan untuk menangani kesulitan ini. Akan tetapi … Di saat pandemi mendatangkan ‘kegelapan’, sastra yang dapat meneranginya, bahasa yang menjadi minyaknya, mengalir bagaikan air yang selalu memberi guna bagi siapa pun yang memerlukan. Sehubungan dengan analogi tersebut, Pemerintah Provinsi Bali, diwakili oleh Dinas Kebudayaan Provinsi Bali, kembali mengadakan acara Bulan Bahasa Bali 2022, yang dilaksanakan mulai tanggal 1-28 Februari 2022. Bulan Bahasa Bali keempat tahun 2022 ini bertema Danu Kerthi: Gitaning Toya Ening - Toya Pinaka Wit Guna Widya. Artinya, Bulan Bahasa Bali sebagai simbol perjalanan pengetahuan yang mengalir tiada henti menyediakan kebenaran, kesejahteraan, dan keutamaan dunia. Acara ini akan diadakan secara hibrid. Istilah hibrid mengacu pada acara yang dilaksanakan luring dan daring. Ada berbagai macam acara seperti seminar, loka karya, festival, pergelaran, pameran aksara, dan beberapa lomba yang berhadiah jutaan rupiah! Warga Bali, mari bersiap-siap menyambut acara Bulan Bahasa Bali 2022! Info lengkap mengenai jadwal acara dan lomba Bulan Bahasa Bali 2022 bisa diakses melalui media sosial Instagram (IG), Facebook (FB), dan tautan lynk.id/bulanbahasabali. Terima kasih. IG : @bulanbahasabali2022 FB : Bulan Bahasa Bali 2022 #DanuKerthi #GitaningToyaEning #BulanBahasaBali2022  +
Om Swastyastu, the Covid-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on Indonesia. Not only in the health sector, but also in the economic sector. The island of Bali is no exception, all of which are very dependent on tourism so that the Balinese economy has slumped during the pandemic. The Government has implemented the policy of Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions or PPKM (Pemberlakuan Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat) to limit the spread of the Covid-19 virus. However, this strategy has caused negative impacts such as the suspension of tourism. Likewise, tourism workers have been fired. The government and related parties must seek procedures to stimulate Bali tourism. Examples include the strict application of health protocols to the community, as well as the application of CHSE (Cleanliness, Health, Safety, and Environment Sustainability) to tourist destinations or other means of supporting tourist destinations. The number of Balinese people who have received the first dose of Covid-19 vaccine is around 99% and the second dose is around 90%. With this preparation, Bali tourism is ready to rise again. What is needed is public information that Bali is ready to receive domestic and international tourists. Sports Tourism is one of the strategies that should be implemented. Even though it's a new idea, sports tourism has great potential to generate tourism in Bali. Sports events are of great interest both nationally and internationally. This can be seen from the major sporting events held in Bali such as the 2021 BWF World Tour, BRI Liga 1, U-20 World Cup, and so on. The Government can provide support to improve infrastructure and facilities relating to sports so that Bali's potential can be realized and Bali's tourism and Bali's economy can be revived. Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti, Om.  +
the steps that must be taken now and in the future regarding what needs to be done to revive tourism in Bali during the pandemic. That is the mandatory vaccination, which is one of the efforts to support the recovery of tourism in Bali, build spirit and commitment with all Bali tourism stakeholders in reviving the tourism sector during the COVID-19 pandemic by seriously implementing disciplined health protocols to restore world trust. not only that, it is hoped that for the government to restore tourism in Bali, it will take several stages, as I know and I have read first by increasing the domestic market. The second is opening the essential business travel, in order to open international flights because it is felt that Bali is ready to accept international arrivals.  +
Curator, Research anthropologist and Program Director at Smithsonian Institution.  +
Who doesn't know that Bali is one of the regions with the largest tourism revenue in Indonesia. Even in 2023 Bali began planning a development called Nangun Sat Kerthi Loka Bali which means as 6 main developments for the welfare and happiness of human life. Nangun sat kerthi loka bali itself has goals related to advancing Bali tourism, where there are 6 main sources, namely, atma kerthi, segara kerthi, danu kerthi, wana kerthi, jana kerthi, jagat kerthi which means for the welfare of human life in each part. But development in Bali will not be able to run well if there are still many unscrupulous people who utilize development funds for personal gain or can be referred to as corruption. Examples such as the case of corruption of Paibon Wargi Temple development funds in Klungkung Regency and the case of corruption of SPI funds at the Udayana Campus. This is one of the factors inhibiting development in Bali. Even those who are supposed to investigate corruption cases turn a blind eye and are mute to all these incidents. Therefore, it is hoped that the Bali Provincial Government can take these problems seriously. So that the Nangun Sat Kerthi Loka Bali program runs well without any cases of corruption in the development.  +
Om Swastiastu, Om Awighnam astu namo sidham I thank the event organizers for the opportunity given to me to convey the Celebration to all of you. whom I respect the competition jury I respect the guests who have attended this event, Mr/Mrs accompanying teachers who have accompanied the students who took part in this competition. Ratu Idane is very sane, fragrant titiang sinamian. I am now a student in Badung. Today I want to talk about "General Election 2024". O people of Indonesia, I invite you all to join together to make our elections a success, the Election of 24 February 2024. Because elections are not just about changing leadership, elections are also not just about power. Because elections are our effort to prevent people from getting worse. It is our goal to start a government. Ladies and gentlemen, let us strengthen human resources for implementation at all levels. I am sure this has been done and indeed this time I saw from the applause the spirit of optimism. From the lowest level to the top, provide the knowledge, skills and other abilities needed, so that all equipment and officers are able to carry out their duties well. All levels of the KPU must realize the magnitude and importance of the task of starting our nation's democratic party. A valuable moment to show commitment and integrity, showing dedication and best abilities for the future of our nation and state. Thus, I can conclude that let us choose an election that can advance the island of Bali. Let's not vote for elections that are ex-corrupt. Choose elections that can be committed to holding them well so that democracy remains alive and of higher quality, giving birth to a government that has strong legitimacy. That's all I can say, sorry if there are wrong words, I thank you. Om Santhi, Santhi, Santhi Om.  +
Bali is famous as an island with friendly and innocent people. Therefore, many migrant residents come to Bali looking for work and making a fortune in Bali. If there are no clear regulations regarding the migrant population, over time Bali will become a densely populated island and the crime rate will increase due to the difficulty of finding work. Problems like this must be handled by the Balinese Leader who is elected in 2024. Whoever becomes the Balinese Leader in that year must be firm with the migrant population so that there are clear and firm rules. These rules are binding and can be used as guidance by migrant residents so that they do not do anything wrong when they come to Bali. Bali 2024 leaders must have a commitment to limit the population of immigrants to Bali considering that Bali is a small island. With the large number of migrant residents without clear restrictions, it cannot be denied that in the future the ratio of the immigrant population to the native population could be that there are more immigrant residents. This is what Bali 2024 leaders need to anticipate and be aware of so that Bali 2024 leaders have a firm policy regarding this matter.  +
Of course, we are already familiar with Covid-19. Who would have thought that this small virus could make such a big change in the last 2 years. Because of this virus we were made to stay at home for 2 years, imagine starting from the activities we initially did outside the home such as going to school, working and traveling abroad that had to stop because of this virus, we were made to stay at home for 2 years. Which of course brings a lot of changes in our lives. An example is tourism in Bali. Bali is an island in Indonesia which is often visited by tourists from various countries because it has its own charm. With the stay-at-home policy, of course the economic sector in Bali will decline. During the pandemic, tourism sites and access to Bali were closed. Community activity at tourist attractions in Bali has decreased. This caused Bali's economy to decline. With the closure of various tourist attractions in Bali, many people have become unemployed, this is compounded by policies at home. This has made people confused about finding money. Hundreds of thousands of people lost their jobs and sources of income. In the end, the poverty level in Bali has increased. And without realizing it, now we have entered 2023, where there has been a recovery of various sectors in society which have been stalled for the past 2 years. From here we have to restore Bali's economy. Regional governments need to pay attention to Bali's current economic conditions to revive Bali's economy which has been declining for the past 2 years. The Covid-19 pandemic has hit Bali's economy hard. Bali's economy is very dependent on the tourism sector, so when there are mobility restrictions such as the stay at home policy, the tourism sector is paralyzed. Bali's economy also slumped. Therefore, the government needs to determine a concept for economic development that is not always based on the tourism sector. Bali's economic development must be directed to be more balanced, not only dependent on the tourism sector. Moreover, tourism areas are very vulnerable to changes in external factors. Both from security factors, natural and non-natural disasters that cannot be controlled. So every sector in Bali must also be considered, such as; agricultural, marine and fisheries sectors, manufacturing industry and industries based on Balinese branding culture, MSMEs and cooperatives, creative and digital economy, as well as the tourism sector. So by reviving all these sectors in Bali, it is hoped that Bali's economy can recover after Covid-19. So that Bali will always be prosperous.  
My esteemed judges, my beloved Basabali wiki team, and my beloved brothers and sisters. Before I continue I would like to congratulate the Om Swastiastu community. I feel very fortunate to be able to participate in this activity, thank God, I can give my opinion on this Wikithon Contest on this beautiful day, allow me to express my opinion on the most important issue for our country. It's the problem of global warming. The Earth is getting hotter, as we feel in Bali, so we have to try to address global warming in Bali. Bali as a small island, but as a major tourist destination in the world should provide a powerful energy for the future. The development of global warming has become increasingly apparent. Increased pollution is one of the causes of global warming. Other causes are global warming and forest fires. In Hinduism, there is what is called the Tri Hita Karana, the three signs of happiness as man's relationship with God, man with man, and man with nature. The third point, the relationship between humans and the environment, is that the movement of planting trees is already taking place, but how do we develop a culture of caring for and maintaining these trees? That's all I can suggest. Let's consider this as a priority and the foundation of the main work program of the candidate leader who will be elected in 2024. I close with Parama santih, Om santih santih om.  +
Bali, as a famous tourist destination throughout the world, has very attractive natural charm. One of the attractions is the beautiful and clean beaches. However, recently, beaches in Bali have experienced very disturbing environmental pollution problems. This case raises the question, who is actually responsible for this problem? Environmental pollution on the coast of Bali has been occurring for several years. Some of the causes are waste from the tourism industry, household waste, and fishing activities that are not well managed. Many local residents and environmental activists have tried hard to overcome this problem, but until now it still continues to occur.  +
Honorable, Bali's future leaders, Mr. / Mrs. jury and the audience that I am proud of. Om Swastiastu, Before I begin my speech, let us offer our puja and praise to God Almighty, because thanks to His grace and grace we can carry out this activity well. As we all know, one of the problems on the island of Bali is the number of foreigners who work illegally and are not recorded on the island of Bali. According to the BBC Indonesia website, a number of posts mention foreign tourists in Bali working illegally by offering photography services, motorcycle training, surfing, haircuts, and selling vegetables. This has made a number of Balinese residents worried that their income space is getting narrower. So how can prospective leaders overcome this? The leaders can conduct routine data collection of every business and MSME in their area of power, if necessary, a comprehensive and routine population data collection is carried out so that illegal elements are immediately caught and followed up. From the sources I read, the central government plans to implement a rule that requires foreigners entering tourism islands such as Bali to pay a non-tax rate of 10$. That way, foreigners who enter Bali can be recorded without exception. That's all my speech, sorry for my mistakes, and last I'd say Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om.  +
There is a lot of waste that is difficult to manage or recycle in Bali As a result, many TPAs and TPSs are full/overloaded Therefore, there is a need for a solution that can handle the waste problem in Bali. I hope that the prospective leaders of Bali can handle this case well so that there is comfort and peace in social life and I also hope that Bali can be free from waste cases that are difficult to manage. Thank you, I apologize if there are any bad word.  +
In today's millennial era, many young people cannot speak the language well. Soft language is rarely used in the current generation due to the influence of social interactions and technology in the current era. Many children today use harsh language. If you look at society, children are starting to speak harsh language towards their parents, therefore this must be handled quickly because children are now increasingly using abusive language. Due to this problem, I ask for help so that the government emphasizes to the public that it is important to limit the use of technology among minors and monitor their interactions.  +
The Potential Transition of Tourism Resources to Develop UMKM Greetings, Om Swastyastu, Assalamualaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarokatuh, Shalom, Namoh Buddhaya. Goodwill and peace to all. We express our gratitude and thanks to the One Almighty God for allowing us to participate in the "Provincial Bali Oratory Competition" with the theme "Bali Orates" and the topic "2024 Election: What is the most pressing issue to be addressed by Bali's future leaders?". In this regard, we present arguments focusing on "how the management of tourism, by harnessing the potential shift of employment towards UMKM, can coexist with the progress of tourism for Bali's future leaders." Post-Covid-19, Bali is assessed as unable to rely solely on the tourism sector as the sole backbone of the regional economy. Serious resource exploration is needed so that Bali has a number of alternative sources of economic income. This consideration is essential for Bali to withstand crises and global challenges. It is an opportunity to organize and pay attention to the development of UMKM in Bali, potentially redirecting the economic base from the tourism sector. The negative impact of the current tourism sector chaos in Bali stems from arbitrary behavior by tourists towards the Balinese people. Bali's residents are disturbed by reprehensible actions by tourists, whether permanent residents or just visitors. Examples include religious desecration, inappropriate behavior in sacred areas, disturbances in public areas, land grabbing from Balinese residents, and various other disturbances, all of which have a detrimental impact on the lives of the Balinese people. The government of the Bali Regional People's Representative Council (DPRI), a politician from the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-Perjuangan) faction, outlines several potential economic resources that can be seriously explored in Bali, including agriculture, marine, and creative economy sectors. Strengthening each sector, he notes, will contribute to economic equality in the Island of the Gods. Recognizing that UMKM are a sector capable of sustaining Bali in times of crisis, support for regulations and education for the empowerment and protection of UMKM is crucial. It is emphasized that diversifying beyond the tourism sector is essential. Chairman of the Bali Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI), Tjok. Oka Sukawati, sees this as a significant moment for Bali's UMKM to learn from other UMKM, especially those outside Bali, fostering innovation and product quality development. In response to Prof. Ramantha's statements, Ny Putri Koster, as the Head of the Regional Craft Council (Dekranasda), considers her actions as part of her responsibility to bridge UMKM with consumers. She builds synergy with relevant government agencies, such as the Bali Provincial Trade and Industry Office. In conclusion, we hope that future government candidates prioritize programs in the UMKM sector over tourism, yet maintaining attention to Bali's tourism. This oration serves as a reference for future programs. In closing, we express our gratitude. Om Santih, Santih, Santih Om, Wassalamualaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarokatuh, Shalom, Namoh Buddhaya. Goodwill and peace to all.  
We all know how the condition of Bali tourism is after the Covid-19 pandemic. Tourists are not allowed to go to Bali so that Covid-19 virus does not spike again. This causes Bali tourism to decline. Balinese people who work in the tourism sector do not get jobs. The Bali government has issued a policy that is used to suppress the spread of the Corona Virus. One of the policies is the implementation of restrictions on community activities or what is known as PPKM (Pemberlakuan Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat). This causes the spread of Covid-19 to decrease. Because the government already has efforts to reduce the spread of the Corona Virus, we as the next generation can help the government to improve Bali tourism. There are many procedures that can be used to improve Balinese tourism. The first way is to promote Balinese tourist destinations using social media. This requires the participation of the Balinese people. Those who like to upload photos while on vacation to tourist destinations in Bali can also help develop and improve Bali tourism. Indonesia has a website that is used to promote Indonesian tourism. Second, the public can help provide tourist destinations in accordance with health protocols related to government policies, as well as maintaining the cleanliness of tourism places. This causes a sense of security. Third, Bali has many cultural works that are popular abroad, for example, such as carvings, paintings, sculptures, and so on. Maybe Balinese artists can provide counseling to the younger generation on how to make art. This can foster a sense of love for domestic products and can encourage Balinese cultural works with the younger generation. Well, that's a little bit about the procedure to restore Bali tourism during the pandemic. We should always remember our identity as Balinese people, namely to develop Balinese culture.  +