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One of the obligations of a lecturer is to find inspiration for scientific writing. This episode features Pak Putu Sabda Jayendra who researches Barong Brutuk in Terunyan. In this podcast, he will talk about his experience. Let's listen together.  +
His name is Wayan Artadana, and now he is one of the waste managers at the Harmoni Parahyangan Indonesia Foundation (HARPA). He invites people in various banjars and schools in Gianyar Regency to learn how to manage plastic waste and get profits from selling plastic waste. Through this business, he has opened several waste banks which are now starting to grow and are of interest to the people. At the same time, he and his friends have contributed to cleaning up the Gianyar environment.  +
With all the changes in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, the millennial generation must always be able to maintain the traditions and culture that has been inherited, and uphold the motto of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Sharpen each other, love each other, foster a successful Indonesia to become a nation that is one in the midst of differences. By being a creative generation to create something innovative, and being able to contribute to building an advanced nation with everything positive.  +
Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings. If I were to become a leader in a city, the first step I would take would be to eradicate ignorance by ensuring that school-aged children can still attend school and no one drops out of school, because in my opinion education is the source of the creation of a nation's golden generation. The beggars and homeless people that we can easily find roaming the streets are caused by the education system that is not running optimally, which causes economic inequality to widen and the poverty level of a city increases. I also believe that the higher unemployment rate comes from a poor education system that is not integrated from one stratum to the next, thus an education system that puts forward good and effective quality will give birth to smart thoughts that can ultimately help improve the community's economy and will also have a good impact on public health, because positive thinking is part of the medicine we need.  +
Portrait of writer Eric Buvelot with his book 'Bali 50 Years of Changes' a Conversation with Jean Couteau.  +
Portrait of writer Eric Buvelot by Dian Dewi Reich at Sawidji Studio Photography.  +
This research aims to study the revitalization of quotidian ties as a medium of establishing social reharmonization between the Balinese Hindu diaspora and Sasak Moslem in Mataram city. This revitalization was carried out post-conflict between the two ethnic groups in a number of areas. This phenomenon is related to the representation of local wisdom as possessing noble values instilled by the ancestors of the two ethnic groups toward realizing mutualistic communication and interaction. This study was designed using an interpretative-descriptive approach in order to conduct an in-depth analysis of the research focus. This study found innovations relating to the implementation of quotidian ties, specifically through the revitalization of individual and collective consciousness based on quotidian ties, the strengthening of multicultural ties between the two ethnic communities, the valorization of local wisdom involving the participation of different ethnic groups, and the contestation of cultural capital in the implementation of adat and religious practices. The recommendations of this study are to build cultural awareness through attitudes that mutually recognize and accept differences.  +
Om swastyastu, the jury that I respect and the Bahasabali wiki team that I am proud of. On this occasion, I will deliver an oration on "Tourist Ethics in Sacred Places in Bali". Bali Island is the most popular tourist destination in Indonesia. Bali has very diverse tourist attractions, both natural tourism, cultural tourism and marine tourism. Bali and tourism cannot be separated. A tourist attraction that is no less interesting is the culture of the people. The life of the Balinese people is very closely related to the Hindu religion so that every religious ceremony is a very unique object. Temples are interesting places of worship for Hindus spread throughout Bali. Therefore, Bali also has the nickname Thousand Temple Island. However, the beauty of tourist attractions in Bali is still often threatened, one of which is sacred places. The presence of foreign tourists visiting sacred places still has a negative influence on the island of Bali. The case that we often hear is that tourist etiquette is still lacking, both in terms of clothing and the morals of the tourists themselves. As happened at Pura Dalem Prajapati Banjar Dadakan, Kelaci Kelod Traditional Village, Abiantuwung Village, Kediri District, Tabanan Regency. The tourist climbed a sacred tree, it is suspected that the tourist did not know that this place was a sacred place. This often happens, the causes are freedom of association and clothing in many tourist attractions, the need for commercial content and, ignorance of foreign tourists about sacred places in Bali. With this, we hope that Bali's leaders in 2024 will tighten the existing regulations in this place with efforts that can be taken, namely, 1. Form a community for tighter security at this place. 2. The management should provide information about the meaning of signs and holy places. 3. Give sanctions to visitors who prohibit these rules, both moral sanctions and social sanctions. 4. Tourists are expected to be accompanied by a tour guide who has a permit/license (understanding the natural conditions, customs, traditions and local wisdom of the Balinese people} when visiting tourist attractions. That's all we can say, hopefully it will be useful, and this oration can be realized by Balinese leaders in 2024 so that sacred places in Bali are always maintained and preserved. Sorry if there are any wrong words, we thank you. Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti Om.  
Om swastyastu, the jury that I respect and the Bahasabali wiki team that I am proud of. On this occasion, I will deliver an oration on "Tourist Ethics in Sacred Places in Bali". Bali Island is the most popular tourist destination in Indonesia. Bali has very diverse tourist attractions, both natural tourism, cultural tourism and marine tourism. Bali and tourism cannot be separated. A tourist attraction that is no less interesting is the culture of the people. The life of the Balinese people is very closely related to the Hindu religion so that every religious ceremony is a very unique object. Temples are interesting places of worship for Hindus spread throughout Bali. Therefore, Bali also has the nickname Thousand Temple Island. However, the beauty of tourist attractions in Bali is still often threatened, one of which is sacred places. The presence of foreign tourists visiting sacred places still has a negative influence on the island of Bali. The case that we often hear is that tourist etiquette is still lacking, both in terms of clothing and the morals of the tourists themselves. As happened at Pura Dalem Prajapati Banjar Dadakan, Kelaci Kelod Traditional Village, Abiantuwung Village, Kediri District, Tabanan Regency. The tourist climbed a sacred tree, it is suspected that the tourist did not know that this place was a sacred place. This often happens, the causes are freedom of association and clothing in many tourist attractions, the need for commercial content and, ignorance of foreign tourists about sacred places in Bali. With this, we hope that Bali's leaders in 2024 will tighten the existing regulations in this place with efforts that can be taken, namely, 1. Form a community for tighter security at this place. 2. The management should provide information about the meaning of signs and holy places. 3. Give sanctions to visitors who prohibit these rules, both moral sanctions and social sanctions. 4. Tourists are expected to be accompanied by a tour guide who has a permit/license (understanding the natural conditions, customs, traditions and local wisdom of the Balinese people} when visiting tourist attractions. That's all we can say, hopefully it will be useful, and this oration can be realized by Balinese leaders in 2024 so that sacred places in Bali are always maintained and preserved. Sorry if there are any wrong words, we thank you. Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti Om.  
We as Balinese people must care for each other. Don't let differences in viewpoints make us fight and be enemies. If we like to make enemies, it will cause trouble in another days. For that, let's help each other to make our lives easier, because actually young or old, we are all the same. Don't forget that we must maintain brotherhood so that it remains intertwined throughout life.  +
Religion is a belief that is owned by everyone on this earth. The belief that is meant here is to believe in the existence of Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa or God Almighty. We all know that there are six religions in Indonesia, namely Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Catholicism and Confucianism. Every human being has a different religion, so how do we maintain harmony among people of different religions? The method is that we must always maintain a behavior called "tolerance" towards religious people. The word "tolerance" in Indonesian means mutual respect, for example, we must not insult other people's religions and we must not destroy places of worship of other religions. We should respect other religions and also be able to strengthen a sense of brotherhood based on Sharpening, Compassion, Fostering people of other religions. Even though we have different religions, we are still brothers. If this has been implemented, surely life between religious communities will always be harmonious and there will be no divisions between religious communities anymore.  +
Everyday in a pandemic  +
The twin traditional buildings (Bale Adat Kembar) at the Great Palace of Kesiman, Denpasar, Bali, is not only a twin building marking the majesty and unique architecture of the palace but also a place to carry out the important ritual of Pitra Yadnya for deceased ancestors. This article analyzes the exotic form, function, and meaning of Bale Adat Twins at the Great Palace of Kesiman, one of the three important palaces which is the heir of the Kingdom of Badung. Using a qualitative approach, the data for this study were collected from interviews with the palace chief, observations, and literature studies. The data were analyzed using a critical approach of Cultural Studies by exploring the deep meaning of the facts, in this case matters related to Bale Adat Kembar. This article concludes that amidst the rapid flow of modernization, the twin traditional building at the Great Palace of Kesiman remains sustainable because it has a ritual function that will always be carried out for Puri's ancestors in accordance with the human life cycle. This article contributes to showing how heritage buildings which are relics of the kingdom still exist with their exoticism in modern times.  +
If you love nature, let's take care of the environment A good leader will take care of the environment around him  +
In this video, it is explained that studying during the COVID-19 pandemic is very ineffective and in this video it is explained what obstacles are experienced during online lectures.  +
Om Swastyastu, let me introduce my self my name is Ni Made Purnama Dewi from Denpasar State Hindu Universitas. As technology develops, many new things come and go. One of them is culture. Culture is the heritage, way of life or manners of an area where it should be preserved. The development of technology brings many changes in our culture, one of which is language. Language is an indigenous culture that is owned by each region and has its own rules, for example Balinese. In my opinion, the Balinese language has begun to experience a shift in its use, why? Technological developments make people reluctant to use Balinese in communicating because it seems ancient and difficult. However, along with the development of technology, many young people are also developing to something more positive, one of which is the Basabali Wiki Organization which then makes a Basabali Wiki application. And then in my opinion, the Basabali Wiki application is a very effective, informative and communicative learning support media. Because this application is very helpful in learning Balinese, preserving Balinese culture and of course as a form of development in technological progress. Basabali Wiki is a learning media that has been appreciated by UNESCO and has been accessed in 80 countries in the world. So that with the Basabali Wiki, we can learn Balinese from anywhere, anytime and by anyone. Basabali Wiki is a combination of reference dictionaries, encyclopedias and libraries contained in an application. Without us realizing it, Basabali Wiki is a form of contribution to cultural preservation made by a generation that is proficient in technology. Example: There is someone who wants to know Balinese and they don't have to bother going to a Balinese language expert or even coming to Bali, they just need to download an app and yes, they can learn quickly and easily. This process is unconsciously a form of preserving Balinese culture in the digital world. So that we as the next generation are people who are able to compete in the rapid development without leaving our own culture.  
The presence of jewelry casting machines in Celuk Village, Gianyar, Bali has caused a struggle among craftsmen in fighting for their business and production interests. This study aims to uncover and analyze the struggle practices. Data collection is done through interviews, observations and document studies. Data were analyzed with practical theory, deconstruction, mechanical reproduction and other supporting theories used eclectically. The results showed that the struggle was carried out in various ways depend on the capital they owned. All parties build images as an effort to maintain their existence. Various kinds of displays, product certificates, and discourse are played as media in struggling for their respective interests to win the market competitions. The struggle of jewelers craftsmen in Celuk gives birth to various forms of power relations, there are those who rule and are controlled. Power in jewelry is largely determined by space, time, and the amount of capital ownership.  +
The development of voluntourism in the world can be recognize from the existence of organizations that provide volunteer travel program. Bali as the icon of Indonesia tourism also become one of destination for voluntourism. Tourist that decides in choosing voluntourism package have its own tourist characteristic. With the presence of tourists who choose the voluntourism package, it is necessary to examine the factors that influence purchasing decisions and their dominant factors. The purpose of this study is to determine tourist characteristic, the factors and dominant factors that influence foreign tourist decision choosing voluntourism package in IVHq Ubud, Bali. Data collection in this research using questionnaire and distributed online by google form to user of volunteer program in IVHq Ubud with total sample of 44 respondents. Sampling technique in this research using purposive sampling. Data analysis technique using likert scale and factor analysis including validity test, and reliability test then the data processed by the Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) version 18.0 program. The result of analysis factors show that there are five factors including image factors with eigen value of 6.040, external factor with eigen value of 2.378, psychology with eigen value of 1.681, physical evidence factor with eigen value of 1.427, and product factor dengan eigen value 1.025. The dominant factor influencing foreign tourist decision choosing voluntourism package in IVHq Ubud, Bali is brand/image factor with eigen value of 6.040.  +
Wayan Suastama. Farmer series expresses a sentimental nostalgia about the artists’ childhood memories in an agricultural village. As a son of a farmer, I miss the simplicity of that environment. These memories play a large part in who we become. Everyday things and routines are typical in the life of a farmer like helping our parents in the fields after we finish school. These memories are the theme of these works. It comes from missing my childhood. Coming from Tabanan,. an area that is known for ‘lumbung beras’ rice agriculture. ~Wayan Suastama  +
approximately 1 year running the world is experiencing problems such as covid 19. Discussing the rise of farmers during the pandemic. Many feel that they are short of money, looking for their daily needs. After a long time it feels difficult and heavy if they go through this. The ceremony that should be carried out, and the activities of the farming community that cannot be separated. When the community has awakened this agricultural business, there is still covid 19, so they have given vaccines determined by the government. And also implemented health care, washing hands and maintaining distance. The farming community never complains to make a living until they continue the spirit of the farmer's struggle, even though the journey is still from zero. At the time of this economic sale is like selling rice, flowers that have been harvested. if it is felt at a very cheap price even though you have struggled for results as long as farmers, don't act like we have to be enthusiastic, keep rising farmers. Hopefully it will be useful for anything, enthusiasm for harvests, farmers, keep rising, even though there is still this pandemic  +