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From BASAbaliWiki
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Bena's heart is very happy today. He asked his mother and friends. But no one remembers what day it is?  +
It’s a beautiful day for a picnic. Everyone wants to join in the fun.  +
Raju cannot believe his eyes. On his way to school, he sees vegetables of all shapes and sizes also headed there, carrying their schoolbags and water bottles! What’s more, no one else, including his teacher, seems surprised to see them. Whatever is going on?  +
This baligraphy was created to commemorate the 76th Anniversary of Indonesian Independence in 2021. This baligraphy uses the shape of the island of Bali.  +
Elections are activities where the public chooses a candidate to serve in government. In this activity, many people participated, one of which was people with disabilities. However, many people have a different perspective, considering that people with disabilities are unable to provide opinions in the election process. Even though people with disabilities have the right to voice their opinions, as stated in Law number 8 of 2016, people with disabilities also have political rights. The government must provide different ballot papers to make it easier for people with disabilities to vote. The government must also provide more information about the correct place and method for voting so that it is considered legal.  +
Discipline and Cooperation is the Key The COVID-19 Pandemic had a severe impact on human life, this is also felt by Bali’s society. Sources of Regional Original Income of Bali Province, which mostly come from tourism are lost due the imposition of restrictions on international and domestic flights. That regulation gave a tremendous impact on the economic sector in Bali. In addition to flight restrictions there are several policies implemented by local government, such as; implementation of health protocols for entire society, diverting offline activities to online, limiting operating hours for business, mass vaccination, and implementation of the Java-Bali Emergency Society Activity Restriction (PPKM Darurat Jawa Bali) which are aimed at reducing the mutation or spread of the virus in society. The government has tried to handle the pandemic well but the COVID-19 pandemic is not easy matter. We are in this together, therefore awareness must arise to overcome this problem together. All the policies that have been implemented certainly reap the pros and cons from the society, but criticism is not enough without providing solutions. In my opinion, all the policies implemented have been based on the interests of society and in a depth studies so they are quite relevant to the current situation. The thing that needs to improved is the implementation process. There are still many people who wear masks incorrectly like up to the chin and don’t cover the nose, neglect to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer, etc. so the policies already good but not implemented properly. The solutions I could offer are: 1. The government should build the society’s awareness through provided of centralized, actual and factual information sources, which can be in the form of an integrated application or website that provides information COVID-19 update in Bali and provides education that COVID-19 is exists but COVID-19 can be overcome with the society and the government together. 2. Cash or non-cash assistance to the society, especially COVID-19 patients (quarantine, medicine for the patients who did self-isolation), priority society in need like poor family, orphans, etc based on Social Service Department data, and the people who got work termination and also public. 3. All Balinese must apply health protocols with discipline to reduce virus mutation so it can prevent someone from being infected. 4. Authorized people expected to pay attention to society in implementation of health protocols and provide strict sanctions against people who violate it. The key that I think can lead us to a resurgence from the COVID-19 Pandemic are discipline and cooperation. Discipline in carrying our health procedures, being proactive in seeking information about COVID-19 and working together to save each other, don’t get infected and infected others. That’s all I can say, hopefully we are always in good health, let’s go through this pandemic together. Thank you.  
Om Swastiastu Tiang jagi ngelanturang pendapat tiang tetang "Lelampahan Anak Luh Nepasin Disinformasi" Perkembangan social media sane sekadi mangkin, nika sangat berpengaruh antuk semeton pemuda miwah pemudi mirengan informasi. Sedangkan informasi ring social media nika ten konyangan tepat miwah becik. Sebagian informasi nika wenten same hoax. Nah peranan rage sebagai pemuda ring pemudi niki harus ngidang membedakan sane cen informasi becik sane cen informasi sane hoax. Carane apang ngidang nawang sane becik miwah hoax. Sane pertama kenalin dumun sumber informasi ne. Usahakan rereh informasi ring sumber sane tepat lan terpercaya. Sane nomer kalih, cek pedidi kebenaran infomasi nika, sampunan kanti langsung percaya. Sane nomer telu, sampunang berita kari simpang siur sampun ka share ring media social.  +
Living in a multicultural and multi-religious environment gave me many new experiences. Even though we are diverse, we can still live side by side in harmony. I can also celebrate different holidays, and the fun part is that I can taste the special dishes of those holidays. Because we can respect each other, these differences make life extraordinary. Note: Diversity Gang ('gang' here is also have different meaning than number of people. In Bahasa Indonesia, 'gang's means alley)  +
Although different cultures and religions do not prevent us from making friends, on the contrary, these differences are a means of strengthening life  +
Indonesia is a unitary state with a beautiful stretch of islands from Sabang to Merauke. An island that stands firmly in Indonesia with its cultural characteristics contained therein. The island of Bali is one example, commonly known as the island of the Gods or the island of a thousand temples. The island of Bali is synonymous with its distinctive culture, from arts to customs. Balinese culture can be said to be one of Indonesia's income-supporting sectors through tourism. This is because people who visit the island of Bali are not only limited to people in the country but abroad (foreign tourists). Based on the survey results from a travel and tourism operator company from France, Club Med, Bali has been named the happiest holiday destination in the world in 2022. Beautiful natural conditions and a culture that is still thick are a perfect blend that makes Bali a tourist destination and learns about culture. Preserving Balinese culture is of course very important to do. This does not only involve the people in Bali but all Indonesian people, especially the younger generation. An example of preserving Balinese culture, namely the use of Balinese in daily communication. Nowadays, the role of generation Z is still lacking in implementing Balinese language culture, and most of them feel embarrassed by using the local language. The younger generation, especially generation Z, should be proud of their culture The current era of digitalization is closely related to generation Z. The use of social media is currently rife. Therefore, we as the younger generation should be able to take advantage of social media as an alternative forum for preserving culture. The overflow of public issues also requires us to participate to express our aspirations and opinions so that we can produce decisions with supportive innovations. In Bali in particular, there is a community with a vision that is trying to preserve the Balinese language by creating a digital Balinese dictionary application, BASABali Wiki. BASABali Wiki exists in the form of community participation efforts on public issues while preserving local languages. Here we are also with a motivation that encourages us to participate in giving aspirations. Our motivation to participate in giving aspirations is that there is a large amount of reward given by BASAbali Wiki if we get the chance to win. This proved to be successful in attracting the attention of the Balinese people to share their aspirations. BASAbali Wiki also always discusses public issues that attract the public's attention and are still warm to be discussed and responded to, so that with this, the community can also find out how the existence of the public issues being discussed. To attract more interest from the younger generation, we suggest that BASABali Wiki provide game features such as a Balinese guessing filter. Not just entertainment, but also promotes education. Apart from that, BASABali Wiki can also hold a broadcast program featuring public issues but by using creative animations where the animated characters speak Balinese.  
'Doa' is part of a series of images in 'Kala and the Guardians'. A Conceptual Art Collaboration. Reflecting on the nature of Time and our relationship to Earth and Spirit through a conceptual mixed media narrative. A collaborative exhibition with the works of Dewi Dian, ManButur Suantara, Nyoman Handi. Kala & the Guardians Limited Editions presents a selection of works from the second project presented by Sawidji in what has become our conceptual narrative way. Our story grew together from its initial theme to its installation-focused process in Sawidji Studio. From costume design to studio staging, the documentation of its process carries as much of its meaning for us as the final images that we present.  +
Vita likes to play doctor, but her little brother Veha does not. If someone is hurt, will Vita know what to do?  +
Dolly can't find her umbrella! Where could it be? Somebody must know...  +
Every day, everyone must use their own language, especially the Balinese who use Balinese. But in the current era, Balinese people prefer to use foreign languages compared to Balinese. Just look at the circumstances around us, the booming trend of entertainment such as Korean dramas, anime, and so on causes the Balinese to use these foreign languages more often. So that the Balinese language, which is the mother tongue, is left behind in its application. Many Balinese people, especially the younger generation, are starting to abandon the use of Balinese and switch to using foreign languages, this event is of course very worrying. We as Balinese people should be able to maintain and preserve the Balinese language so that it will continue to be passed on to our children and grandchildren so we don't lose to the existence of foreign languages around us. Do you want our Balinese language to be lost to time? Therefore, let us preserve the Balinese language together by using Balinese in our daily activities, especially traditional activities such as gathering with Banjar youths, and so on. Because from simple things it will be very meaningful if we all start from ourselves so that Balinese does not lose competitiveness with foreign languages.  +
One of Bali's attractions is its unique cultures. With the strong presence of Hinduism in Bali, and the existence of festivals such as Nyepi and Pengrupukan that attract many tourists to Balinese culture. However, this is not tolerated by the attitude of the Balinese people. The riots that occurred during the ogoh-ogoh parade on Veteran Street, Denpasar, are very regrettable because it will certainly make tourists afraid come to Bali, and makes Bali's reducing its revenue, especially in the tourism sector. Moreover, the incident on Veteran Street even resulted in casualties. As Balinese people who have inherited by unique cultures should demonstrate attitudes that can also make tourists comfortable in Bali. We should not let Bali, which is rich in atrractions that have great potential for the tourism sector, be destroyed by the attitudes of the people who do not show harmony with each other. Let us make this event a deterrent effect for us Balinese citizens. Let us not normalize such incidents so Bali is not known as a contradictory island. Moreover, with Bali's tourism industry recently recovering from the Covid-19 pandemic, tourism is one of the factors that strengthen the economy. We Balinese people should help the government improve Bali's economic condition by avoiding things that make tourists afraid to visit Bali. Let us raise our awareness so the “Island of the Gods” does not become a “Contradictory Island.”  +
My hope for Bali now is that the island of Bali will be famous in the world because of the beauty of nature and the diversity of its traditions. We are in a sophisticated era: many types of technology can be used to tell local and international people that Bali is a beautiful island. Hopefully Bali's sea, rice fields, mountains and nature that is so amazing will not be damaged by high-rise buildings, because that is what attracts people to visit Bali. Hopefully the people who own rice fields in Bali do not sell these fields to people outside Bali. The government should provide assistance to develop tourism so that Bali is always beautiful, vibrant and bustling. We also have to take care of the natural beauty of Bali. Don't let us destroy the island of Bali.  +
“Magic is seeing wonder in nature's every little thing, seeing how wonderful the fireflies are and how magical are the dragonflies.” ― Ama H.Vanniarachchy Photography by ManButur Suantara that explores Macro photography, specifically only using natural light in natural environments with no staging. The dictionary definition of Macro Photography is simply taking a picture extremely close up, bigger than life-size. Macro photography is all about showcasing a subject larger than it is in real life — an extreme close-up of something small. A full-frame insect in a five-by-seven-inch photo and a four-inch product shot of a cornflake go well above life-size: both are examples of macro photography. -  +
Dwijendra Tattwa is a lontar (palm leaf manuscript) which tells the journey of Dang Hyang Nirartha from Pasuruan (East Java) to the end of his life in Uluwatu, Bali. This lontar manuscript was written by one of his descendants (possibly Ida Pedanda Ler) because this lontar manuscript does not mention the name of its author. In terms of language, this lontar uses Kawi language at first, but on sheets 39a to 40a, the language suddenly shifts to Balinese alus singgih. Based on that finding, it can be temporarily concluded that Dwijendra Tattwa manuscript was not written by one person, but by several people at different times. The first pages (1a to 38b) were probably written during the Waturenggong period, or some time after Dang Hyang Nirartha passed away because at that time the tradition of writing in Bali was in its heyday. However, the following pages appear to have been written by Dang Hyang Nirartha's descendants several centuries later. Lontar Dwijendra Tattwa is one of the works of religious literature as well as a biography of Dang Hyang Nirartha, better known as Bhatara Sakti Wawu Rauh. Among the existing lontars of biography, Dwijendra Tattwa is a biographical work compiled at the time closest to the life of the person being written.  +
Bismillahir rahmanir Rahim... Peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy and blessings TOPIC: ECONOMY DURING PANDEMIC If I am elected as a leader in a city, I want to provide assistance to people who have an economy that is considered a financial crisis, provide scholarships to all children who have no father (orphans), and make people feel fulfilled. There are many ways to do good, because heaven is for all. Set aside excess to help the needy, work together to provide personnel, volunteers, social assistance, and provide health facilities for handling Covid to move together to carry out humanitarian activities. Let us ask Allah SWT for help, ask for a way out of difficulties and give strength to our nation to recover and rise from the pandemic. So, Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh  +