Property:Biography text

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like what happened on Kuta beach there are some sellers who force tourists to sit or buy food or goods from them. what makes some tourists restless is the way they offer it seems to be pushy and chases so that some tourists want to use their services or buy food/drinks or goods from them. and some tourists have spoken up on twitter/instagram and some other social media about this. please fix this problem because it makes some tourists afraid to travel here and assume that in all tourist attractions there will be sellers like them. and it is necessary to promote new tourism tourism which has the opportunity to generate a lot of profit, in every tourist place it must be clean and hygienic like a clean bathroom.  +
Katharane Mershon (1892 - 1986), was the daughter of musician, Charles Farwell Edson, originally of Chicago, and a prominent political activist, Katherine Philips Edson. Her mother was an important figure in California's Progressive Party in the early twentieth century, influential on behalf of woman suffrage and industrial and social reforms for women. Katharane did not follow her mother's political and social path, but instead became a dancer. She and her first husband, Harry Gray, toured the United State as a professional ballroom dancing team. She later joined Serge Oukrainsky and Andreas Pavley in Chicago for ballet training, and after divorcing Gray, she married Jack Mershon. Her life was long and full. Among many experiences, she lived in Bali, absorbing the dance rituals there, traveled in Europe and Angkor Wat, danced in Vienna and Paris, taught ballet at the University of California, and administered the Denishawn School. Mershon developed theories on dance and psychology, expressing her idea that there was much to be done in a field she called "corrective psychology".  +
Hi all, I appreciate the concern with reopening and the cautioned approach. However there must be more clarity for countries permitted. Look to places such as the UAE (Dubai in particular) or Seychelles and see how well they opened up. I am an immigrant living in the Middle East and I booked my wedding for July 2022 with the hope you would all be open in time. Don’t limit the countries, make sure people are tested before they arrive and make sure they have insurance for covid, make sure they are triple vaccinated before flying also. Airlines go through thorough checks so the country itself doesn’t have to. I have approximately 10 different nationalities attending my wedding from 15 different countries - keep your rules simple, open to all with minor exclusions when needed. And remove the visa cost - it is not good to charge so much when tourists know it’s going straight to the government. Consider tourism first and the money will come after - do in hotel PCR testing on day 2 if required and charge a little extra there if need be. Keep. It. Simple. If you need an introduction to the tourism CEO for dubai I would be more than happy to help.  +
Om Swastiastu Titiang ngaturang rasa pangayubagia majeng ring Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa antuk asung kerta wara nugraha Ida titiang prasuda nyurat orasi puniki. Pulau Bali antuk destinasi wisata internasional yang memiliki reputasi positif. Akeh wisatawan sane terkesan nikmatin kaluungan alam dan budaya Bali, olih karna ento Bali mrasidayang bersaing dados destinasi wisata populer ngalahin negara sane lianan. Menteri Pariwisata lan Ekonomi Kreatif (Parekraf) Sandiaga Salahudin Uno ngorahang Pulau Bali dados penyumbang devisa negara terakeh antuk Indonesia, terakeh kedua setelah industri Minyak dan Gas. "Bali ini masih menjadi top of mind untuk pariwisata Indonesia. Nanging dibalik kemegahan pariwisata ring Bali, upami akeh pisan hotel-hotel, vila, restoran lan sane lianan. Ring galahe sane mangkin liu pesan pikobet sane mrasidayang kaon ring jagat Baline. Pinaka pikobet korupsi olih pejabat pemerintah, pikobet ring pendidikan, pikobet ring kesehatan upami penyakit menular sane akeh lan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan. Inggih ida dane sareng sami nika wantah orasi titiang antuk pikobet kesenjangan ekonomi sane patut kautamang olih calon pemimpin Bali. Astungkara calon pemimpin Bali sane kapilih antuk Pemilu 2024 mrasidayang nanganin indik pikobet kesenjangan ekonomi ring Bali. Ida dane sareng sami titiang ngaturang pangampura yening titiang wenten pelih rikala nyurat teks orasi puniki. Sareng titiang ngaturang parasuksma majeng ring pamiarsa sane sampun ngewacen teks orasi karya titiang niki. Inggih puput titiang teks orasi niki antuk ngaturang paramasanthi. Om Santhi Santhi Santhi Om.  +
Ketut Agus Murdika is a painter born in Gianyar, December 26, 1989. He completed his art education at ISI Denpasar. Since 2008, he has been active in many joint exhibitions, such as the Retrospective exhibition of the Galang Kangin Community at Bentara Budaya Bali (2018), the Red Thread exhibition at Bentara Budaya Yogyakarta (2016), the Ulu Teben exhibition at Bentara Budaya Bali (2015). He won the Best Sketch Ubud Festival 2006 award. His paintings are abstract. He wrote his concept in painting as follows: An understanding without form, a reflection without words, an understanding of the feelings and feelings of exploring the restlessness of the heart. Creating something intangible into a real work.  +
Ketut Bimbo is a musician and singer of Balinese pop songs born in Banyuatis, Buleleng, 1954. He has been working productively since the 1970s. His songs contain a lot of social criticism wrapped in satirical humor. He started his career as a broadcaster at Radio Massachuset, Singaraja, Buleleng. All of his songs are based on true stories, involving gambling with cock fights, drinking alcohol, etc. His debut album was entitled "Buduh" (1980). A number of his famous songs include: Buduh, Peteng-peteng Mekaca Selem, Announcer, Mebalih Wayang, Ngabut Keladi.  +
Ketut Endrawan was born in Klungkung, March 12, 1974. Completed his fine arts studies at PSSRD Udayana University (now ISI Denpasar) in 1999. Apart from being an artist, he is also a teacher of fine arts. Actively exhibiting together since student. He was a finalist at the Indofood Art Awards 2003 and the Jakarta Art Awards 2008. Endrawan's works tend to be figurative, mixing inner anxiety and social turmoil.  +
Ika has over15-year experience in coordinating development cooperation projects for several international institutions and aid agencies. She successfully managed over 30 human rights, environmental, democracy and development projects across Indonesia, and the Southeast Asia region, totaling 12.5 million dollars. Ika is the chairperson of Banjar Bali USA, the Balinese community in Washington, DC, and surrounding areas. Before she moved to the US in 2011, Ika worked as a development specialist on democracy and human rights projects with institutions.  +
Ketut Kaprus Jaya, contemporary artist in Bali. Born in Budakeling Karangasem Regency Bali, on the 15th July 1970. A veteran of the highs and lows of Balinese Art Industry, he has remained constant to his art with no prevarications. Through three decades of professional art practice, Ketut Kaprus Jaya has maintained and guarded the purity of his creative process. True to self, to the moment, to Nature. As a contemporary artist in Bali today, Kaprus Jaya has two distinct styles that he exercises equally diligently. As a result of the strong commerciality of the art scene locally. The use of watercolour for ‘en plen air’ pieces as he travels and explores different destinations and allows him to teach painting to students.  +
Ketut Madra has devoted his life to the study, preservation, and practice of Bali’s rich cultural arts. Primarily as a painter, but also as a dancer, musician, and community leader, Madra is steeped in the stories and legends at the center of the island’s culture and community. His unique ability to convey action and emotion in a rich and imaginative composition brings the traditional to life for modern audiences, Western and Balinese alike. Originally from Pengosekan, a small community near Ubud, Madra moved to nearby Peliatan as a young man in the late 1950s to work as a painter for the art dealer Wayan Gedah. At that time he also began studying with Tjokorda Oka Gambir, and learned the techniques and conventions of traditional wayang painting, including the specific colors, iconography, and costume for scores of characters. Madra started painting exclusively wayang narratives in the early 1960s, and soon developed a reputation as a skillful and original artist. He works with deliberation, and sells work directly from his studio to people who find him, usually through word-of-mouth. Occasionally, trusted local dealers with galleries catering to serious collectors also buy his work. In 1974, Madra’s work was shown in international exhibitions in the UK and the USA for the first time. In the same year he completed the first bungalow of what would become the Ketut Madra Homestay on his property in Peliatan. Over the next 15 years, he gradually expanded the accommodations for students, travelers, musicians, and artists interested in “a quiet place to learn about Bali.” The homestay has been a central feature in the life of Madra and his family, and has introduced three generations of visitors to his work and to traditional Balinese arts and culture. At the age of 41, having focused up to that point on work and the homestay, Madra needed something more. Nyoman Kakul, a preeminent dancer of Batuan village who admired Madra’s understanding of the stories told in Balinese dance drama, urged him to learn to perform. More than 30 years later than most Balinese dancers take their first lessons, Madra learned the role of topeng keras, the rough prime minister in the king’s court. He continues to dance more than 30 years later, playing a variety of roles for which he is highly regarded. Madra also learned as an adult to play the rebab, the two-stringed bowed lute in the gamelan ensemble. He dances and plays regularly with the Tirta Sari gamelan group in Peliatan. Dance, Madra says, is a near perfect complement to his life as a painter. Performing in stories he had only watched and painted brings new insight to character and deeper understanding of the spiritual and devotional nature of both kinds of work.  
Ketut Muliartha was born in Denpasar, January 8, 1956. He has expertise in auditing and strategic management. Graduated in 1984 from undergraduate education at Malang Brawijaya University and continued the Professional Accountant (Ak) program at the same University in 1984. He was appointed as a permanent lecturer in 1985 at Udayana University to the present. He obtained his Master of Management degree in 2000 at Udayana University, completing his 2014 doctoral degree at Brawijaya University, Malang. He often conducts national conferences in his area of expertise.  +
Ketut Putrayasa is an artist born in Kerobokan, Badung, Bali, May 15, 1981. In 2019, for the “Berawa Beach Arts Festival”, he shocked Berawa Beach with his installation of a giant octopus made of bamboo. In the event entitled "Deep Blue Spirit", dozens of artists from across the arts responded to the giant octopus with performances of music, dance, poetry, and video art. Still in 2019, Putrayasa was invited by the Architecture and Interior Design Company to work on the Project Commission Artwork in Paris, France. In 2020, he performed the installation art "Pandora Paradise" at the Puputan Badung square, Denpasar. Ketut Putrayasa studied fine arts at the Indonesian Art Institute (ISI) Denpasar until the Postgraduate Program in Art Creation. He won the Best Final Project (TA) from ISI Denpasar in 2014. He often participates in joint exhibitions, including the “BIASA” group sculpture exhibition at the Pendet Museum, Ubud (2004), “Sign of Art” in Belgium (2008), “ Kuta Art Chromatic” in Kuta (2003), “Articulation” in Kuta (2014), “Chronotope” at Rich Stone Bali (2015), “Skala” sculpture triennale at the Jakarta National Gallery (2017), “Art Unlimited” at the Gas building Negara Bandung (2018), “Bali Megarupa” in Bentara Budaya Bali (2019), and so on. Apart from being active in his work, Putrayasa has also joined “MilitanArt”, an art community that drives the life of fine art in Bali.  +
Ketut Rodja was a genius and famous sculptor from Mas Village, Ubud, Bali (1902 - 1965). He was born into a family of artists. He was close friends with President Soekarno who collected many of his sculptures. Apart from that, the Tropen Museum in the Netherlands also collects his work. The Krishna statue created by Rodja was once used as a master art by President Soekarno and shown to Indian Prime Minister Jahwal Nehru and Indira Gandhi at a state meeting. Rodja is also known as an art deco pioneer in Bali. Apart from that, he was the founder of the first art gallery in Bali in the 1950s which still exists in Mas Village. He is also an artist who actively contributed to the founding of the Ratna Warta Puri Painting Ubud Foundation and was a member of Pita Maha in 1936. Rodja is close friends with Rudolf Bonnet, one of the founders of Pita Maha. Rodja once served as Chairman of the Pita Maha Mas Village branch which coordinated 12 banjars. He was also active in political movements and was highly respected. His iconic work which is still kept at the Siadja Gallery is an ebony wood sculpture entitled "Ananta Bhoga" (1920). Rodja died (murdered) in the 1965 political tragedy.  +
His name is Ketut Sidia, from Jero Lingsir family lineage of Tegeh Kuri clan. Born 1901 at Pengastulan village Buleleng Bali. He’s a well known Silat martial art teacher at Seririt district Buleleng. Some old villagers tales that he’s an excellent fighter. Able to jump to 3 meters wall, kill a mouse by throwing a sate skewers from 2 meters distance, able to kill people with just bare hand. During Dutch colonialism, he become dutch driver to spy them with his son, Putu Mangku. They both were fluent speaking Dutch and Japanese language This is his photo with the dutch car as driver. His son's duty is passing crucial information to Balinese guerillas. Sometimes he also join the guerrillas to ambush the military convoy. But mostly he did some sabotage and silent assassination as spy. After Indonesia independence, he and his son become member of LVRI (Legiun Veteran Republik Indonesia). Later on both of them then work as teachers at Sekolah Rakyat at Seririt district Buleleng and his son also work as photographer and journalist for Bali Post newspaper. During his old days, he become priest of Pura Pabean Pengastulan village. He passed away 1990 with military honors as member of LVRI.  +
Was born in 1969 in Singaraja. He graduated in 1990 from "Fine Arts School" in Denpasar, bali. He's an active painter who keeps searching for professional painters as his teacher and companion. In the past he has worked through a joint system with "Pierre Poretti", an artist from Lugano, Switzerland. Most of Ketut Swardana's works are an expression of creativeness on canvas. The quality of his work improves with each passing day. For Swardana, the most important factor to his art is satisfaction to his feelings.  +
Ketut Syahruwardi Abbas was born in Pegayaman Village, Buleleng, Bali, May 4, 1959. He has written literary works since the 1980s, published in the Bali Post, Nusa Tenggara, Kompas, Republika, and summarized in a number of books together, such as Klungkung: Tanah Tua, Tanah Love (2016). His single book of poetry is titled Between Us (2018). He had long accompanied the young poets in Jatijagat Poetry Village.  +
Ketut Teja Astawa, born in Sanur, Bali, 1971. He completed his art education at ISI Denpasar. He has held many joint exhibitions, both at home and abroad, such as Bali: Return Economy, Fremantle Art Centre, Perth, Australia (2014). His solo exhibitions include: TW(IN)SIDE at Kendra Gallery, Kuta (2013), A Glimpse Back Into The Past: Early Paintings of Ketut Teja Astawa at Art Temporary Space, Plaza Senayan, Jakarta, Indonesia (2012), Fragments of Subconscious Memory at Tonyraka Art Gallery, Ubud (2011), Batman Forever at Sunjin Gallery, Singapore (2009), Works Of Ketut Teja Astawa, Roemah Roepa Gallery, Jakarta (2008). Many of his works depict the lives of animals, puppet characters, which he uses in a naive and colorful way. He combines Kamasan wayang painting techniques with modern techniques. In 2001 his work was included in the Finalist Philip Morris Art Award Indonesia.  +