Property:English definition

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go overboard in doing something; exceeding ability with the intention of wanting to be praised  +
praised (by someone)  +
food offering  +, offerings of food dishes  +
spinach  +
father's term for the knight class  +
All family  +
root inedible (compare with umbi - edible underground parts)  +
flash of fire (about lightning) (an expression that literally means 'root of fire' but this expression refers to a flash of fire in lightning that looks like a tree root in the sky)  +
inedible roots  +, as compared with edible umbi-umbian, which are roots or rhizomes or other tubers  +, may, however, be used as medicine, loloh, and taken internally, but not as a food  +
mind, intention, intellect  +, ingenuity, intelligence  +
corn  +
the name of the letter or script /a/ in Balinese and Sanskrit characters  +
hefty; big and strong (about hair, bones, etc.)  +
sky  +
(Fabaceae)  +, common roadside tree with bright yellow flowers like pipe cleaners  +, abundant twisted seed pods  +
one (e.g.) stem (of flower), strand (of hair), stick (of bamboo) with emphasis on "one".  +
a little, somewhat, at a glance, for a moment  +
little, little (shredded goods)  +
very little (shreds)  +
little bit of a liquid, a few drops, a drop or two  +