How to reduce waste at school canteen? Post your comments here or propose a question.



  • tooth loss, tooth fell out en
  • tanggal (gigi susu) id
Alus sor
Alus mider
Alus madya
Alus singgih
Bali dataran dialect
Bali aga dialect

Usage Examples

Jam satu peteng I Komang enten krana ngipi gigine ketus. Uli jam satu ento ia tusing ngidaang pules, buka lindunge uyahin.
[example 1]
At 1 AM Komang was awakened by a nightmare that his tooth fell out. Since then he could not sleep anymore, he was like a salted eel.

⚙ Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces

In Balinese:   Yaning anake rare padem duk yusa 42 rahina nyantos untun ipun ketus, upacara Ngelungah kalaksanayang.

In English:   Hindus wash away the ashes or remains of funerals into the sea so that the spirits of the dead get a splash of water from the holy Ganges River.

In Indonesian:   Umat Hindu menghanyutkan abu jenazah atau sisa-sisa upacara kematian ke laut agar roh orang yang meninggal mendapatkan percikan air dari Sungai Gangga yang suci.

In Balinese:   Ngelungah taler kamargiang yaning wenten anak alit padem sadurung untun ipun ketus.

In English:   Hindus wash away the ashes or remains of funerals into the sea so that the spirits of the dead get a splash of water from the holy Ganges River.

In Indonesian:   Umat Hindu menghanyutkan abu jenazah atau sisa-sisa upacara kematian ke laut agar roh orang yang meninggal mendapatkan percikan air dari Sungai Gangga yang suci.
  1. Fred Eiseman