1 - Luh Ayu Manik Mas, Tresna ring Alas

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Video by: I Nengah Mawa

In English

The forest has been laid bare. The trees have been cut down and the wood taken away. Luh Ayu Manik and her friends are deeply saddened to see the forest destroyed. There is a police post in the middle of the forest but, despite this, the thieves are still able to steal wood. Luh Ayu Manik and her friends have come up with a plan to catch the thieves. But unfortunately, their plan has been foiled. And now the thieves are chasing them with a chainsaw. What will happen to Luh Ayu Manik and her friends?

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Resume buku

Judul : Luh Ayu Manik Mas Pahlawan Lingkungan Penulis : I Putu Supartika

Luh Ayu Manik Mas Pahlawan lingkungan pada suatu hari pagi ia terasa sibuk mencari plastik sebagai tempat canang untuk dibawa ke sekolah namun ibunya menyuruh agar menggunakan sokasi dan Luh Manik Mas agar lebih praktis. Sepulang dari sekolah tumben sekali ia langsung menonton televisi ia melihat iklan disalah satu televisi yang isinya agar warga mengurang penggunaan sampah plastic yang sudah diatur dalam peraturan selanjutnya makan dan terus memikirkan alas an penggunaan samaph plastik walapun menurutnya samaph plastic bayak gunanya. Luh Manik Mas menanyakan pada ibunya tentang mengurangi penggunaan plastik “ ibunya pun tidak tahu dan menyuruh menanyakan pada guru di sekolah. Besoknya sesampai di sekolah langsung menanyakan pada pak guru yang bernama Pak Budiadnyana, mengapa sekarang kita mengurangi penggunaan plastik, yang langsung dijawab oleh gurunya jika dibuang sembarangan bisa menyebabkan lingkungan menjadi kotor. Jika dibakar akan membahayan kesehatan kita, saya baru tahu oleh karena begitu mulai sekarang kita mengurangi pemakaian plastik. Apabila belanja ke pasar bawalah tas kain, tempat canang ke pura bisa mengunakan sokasi dan tempat tirta membawa dari rumah.

Pada libur sekolah hari suci nyepi paginya Luh Manik Mas dan Putu Nita berbelanja ke pasar dengan membawa tas kain dalam perjalannya mereka berhenti di depan bale angklung, disana mereka menemukan dari sekelompok pemuda membuang sampah plastik dan gabus ke sungai sisa membuat ogoh – ogoh. Sepulang dari pasar juga melihat I Wayan dan Made membuang sampah plastic dan gabus yang begiyu banyak, akibatnya aliran air terhambat yang membuat air sungai meluap hingga ke tepi jalan.


(change interface language in upper right corner to see reviews in other languages)

  • Review by: Rubianti
The theme of the story suits the current ongoing environmental issue. In the beginning of the story, it was explained that terrible things would happen if people keep felling the trees in the forest. Love the environment movement must be started from early age. Using Luh Ayu Manik and her friends as the good characters who had big concern on the forest felling and later gathered together to plant trees in the forest will give the young readers of the book an inspiration which hopefully will encourage them to pay more attention and take good care of the environment, in this case, the forest.

To make it more interesting, the author of the book included 2 demon characters from the Balinese mythology, rangda dan celuluk, which masks were used by 2 of Luh Ayu Manik’s friends to scare away the thieves who felled the trees in the forest.

The main character Luh Ayu Manik, who could chance her appearance to a beautiful woman with super natural power and who fought against the thieves, was meant to attract the children’s attention who read the book about a super hero who saved her friends from the bad people.
  • Review by: A.A. Ari Laksemi
This story is very good because it tells about the positive action that can be done by teenagers in preserving the forest. It reminds us to care about plants, trees, and do something for our environments.
  • Review by: Yetty Artasari, S.Pd., M.Pd.
The author delivers the message on how to save the environment through this interesting story. Taken from a daily real activity that could be happened to teenagers, the author brings this matter in such a way. The plot runs smoothly. It started when Luh Ayu Manik and her friends went camping. At first, they were so excited but then suddenly the weather turned into nightmare. The author described Luh Ayu Manik as a caring person, sincere, a tough and responsible girl. She warned her friends not to stay close to the seaside. Among her friends, she could deal with one of her friends who has a traumatic experience. The author also described Luh Ayu Manik as a millennial girl who loves to check Instagram in killing her time. By stalking the Instagram, she got up to date information or news about what happened surround her. She found out that a large flood and a bridge that had been washed away by devastating rains. Then she told her friends about the matter and came up with the idea of replanting trees on the other day. When they wanted to climb the mountain. The boys brought shovels, hoes whilst the girls brought trees to plant. They were so excited and sang along the way to the mountain but then they found out that the forest had been devastated. Feeling disappointed of the forest ranger’s work who could not be able to do his job well, they still planted the trees. Luh Ayu Manik suggested her friends to hike up the mountains more often to keep the trees alive. But then when she came back home, she kept thinking why the forest was unprotected. Then she wanted to enter the forest and investigated the matter. She came up with the idea to take picture as an evidence for the police report. But her friend ruined everything. They ran of batteries when they saw the thief, because her friend took too much selfies along the way. But she still insisted to report to the police without any proof just only telling the thief’s appearance and of course, it didn’t work. The police refused to investigate this matter without any evidences. Then the silly thing happened when Luh Ayu Manik belief the idea of Made Anjasmara to use the mask of Rangda in order to scare the thief. This also didn’t work. Instead of being afraid, the thief fought back and finally, Luh Ayu Manik transformed into a super heroine Luh Ayu Manik Mas and saved the day. The story has a strong moral value how people should protect the environment to save the world. Moreover, the author puts a strong character development of Luh Ayu Manik.


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