Kénkén carané nguangin luu plastik di kantin sekolah? Ngiring komen indik isu publik driki or wewehin pitaken.



  • large tree with large leaves that grows on or near sandy beaches en
  • big, white flowers with many hair-like stamens that blooms at night en
  • produces a large fruit with a fibrous, corky covering someething like a coconut, but with four flat sides and a point at the bottom en
  • dried, powdered fruit of the nut is sometimes used by fisherman to stun fish en
  • nut is sometimes found washed up on beaches. en
  • tree (Lecythidaceae) en
  • ditambatkan (oleh) (Kruna Kria) id
  • dibiarkan (oleh) (Kruna Kria) id
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Contoh Indik kaanggen

Pamuput bisnisné tuara majalan sawiréh investore suba ngambul baan kacangcang tuara maan kepastian.

⚙ Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces

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