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  • made by first steaming a thin dough of a mixture of sticky rice flour and regular rice flour (tepung ketan &amp en
  • tepung baas), plus red or orange food coloring en
  • after steaming, the dough is rolled into a thin slab, cut into rectangles, and scored with a scalloped wheel (pengerindaan jaja) en
  • sharpening wheel, grindstone en
  • the cake is then folded so that the cut sections form loops, and then fried en
  • rice cake en
  • colored dry rice cake (jaja tuh) commonly used in offerings en
  • gerinda (Kata benda (nomina)) id
  • alat penghalus berupa batu asahan yang berputar menggunakan mesin; batu canai (Kata benda (nomina)) id
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⚙ Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces

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