Kénkén carané nguangin luu plastik di kantin sekolah? Ngiring komen indik isu publik driki or wewehin pitaken.



  • heavy rain with flooding (Kruna Aran) en
  • rain when fruit trees are flowering (Kruna Aran) en
  • rain of the dry season, usually Sasih Kapat or Kalima (fourth or fifth month on the Balinese calendar) (Kruna Aran) en
Alus sor
Alus mider
Alus madya
Alus singgih
Bali dataran dialect
Bali aga dialect

Contoh Indik kaanggen

Buka komplok blabor agung.
[example 1]

[[Word example text en::[proverb] Like being hit by a large flood.

If you are taking a bath in a big river, and suddenly a flood comes along, you will be very surprised and will not have a chance to think. Budi said that it is like being “sepanan”. That is translated in the Aberdeen dictionary as “be late; come late; be delayed”. Budi translated it as a situation in which the person does not have a chance to think. It is a sudden shock, and he does not know what to do. It is suddenly finding yourself in a situation in which you can’t do anything about what is happening, and you do not have time to think. It is too late to think or do anything. Echols and Shadily (dictionary) translate “sepanan” as “in a great hurry, not right for the time”.| ]]

⚙ Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces

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  1. Fred Eiseman Jr, Proverbs 1987