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Ketut Kaprus Jaya

Nama lengkap
Ketut Kaprus Jaya
Nama Pena
Kaprus Jaya
Photograph by
Dewi Dian Reich
Link to Photograph
Sawidji Studio
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In English

Ketut Kaprus Jaya, contemporary artist in Bali. Born in Budakeling Karangasem Regency Bali, on the 15th July 1970. A veteran of the highs and lows of Balinese Art Industry, he has remained constant to his art with no prevarications. Through three decades of professional art practice, Ketut Kaprus Jaya has maintained and guarded the purity of his creative process. True to self, to the moment, to Nature. As a contemporary artist in Bali today, Kaprus Jaya has two distinct styles that he exercises equally diligently. As a result of the strong commerciality of the art scene locally. The use of watercolour for ‘en plen air’ pieces as he travels and explores different destinations and allows him to teach painting to students.

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