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From BASAbaliWiki
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We continue our shared memories and reflections on the meaning and power of Trees through a dedication of Sangeh Monkey Forest. With reflections on the power and mysteries of our first memories.  +
Kadek and Satriya are two young children who live side by side, friends but of different religions. Even so, the two children live in harmony, respect each other, help each other, have a very good sense of religious tolerance. This sense of tolerance should be planted and carried out from our childhood until forever as long as we live on this earth.  +
General opinion Tolerance and harmony between religious communities are like two sides of a coin that cannot be separated from one another. Tolerance between religious communities is reflected in actions or deeds that show people respect, respect, help, love, and others. Included in daily social interaction, which shows mutual understanding, tolerance, friendship with all people, peace and universal brotherhood, respect for freedom, trust and confidence from others and full awareness that religion is given to serve its followers. Video Opinion Respect friends of different religions, do not discriminate between friends. Respect friends who are worshiping Conclusion A good attitude of tolerance so that harmony between religious communities can be maintained properly. awareness in respecting differences can be concluded that it is already able to realize the existence of differences in religion by mutual respect for differences  +
The contrasts between the seemingly opposite qualities of poetry and graffiti. A meeting between a philosopher and poet Dr. Mas Ruscitadewi and a street artist 'Istanbul' in Sawidji.  +
The Island of the Gods or Pulau Seribu Pura is the name for the island of Bali which is famous for its strong Hindu culture, such as the many offerings dedicated to the guardian gods in various places in Bali. Not only that, Bali is also very famous for its beautiful and varied natural tourist destinations, ranging from beaches, seas, rivers, lakes, mountains and forests. This is what makes the tourism sector a huge influence on the economy in Bali. As a local resident of Bali, everyone certainly has dreams or hopes for their own region, both in terms of the economy, education, infrastructure, socio-culture to the leadership carried out by their regional leaders. My hope is that in the future the economic sector in Bali, from the tourism, accommodation and food to agriculture and fisheries, will develop and improve the welfare of the Balinese people in the future. There is expansion and development of infrastructure to increase employment so as to reduce unemployment in the future. Then increase access to education for students, especially students whose schools are in remote places so that the education they get is equally distributed. Maintaining tolerance and strengthening our solidarity as Balinese people by instilling a sense of compassion, compassion and care so that divisions or fights do not occur between one another in accordance with the teachings of Tatwamasi and Tri Hita Karana. And lastly, since an election party will soon be held to elect Bali's future leaders, hopefully it will be carried out in accordance with the election principle, namely Luber Jurdil, so that the elected leader can continue to maintain and improve work programs and their vision and mission in developing and developing Bali. towards the New Era of Bali.  +
The longer the earth is getting more and more chaotic, those who used to have treasures now have nothing. It used to be like a great tiger, now it's a weak tiger. The world is not what it used to be, it used to be looking for tourists, now it's driving tourists away, because of the pandemic, everything is gone, artistic traditions are limited. I hope Bali returns soon.  +
Tells of a young man who still has a sense of optimism and believes that Indonesia can get a great leader, that's why he has high expectations and standards for Indonesian leaders  +
Indonesia is an archipelagic country that has a lot of natural beauty and consists of various tribes, languages, cultures and religions. Inter-religious harmony is a condition in which adherents of different religions live together and peacefully without prejudice to each other's basic rights in carrying out their respective religious obligations. To create harmony between religious communities, a sincere heart is very necessary because that is the basis in society to foster an attitude of tolerance and mutual respect for everyone's rights including beliefs. A sincere heart will create harmony and harmony with others regardless of the differences in them. Someone who is sincere, will never differentiate the way he behaves to anyone.  +
A Student Wants to Collect Assignments During the Covid 19 Pandemic  +
Choosing a leader who is worthy of leading this nation should not be done haphazardly, because our one vote will determine the fate of this nation for five years. Leaders who are worthy of leading this universe are true leaders, who lead with the heart, so that the universe is orderly and peaceful, and can strengthen Tat Twam Asi. A true leader who deserves to lead this nation must also be IT literate, because today is the era of the industrial revolution. A true leader must protect all the people and can unanimously hold the scepter to lead this nation.  +
Mt Agung as seen from Mahagiri. Landscape photography is very satisfying when you explore this genre. Especially if you are lucky enough to live in a place that has amazing destinations all within a short distance and rich in diversity as we have. All places on earth have their natural beauty. Its Technical, Zero Exposure takes a look at the fundamentals of lighting in photography. With beautiful examples from ManButurs' Landscape Photography.  +
In the past, I took part in this wiki marathon or wikithon activity because I was a respondent. However, because I often participate in these activities, over time, I am happy to continue participating. In addition, when the mbok and bli workshops were held there were very friendly. Not only that, I have a lot of writing, even though the writing that I make is not very good. That's what made me write works. Especially now that there are a lot of civil issues that make me want to have an opinion but I'm afraid because leaving comments carelessly on social media will cause other users to follow suit. Now there is the Bali Wiki Foundation which is willing to accommodate the opinions of the Balinese people and channel them to the government. Because the judges also come from the government. This causes the opinions of the Balinese people to be read and heard by the government. Apart from being a forum for the younger generation to express their opinions, Basa Bali Wiki also provides a platform for young people to be creative when making videos, photos or giving opinions. Moreover, the Basa Bali Wiki Foundation was made by Balinese people so we have the same taste.  +
egun to be replaced with western culture. Because we have to keep trying to preserve culture by introducing the younger generation that we have an extraordinary culture. The simple thing in preserving culture is to become a part of cultural activists. With this simple thing, it is hoped that the existing local culture will become more widely known and become the main attraction for local and foreign communities.  +
egun to be replaced with western culture. Because we have to keep trying to preserve culture by introducing the younger generation that we have an extraordinary culture. The simple thing in preserving culture is to become a part of cultural activists. With this simple thing, it is hoped that the existing local culture will become more widely known and become the main attraction for local and foreign communities.  +
Along with the advancement of the modern era and also the increasingly sophisticated information technology, surely this will greatly affect the existence and preservation of the Balinese language. As we all know that the Balinese language is the mother tongue in Bali which is the heart and the soul of the Balinese people. We really need to preserve the existence of the Balinese language so that in the future it does not become extinct due to infrequent use. The BASAbali Wiki platform is a very appropriate way to preserve the existence of the Balinese language in this globalization era. Apart from preserving the Balinese language, the BASAbali Wiki platform is also a forum for preserving culture and environment, and also responding to current civil issues among Balinese people. Until now, the BASAbali Wiki platform has been very good in its aim to preserve Balinese language and culture. I can see this from the many competitions that have been held by BASAbali Wiki in each region on the island of Bali. In terms of features, this platform already provides three languages; namely, Indonesian, English and Balinese. This makes it very easy for users to translate from one language to another. From these advantages, there are several disadvantages of the BASAbali Wiki platform which must be corrected and added in the future. The existence of the Balinese script from year to year has decreased in use. It is very important for us to pay attention to and anticipate the extinction of Balinese script. Hopefully, this Balinese script feature can be added to the platform to maintain the existence of the Balinese script so that it does not become extinct.  +
Balinese literature is divided into two parts: (1) Balinese Literature and (2) Modern Balinese literature, poetry is one of Bali Purwa literature which has many values to guide people to behave well. One of Mandara Giri's poems is composed of nine statues: Sinom Puppets,Puppets, Ginada Puppets, Occupational Puppets, Collaborative Puppets, Puppets, Puppets, Durma Puppies, and Puncut Puppets and can serve as guidelines for community life. The methods used to collect data are library and documentation methods, and the collected data are analyzed according to steps such as reduction, data presentation, and conclusion extraction. The data analyzed are presented in an informal way as they are presented using words, sentences and languages ??from the general to the specific or deductive-inductive. The results of the Mandara Giri play poem are as follows: Structurally The Mandara Giri Playing Structure consists of formal structure and narrative structure. Formal structures include: 1) the language and literature codes that include padalingsa, 2) Variety, in the poem Mandara Giri play two languages: Balinese (Balinese Balinese and Balinese Balinese) and use a little Java. ancient to complement padalingsa, 3) The language style, is to use two language styles namely: metaphor and likeness. Narrative structures include: incident, plot or plot, supporting character, background or setting, theme and message. The last discussion of the poem as a means of social communication certainly has a moral or ethical message and has a load of aesthetic value in it.  +
In Indonesia, there are 6 officially recognized religions namely Islam, Protestantism, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Confucianism. This diversity often causes conflicts in society. We should not insult each other because every religion has its own way of practice. We should respect other religions. The terms asah, asih, asuh (love and care for each other) are keys to harmony in society. Asah, asih, and asuh are 3 words that we hear every day in society. The first is asah. Asah means telling each other, correcting, giving suggestions and input. So, we must study our religious teachings but must not assume that our religious teachings are the best and the teachings of other religions are not good. The second is asih. This word means that even though we adhere to different religions, we must love and respect each other. The third is asuh, which means helping each other in society. That means, we have to help each other when someone needs help. We don’t need to see who one is or what religion one believes in. If someone is in trouble they must be helped. If 3A or asah, asih, and asuh, are implemented it is certain that religious conflicts in society will disappear. However, if we don’t implement 3A or asah, asih, and asuh, the conflicts in society will get bigger. We definitely don’t want conflicts or problems on the basis of beliefs to get worse, therefore we have to love and respect each other’s religions. We should not disrespect each other or feel that our religion is the best and other religions are not good. Now, let’s use the 3A or asah, asih and asuh principles so that we are always in harmony with religion. We should never insult or ridicule each other to prevent any conflict.  +
About my experience while studying online  +
About school during a pandemic  +
About students who were asked by their mothers about online learning  +