Property:Biography text

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Jeff Lewis is Professorial Fellow in the Global Cities Institute and School of Media and Communication. He is Co-director of the Human Security and Disasters Research Program in the Global Cities Research Institute. Jeff Lewis focuses on cultural interface, conflict and conditions of crisis. With a particular expertise on Indonesia and the Asian region, Professor Lewis examines issues around social development and change. He is author of 'Cultural Studies' (2002, 2008), 'Language Wars' (2005), 'Crisis in the Global Mediasphere' (2011), 'Global Media Apocalypse' (2013, and 'Culture, Media and Human Violence' (2015). Withe Dr Belinda Lewis, he is also author of of 'Bali's Silent Crisis' (2009) and 'Health Communication: A Media and Cultural Studies Approach' (2015). His current ARC Discovery Grant is titled 'After the Apocalypse'. It is a study of the ways in which culture and cultural consciousness shape contemporary conditions of conflict and violence.  +
Renowned Chef and restaurant owner Jero Mangku Dalem Suci (Gede Yudiawan or Gede Buldog) is from Desa Les and his incredible cooking skills have been recognized by the most acclaimed Indonesian Chef, William Wongso, and he has joined the maestro in introducing Balinese cuisines across several countries in the world. In 2015, he took on the role of pemangku or priest, and has since carried both titles of Chef and Jero Mangku (priest). Having already traveled the world, Chef Jero Yudi believed it was time to return to his village and give back to the place that has helped plant his roots deep into the culinary world. So he opened up, in his ancestral home, Dapoer Bali Moela, a smaller eatery and arak center where he has developed food & beverage products using locally sourced ingredients. Chef Jero Yudi also owns Warung Sunset by Chef Yudi in Kuta, Bali. He also helped developing other restaurants in Nusa Dua, Semarang (Central Java), Jogjakarta and in Les Warung Tasik and Warung Sukun.  +
Jero Mangku Liyer was born in Banjar Pengosekan Kaja, Ubud, Bali, 1922. He died in 2016. Liyer is a stakeholder, astrologer, and balian usada. In addition, he also pursues painting, especially rerajahan for the benefit of Hindu-Balinese rituals. Liyer's name is getting more and more famous thanks to him being featured in the film "Eat, Pray, Love" (2010) which is based on the novel of the same name by Elisabeth Gilbert. The film stars Julia Robert. Thanks to the film, many foreign tourists visited Mangku Liyer's house for the purpose of spiritual consultation.  +
Joged bumbung is a cultural dance that originates from Bali. Joged bumbung has been around for a long time. But in today's modern era, many people use this dance incorrectly, and it is more like pornography. This makes Balinese culture, which was initially labeled as good, but is now labeled as a culture that is originary. The government that manages culture in the Bali area must be firm in providing sanctions and action against citizens who use Balinese culture incorrectly.  +
Johan Rudolf Bonnet is a painter and art thinker who was born in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, March 30, 1895. He was interested in the beauty and uniqueness of Balinese culture. Bonnet arrived in Bali in January 1929, briefly settled in Tampaksiring and Peliatan, then settled in Campuhan, Ubud. In Ubud he became acquainted with the German painter and choreographer, Walter Spies, and the King of Ubud, Tjokorda Gede Agoeng Soekawati. Together with his two friends, Bonnet then founded a very famous painter's association, namely Pita Maha in 1936. This association brought together many painters and sculptors from Ubud and outside Ubud. Bonnet and Spies introduced many modern media and techniques in painting to the members of the association, even promoting and selling their works. In 1943, Bonnet was captured by the Japanese army and exiled to Sulawesi (Bolong and Makassar) until 1947. In 1951, Bonnet returned to Ubud, and founded the Ubud Painting Group. However, this community did not run successfully. In 1957, Bonnet returned to the Netherlands. While in the Netherlands, Bonnet spent his time compiling the inventory and catalog of the Puri Painting Museum, which was founded in 1956. In 1972, Bonnet returned to Bali and continued to compose the catalog for the Puri Painting Museum, Ubud. Bonnet died on April 18, 1978 in Laren, Netherlands. Because Bonnet loved Bali so much, in 1979 his body was brought to Ubud and cremated with the body of his best friend, Tjokorda Gede Agoeng Soekawati, who died in the same year.  +
"John Darling moved to Bali in 1969 and developed a rapport with its people and an affinity for their way of life. Of particular interest was their religious traditions and the changes to the Balinese society and economy that occurred as a result of the influx of tourists. Australian documentary filmmaker John Darling standing next to camera on tripod in a jungle area in Bali John Darling during filming of Lempad of Bali (1978). Courtesy Sara Darling. Photographer unknown. NFSA title: 1586432 His first documentary, Lempad of Bali (1978) which he co-directed with Lorne Blair, explores the life and work of 116-year-old artist I Gusti Nyoman Lempad and his subsequent funeral, detailing the complex, Balinese funerary customs. This production won the Documentary Award at the Asian Film Festival in 1980. Darling’s subsequent films formed his Bali Triptych (1987) series. Each hour-long episode – Between the Mountain and the Sea, The Path of the Soul and Demons and Deities – presents in vivid detail the history, culture and way of life of the Balinese people. Darling worked with other filmmakers, including John Moyle for Bali Hash (1989), which juxtaposed the raucous nature of the Hash House Harriers gathering of international tourists and the peaceful Balinese ceremonies occurring at the same time." Full article at See also: My Friend, John Darling by Rio Helmi. Ubud Now & Then, June 26, 2013. My Favorite Redhead: John Darling by Made Wijaya. Ubud Now & Then, July 3, 2013.  +
Australian scholar known for his comprehensive biography of German artist Walter Spies whose influence on Balinese art is reknowned.  +
A funny thing happened to Joey Alexander over the past five years, a whirlwind period during which he became the most brilliantly precocious talent in jazz history—that is, a renowned festival and concert-hall headliner; the youngest musician ever nominated for a Grammy Award in a jazz category; and a media favorite who’s earned a profile on 60 Minutes, a front-page profile in the New York Times and other premier coverage. "As heard on WARNA, his new major-label Verve Records debut, he’s simply become one of the most expressive and thrilling pianist-composers currently at work in jazz. Alexander’s precocity can still stun concertgoers, but his music, including original work and personalized interpretations of great songs, has now taken its rightful place in the spotlight. Translating as “color” from Alexander’s native language of Bahasa, WARNA follows four Motéma Music albums that garnered the pianist three Grammy nominations and such honors as historic critics’ and readers’ poll victories in DownBeat and JazzTimes. But whereas those recordings were documents of an extraordinary young musician in development, WARNA is primarily a collection of reflective, moving new music by an experienced, confident bandleader...." Please see more at  +
K. Landras Syaelendra was born in Banjar Pengembungan, Pejeng Kangin, 1959. He studied writing since he was a teenager. He was active at the Bali Coffee Drink Center. His works were published in Merdeka Minggu, Tabloid Nova, Bali Post, Nusa Tenggara, Bali Echo, Horison Sastra Magazine, Bernas, Sunday Morning, Nafiri, Karya Bakti, Tribun Bali. In 1987, he entered the top ten short story competitions in Bali – West Nusa Tenggara organized by the Bali Post in collaboration with PERADAH. In 1990, he won the second place in the short story writing competition in Indonesia for the anniversary of the Bali Post. In 1994 he won the Taraju Award. Some of his poems are collected in the book Taksu, Ginseng Tea, Poetry Kembang Rampai Bali, Bali Morning After Morning, Morning Bonsai, Dendang Denpasar Nyiur Sanur, Sahayun, etc. Now he works as a civil servant in Denpasar.  +
Matur suksema majeng ring pengater acara,santukang galahe sane becik punika kapaicang ring pasikian titiang. sedurung titiang unigayang atur pinih rihin lugrayang, ngiring sareng sareng ngastiti ring ida sang hyang widhi wasa. titiang antung nguncarang panganjali umat OM Swastiastu para angga panurakse sane wanggiang titiang timBASABALI Wiki sane kusumayang titiang  +
Kadek Dedy Sumantra Yasa, was born in Apuan, Tabanan, Bali, 7 December 1980. He studied painting at ISI Yogyakarta. He was involved in many joint exhibitions, including the year Glory Fyng Colors Sanggar Dewata Indonesia at the Bali Classical Painting Museum Nyoman Gunarsa (2016). Irony In Paradise, Indonesian Gods Studio at the Agung Rai Museum of Art (2013). In 2016, he held a solo exhibition entitled "Rhythm Impulse" at the Ordinary Gallery, Yogyakarta. Apart from painting, he is also involved in performance art, for example, in 2009 he held the performance art “Undisclosed Teritory #3”, Illusion of Burden, at Padepokan Lemah Putih, Solo. In 2008 he performed Dragon Snake Slaughter (a collaboration with Astrid Reza) at the Jogja National Museum. In 2002 he received the Certificate of Recognition Indonesia Art Award, in 2000 he received the Certificate From ALIF and the Best Watercolor Painting from FSR ISI Yogyakarta. In 2020 he held a solo exhibition and performance art at Jatijagat Kampung Poetry, Denpasar. Now, apart from still painting, he also arranges songs that he sings himself.  +
Kadek Desi Nurani Sari, was born in Sanih, Buleleng, December 31, 1995. She graduated from the Department of Indonesian Language and Literature Education, Undiksha, Singaraja. She started writing poetry and prose since high school. Her works have been published in many joint anthologies, such as “Gift to the Sky” (2012), “Ginanti Tanah Bali” (2013), “Lingga” (2015), “Gita Candra Nyanyian Bulan” (2018”, “Wiwaha” (2019) Her first published collection of short stories is "Manisan Gula Merah Half Bite" (2020). Apart from writing, she is active in theater activities, such as the Ilalang Theater, Banyuning Art Village Theater, Thousand Window Campus Theater, Cemara Angin Community, Mahima Community Now she works as a teacher of Indonesian Language and Literature.  +
Kadek Eko, born in Gianyar, Bali, November 11, 1989. He completed his art education at ISI Denpasar. Since 2008 he has been actively displaying his works in joint exhibitions, including the 2009 “NuansaAlam” exhibition at the Kriya Art Center Building, “Bali On the Move” (at Maha Art Gallery, Denpasar, 2013), “Tat Twam Asi” (at Ubud Writers and Readers Festival, 2016), “ATUH” (Griya Santrian Gallery, Sanur, Bali 2017). His paintings combine traditional and modern styles with the themes of nature and everyday life. He is a member of the art community Militanarts.  +
Kadek Sonia Piscayanti was born in Singaraja, March 4, 1984. She is a Lecturer in the Department of English, Ganesha University of Education where she teaches poetry, prose, and drama. She has been invited as a speaker at the Ubud Writers and Readers Festival (2012-2013), Creative Writing Program, Griffith University, Gold Coast, Australia (2011-2012), and at the OzAsia Festival, Adelaide Australia (2013). She wrote and directed the script for “Layonsari” in the Netherlands and France at the Culture Grant event from the Indonesian Directorate of Higher Education (2014). She has also published several books including, “Because I Want to Run I Want to Run” (Akar Indonesia, Yogyakarta, 2007), Literature is Fun” (Pustaka Expression, 2012), “The Story of A Tree” (Mahima Institute) Indonesia, 2014), Dramatic Arts, Art of Life (Graha Ilmu, 2014), Women Without a Name” (Mahima Institute Indonesia, 2015). Sonia was the mentor for the 6th Luh Ayu Manik Mas adventure book.  +
Kadek Sudiasa is a traditional dancer especially of the Bali Mask Dance, Gamelan musician, wood carver and mask maker. He also has a unique skill in playing and making the Balinese Rebab. Originally from Mas, Ubud, his experience in traditional dance theatre and mask making is a source of wonderful knowledge for Sawidjis’ artist community. I Kadek Sudiasa is member of Sanggar Tirta Sari & Genta Buana Sari, a community of traditional musicians and dancers. It is here that he felt most at home. Presently, Kadek is still active in Peliatan as a musician and dancer. Under the management of Anak Agung Gede Oka Dalem.  +
Kadek Surya Kencana, born in Dalung, Badung, Bali, January 24, 1986. In 2005, he won second place in a national poetry writing competition held by the Ministry of National Education. He was once a teacher and principal at a school in Singaraja. Now he is pursuing the world of journalism. He has participated in the cultural mission “Bali Kanaya International Art Week” in Chiba, Japan, 2014. And since 2015 he has joined Radar Bali (Java Pos group) as a journalist. Some of his poems have been published in the Bali Post and are summarized in the poetry book Saron (2018).  +
Kaja M. McGowan’s areas of interest involve South and Southeast Asia with emphasis on Indonesia, particularly Java and Bali (both historically Indic in orientation) studied in relation to the subcontinent. Rather than see India and Indonesia, for example, as modes of influence between two points, her scholarly interests encourage studying the reciprocal relationships between neighboring countries in Southeast Asia. Her research explores the flow of ideas and artifacts along this highway -- architecture, bronzes, textiles, ceramics, performance traditions, and visualizations of texts like Panji Malat, the Ramayana, and the Mahabharata -- artifacts that move and those that are locally produced. This accounts for the shaping of ideas and the development of styles across vast geographical and historical distances. Her work is governed by the complex ways in which History of Art and Visual Studies intersect with Anthropology, Material Culture, Colonial and Post-colonial Theory, Performance, Gender and Religious Studies. Having first begun her study of Balinese performing arts as an undergraduate at Wesleyan University, one ongoing project has involved documenting the work of painters in Bali who experiment with depicting musical sound and the rhythmic motion of the dance in their work. She is the author of Ida Bagus Made: Art of Devotion (Ratna Wartha Foundation, 2008) a volume honoring the fiftieth anniversary of the Puri Lukisan Museum in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia, distributed by University of Hawaii Press. Due to its popular reception, she has been invited to write a second volume on the life and art of the world-renowned painter, sculptor and architect (undagi), I Gusti Nyoman Lempad.  +