Another War Entirely

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Another War Entirely
Photo Credit/Source
Artist / contributor
Dewi Dian Reich Dian Sawidji
Related Place
Desa Tenganan Pegringsingan Karangasem
Related books
  • Perang Pandan
  • Another War Entirely
Related rituals
  • mekare kare
  • perang pandan

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In English

Social and Culture represented to discuss some of the issues that are affecting the longevity and authenticity of traditional practices in Bali today. Issues such as commercialisation of art and culture and its potential impacts on generations from today. "It is not the lack of change that we should admire here. For there is definitely change. it would be foolish to deny that. It is the effort and the collective commitment that has survived even to this degree the ravaging changes that time and progress has brought everywhere else. I admire the fact that there is evidence that change may come, but there is still choice."

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Sisi sosial dan budaya menjadi bagian penting dalam pembahasan terkait isu yang memengaruhi usia dan keaslian tradisi di Bali saat ini. Isu-isu seperti komersialisasi seni dan budaya, serta potensi akibatnya bagi generasi kini dan di masa depan. "Kita tidak semestinya bangga atas sedikitnya perubahan, karena perubahan pasti terjadi. Menyangkal perubahan adalah hal yang kurang cerdas. Usaha dan komitmen bersama telah bertahan hingga titik ini serta membawa perubahan dan kemajuan dalam segala sesuatu. Saya kagum pada kenyataan dan bukti yang menyatakan bahwa perubahan akan terjadi, tetapi pilihan tetap ada.