Putu Dyatmikawati

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In English

Putu Dyatmikawati is one of the few leading researchers in the field of law who focuses her research on the issue of customary law and its influence on the lives of women in society. The topics that are often studied are the marriage system in the gelahang and the dynamics of the gender roles of Balinese women. Dyatmikawati is also active as a lecturer at Dwijendra University and has served as Chancellor of Dwijendra University.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Putu Dyatmikawati adalah salah satu dari tidak banyak tokoh peneliti bidang hukum yang mefokuskan penelitiannya pada isu hukum adat dan pengaruhnya terhadap kehidupan perempuan di masyarakat. Adapun topik yang kerap menjadi bahan kajiannya adalah sistem perkawinan pada gelahang dan dinamika peran gender perempuan Bali. Dyatmikawati juga aktif sebagai staf pengajar di Universitas Dwijendra dan pernah menjabat sebagai Rektor Universitas Dwijendra.

Examples of work

Journal Dyatmikawati Inheritance law 2016.jpg
Hindu society in Bali still retaining a patrilineal culture in social life. There are differences in inheritance rights between men and women in patrilineal culture system. Women did not have any right to inherit from their parents. While the issue of equality, fairness, the right to inherit their parents and etc., urged the patrilineal culture is more flexible and gives the right to women to inherit property from their parents. The development of knowledge, the law and the influence of new paradigms that are present in society, pressing the old system order to be able to accept the development of society. The Assembly of Pakraman Village(Majelis Desa Pakraman) Bali No. III of 2010 has taken the initiative to give women the right to inherit, limited tojoint property of her parents. This paper aims to analyze the development of customary law in Bali on, setting the women's right to inherit,because the constitution guarantees every citizen equal treatment before the law and society. By using the juridical research, will be examined how national laws and customary laws in Bali positioned the women, the right to inherit from their parents
Pic 2015 Dyatmikawati Kewajiban pada gelahang.png
Pada Gelahang marriage is relatively a new form of marriage in traditional community (desa pakraman) in Bali. Commonly the recognized form of marriage is biasa (common) marriage (the wife left her house and joined her husband’s family) and nyentana marriage (the husband left his house and joined his wife’s family). This is the consequence of kapurusa kinship system (patrilineal) in traditional community in Bali. The form of Pada Gelahang marriage was chosen for those who could not hold biasa marriage and nyentana marriage, as each bride and groom was born as the only child in their family. Based on the results of the research, there were found that the numbers of couples who had held pada gelahang marriage were increasing year to year. Based on Balinese customary law, the couples of pada gelahang marriage conduct their responsibilities in two places (double), namely the responsibilities to the family and to her husband’s traditional village, as well the responsibilities to the family and to his wife’s traditional village.
Pic 2016 ResenDyatmikawati businessindesapekraman.png
Based on the absence of rules that provide certainty to issues of customs in Bali. Such as dispute resolution and Customary Law or Adat Law in Bali, the pattern of the relationship between people and activities within the community, thus requiring legalcertainty. Business activities are activities that require certaintyand good adaptation wherever the place of business is established. This article aims to analyze the legal position of established businesses in communities that are still closely related to rules of Customary Law. Analyzing the legal relationship Desa Pekraman (Pakraman Village) with outsiders/Krama Tamiu and Tamiu (Investor, Businessman), and the rights and obligations of entrants who opened the business. By using juridical studies, this paper will describe legal position, as well as the consequences obtained to businessman in carrying out its business activities in Desa Pekraman.
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