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  • e very common in the lower elevations of Bali and along beaches (Noun) en
  • color deepens to dark maroon and then flower falls (Noun) en
  • tree hibiscus, Hibiscus tiliaceus (Malvaceae) (Noun) en
  • leaves are used as cow food (Noun) en
  • leaves simple, alternate, arranged spirally, thin, heart shaped up to about 15 cm. long (Noun) en
  • related to, but not the same as the decorative garden flower called hibiscus (Noun) en
  • wood is used for carvings and firewood (Noun) en
  • hairy on bottom (Noun) en
  • e medium tree that bears yellow hibiscus-like flowers that have a continuous maroon band around the bases of the petals (Noun) en
  • pith wood is gray, outer wood lighter (Noun) en
  • leaves turn yellow when mature (Noun) en
  • e flowers lack protruding pistil of garden hibiscus (Noun) en
  • fruite is a 5-segmented 2 e 3 cm. capsule (Noun) en
  • petals remain closed until almost ready to drop (Noun) en
Alus sor
Alus mider
Alus madya
Alus singgih
Bali dataran dialect
Bali aga dialect

Usage Examples

No translation exists for this example.

⚙ Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces

In Balinese:   Ring Desa Gesing punika akeh pisan madue potensi alam, sekadi gemah wisata minakadi Kolam Renang Tirta Ceria, Air Terjun Gesing, Sircuit, Tongos Camping (The Waru Kaja camping), lan Villa genah tamiu ne nginep rikala melancaran.

In English:  

In Indonesian: