The Subteties ofTopeng Keras

From BASAbaliWiki
The Subteties ofTopeng Keras
Photo Credit/Source
Artist / contributor
Dewi Dian Reich Dian Sawidji
Related Place
Sawidji Gallery
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Related rituals
  • topeng babad
  • sidakarya
  • tari topeng

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In English

Explores what lies within the character of ‘Topeng Keras’. One of the sacred Masks that appear in Topeng Babad. One of Bali’s oldest and most sacred Dance Mask Rituals. A series of portraits exploring the character that resonates within the Mask 'Topeng Keras', the dance and the dancer. And the realtionship between the three.

In Balinese

In Indonesian

Menggali apa yang ada di dalam karakter 'Topeng Keras'. Salah satu Topeng sakral yang muncul di Topeng Babad. Salah satu Ritual Tari Topeng tertua dan paling sakral di Bali. Serangkaian potret yang mengeksplorasi karakter yang bergema dalam Topeng Keras, tarian dan penari. Dan hubungan antara ketiganya.