How to reduce waste at school canteen? Post your comments here or propose a question.



  • small white flowers that turn into 5 - 8 cm. diameter globular fruit that is a cluster of segments, each with a spot in the center en
  • fruit has a disagreeable smell and is used as an ingredient in traditional medicines and can be eaten in rujak en
  • leaves are used as cow food en
  • a red dye can be extracted from the roots en
  • tree (Rubiaceae) en
  • liquid made from the mashed fruit is sold as Noni en
  • large shrub to small tree with large, coarse, wrinkled, spear-shaped leaves en
Alus sor
Alus mider
Alus madya
Alus singgih
Bali dataran dialect
Bali aga dialect

Usage Examples

Ubad sakit basang: umbah duang juring tibah sane nasak. Tumbuk nyantos alus. Bejek ring yeh sane misi uyah. Peres lan saring lantas minum.
[example 1]
A Treatment for Stomach Ache: Wash two ripe Cheese Fruit and pound them until smooth then mix into some salted water. Squeeze the mixture and drink the liquid.

Don tibah anggen ubad sakit basang

Dangdang utawi panggang telu nyantos lima bidang don tibah nyantos layu Isinin lengis nyuh, raris bejek Tempel ring basang anak alit utawi bayi

No translation exists for this example.

Om Swastyastu, puniki mawasta niki buah tibah. Kegunannyane dados ngicalang maag, utawi dados anggen rujak.
Om Swastyastu, this is called 'buah tibah' (cheese fruit). The benefits are, can be used to cure gastric pains or can be used as 'rujak'.

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Buah tibah anggen ngubadin tekanan darah tinggi.
No translation exists for this example.

⚙ Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces

In Balinese:   Dewi Durga ngicen piteket, mangda umat sareng sareng sami ten dados nganggen bunga gemitir, biu gedang saba, taler buah tibah antuk sarana upacara yadnya.

In English:  

In Indonesian:  

In Balinese:   Dikala ngruat, Yeh paningakan Dewi Durga manadi Bunga Gemitir, Susu manadi Biu Gedang Saba, Kotoran manadi Buah Tibah.

In English:  

In Indonesian:  
  1. Usada Semeton Muntigunung; Zukunft fur Kinder