Search results
From BASAbaliWiki
- milliliter is equivalent to one cubic centimeter, cc. There are 3,785 ml. per U.S. gallon |definition=one U.S. quart is about 946 ml.611 bytes (85 words) - 02:59, 29 March 2020
- |balinese word=ml;.420 bytes (57 words) - 18:02, 25 December 2019
-, usually referring to the size of a large beer bottle, which holds 620 ml. or about 21 fl. oz.1 KB (152 words) - 04:50, 5 April 2020
- |balinese word=ml)\i tÞ) \itn/742 bytes (95 words) - 06:11, 4 November 2024
- |definition=one liter contains 1,000 milliliters, ml., or, for all practical purposes, 1,000 cc.883 bytes (121 words) - 22:19, 24 December 2019
- |balinese word=n^ml900 bytes (133 words) - 04:13, 2 April 2021
- |balinese word=cici*e\oe\Ð*os)ml/899 bytes (124 words) - 21:16, 24 December 2019
- |balinese word=\ml&.1 KB (183 words) - 18:38, 25 December 2019
- |balinese word=s)ml/2 KB (255 words) - 04:41, 13 February 2020