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  • translation: only wake up, sleep, and eat en
  • assistant attendant to the villains in a theatrical performance en
  • disparaging remark about a lazy person en
  • his brother, Delem, is the head assistant en
  • Sangut is the most devious and duplicitous of the penasar, always taking the winning side en
  • his name is used as a simile for those who behave in this way. There is a popular saying: Sangut, Delem, Merdah, Twalen en
  • Bangun, Medem, Ngamah Dogen en
Alus sor
Alus mider
Alus madya
Alus singgih
Bali dataran dialect
Bali aga dialect

Usage Examples

[example 1]
PROVERB Sangut, in Wayang, always is on the winning side, beacause he always sides with the one wo appears to be winning, giving up old friends and former close acquaintances when they are on the way down, and favoring the apparent winner. The word [name] is used as a pejorative.

[[Word example text en::PROVERB Sangut, in Wayang, always is on the winning side, beacause he always sides with the one wo appears to be winning, giving up old friends and former close acquaintances when they are on the way down, and favoring the apparent winner. The word [name] is used as a pejorative.| ]]
Sangut, Delem, Merdah, Twalen. Bangun, Medem, Ngamah, Dogen.
[example 2]
Wake up, Sleep, Eat, Only. Disparaging remark about a lazy person.

⚙ Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces

In Balinese:   Ipit cai Ngut” Sangut: “Yaih, ngipi jelek icang, Lem.

In English:  

In Indonesian:  

In Balinese:   Ring poster puniki mamurda "I Sangut Nanggo APD" krana pangrasa dewek ring kauripan para janane ring aab jagat pandemic corona puniki.

In English:   The poster tittle is " I Sangut Nganggo APD" because It insfirated from the life of the humans in the world as well as the pandemic covid-19.

In Indonesian:   Pada Poster ini yang berudul " I Sangut Nganggo APD" karena terinspirasi dari kehidupan sekarang dimasa pandemic corona ini.

In Balinese:   Minakadi wangun keris, tokoh pawayangan sakadi Merdah, Sangut, muah sane lianan.

In English:  

In Indonesian:  
  1. Fred Eiseman Jr - Proverbs, 1987
  2. Fred Eiseman Jr - Proverbs, 1987