
From BASAbaliWiki
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Other forms of "penjor"
  • Tiing ungkul maiyas ane jujukanga di lebuh umah duk ada upacara gede. ban
  • at the foot of the pole is a temporary shrine. On the day before Galungan, Panampahan Galungan, every family is supposed to erect a penjor just outside his front gate. Each village or area has a distinctive style. en
  • Decorated whole bamboo pole with flowers and agricultural produce which are stuck in front of a house or a temple during an important religious ceremony en
  • the arched top represents Gunung Agung en
  • offering consisting of a bamboo pole with decorations (Mider) en
  • the body is a river that flows from the mountains to the sea en
  • along its route are the products of the harvest, tied to the pole en
  • hiasan berupa bambu (dari pangkal sampai ujung yang dihiasi dengan daun kelapa muda dan sebagainya (Mider) id
  • bambu utuh dengan ujung melengkung yang dihiasi janur, berisi hasil bumi (sandang, pangan) yang dipergunakan dalam upacara (yadnya) (Mider) id
Translation in English
Translation in Indonesian
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Level of Speech Option
Alus sor
Alus madya
Alus mider
Alus singgih
Bali Dataran
Bali Aga
Sentences Example

From "Penjor - Question Marks Against the Sky" by Susan Ruddy, NOW!Bali, Sept 3, 2020

The meaning of the penjor

“If you ask the nearest Balinese male about the symbolism of penjor, he will probably say, ‘I haven’t got a clue. Ask the women.’ The women will tell you to ask a priest. This is not to say that the men and women of Bali don’t know about penjor. They know very well when and how to make them, how to decorate them, how to make them stand up properly, and why they are important. But they hesitate to explain the symbolism, because the idea that there are correct answers to questions about “religion” in Bali is relatively new.”

So wrote Diana Darling, an American who has lived in and written eloquently about Bali for many years.

One of the most commonly held beliefs about penjor is that it is a symbol of Gunung Agung, the spiritual mountain in eastern Bali. It is the home of the gods and the ancestors, and is said by many to represent the holy Hindu Mount Mahameru, thus symbolising the entire universe. In this interpretation of the penjor’s meaning, the top is Agung’s peak, and the stem of the penjor, with all of its decorations, represents the rivers flowing down the mountainside, bringing the fullness of the earth to the people below.

Others, however, declare that the penjor represent powerful dragon deities called nagas. The Naga Anantaboga is a symbol of the earthly needs of humankind, while Naga Basuki represents water, prosperity and safety. According to the penjor-as-naga theory, the head of the naga is at the base of the penjor just above the small offering shrine called the Sangah Arda Cahndra. The tail of the naga is the graceful, slender tip of the penjor, and the scales of the dragon’s back are represented by the decorations which curve along the penjor’s back.

A penjor often is said to hold additional symbolic meanings. For instance, some say that the straight part of the bamboo represents the “good” in humans, while the curve represents the “bad” and thus must be decorated beautifully to compensate. Still others say that the curve of the penjor, with its back straight and its tip looking down to earth, is to remind people that, although they may have achieved a high status in life, they must never, ever, lose sight of their less fortunate fellow humans. The penjor’s downward-facing nature must always remind us of our common roots; we are all born of our mother’s womb, and this common origin confers on us a common responsibility for each other’s welfare.

I Gusti Nyoman Darta explained the significance of the downward curve of the penjor this way: “When I am young and studying, I am always crying ‘oh, I am very clever, very clever,’ but the more I study the more I think: ‘oh I am not so clever now.’ Then I keep what I already learn, and after I am already clever, I just look down like the penjor. When you are already clever enough, you do not speak much, and you are very, very clever. Just like the ripe rice. When it is coming ripe, then the rice in the middle gets heavy, and bends just like penjor.”

From "Penjor - Question Marks Against the Sky" by Susan Ruddy, NOW!Bali, Sept 3, 2020

The meaning of the penjor

“If you ask the nearest Balinese male about the symbolism of penjor, he will probably say, ‘I haven’t got a clue. Ask the women.’ The women will tell you to ask a priest. This is not to say that the men and women of Bali don’t know about penjor. They know very well when and how to make them, how to decorate them, how to make them stand up properly, and why they are important. But they hesitate to explain the symbolism, because the idea that there are correct answers to questions about “religion” in Bali is relatively new.”

So wrote Diana Darling, an American who has lived in and written eloquently about Bali for many years.

One of the most commonly held beliefs about penjor is that it is a symbol of Gunung Agung, the spiritual mountain in eastern Bali. It is the home of the gods and the ancestors, and is said by many to represent the holy Hindu Mount Mahameru, thus symbolising the entire universe. In this interpretation of the penjor’s meaning, the top is Agung’s peak, and the stem of the penjor, with all of its decorations, represents the rivers flowing down the mountainside, bringing the fullness of the earth to the people below.

Others, however, declare that the penjor represent powerful dragon deities called nagas. The Naga Anantaboga is a symbol of the earthly needs of humankind, while Naga Basuki represents water, prosperity and safety. According to the penjor-as-naga theory, the head of the naga is at the base of the penjor just above the small offering shrine called the Sangah Arda Cahndra. The tail of the naga is the graceful, slender tip of the penjor, and the scales of the dragon’s back are represented by the decorations which curve along the penjor’s back.

A penjor often is said to hold additional symbolic meanings. For instance, some say that the straight part of the bamboo represents the “good” in humans, while the curve represents the “bad” and thus must be decorated beautifully to compensate. Still others say that the curve of the penjor, with its back straight and its tip looking down to earth, is to remind people that, although they may have achieved a high status in life, they must never, ever, lose sight of their less fortunate fellow humans. The penjor’s downward-facing nature must always remind us of our common roots; we are all born of our mother’s womb, and this common origin confers on us a common responsibility for each other’s welfare.

I Gusti Nyoman Darta explained the significance of the downward curve of the penjor this way: “When I am young and studying, I am always crying ‘oh, I am very clever, very clever,’ but the more I study the more I think: ‘oh I am not so clever now.’ Then I keep what I already learn, and after I am already clever, I just look down like the penjor. When you are already clever enough, you do not speak much, and you are very, very clever. Just like the ripe rice. When it is coming ripe, then the rice in the middle gets heavy, and bends just like penjor.”
Cara penjor: ane leser matanem, ane lengkong mapayasin.
Literally: Like a penjor, the straight part is buried, the crooked part is decorated; refers to something that looks bad, but may have a hidden good characteristic.
Bagaikan penjor: bagian yang lurus dikubur, bagian yang melekuk dihias.
Q: Om Swastiastu. Hari ini ..e.. wenten semeton dari Bali ke Amerika makarya penjor. Kanggeang, apa adanya. Pak Gusti niki.. dari Bona?

A: Niki ampun puput niki. Q: Nggih A: Kanggeang. Sawentene

Q: Nggih.
Q; Om Swastiastu. Today... err... a fellow Balinese has come to America to make a penjor. Do take it as it is, we have to do with a lot of things here. Here is Mr. Gusti... who comes from Bona.

A: I'm already finished here. Q: I see. A: Please don't be offended with the result. We have to do with whatever we can find here.

Q: I understand.
Q: Om Swastiastu. Hari ini ..e.. ada kerabat dari Bali ke Amerika untuk membuat penjor. Berkenan diterimalah, apa adanya. Pak Gusti ini.. dari Bona?

A: Ini sudah selesai ini. Q: Iya. A: Berkenanlah diterima. Seadanya

Q: Iya.
Bapan I Made ngae penjor sabilang rahina galungan.
Screenshot 20220606-131900 Google-01.jpeg

No translation exists for this example.

Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces
Ring rahina puniki, sami penjore kapralina lan kageseng (dados cingakin indik penjor ring entri Galungan).
On this day, penjors are removed and burnt to ashes (you can see some more about penjor on Galungan entry).
Pada hari Pegatwakan, penjor dicabut dan dibakar (Anda bisa melihat sekilas tentang penjor di entri Galungan).
Holiday or Ceremony Buda Kliwon Pegatwakan
Gargita pisan manah titiang santukan nyingakin sajebag keluarga sekolah sumuyub salunglung sabayantaka, sapunika taler para semeton prasida ngelarang pacentokan penjor lan gebogan pantaraning
Di hari Saraswati biasanya pagi2 para siswa sekolah sudah sibuk mempersiapkan upacara sembahyang di sekolah masing2, sehabis itu biasanya para siswa melanjutkan sembahyang ke pura2 lainnya.
Literature Hari suci saraswati
Penjor puniki wawu dados kecabut sewusan Buda Kliwon Paang sane lumbrah kaucapang"Pegat Wakan", saantukan ring rahina punika sampun wusan bebratane laminipun abulan pitung rahina (=42 hari).
Intercultural Nyanggra Rahina Galungan
Ring rahina Galungan punika taler karentebin antuk penjor, katancebang ring ajeng lawangan pekarangane, pinaka lambang gunung Semeru utawi gunung Agung.
Intercultural Nyanggra Rahina Galungan
Setiap hari raya punika sami masyarakat sane me agama hindu nyujukan penjor.
Literature Hari raya di bali
Hindu Bali tiap 6 bulan pasti ngae penjor anggo Galungan.
Literature Kabel
Sane mamurda Libur Galungan, Bali Sepi kabaosang, ring dina Penampahan Galungan , umat Hindu ngadayang acara masang penjor, nampah bawi lan makarya ajengan khas Bali.
Literature Libur Galungan Kuningan di provinsi Bali, melatih kreativitas masyarakat Bali
Tradisi NGEREBONG ade di desa kesiman wenten pura sane mewaste pura agung petilan kesiman tradisi niki sane memargi tiap 6 bulan cepok tradisi niki sangat sakral wenten sane kerauhan bek sajan sesuhunan sami tedun sakewala wenten masih lomba penjor ane luung ajan ajak be ajan ade dagang
Literature Ngerebong
Penjor pinaka cihna suksma krama Hindu majeng ring Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa antuk kamakmuran sane kaicen ring ida dane.Ring sakancan rerainan Galungan, para pangabih punika dados panjak-panjak sane patut katurang.
Penjor menjadi wujud rasa syukur umat Hindu kepada Sang Hyang Widi Wasa atas kemakmuran yang dicurahkan kepada mereka.Setiap kemeriahan perayaan Galungan, penjor menjadi pernak-pernik wajib yang akan melengkapi.
Literature Penjor Bali
Ngawit makudang-kudang rahina sadurung rahina Galungan, penjor pacang dangan kapanggihang nghias pahan ngarep wangunan umah, kantor, miwah pusat perbelanjaan ring Bali.
Sejak beberapa hari menjelang Hari Raya Galungan, penjor akan sangat mudah ditemukan menghiasi bagian depan bangunan rumah, kantor, maupun pusat-pusat perbelanjaan di Bali.
Literature Penjor Bali
Gargita pisan manah titiang santukan nyingakin sajebag keluarga sekolah sumuyub salunglung sabayantaka, sapunika taler para semeton prasida ngelarang pacentokan penjor lan gebogan pantaraning
Literature Rahina Saraswati
Care rahinan galungan lan Kuningan di rahinanne nike irage nyujukang Penjor sane kelambangan antuk darma melawan adarma dan dimenangkan saking darma.
Literature Rahinan di Bali
Gargita pisan manah titiang santukan nyingakin sajebag keluarga sekolah sumuyub salunglung sabayantaka, sapunika taler para semeton prasida ngelarang pacentokan penjor lan gebogan pantaraning
Literature Rainan Saraswati
Gargita pisan manah titiang santukan nyingakin sajebag keluarga sekolah sumuyub salunglung sabayantaka, sapunika taler para semeton prasida ngelarang pacentokan penjor lan gebogan pantaraning
Literature Saraswati
Conto-nyane lomba mapidarta, lomba nyurat aksara Bali, lomba nyait ceper, lomba ngae penjor, lomba magending pop bali, miwah sane lianan.
Contohnya seperti lomba mapidarta, nyurat aksara Bali, menjait ceper, lomba membuat pejor, dan lomba menyanyikan lagu pop bali, dan masih banyak lagi.
Uling hari raya Nyepi, krama Baliné ngaé ogoh-ogoh ané gedé lan jenar pesan nganti upacara ané lénan sakadi Galungan ri kala penjoré majujuk di jalan-jalanné tur krama Baliné mapanganggo tradisional.
Dari hari raya seperti Nyepi di mana orang Bali membuat ogoh-ogoh yang sangat besar dan mendetail hingga upacara lain seperti Galungan ketika jalan-jalan dipenuhi penjor dan prosesi orang Bali dalam pakaian tradisional mereka.
Childrens Book Unduké Ané Palajahin Tiang uli Bali