- tingkatan upacara dalam "pitra yadnya" yang dilaksanakan setelah 12 hari dari saat upacara pembakaran mayat atau penguburan. id

Muhun is the name of a traditional practice the village of Tenganan Pegringsingan which is performed approximately one year after a person has died. In Bali it is known as the Ngroras ceremony where the spirit of the deceased person is no longer in the house but has been cleansed and become an ancestor. Cremation is not carried out in Tenganan but the deceased person is buried in a local cemetery located at the bottom of the hill: on the Eastern side for ordinary persons while for local holy men and priests, there is a different grave site on the Western side.

The ceremony that is performed is very simple and not like the Ngroras ceremony performed outside of Tenganan where the preparations take days or even months. Similarly, the requirements of the actual ceremony are very simple, such as flowers, fragrances, rice and meat from a pig as well as fruit. The ceremony begins after 12 midday when the family and relatives (mostly women) go to the grave in a procession. After about 45 minutes the ceremony is over. Today Coryna Arii Mahayu, an unmarried woman whom I know well, is taking part in the ceremony for her mother who died about a year ago. Her mother was a very good and friendly person and every time I visited Tenganan, I would visit her at her home.
Upakara muhun puniki nenten je akeh merluang perangkat wiadin bebantenan, persiapan upakare ipun nenten je suwe sekadi persiapan ngroras ring adat desa lianan ngemingguang utawi bulanan. Muhun puniki diang dine kemanten sampun sregep.
Upakara muhun niki persiapan ipun sekar, kuangen, nasi medaging darang ipun, woh wohan, don biu, be celeng sami kantun seger seger.
Upakara puniki memargi ring dauh matanaine sampun nyorong akedik kauh, memargi saking umah sang lalis ke setra. Kirang saking satu jam upakara puniki sampun wusan. Upakara puniki ka laksanayang untuk ibundanya Cory, Daha sane ty kenal baik yening tiyang melancaran ke Tenganan, ibundanya ty juga kenal dengan baik kerane yening ty ke Tenganan seringan nunas kupi drike.