- receding hairline; alopecia, balding head, especially when the hair loss starts from the forehead. en
- keadaan kepala dengan rambut yang menipis, kebotakan di bagian depan kepala atau seluruh kepala yang masih menyisakan sisa rambut di bagian belakang atau samping. id

Panel 2: No, it's okay. I still got a lot of hair. It's not balding.*Denial*
Panel 3: *profanity* Why is this happening to my hair? Why not Dogler's? What did I do wrong? *profanity* Panel 4: They say that if I rub it with monitor lizard oil, it will grow back like duckling's fur. I wonder if it's true. *Bargaining* Panel 5 : There goes my charm... I had been a handsome man. *Depression*
Panel 6: Turns out I am still a hunk after all... I look like Jude Law a little... For I am handsome, my baldness is forgiven. *Acceptance*Panel 3: *profanity* Why is this happening to my hair? Why not Dogler's? What did I do wrong? *profanity* Panel 4: They say that if I rub it with monitor lizard oil, it will grow back like duckling's fur. I wonder if it's true. *Bargaining* Panel 5 : There goes my charm... I had been a handsome man. *Depression*
Panel 6: Turns out I am still a hunk after all... I look like Jude Law a little... For I am handsome, my baldness is forgiven. *Acceptance*Panel 3: Kurang ajar! ! Kok begini rambutku!? Mengapa bukan rambutnya Dogler yang begini? Apa salahku? *Marah* Panel 4: Kalau diminyakin dulu katanya mau tumbuh lagi seperti bulu anak bebek ....., betul, nggak, ya... *Tawar-menawar* Panel 5 : Hilang sudah ketampananku. Aku pernah jadi tampan. *Depresi*
Panel 6: Ternyata aku tetap ganteng, mirip Jude Law sedikit... Karena aku ganteng, botakku termaafkan...*Penerimaan*
If I don't show up, he's going to smack clean my bald forehead (lit: If I don't show up, he's going to scrub my bald forehead using sandpaper).