How to reduce waste at school canteen? Post your comments here or propose a question.



  • suffix {ne} states ownership or clarifies the word followed. Almost the same as the 'the' particle in English. The word 'bongkolne' can be interpreted as the base / that base (Noun) en
  • trunk base; butt; base part (Noun) en
  • pangkalnya; pangkal; bagian dasar dari sesuatu (Noun) id
  • sufiks {ne} menyatakan kepemilikan atau memperjelas kata yang diikuti. Hampir sama dengan partikel 'the' dalam bahasa Inggris. Pada kata 'bongkolne' dapat diartikan sebagai bagian pangkalnya/pangkal itu (Noun) id
Alus sor
Alus mider
Alus madya
Alus singgih
Bali dataran dialect
Bali aga dialect

Usage Examples

Tusing ada punyan kayu tileh, sajaba enu bongkolné dogén. Mirib duratmaka ngamaling punyan-punyanan kayuné. Luh Ayu Manik sedih, yadiastun ada pos polisi hutan nanging duratmakané nyidaang ngamaling. Apa polisi hutané kalah macadeng ajak i duratmaka. Apa mapi-mapi buta bongol ada maling ngalgal alas. Dot ia nyambatang unduké ento tekén uané ané dadi polisi hutan. Timpalné masih tepukina sedih ningalin alasé usak. Luh Ayu Manik lantas ngajakin timpal-timpalné nandur taruné. Makejang sregep magaé. Disubané makejang katanem mara lantas marérén sambilanga ngagah bekelné soang-soang.
[example 1]
There wasn't a tree in tact, only the trunks remained. Perhaps criminals had stolen the timber. Luh Ayu Manik was sad because, despite having a forest ranger post, thieves were still able to operate. Were the rangers in fear of the thieves? Were the forest rangers pretending to be deaf and blind whilst the thieves were felling the trees of the jungle? She wished to raise this issue with her uncle who had become a forest ranger. Her friends were also sad at the sight of the devastated forest. Luh Ayu Manik, along with her friends, began to plant trees. They all worked hard. After all had been planted, only then did they take a rest and each partake of their refreshments.

⚙ Usage examples pulled from the Community Spaces

In Balinese:   I Godogan nyemak bongkolne lantas tandura di sisi tukade.

In English:  

In Indonesian:  

In Balinese:   Gandong awake ngliwatin tukad, suba neked ditu, awake menek punyan biu, cai ngantosang beten di bongkolne.

In English:  

In Indonesian:   sangat senang rasanya akan makan pisang matang, sautnya seketika, "Aguh Sang Lutung, kalau begitu apa baiknya, tapi kalau kesana, tetapi pondoknya itu begitu jauh, sungai cengceng sangat luas, dan pula sangat susah diseberangi".