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Melasti Intaran Tilem Kelima

Melasti Intaran Tilem Kelima
Photo Credit/Source buana_photography
Artist / contributor
Annerie Godschalk
Social and Culture
Related Place
Pantai Sanur
Related rituals

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In English

Intricate art objects - symbols of Gods - are used during this ceremony. These ceremonies unite villages. Preparing for days, or even weeks, making these symbols and offerings. On the afternoon of this New Moon, unitedly, the villagers walk to the sea and sit down for prayers. Such an amazing atmosphere.

In Balinese


In Indonesian

Benda-benda seni yang rumit - simbol Dewa - digunakan selama upacara ini. Upacara-upacara ini menyatukan desa-desa. Persiapannya berhari-hari, bahkan berminggu-minggu, membuat simbol dan persembahan tersebut. Pada sore hari di Bulan Baru (Tilem) ini, dengan kompak, penduduk desa berjalan menuju laut dan duduk untuk berdoa. Suasana yang luar biasa.